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Standard Test Methods for Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steels and Related Alloys by Use of Ferric Chloride Solution* {tine ess in cog ta a um opal 1, Seupe 1.1 These wst methods cover procedures fr the determin ion oF dhe resistance of sinless steels and related allovs pitting and crevice eorosin (see Terminology G 15) when apo ed to oxidizing chlande environments. Sb procedures fe d-scrbed and identified se Methods A B. C.D, E, and LLL Method 4 Feesie horde pitng tex. LZ Mcind BFercie chloride erence es. (13 Method C-Crveal pitting temporatire text for ike base anid chromions bearing sllys [ba Meshod D-Chtieal crevice temperature text for ickelbse and chroma bearing loys. TLS Method &--Crtiealpiting temperate tet for stain- les steels LLG Muhed F Creal exvice temperate tes fo tin- Jest tele [LE Method A ie detigned to detemine the relative piting fesislanee of stanles sealt and aickel-base, ebromsivny bear ylloys, whereas Method can be wed For detminig ad by pling aid esovice coves eitnve uf Us lly Methase C, D, & and Fallow for ranking of loys by rita (Critieal temperarure to eaussantation of iting ‘corrosion and crview eoeresion, respectively, of suinleas Sle. nickel-bage and chvomiim-besring alloy in a Sanders fer ‘chlonde olution 112 Those tents may be used to determine the effets of lly ng aclitives, ent teaiment, and srfice finishes on pitting aed ervice ceronionrestanca 114 The vcs sted tn Sl unite ave to be reparded athe standard) Others ave given in parentheses for infomation only VS This standand does not purport 0 address all of the sofets concerns fang, assocared with the ae. It & the spenabty of the wer of tis slandont 10 establish oppo ‘cog tana te he dee pen hy af Sihonmane GUUS on ta iy 38, ey ria safer and health practices and determine the applica bi of latory Iitaions prior to we. 2 Referguued Dues 2. ASTM Standards: 16.262 Proces for Detecting Suscepibitity to Terran ae Atck in Austenitic Staness Stools? D193 Specification for Reagent Wator™ B69) Practice for Conducting an Inierlaborslory Stay to Detcrine the Precision of Test Method 11338 Guide forte Identification of Metals and Alloys in ‘Corspatcaed Merial Property Dniabaner” GU Practice for Preparing, Cleaning, and Evshuating Cor roson Test Specimens! G15 Terminology Relating to Comosion and Comosion Testing" G46 Guige for Exsmination and Evaluntion of Ping Comosiont 6 107 Guide for Formats fr Colleton and Compilation of ‘Comosion Dats tor Metal for Compuenaed Datbore input 3. Terminology 34 Defoition of Terms Specific 10 Thie Standort 311 erieal ervice temportnre, n= the simian te petature (C) to produce evi alack mM feast {O.UOI-n) deep oh the Bold surfice of the specimen Beneath the erevice water. age attack ignored TD ena pring temperature. Ye exrowm te peratie (°C) 1. prodace patting stack al Yea 0.025-am (OUoI-in) deep am the bald surface of the specimen, edge stack ignored 32 The terminology use heen, if nt specifically deined otherwise, shall be in ascordance with Tenainology 15, FOR tr cesta Qrow-os Dini ons provided neem and not gven in Termiology © 13 ae i ted only to tis stands. 4.1 hee et methods detrbe Isbortny tess for eo yori horesstance of tests an related aoys tothe rato ting a eeice corosion. The esol ny be toed Thing als oer of eres Tesi: Ming tad crovke covonde ioiaton ander De apse odtees ofthese methods, Methods aod are designed © Saute breakdown of Type 36 at ent tga “C3 "The ae of enc oid sins nites it iste. bon the sas. tat win a pi or eve ie ti eousalboy mh Bering envionment (1,2) The preseime ofan et vie fen of Css! ncsin on Wntwe is reared is stent speifeaon of crevice SRE to uti eave envioncomonin sncepbly So Je ilae pertonmance of alloys in fee clonde soln tess hs bee corel performance cai al vor mens cha aa esata oben epee {Gy and suey oxidizing, how pl, lode conanng v= {ony bt several excepts bv been reported “Ea tfeiods A,B. C,D. Er Fean be web to rank te renivetesiance of stiles sels ae nike ave alloys to fume and cetceconnsion in ehlondeeonsaing oro Seco ostnemen ca be mae tt sola Of ay rior meat at do ne contain eerie. Wit Meth A,B, C, D, Pan F were signed 10 aecicite te tne io fae locale correo Felsve toon un envionment Consequely, te deer of eamo- Son da mage tht curs during testing wl evel be greater than tit in natu evonment in any sm ine pesiod “f42. No sateen! eepardanglcaliacé coroton propaga son fan be nado ted on the esl ol Melods A, B.C, . Pak 405 sate preparation can sical ines ret, “heel, grinding and cling O he opeinen wl men to th resis may at be ropreenaive ofthe coniions of the eal pee fm which be sample was akon Ne Ging pg oo ae es ety ine pusve ter 24h pavanan afer pring ping ‘alien mnie ee treme 444 The provsdures in Methods C.D, Band F for imcosueng esti! iting cormsion tempenture and erica ‘evicecorusion traperatue have no bias bevause the valves Be defined only in tens ofthese est methods 5. Apparatus 5.1 laswae—Methads A.B. C.D, E. and F provide an ‘option vo wae eter Wide Mouth asks or SuAbLEsied test tes Condens ae equited lor elevate vepeatre testing ‘when slution evaporation may occu Glas cals or hooks also my be required ST Flask Requinomont, 1000-ml. wide mou. Tall ra ‘or Eisunsyet Aaa am be usd, The mouth ofthe Hask sal uve Glance uf sbuat 40 sna (1.6 21) allow passage of the tos specimen and the support S12 Tew Tube Reguremonts the diameter of the wt 1be shall alco be sbout 40 mn (1.6 io) in dameter If testing eres uso of a condenser (deseribed below), the tet tube Tenth shall be about 300 mm (about 12 i}: oderwnse dhe Jength ean be abou 150 10200 mm (about 618. 10 in). 5:13 Condensers Tos end Cover EAM varie of condanaars may be uted im conjunction withthe ke described in 3.1. Theso saclude the coll Finger-sype fe, for example, Prices A 262, Price C) oF ‘Alla ‘ype condensers having straight tbe ends or tapered ‘roand jot, Saight end condensers canbe insted hog A boed ribet stopper Likewise. a simple U ube conlemer fan be fashioned. ‘Nome 2—Te ef ground jit conser requires tthe thf sae have one om 513.2 U Tube Condensers, fited through tiles in an appropriate sie bbe stopper can be used in conjunction with the 3OD-enm test ube desenbed 5.12 5.133 When evaporation is not a significant problem, asks ean be covered witha watch lass Also, Dasks as well a test tubes can be cavered with loosely fied stoppers laste oe porn typ ras. oe 2--Mating ms alway be cose dt the posible ale wre zs reve tt may real om he conan proses. S.14 Specimen Supports: 5.14.1 One advantage of using text ubes i that specinen| ‘support are net required. However, placement of the specimen ‘dees create the possile opportunity for crevice corrosion ‘occur along the ede Now, 4Sec 142 consi gate 5.142 When using Mass, specimens can be supported on Sliminate the mousey fr diling 9 support bole i Sccimsn, While the use of hooks requien that specimen ‘Mpport ol be provided, the hooks, contrasted tothe ead {se easier fo Fashion, Moreover, they create only one potent ‘roves ste whereas mune sis are possible wii he era Now SAP eroaron ene may be sbi for gs. SAA The use of suppons for Methods 8. D-and F crevice corgsion specimens is eptiona 512 Ban or Oil Bath constant temperature. 5.24 For Methods And D the commended test tempers ties ane 22 2°C of $0 & 2°C. or both 5.22 Fon Methods C, D,B, stl the bath shall have the capability of providing corsant temperature between O°C and wee re S33 Crevice Formers. Method 8, SA Cylindrical TRE: tuoracarin Blocks we for each test specimen tach block shall be 12T-mmm (0S in) in Giant ant 127nmm high. with perpendicular groove. Tm (0.053 ia) wide andi Gamie deep ea 18 the Top of tach eylindcr fr ttenton of the O-ring or rubber tins Finca cane miehined ee DUT OF ad SEA 1G. Exampl 51.2 Fluorinared Eleiomers O-ring. oF Rubber Bands, (lowe sulfur (0.02 % was), two for each Let specie Nos Svs god patie tm ue alt Osis al er fad 52.21 Orrage shall be 175 mm (0070 in) in cross seta: one rng with an inside diameter of abet 20 nun (08 {in} <1 one wi an iid diameter ofa 30 ma (ta) Rober bands shall be one No. 12 (38-mum (15-8 lng) and ove Ho. 14 (51 -amn Qi) long) "Noa 7Rubber bund 7 O-igs be eid ter pit oe ‘olen We rovenal of waterless that gh at 5 Crewce Formers Methods D ond F 5614 Multiple Choice Auwnbls (MCA), samising of (vo TPE-forocarbo Segmented washers, cach aving & umber of gromves and plateas, shall be used. The enevce ‘esi shown in Fig 2 tone of 3 number uf vations othe “) of Glaus Grads tht Can Be Used to Support te Sprcoen ‘mutuple crevice assembly thi is in use and commercially svaible® ‘542 Reuse of Multiple Creview Assemblies, when as sembled 10 the specified torque, the TFE-Tuorocarbon set mented washers should unt dsionn dunng teams. Before ewe, such washer should be inspected for evidence of distortion and other damage. IF so alected, they should be Aiscatded. In some cases, the crevice fonmers may become suncd!| with corrosion products from te teste soy, Gena. ally this staining canbe removed by immersion in ute HCI (or example. $:10% by volume) at room temperature, fle lowed by brushing with mild detergent and ough rinsing seh wt 543 astones on alloy UNS N10276 (or similarly resis fant lly) fastener ie requice for each nas ah sembly comprises a thread bol and mut pls two washers, ‘The bolt length shall be sized to allow passage trough the mouth of the glaswane scribed in $2 55 Tools nd fusramens 55.1.4 635s (14 in) torque Hiniting au diver is required for wembly ofthe Metts Dad Fase tex specimen, 352 Low Power Micmacope. (for example, 20% magni ‘ation for pit detecsion, 55.3 Needle Pont Dial Depth Iadicator or Focusing Mi ‘erowope. to determine the depth of pling or erevice Grn Sion, oF Bo 584 Blecionic Belnce (optional), (0 detemane specinin sce tthe nearest 80001 9. 5.3.5 Cuma (option). to photographically record the nd and extent oF any Toelized earosin, sa Ean fe RO ten eae ton a nea AL osu nn of rae po pe rr hs treo HN sti anne cee oan mo My cao 51 For Methods 4 and B,dssoive 100 of reagent grad fer (Heide. Fey 641.0, in 900 mi. of Type TV reagent ater (Specification D 1193) (sbout 6% FeCl, by mass). Fer thai! lass woo a ter paper to remove insoluble panicles if presi ot (62 For Methods C, DF and F isolve 68.7 g of reagent ‘ile tee chloride. FeC1,6H0 in G00 nL of reagent water and ad 16 ma roagen grade concurred (365-380 "5) yo veri aid UHCI). Tvs wll ede a eotion contain Ing abc 67 FeCl by nase and {2 1 resulting inp ono ed environment over the txt kmiprattes 7 Hest Specimens 24 test spovinen 25 by 50 min (1 By 2 in) is recom det! aw suandad size, although various vas aod sizes an be tested by this method All spechnens ina test serie should have the same dimensions who vans ae BE ‘mage. Unless end-zris iting an migerel pan of the alton, the proportion of endrain surface 19 spcimen surtce should Be Kept as sina x possible piven the lint, ons «specimen izes becatse of the susecpibilty of nda in suricos to piting Nom {The Weknes ofthe spines Method Dean ifs the Bacinafel xpath tery odin fun whic ow te epee ae ac 72 "When specimens are eut by shearing, the deformed material should be removed hy machining o Binding pio 0 ‘esting unless due corso resistanec ofthe sheared edges boing evaluated. Is good practic vo remove deformed edges to the Hiekpese of the noel 73 Jer MothodeD and fa aficiont hole sould be dilled and Eh mel i the renter af the specie Yo weeomenodae ‘he bl and insing sleeve use a attach the crevice device 74 il surfaces of the spine should Be polished to a unifoms fish. AL2O-grt abrasive paper has been found to provide a aisfacry standard fneh, Wet polishing is pre Fete. sf ry polishing i se should Be done slowly 16 aid cverhcating. The sharp edges of 3 specimen should be roundel to avoid cating rubber Rand ae Ovrings ‘iy fe aad he dseten of he mete stuart tus suchas 75 Measure the Vimesions oF te specimen, and cael the tot | exposed area of interest 76 lean specimen surfaces wih magnesium oxide pase oF exquivalan inse well with wate, dip in alone oe methane and ary 77 “veigh each specimen 1 the seacet 0001 y o boter sd osm a descent until realy fora (ate Practice G 1, A Method A—Ferrle Chloride Pising Test 8. Procedure 81,1 Tour 600 mL of the fee chloride ts solution ito the 1000-mL west beaker. IPspecimsns ge dan the standard tne ute provide w solution volume of a! east 5 mem 0 InLsin.) OF specu surace area Trance the eat Rese ‘constant temperature hath and allow th tet calition te come to the eyulidnum temperutuce of meres Kecommended Yempersines for elution ste 22 = 2°C nd 502 2°C 8.12 Place the specimen ana lass cradle and iumetse in {he test Solution afer it hs reached the desired tnperstare ‘Maintain ist solution temperate throught the ust 451.3 Cover the test esse ith 4 wate glass A reasonable lest poral & 72h, allbough asians ty be used at Oe dhsertion ofthe investor and depend onthe mats he sala Sul Remove the specimens, rie with water and sci wit 4 sylan brite ash dsr ring water to remove sonesion products, dip in aetone oF ino and sia Ulessonic cleaning eaay be used a subsite metal «ses in which it i Bult wo remove coerosion prods 100 eop pits 1S Weigh each specimen 00.001 gor beter ad reserve Jin ekaminadon (see Pci U 1) 4% Merbed BFerre Charde Crevice Corrosion Text a0) 9.1 Proce 9111 Aa 130 mL of fame chloride solution to each test tube. inser aber stopper sod plas the ube in hemo. sated bah ti coment Ue egitim tepetr of Intrs.Hecommenel tompestecy fo evaluation ae 22 2C ant 50 °C. na 9.12 Fason two TFE Aonccarhon blocks the test spec sven wih rigs oa dob op of cach of to abbr tans 2 shown in Tg. Ue plat loves W avd ha cnt ‘uh ctl utes ring septation. Use sal Ong forthe No 2 bbe and forthe 2-1.) con a te lange O-ring ore Nav 14 ruber bund forthe Sosa (in ers 813 er ets solution has raced the dsind tem peru titthe tobe at 48" angle and se he et pee {© the Beto ofthe tbe, epic the ope and Yee the tobe to he ath 914 rcaenable tet period 72 h though vrinons may be unl a the dso oi invetiatr on depen on the males being evaluated Specimens nay Ge inspected intervals bs decanting th tt shaion ne Cena Dek at {i soemtled Caer Tot Soatenen ou Sli the specimen from the tet rbe. Rinse the specinin in ‘rot ad exsNIE unr the Tour poinls Of Eon! for he Orirgs oF rubber basds and under both THE huooearbon blocks If farer exposure is required, the specimen and Solut on should he rturac wo the tat abe before the specie dys andthe test cube should be immediately retard the toh Nove 11—Th eva of pines fi ipsa yale he rc of corn. al ern eld be sbsened whey cocpen ne 915 Alter the test has buen eames. remove the st ‘peciens rinse with waver and en with a nylon Beis bs! under running wate @ remove corrosion product ip in Aneto oF nachano, ail sides. Uktasnieelening nay be ‘a th those eases which cl to remove eeroton rox ets rm dacppite or exevics 9.1.8 Weigh each specimen te the nearest 0.00! or beter 10, “fethed C—Critent Piting Temperature Test for "ickeL-Base und Chremium-Bearing Alloys: Now Se Tale | 101 Procedure: 101.1 Po 600 mL of aif frie slot soln nto test container spc lane than the sanded are Usa. provide solution volume of at ast 3 milan 0 mii) of surface aren. Cover th container with a watch his wanser 10 a consino tempeatre bath, nad alow te ome t9 the equilibrium tcmperatoe of iret. Verify th ‘emp rate before string the est, 101.2 Wf text tubes afe used instead of 2 L0DanL wat continer, 150 mL of test solution shall be add 11.3 Pace the specimen i a eas cradle an inners in Ue st solution after has reached the dsied temperature, The starting temperate may he estimated by the following ‘equaon (11 12 FCI = 25 200+ 16 HOM #19 .E ND Testing sll begin at the nearest increment of $C, et: ‘mate bythe above equation The minimum temperature of est 10 and the moxinom emperatige afte we HSC No oc than we specimen shall be placed ina tet container. Replace ‘he fehl un the contain Moin the lenyeature (£12 (214° Fi thoughout the ret period The standard tat peri 72h This ust period was eluted by itrabursay 8-03 fest 16.12. and required to prodvee atack on some Highly corrosion resistant nickc-basedallays, The tes priod ‘mot be report! a india in 131 Now Co ining oe igs el 1 rei hee to Sve rie sage to deine the hel temper fo cash sey onde Nour HW tsing uy be don as bgher temperate, 4 ‘ath br tempeh n he ho 1.16 AL the eu othe test poring, remote pesmi rinse wih wae. sub witha nylon bre sb unt rong ‘arto remove comosion products. dip i acelane or meta, sol aa dy. WLS Inspection s dons in accurdance with Scetion 14 Piting comosion i conse! tbe presen the fecal stack ‘6.025 nm (0.001 tn) oF greta depth 1013.1 1inimam oF greater ping stack is observed, Jowsr th bath temperature $°C. aid using anew speci od {eesh solution. peat tsps HDi w 1D 13, oF 101.52 IF tes than minizurn ping altack i observed, ‘ie th bath fermperature 10°C, and using anew specimer and fiesh soliton. repeat steps 1011-1013 ML. Method D—Criteal Crevice Temperature Test for Nickel-Based and Chromiam-Bearing Alleys (13) (Nan 1S Ste Tbe | 111 Pred ILL Apply the two erevice washers tothe specimen. A ZTE sive ocarbon bua sleeve (for lect slation) and tol nut, and lat washes of UNS NID276 toy be uae {ast the coves washers tothe specimen, asilstated in Fie 4: Insulting slocves shall be used around the bolt aed the snccimen dal be checked for elecieal contact withthe bol The torque on the Bot influences the tightness ofthe exces andthe Tes results. torque of O28 Nm (al ino) sal he applied sine 3 635-mm (in. eve trgus linge driver Th torque mut be reported a dist i 15 Na 16—The toe of 0.26 Nn GP se) mas eve by mertborwery veing 102 Non Ta) Tom bt at alt was my be wed {fo auch the cece washes Yo te spec Ch Dire ote "oa my pe ie mfr se oe 11.1.2 Powe 600 mi of aided terre ehlorde tet station into the 1000-mL test eanainer Caver the eosin with a ‘en plas, transfer toa gonstan temperature bath, an alow 10 comme 10 equine © of interest. Verily the ‘TABLE 1 Resute of Fie itraboatry Test Program ote IMs temper (Co pe nk at 2S ‘eid €=CPT ral Pag Goran near (90 depo fl me geen ae tc pre Mabed OCT Gr Cee Conn Vergara ET Mo een Ta bneh) Oe eT WN 916 UNS RNY —_UNS STE SHOE 7 =e er "ee sonas9 —asuer sore 3 iaies none me Hate get a bbe wi ce F104 Mathod © and rave Assembly 14.1.3 IF west tubes are used instead of a 1000smL. test ‘oviin:r, 150 mL of test solution shall be ded. E14 Towers the specimen in te tes soltion afer has reaches the desited temperature The stating empsature my ‘be emi mated for mekel bass alleys bythe folowing oquaton (1 Corre) sx 4C4 9 HM SUON snes oe xm aed a ‘Testing shall en a€ the neaest incense of $'C, es ‘mated the above cquntions. The minima knperstne of fests €°C and the maximum temperate of etfs 85°C (ce Note 1) No nore than ave epic sal be placed ina fet jomiin:F| Replace the watch gle on the contin! and miata the temperature (21°C (1 8°) drought the tot ‘etiod The standucd ts period 1s 72h Thi test period wat valu hy itrisbortry teat, 10.12, 0 1 Ree rogue atick on some highly corrosion resistant nickel based lows 13, 14) The tet period inn he reported ve diated 1s 1.1.5 tthe end of the test period, remove the specimen, sinse with water. and serub with nyion ble Brash une ning water to remove eomasion produc. dp it actos sethinl ad y 1-16 Inspection i done in accordance with Section 14 Crevice coruson is considered tobe presen the sa ak. §8 0025 mm (0.001 in) or greater depth 1.1.61 IE minima or beater eevee coweocion ate ie served. lower the bath temperature $C. and using 2 new specimen and les solution, ropeat sips I. 11.162 11 ess than minmm crevice covrsion ack is served, ise the bath tempertire 10°C. and using new specimen ad fresh solution. repent eps 11.1 U-Ut 1 12, Method E-Critcal Fitting Temperature Test for Stables Stele Po 1S Tat 2 121 Procedane 1211 Pour 600 mL of acide ferric eer test sation ito the text container If specimens larger than the standard ne TABLE 2 Results of Second ntrisorstory Tet Program et 1 nwa mere 1 os nk m5 (0d mh wi pce ge ake ‘ot €- CPT Gea Rg Sonn enaeoane Tietod EES Ge cara Gores REIN ET Si Tate wastes UesNas When — ae na mee 7 Tier asaan9 sas = ay a 5 a fe me toe Shane Gy 040-03 sed. provide a solution volume of at least S mLiemii30 mUie!} of surface orca Cov ile sontamct wih A Wh fle: tanser to a constant temperstre bath aa alow A> 0mm (0 the equlbvinm tempeciture of intrest. ery the {emp:ratuce before stating the test 1212 1 test tus af use instead of 2 1000 test ‘cont ine, 150 mL of tet soltion shall be added. 12.13 Place he specionn ia glass ere ad inumers in the Fst solution eri has reached the dese temperate The sting tapurtv any beatae Uy Ue fq of Wh “Teng shall boyia tthe scare! inetemant of $C, et fae hy te abv eyuatn The mininam empernar oe ‘30% ad the mwa iempatarof tests 86°C See Ness I? aid 14 of 101-5 No more than one: qc shall be placed in « test coutaicr Replace the watch glass on the one Maint the temperature (21°C (1 REF thre {Qu tie Lew period The standard tet prin ss 24 The ok Betiodwas evaluated by ietlaboratny tating. 1612 The (ext yeriod mst be repo as indiated in 15 1 1214 At the nd of the test pened, remove the specimen, ‘nse with sc. ssuh witha nsfon bristle nh under nang ‘ate 1 remove comosion products. dip i acetone or mete mol ad dy 121.5 Inspection is done i accordance with Section 14 Paty vorvosion i considered to be present if he Ha atack 16035 mum (0001 in) or grater m deh [51 i minimam oe greater pating atc is observed, lowe the hh empertuce $C nd using v new specimen und fhesh solution, repeat steps 1211-1215 9 121.52 1 fess dan minimum pauing stack ie observe, ‘ait the Bath emprature 10°C, and using 3 ew specimen and Tiesh Solin. repent steps 1211-12 1 1. creamed HCH cal Crevice Temperature Test for 131 Proce 19.11 Apply she two erevice washers to the specimen. A ‘TFE Quorn tubular sieve (fr eletica isolation) aaa bolt, nut and tt washors of UNS N1O2%6 nay be tue to rae ml ip 4, Insalang sleeves shall be used around the bolt and the sce men stall be checked fo lecincal cantie with the bol The ‘orque on the bol inluences the tightness of the erence aa the test esl A trgue of 158 Ni (14 lb) sll be applid using 2 (Un) dive tongue laniting te lve: The torque must be reported as indented in 15 1 Nowe 20—The torque of 181 Ney 8 inh) wot vane ty 13.1.2 Pour 600 mb of abi frie chloride tet sohion Jno he 100¢-mk. tes cama Cover the vont with & sal glass. tne 1 Constant emer bath, and alee to cme to cquilibium temperature of ines. Verify the temp rate bole starting the ls. 10123 IF teat thes are used intend of & 1000mL tet coming. 150 mf test solution sll be added 15.14 Immerse the specimen inthe tet saltion after it hae ‘eavhed the desitedteperatre. The starting tompecete ay ‘be state fo ican bse alloys bythe following equation (10, 15,16) CCT) = 82% 9.0 £ 76% Hed 4 1S x HH) = HD ‘Testing shall hegin atthe mares increment of $C, es ‘maed by the above equations. The minimum temperate of tests OC an the mason tomporsone or teat HS Se Notes 13 and 14, No mone tha ene spec sil be placed ssteantainer Replace the watch gat on the container ad maa the fomperate = 1°C (18°F) hegheat Ihe teat Period. The santord test pevod ie 24 b. This tes period was ‘valued by neabortory testing, 16.12. The fat pond rast be reported as indicated in 13 13.15 AC the end of the test period, remove the specimen, nse with water and serub witha msn brie rechunder ‘nning water fo venovs corasion prndts api nce ‘metho, 3b dry 13.16 Inspection is done in accordance with Sesion 14 Crevice enmoson is comsidered tobe present ifthe leal stack 18 0025 mm (0.001 in) or greater vo depth 13.161 If minivan or preter eevive cmusion attack is ‘tverved. lower the bath temperature 5°C. and ung 2 new specimen sun flesh sooton. peat sepe 13. 11-13-16, oF 12.1.92 TF less than minim erestce 2orasion sack is observed, nso the bath veniperaure 10°C. and using 9 new specimen and fresh slucion repea steps 3 Examloation and Fv M.A vial examination and photographic repro specimen serfs. slong with spevioen mas loses are often suflient to characterize the piting. and crevice resistance of ‘ies wae. A more wtied exaninarwon wil ancade Ye measarement of maxizu pit depth, average pt depth it ens and enciee dep (Sor Gunke G-46),A test aul he Aiscarded if rubber band or O-ring break at anytime durin. ‘he exposure peso (Method B) ow coma es of ef oy 0.0901 cn ty be nave pig or ress, Vise examin ‘as ed Thora ope ith os ss eo ta 1411 Iis necessary 1 probe pit sites on the mca surface ‘with needle to expose subsurice stack Localized modes of ‘orosion oes oceded pls. 42 Gxamine specimen faces fr pis 31 Ws magnification (for example. 20% mageificaion. Distinguish between pts on specimen cages and faces, reggniaig at ede is, nay Me piting on specimen fase ge pts any be eves unless f specie nerest for ceauile un aeceing suscep bslity 0 ent gan stack 143 Messure the dexpest pits with am appromite tech rg: for examp. ede pot microncter pope of miei ‘sore with clbyated finetooue kab oe elite eyeptce W may be necessary te prods some pits toute exposure ofthe vi) Mesa a significa matter of pis to wetermie the kcpest it (Methods A.C. an E) andthe average of te te MW 6 00-0 decpest pits (Method A). Do not nce the depth of pts hat sete i edges of he specie Ip ie alae eta 144 Count the nambor uf pts onthe spevimen faces der ow-po ser nuagnifciton (for exaniple, 20%) wo determine pit density (Method A) clear plastic yr divided sn centime tes, may be help, or the eurface ean be subdivided by sec: wth gt nes, 45 Visually deny crevice atack under O-ngs or rub bus bivels and TYE-fuoroeirbon Mocks (Metied 8) the ‘mili evvaee asomBly (hella) Dal F) Mee Ne fetes dep of aitack at dhe pots ot cont othe Onangs ‘rubber ave: (ope notch). wer the TF Reoroeaon blocks oF mulapl ercice assembly 15, Report 151 Record the te procedure used, specimen size and sure preparation, cme of test. temperate. teque used 10 fasten the revice assembly (Method D and 1), and the means by which the presence of pls or erevies were wees fr al prt. Non. =I imprant i rendtbe mean fy which he psc of pivorcxses nan ase are. fo example Sal meet ot Pains one) wm dcp lame two het, be emt mae tee a he omer {32 Record the maximum pit depth (Methods A.C an) and the average of the lem deepest pt micranetetsand pit density i pts per square entimeter for both 25 by 50m (1 by 2s) fees of the epocimen (Mattod A) Record the anima put depth ov edges if end rut task 1s of interest 153 Record the mumbet of tack sites on each side ofthe agccimn (Methods D and F). the maximum dep of attack (ethos 1) and F) and the average dep of stick (Method 1) i rietometes undor the TFE Shorosarbon blocks and the pot of contact forthe O-ings oe bbe hands 154 Calcul the spetinen mats oss and recordin nits of mins je square emtimeter lor Mothods and Nov 22—The dept an ognony of atch sey provide wore ‘Asai: etn hin mas lo Wher stag rege oping at ‘See cpmoson ‘Meth A sD) Faeroe, be ash ond encan de ene specimen cma et, When tar enter 155 Refer to Appendix XI for secommended standant ‘orator te computerization of patting al reve omosion Guan. bic chlorie solunon as goncraalby thistest meth, Methors A. B,C, D. E, and F. 16 as 16.1 Procttan--Preriion ie the eloseneet of sprocment ‘bumce est rests obained under prescribed conditions In the dis sion slow. 0 types of resis are desea ‘penta nity snd eepreduebity Repeatbity i within Ibo ‘aloe varabilty when the sme operator wsce the seme ison and ‘euipment on identical specimens in seqventia! runs, Remro- etilty elers 19 We variably Wat wceues when Kenta specimens are tested under specified conditions at different Ebonics, 16.1.1 The proision of Methods A and B for measuring the piling end erie corosion resistance of stainless steels and Felted alloys using a fee chlrie soltion is bein deer- tine, 16.12 The prevsion of Methods C and D for measunine rca ping nd exice covrnsion temperance wa dater ‘mined in an itertahoraory test program wth labora Fanning pict tes on Fa mates The ress of these ‘este given in Table The eeision of Methods Eat Efe measuring the piling and erview commsion reitines ie clement that ae likely to be tweful wat lest some users uf mos datas Tei understood that nota of de eloments of information recommended for Inclision will be availble for ll databases; that fet show ot iscourap> detshse builders and users ftom proceeding 50 tong 2 te nvm base information #8 inladed the items ged by the asters) X16 It is cecognized that in some individual cases, acdiional ckments of information of value to users of a Ahatabave may be avaiable. In those eases, databases builders re encouraged to imclade them a well a the clement nthe freommended Format. Guidelines for formats for additional ‘mente te wveim Guide G 107

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