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An Annotated Bibliography: Holocaust Survivors after the Holocaust

Michael Breen
Ms. Schmidt
English 9
4/4/16"After Liberation." Web. 29 Mar. 2016.

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Most of the survivors of the Holocaust really struggled during the few weeks after
liberation. The difference from a life of fear and not knowing when you would be killed,
to a back to normal life psychologically damaging. Over 10,000 survivors died of overeating, epidemics and exhaustion in the following weeks of liberation. During immediate
times right after liberation, many survivors tried to return to their original living place.
These people, however, couldnt find any survivors of their families. Most survivors left
for Europe and started new lives other places. This link generally gives a good overview
of what survivors did after liberation.

The History Place - Holocaust Timeline: Statistics of the Holocaust." The History Place Holocaust Timeline: Statistics of the Holocaust. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.
On this website, they tell about the statistics of the original Jewish population of a
country and the estimated killed percentage. The biggest Jewish population was Poland,
which had originally about 3,300,000 Jews. 91% of these human beings were killed,
meaning 3,000,000 died. The country which populated the biggest percentage of
Holocaust survivors was Finland, with 99.97% of people surviving. Overall, there were
around 9,508,340 Jews in all of the countries Hitler targeted. An average of 63% of these
Jewish people were murdered. This means only around 3,546,211 people survived the
Nazis brutal tactics.

"Over 45,000 Holocaust Survivors Living in Poverty in Israel." Ynet.. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.

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This website shows that 78% of Holocaust survivors struggle with their health. Along
with that, 45 percent of the survivors feel like they have nobody left, and 46 percent think
that their children and grandchildren wont think anything of the Holocaust after they die.
Nearly 189,000 Holocaust survivors still live in Israel, as of 2015. 45,000 of survivors
struggle under the poverty line, which is 30 percent of all Holocaust survivors living in
Israel. This link also tells that 40 Holocaust survivors die each day, which is an average
of 14,200 every year. The estimated age of a Holocaust survivor still alive in Israel today
is 83.3 years old. Nearly 1/3 of these people live alone without any help. "Even after the
country (Israel) was established, there are still those who want to destroy us. They tried at
least seven times in the past 67 years. We always had the upper hand."

Wiesel, Elie, and Marion Wiesel. Night. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, a Division of Farrar,
Straus and Giroux, 2006. Print.
This book was overall a very educational yet interesting book. It was educational because it
taught readers more about the Holocaust than they might already knew, and it was from a
firsthand point of view. However, it didnt really say much about Elie or any other
survivors after the Holocuast. The book was also interesting because it gave vivid
descriptions that could make someone imagine how much worse conditions were than
originally thought. Although it was both of these things, it could have said more about
what success or struggles the Holocaust survivors went through during liberation.

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