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Riley County High School

Becoming a Mechanical Engineering

Josiah Satzler
Career Research Project
Mrs. Grater
May 12, 2015

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Mechanical engineering is one of the most widespread and well-paying fields in the
nation, and unlike other careers that can pay six figures, engineering only requires four years of
post-secondary education. Furthermore, the job market for mechanical engineering is wide open.
However universities and engineering companies are still scrambling to get high school students
to come into this field. The reason students are not jumping up and down to become engineers is
because of the kind of skill set and personality it takes. In short, not everyone is a mechanical
engineer because it is not easy, and it takes a special kind of person; to become an engineer a
person must be able to solve problems using math and science, be able to utilize technology, and
have the ability to work on a team.
Job Description
Mechanical engineering is the field of engineering that works with moving parts. In the
broadest sense, a mechanical engineer designs, builds, and tests anything that moves. This makes
mechanical one of the most versatile engineering disciplines. Since these skills are required for
virtually everything that is made, mechanical engineering is perhaps the broadest and most
diverse of engineering disciplines. (What is Mechanical) According to the Bureau of Labor
Statistics, most mechanical engineers work in manufacturing. The leading industries are
machinery, transportation equipment, computer/electronic parts and fabricated metal. Nearly a
quarter of mechanical engineers do not work in a single industry, however, but in engineering
firms. Companies from a variety of different industries can consult engineers that work for these
firms to help develop and design their products. This allows engineers to work on different kinds
of projects although they might still specialize in one area.
Aerospace is another mechanical engineering field. Engineers in this field design aircraft
engines, satellite control systems, aerodynamic structures, etc. Mechanical engineers are even

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important in the medical field. They design new operating equipment and prosthetic limbs or
implants. Other industries include micromechanics, energy conversion (design solar panels and
wind turbines), heating and air conditioning, oil, and automation (making systems automatic).
When in the office, mechanical engineers use computers to create, and in some cases
test, their designs. With the advances in technology, a mechanical engineers job has become
increasingly computer-based. J. Robert Sims, the president of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (or ASME,) said, Computing tools allow complex analyses to be
performed in seconds that once required days or weeks of hand calculations. One of these
technological advances includes the ability to test designs. Some designs can be tested with
software. For instance, when designing a bridge, the software may be able to tell the engineer
where the bridge is the weakest with x amount of weight on it. Also, 3-D printing is improving at
an astounding rate. Mechanical engineers can have a physical plastic model of their design
within hours. When they are satisfied with their design, they then create the actual product
industrial equipment. Because of the growth in this new technology, it is important for
mechanical engineers to be comfortable using computers. (Jobs) will be best for those with
training in the latest software tools (Mechanical Engineers)
Although mechanical engineers spend a lot of time in an office on computers, they do not
always work alone. On the majority of projects, mechanical engineers will collaborate as part of
a team. They work with other types of engineers, (e.g., civil engineers, electrical engineers,
industrial engineers) and engineering technicians. For example, if a team were to design a layout
for a building, they would have to design heating, cooling, electricity, and piping. This would
require not only a mechanical engineer but also, electrical and civil engineers. Although, a
mechanical engineer would most likely spend the majority of their time working on their own

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pieces of the project, they would have to collaborate to complete the design. Mechanical
engineers not only work with other types of engineers, but also alongside other mechanical
engineers. A project might be given to multiple mechanical engineers who would complete it as a
Work Environment
Most mechanical engineers work on projects in an office setting. Mechanical engineers
typically have regular, full-time hours, although some take on a bigger work load. Around onethird of mechanical engineers worked more than forty hours a week in 2012 (Mechanical
Engineers). On occasion, mechanical engineers may leave the office to see the site of their
current project. Job sites may be a production plant or factory. Mechanical engineers that work in
the oil industry even visit skyscrapers or offshore oil rigs. They may do this before they start a
project to gain knowledge of how their design might function in that setting.
Job satisfaction for mechanical engineers is high. In a poll done by US News mechanical
engineers found their jobs to be very satisfying. They said upward mobility was very good.
Meaning, when an individual first comes into a job they start at an entry-level position, but as
they gain experience they can earn better positions and raises. They also found flexibility within
the job above average. Depending on the job, mechanical engineers can have a say in what
kind of projects they take on, and their schedules. Polltakers found the stress level to be
The job outlook for mechanical engineers is also good. There were 258,100 mechanical
engineers employed nationwide as of 2012. That number is expected to grow five percent to
roughly 271,000 jobs by 2022. Although those are not staggering numbers (national average for
job growth is eleven percent by 2022), the demand for mechanical engineers still continues to be

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high. Ninety-five to ninety-seven percent of engineering students out of Kansas State University
found a job right after graduation (Satzler). Although, the job market is growing at a below
average pace, the demand for engineers is still high, and employers are willing to pay
competitive salaries for it. Because mechanical engineering is such a broad field, job growth is
different for different industries. Job growth for engineering firms is expected to be significantly
better than the average for mechanical engineering. Also, engineers who work in the
transportation and automotive industry are expected to receive above average job growth due to
demand for more environmentally friendly and efficient forms of travel. Other fields that have
potential for growth are oil and gas extraction, remanufacturing, and nanotechnology.
Skills and Training
As stated earlier, it takes a unique kind of person to be an engineer. Individuals that grow
up to be mechanical engineers are often the kids that take apart the TV remote, or build toys
swords. Mechanical engineers are curious people. They like to learn how things move and
function. They like to innovate and design. However, it is not all taking stuff apart and putting
back together. Mechanical engineers must be gifted at math and science. That is the part of
mechanical engineering that can turn people away. There is a very technical side to how things
move and mechanical engineers have to be able to explain this using the principles of calculus,
physics, and trigonometry. Other concepts mechanical engineers must understand are fluid
mechanics, thermodynamics, and hydraulics. The other essential skill that mechanical engineers
must have is problem solving. It is the kind of ingenuity that is not always well-developed at the
secondary school level. Mechanical engineers have to be able to look at a problem and see the
most efficient way to solve it. Sims, president of ASME writes, Although good technical skills

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are important, it is also necessary to demonstrate the organizational and management skills that
are essential for the successful completion of a project (Bratcher, Emily).
For mechanical engineers to work in a job setting, it is not required that they be
licensed. It is required, however, that they have a degree from an ABET (Accreditation Board for
Engineering) program. The benefit a licensed engineers is that they are able to sign off on larger
projects, such as a bridge or an airplane. A license is acquired by taking two separate tests. The
first of these is the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam. This test covers broad range of
engineering topics and is not specific to any field, meaning an industrial engineer and a
mechanical engineer would take the exact same test. Most engineers looking to obtain a license
will take this test their senior year of college, although the grand majority of engineers will not
take the test at all (Satzler). The second test is called the Principles and Practice of Engineering
Exam (or PE exam). Unlike the FE exam, this test is specific to the field of the engineer taking it,
meaning a mechanical engineer and an industrial engineer would take different tests. This test is
normally taken after college, when one has been in the work force for a time. Those that take the
FE exam do not always go on to take the PE exam and complete their licensure. If an engineer
passes both tests, he acquires a license and becomes a PE, or professional engineer. A PE is in
higher leadership position and is paid more than an unlicensed engineer.
When mechanical engineers first join the work force or begin to work at a new company,
they normally have to go through training specific to the kind of work they will be doing at that
company. Most companies, especially larger ones, require approximately three to six weeks of
training, which is typically done in a classroom type setting. New workers learn how to apply the
skills they already have in the way the company wants. When they are done with training, they
begin working on projects. The less experienced workers are given smaller projects, possibly

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working with the support of a mentor on a project as part or team. But as they gain experience
their roles in the company may increase.
To be able to work as a mechanical engineer, one must have a bachelors degree (fouryear degree) from an ABET accredited program. The first two years of classes consist mostly of
math and science classes, along with an introduction to mechanical engineering class. Because
the classes for the first two or three semesters are nearly identical for different kinds of
engineering, some students do not decide which discipline they are going into until after their
freshman year. After students have completed all their basic math and science courses, (Calculus
one through three, differential equations, and engineering physics one and two) they begin
applying the math and science concepts they have learned in classes like thermodynamics, fluid
mechanics and statics. After students have taken these, classes get much more specific to
mechanical engineering. Students will now begin to take classes like machine design,
measurements, and technical electives. Electives that students can take include classes on
aerospace and combustion engines. During their senior year, students take a senior design class,
which is similar to what they would be doing in a job. The goal of this class is to apply
everything they have learned into a single project. The majority of students take four and half
years to graduate with a mechanical engineering degree, although some may as short as four
years or as long as five.
While a mechanical engineer is earning his degree, he may spend multiple summers in
internships. It is important for mechanical engineers to have experience in the field before they
graduate. Students without experience in these internships are at a definite disadvantage when it
comes to getting hired. Most students begin taking internships in the summer after their

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sophomore year, and then continue to take them after their junior and senior years. These
internships are almost always paid, and they pay well: around fifteen to twenty dollars an hour
(Satzler, Larry). The work that students do on an internship is very similar to what a professional
mechanical engineer would be doing. The student works on a project given to him under the
supervision of a mentor, although they do work on the project fairly independently.
The median salary for all mechanical engineers working across the country is $80,580 per
year, or $38.74 an hour (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The average salary for any job in the
country is $34,750 which puts mechanical engineers well over double the national average.
However, mechanical engineers do make about six thousand dollars less than the engineering
average. Although the average for mechanical engineers is very high, the average salary for
workers fresh out of Kansas State University was almost $20,000 less at $63,000 (Employment
Report). This goes to show how much room for upward mobility there is after one gets hired.
The top ten percent of mechanical engineers made over $121,530 while the bottom ten percent
still made a well-above-average salary of $52,030.
The best paying industry for mechanical engineers is computer and electronics
manufacturing, has an average annual salary of $84,860. This industry also is one of the largest
with hiring about eight percent of mechanical engineers. The other high paying industries include
the manufacturing of transportation equipment, machinery, and fabricated metals.
Mechanical engineers that work in Anchorage, Alaska earned a median salary of
$122,270, making it the highest paying city for this profession. Many mechanical engineers that
work in this area specialize in oil and natural gas extraction. Other well-paying cities include San

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Jose and Oakland, California as well as Taunton Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. All
four cities paid mechanical engineers a median salary of over $100,000.
Similar Occupations
Engineering can be broken up into hundreds of different categories, but some of the
broadest and most common disciplines are mechanical, civil, electrical and chemical. Civil
engineers design and build public structures. This includes roads, buildings, bridges, and water
treatment. Civil engineering is said to be largest discipline, meaning it employs the most people.
Environmental engineering is often lumped together with civil engineering. Environmental
engineers work mainly with cleaning up contamination and enforcing environmental regulations.
Electrical engineering is fairly self-explanatory; they work with electric currents and
design systems that use electricity. Electrical engineering can be broken into two subsets. The
first is a more traditional approach which includes wiring building, and generating power. The
second works with electronic devices such as computers, cell phones, and instrumentation.
Chemical engineers help create products like food, drugs, and chemical. Although they
have to know much more chemistry than other engineers, they still must know calculus and
physics. One of the largest industries in chemical engineering is oil refinery. Chemical engineers
work mainly in offices and laboratories.
Mechanical engineers work in every aspect of business. Everything in society has
been designed using principles of engineering. Without engineers, people would not have all of
the technology that society does today. Engineering is what has created civilization. It is what
defines the drive of people to better the world around them. Not just anybody can take upon
these tasks. It takes an innovator, a tinkerer. This is why they have to be gifted in math and

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science and be able to work on a team. This is why it takes such a special type of person to
become an engineer.

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Work Cited
Mechanical Engineers. Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor, Occupational
Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition. Web. 31 March 2015.
What is Mechanical Engineering? Columbia Engineering, Columbia University in the City of
New York. Web. 3 Apr. 2015. <>
Bratcher, Emily. Mechanical Engineer. US News and World Report, Money. Web. 3 Apr.
2015. <>
How Consulting Engineering Firms Operate. Progressive Engineer. Web. 9 Apr. 2015
Satzler, Larry. Personal Interview. 7 Apr. 2015.
Industrial Engineers. Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor, Occupational
Outlook Handbook. , 2014-15 Edition. Web. 13 Apr. 2015.
Civil Engineers. Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor, Occupational
Outlook Handbook. , 2014-15 Edition. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
Employment Report. College of Engineering, KSU. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.

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