CH 26 Notes

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Chapter 26

The Great West and Agricultural Revolution (1865-1896)

 Indian relations
a. Buffalo and long horned cattle almost extinct
b. Treaties
i. Beginning of the reservation system
c. 1860 the Great Sioux reservation
i. Dakota territory
d. 1/5 of US Army made of NA
e. Sand Creek Massacre
i. J.m. Chivington + militia mutilate 400 men, women, and children for no reason\
f. Indian massacres too
i. Fetterman Massacre
1. 81 americans killed
g. Battle of Little Bighorn
h. Dawes Severity Act of 1887
i. Dissolved tribes as legal entities
ii. No tribal ownership of land
iii. 160 acres of free land to heads of families
iv. Indians could receive full land holdings and citizenship in 25 years
v. (all other land to be sold to railroads and settlers)
1. Money went to schooling and civilizing the natives
i. Citizenship granted to all Indians in 1924
j. Indian Reorganization Act
i. “Indian new deal”
ii. 1934
iii. Partially reversed the DSA
 Gold and silver mines found
a. ‘fifty-niners’
b. Attracted population and wealth
c. Helped finance the civil war
 Homestead act of 1862
a. 160 acres of land for working on it for 5 years and paying $30
b. For expansion stimulus
 Farming
a. Single Cash crops (one crop economy)
i. Created low prices and deflated currency
ii. Static money supply
b. Large scale farming
c. Bugs and drought
i. Summer of 1887
d. The grange
i. 1867
ii. Oliver H. Kelly
iii. Bring farmers together to hang
iv. Cooperatively owned farms
e. Greenback Labor Party
i. The original greenback + the urge to improve labor
 Prelude to Populism
a. The Farmer’s Alliance
Chapter 26
The Great West and Agricultural Revolution (1865-1896)

i. For farmers to socialize and talk about their grievances

ii. Ignored tenant farmers + blacks
b. Populists
i. Frustrated farmers
ii. “People’s Party”
iii. Wanted
1. Nationalizing the railroads, telephones, and telegraph
2. Graduated income tax
3. Free and unlimited coinage of silver
4. ‘Subtreasuries’
iv. Pullman Strike of 1894

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