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Topic: New Deal


Grade level: 8th

Materials needed:

Index cards
Poster boards

Learning Objectives:

Students will indentify the different aspects of the New Deal Program they
were assigned.
Students will evaluate a New Deal Program and determine whether or not
they believe it was a good program.
Students will explain to the class what their New Deal Program was that they

Essential Question:
NYS Standard: 1, 3, 5
NYS Framework: 8.5c President Roosevelt issues the New Deal in an attempt to
revive the economy and help Americans deal with the hardships of the Great
Depression. These New Deal reforms had a long lasting effect on the role of
government in American society and its economic life, but not resolve all of the
hardships Americans faced.

Students will indentify key programs adopted under the New Deal, including
the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Securities
and Exchange Commission, and the adoption of the Social Security Act.

Anticipatory Set
Introduction: Students will use the internet and their textbook to look up the
program they were given that was created during the New Deal. Students, in pairs
or groups of three will be given the abbreviation of a program that was created
during the New Deal, and they will have to figure out what the program is and what
it was supposed to accomplish. Students will then cut a letter that represents their
program out of poster paper and they will create a presentation for the class on
their program.
1. Students will be given a index card

2. Each index card will have either an acronym or the full name of a New Deal
3. Students will find their partner by matching up the acronym and the Full
name of the New Deal Program.
4. Once students are in pairs they will take out lab tops and begin to research
their new deal program.
a. They will be given a chart to fill out, that includes, name of the
program, what its purpose was, who was it intended to affect, what did
it accomplish, is it still around today, and would it have affected you?
What would you change about the program? If you had to give it a
grade what would you give it and why?
5. Students will then get poster board and cut it into the first letter of the
acronym for their New Deal Program
6. Then on this poster they will present their information how they see fit.
7. Students will present their information to the class.
8. While other students are presenting the students at their seats are supposed
to be taking notes on each program.
Lesson Time: Two periods
Conclusion: At the end of the second period as a class we would fill out a shorten
version of the worksheets students were given for research. Each program would be
given a purpose and whether or not it worked. This way all students would have
notes on each program.

1. Students will receive a grade based on their individual work and presentation
2. Students will also have a participation grade based on their ability to work as
a group
3. Students will be assessed on their ability to compile information from the
resources, their ability to do an analysis of the program, their ability to point
out the programs flaws and what they would do to make it better.
4. Students will also be assessed on their ability to construct a plan to make the
program better, their ability to produce and organize an oral presentation and
their ability to develop a presentation in a group.
5. This project not only asks students to look at programs created during the
New Deal, but also makes students conduct research, collaborate as a group,
do an analysis of a federal program, and summarize the information to their

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