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World History Textbook

By: Hannah Croy




An airplane has a cockpit, two outer wings, two propellers, and an engine . The airplane revolutionized warfare
by eliminating the limits of techniques to attack the
opponent. Airplanes were able to drop bombs, weapons
and soldiers onto the front lines without making a
known entrance. The Japanese used airplanes to do
suicide bombings where they crashed the plane (and
themselves) into the targeted area to blow it up. Bothe
the Allies and Axis used airplanes to fight in World War

A convoy is a group of vehicles that travel together

for mutual support and protection. They are usually
motor vehicles or ships. Convoys revolutionized
warfare because they made reinforcement units more
organized and useful. All countries during. World war
II used the concept of convoys. The most know
example is the German and their U-Boats.

U-Boats were invented by Germany. They are what

we call a submarine. Their contribution to the evolution of warfare was that they changed the game of
attacks. The opposing team wasn't able to see the
ships coming, giving them a major advantage.
Eventually, their were laws set about the U-Boats
having to show themselves before they attacked.
During World War I the only country to use them
were the Germans.

Automatic Machine

Poison Gas

Automatic machine guns are a gun that can continuously fire ammo if the trigger is held down. Machine guns
revolutionized warfare in many ways. For one, the soldier firing the gun didn't have to take time after a single
shot to reload the gun, saving valuable time and most of
the soldiers lives. All countries/groups during World
War I used automatic machine guns. This includes
France, America, Allies, Germany, Japan, Italy, Hungry,
Romania, Thailand and China.

Poison gas was a combination of different chemicals

used to take out opposing teams soldiers. This revolutionized warfare because of the mass destruction of
the gases. They were able to reach broad distances
and caused ten times more destruction than bullets.
The chemicals would cause brain issues such as short
term memory loss. Countries that used poison gas
during World War I was Britain and the United

Zeppelins are a type of aircraft that are usually in
the shape of cigars. During World War II, Zeppelins were used to bomb opponents from long distances. Like the U-Boat, this gave the destructor a
major advantage because they didn't have to be in
close range to set off the bomb. Germany was the
only country to use Zeppelins during world War I.

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