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Solving Word Problems With Quadratic Equations

1. The length of a rectangle is 1 less than 2 times the width. The area of the
rectangle is 45 cm2. Find the length and the width.

2. The width of a rectangular mural is 5 m less than the height. The area is 126 m2.
Find the height and width.

3. The width of a dock is 4 m less than the length. The area is 12 m2. Find the
length and the width.

4. The width of a photo is 5 cm less than the length. The area is 24 cm2. Find the
length and the width.

5. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 25 km long. The length of one leg is 17 km

less than the other. Find the lengths of the legs.

6. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 26 m long. One leg is 14m longer than the
other. Find the lengths of the legs.

7. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 15 cm. The length of one leg is 3 cm longer
than the other. Find the lengths of the legs.

8. Thomas, having mowed a large rectangular plot of grass, estimates the area to be
400 square feet. Elva walks around the plot and estimates the perimeter to be 100
feet. Find the approximate dimensions of the plot.

9. A rectangular garden plot has an area of 200 square yards and a perimeter of 60
yards. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.

10. A rectangle is four times as long as it is wide. Its area is 9 m2. What are its

11. The sum of the squares of two consecutive positive integers is 85. What are the

12. One leg of a right triangle is 3 cm more than half the length of the other leg. The
area of the triangle is 54 cm2. How long is each of the legs?

13. A ladder is two feet longer than the height of a certain wall. When the top of the
ladder is placed against the top of the wall, the distance from the base of the
ladder to the wall is exactly equal to the height of the wall. How high is the wall?

14. The sum of a number and its square is 72. Find the number.

15. Find a number that is 56 less than its square.

16. Find two consecutive odd integers whose product is 143.

17. Find two consecutive odd integers the sum of whose squares is 130.

18. A rectangle is 4 cm longer than it is wide, and its area is 117 cm2. Find its

19. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 25 m long. The length of one leg is 10 m
less than twice the other. Find the length of each leg.

20. When a certain number is added to its square, the result is 30. Find the number.

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