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MGT 3050

Md Asnyat Asmat

Decision Making from Islamic

I created the jinn and humankind only that
they might worship Me
-- Dhariat 51:56
All of a persons behavior, deeds, and intentions are to be
directed to serve the God. This complete submission is
well-expressed in the following Quranic verse:

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Md Asnyat Asmat

Say: Lo! My worship and my sacrifice and my

living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of
Worlds. He hath no partner, This I am
commanded and I am first of those who
surrender (Unto Him)
-- Al-Anam 6:162-163

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Md Asnyat Asmat

In Islam, every act of a Muslim can be considered as

ibadah provided it meets the following conditions:
The act is lawful (halal)

He/she is doing it efficiently

He/she is doing it to acquire the pleasure of Allah

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Md Asnyat Asmat

In short, the mission of a Muslims life

is to acquire the pleasure of Allah
(s.w.t.). To fulfill this noble mission,
whatever he/she will be doing can be
considered as ibadah.

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Md Asnyat Asmat

we need to carry out our day-to-day activities

according to the rulings of Islam, i.e., following
commandments of Allah (s.w.t.), and the traditions
of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.).

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Md Asnyat Asmat

Muslims seek guidelines from the Islamic revealed

knowledge the knowledge revealed by Allah (s.w.t.), Who
is Perfect, Omniscient, Who knows the past, present and
the future.
The knowledge revealed by Allah (s.w.t.) is considered as
infallible. If we carry out our daily activities according to the
revealed knowledge then surely we will succeed in this
world and the hereafter.

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Md Asnyat Asmat

The traditional models of problem solving and

decision making are transient and myopic since they
are based on the values of their human founders.
These models generally propose a system of ethics
devoid of religion.
The models or guidelines derived from revealed
knowledge lead us to the right solutions.

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Md Asnyat Asmat

Five Steps of Decision Making

1. Define the problem:
But they have no knowledge therein. They follow
nothing but conjecture; and conjecture avails nothing
against the truth.
-- An-Najm 53:28
It is recommended that you write down the problem
statement or the objective of the problem. Writing
everything pertaining to the problem is a good habit.

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Md Asnyat Asmat

2. Identify all the alternatives

Organizational context: Brainstorming
If you are planning your house then
possible alternatives could be:
1. As soon as I get a better house
2. When my son will start going to school
3. When I change my job
4. When I cannot afford to live any longer in the
present house
5. When the present landlord will not be cooperating.
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Md Asnyat Asmat


3. Identify all the criteria

The criteria for choice of the general secretary of an

Islamic Association are:
Steadfastness in Prayers
Contribution to society
Past experience
Ability to lead
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Md Asnyat Asmat


Evaluate all the alternatives

Usually, one alternative does not excel with respect
to all the criteria.
we need to find out relative weights of all the
alternatives with respect to all the criteria on the
individual basis. After synthesizing all the weights,
we can obtain the overall weights of all the

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Md Asnyat Asmat


4. Evaluate all the alternatives

Make sure that you have equipped yourself with

complete information about all the alternatives.
Be careful about the source of information

O you who believe! If a wicked person comes to

you with a report, verify it, lest you harm the
people in ignorance, and are consequently filled
with regret over what you have done.
-- Al-Hujurat 49:6
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Select the best alternative and

implement the decision

Then, when you have made a decision, put your

trust in Allah. Lo! Allah loveth those who put their
trust (in Him)
-- An-Nahl 16:43

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Decision Making Through Mutual

Decision making problems, as stated above, range from
very simple to very complicated
Islam emphasizes decision making through mutual

Then ask the learned, if you do not know

-- An-Nahl 16:43

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Now whatever ye have been given is that a passing

comfort for the life of the world, and that which Allah
hath is better and more lasting for those who believe
and put their trust in their Lord and those who
answer the call of their Lord and establish worship
and who (conduct) their affairs by mutual
consultation, and who spend of what We have
bestowed on them.
-- Ash-Shura 42:36,38
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Md Asnyat Asmat


When Allah (swt) wanted to create mankind:

And when your Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I
am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said:
wilt Thou place therein one who will do harm
therein and will shed blood, while we hymn Thy
praise and sanctify Thee? HE said: Surely I know
that which ye know not
--Al Baqarah 2:30--

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Decision Making by a Muslim

The administrator has to uphold justice in dealing
with everything including the task of decision
O ye who believe! Be ye staunch in justice, witness
for Allah, even though it be against yourself or (your)
parents or (your) kindred, whether (the case be of) a
rich man or a poor man, for Allah is nearer unto both
(than ye are). So follow not passion lest ye lapse
(from justice) and if ye lapse or fall away, then lo!
Allah is ever informed of what ye do
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--An- 18
Nisa 4 : 135

Lo! Allah enjointh justice and kindness and

giving to kinsfolk, and forbiddenrh lewdness and
abomination and wickedness. He exhorteth you in
order that ye may take heed.
-- An Nahl 16: 90--

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Md Asnyat Asmat


If Fatima (the daughter of Muhammad), steals I

will certainly cut her hand
--reported by Imam Ibn Ahmad

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Justice is Allahs attribute. We should stand firm

in the favor of justice even if it goes against our
own interests or to the interests of those who
are near and dear to us.
Be just without fear or favor.

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Md Asnyat Asmat


As an administrator, many times to derive a decision in a

just way, you need to apply your wisdom.
.Bring me a knife so that I may cut him (the
child) (into two parts) for you. The younger one said: No, it
can't be, may Allah have mercy upon you, he (the child)
belongs to her (the elder). So he gave a decision in favor
of the younger one.

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Decision Making by Shura

Shura is the process for an exchange of views or mutual
consultation designed to lead a mature, thoughtful and
sound decision.
Islamic jurists and scholars unanimously agree that Shura
is not an innovation of man. Rather it is legitimate practice
that has its basis in the Quran and has been passed on to
us as a Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w.) as well as that of
Caliphs of Islam (Khulafa al- Rashidun).

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Md Asnyat Asmat


I have never seen anyone who

companions more than Prophet
-- Abu Hurayrah (r.a.)

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Md Asnyat Asmat


If your leaders are virtuous, your rich

people are generous and your affairs are
settled though Shura, the surface of the
earth is better for you than the bottom (i.e.,
your lives are worth living).
-- Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Prophet (s.a.w.) has also said:

.whosoever resolves matter through Shura will
always be the successful and whosoever abandons
Shura will be at loss.
Umar ibn al-Khattab (r.a.) did not take any major
decision without consulting his people. Umar used to
consult his people in the appointments of governors
and army commanders.

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Decision Making by Shura

At the time of Caliphs:
Consultation was used in the day-to-day administration
of the countries expanding resources and setting of
goals, formulating the policies of approaching these
goals, organizing the efforts and activities.
Single opinion is like a string of thread, whereas
multiple opinions are like a strong rope.

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Md Asnyat Asmat


While consulting others, you should not influence

them to be in agreement with you. In that case, it
is meaningless to consult them.
If your Shura comprises people belonging to
different groups, then make sure that you listen
from all the groups

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Hardingham has said (in favor of consulting
If you choose to make them (decisions) alone, you lose
wealth of information and experience to be found in the
people around you. You lose one of the resources
uniquely available to us as a human being, the knowledge
of our fellow human beings.

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Benefits of Shura
Views from different perspective are surfaced
which can cover the entire area of consideration.
Those consulted are likely to be supportive in
implementing the decision.
The leaders shortcomings can be made up
through Shura.
Through Shura, the chance of identifying the best
solution is more compared to individuals effort.

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Benefits of Shura
Lead to just and wise decisions.

Provides opportunity for others to express their


Facilitate co-operation and mutual responsibility,

i.e., strengthen ukhwa among Muslims.

Save leader from abominations that generates from

autocracy such as to impose his opinions that may
be stupid.

Encourage team work.

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Whom to Consult?
Should be competent enough to
help you
Should know you very well

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Whom to Consult?
Remember the following questions:
Has the consultant anything to gain or lose if I decide
one way or the other (things to gain or lose include
money-status, influence, face, etc.)?
Does the consultant have strong political, religious or
other views which might influence him/her?
Is the consultant under the influence of anyone with
something to gain or lose from my decision?

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Few More Guidelines

Take a long term view
Take the majority view
Learn from the past mistakes

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Md Asnyat Asmat


Avoid acting in hurry

Abdur Rahman ibn Bishr al-Ansari al-Azraq said: Two men
from the locality of Kindah came while Abu Mas'ud al-Ansari
was sitting on a circle. They said: Is there any man who
decides between us? A man from the circle said: I, Abu
Mas'ud took a handful of pebbles and threw at him, saying:
Hush! It is disapproved to be hasty in decision.

Weigh the pros and cons

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Md Asnyat Asmat



MGT 3050

Md Asnyat Asmat


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