Ira Rhetorical Analysis Proposal 1 A

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Name: Gaenzle, Justin

Course: RSW 1301

Title: Rhetorical Analysis Proposal
My visual argument is on the (IRA) Irish Republic Army and the on going oppression of
Ireland and its people by the British Parliament. Bobby Sands was a key member of the
IRA. Unlike many of his brothers and sisters in the IRA Bobby Sands conducted
peaceful protested instead of gorilla warfare. Bobby was later gunned down by British
soldiers during a hunger strike at the age of 27.

This visual shows a strong statement of issues

caused by Great Britain upon the Irish people.
The back ground of this picture is RED. They
used red for the purpose that it means love,
revenge, and anger. Love for their country,
revenge and anger for what Great Britain has
done to them for the last 800 plus year. Bobby
Sands statement strongly saying Ireland should
be its own country and the Irish should be free.
The statement of the word resistance emphasized
and bolded. The picture using IRA Provost holding
a riffle and ready to fight for Ireland. The Provost
wearing camouflage and a face garb. Wearing of
camouflage helps when conducting mission and
maneuvers, so its harder for the enemy to spot
you. The wearing of the face garb is to ensure the
protection of their identity. This also protects the
provosts family from any retribution from the
British Parliament.
In Conclusion why I chose the IRA topic for my argument. I wanted others in this RWS
1301 class to learn about the Irish oppression by Great Britain for the last eight
hundred plus years. What I am aiming to learn from the authors use of rhetorical
strategies, is their use of ethos, pathos, and logos. Also to learn how the use of ethos,
pathos, and logos effects other viewers of this image. With proper knowledge I will be
able to create my own visuals. Maybe spawn a change or a feeling with in somebody
that views my own visuals.

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