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Mi hotel de cinco estrellas!

Objective: Students will create a floor plan of a five-star hotel.

Markers/crayons/colored pencils
Hotel vocabulary list
At least 2 pieces of graph paper
Grade: Students will be graded using the rubric provided.
Procedure: You are to create your very own five-star dream hotel.
1. Using two pieces of graph paper, draw the floor plan of your dream hotel.
2. Your will draw a floor plan for a hotel room, bathroom, and ground floor. *one
square will equal one foot. (12 inches)

Your hotel room and bathroom must consist of at least the following
a. Bed
b. Television
c. Chair
d. Sink
la cama
la televisin
e. Toilet
f. Bathtub
g. Shower
h. Your choice of an item
i. Your choice of an item
j. Your choice of an item
k. Your choice of an item
The ground floor must consist of at least the following items:
a. Reception desk
b. Elevator
c. Your choice of an item
d. Your choice of an item
e. Your choice of an item
f. Your choice of an item
3. Using the vocabulary, label items listed above of the hotel room and the ground
floor in Spanish.
4. Color your dream hotel.
5. Give your hotel a Spanish name. Underneath the name, put Mi hotel de cinco
6. Calculate the square footage of the room and bathroom by counting the
 1 square=1 square foot
7. Be creative! Make your hotel a fun place that you would like to stay while on

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