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LA- Jan.

Paragraph Introduction
1. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print
and other media texts.
2. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
manage ideas and information.
Materials: LA duotangs, smart board, smart board lesson, hamburger
worksheets, nice paper
Resources: Alberta Program of Studies
1. Copy handwriting sentence into LA duotangs (5 min)
2. Using the smart board, introduce students to the paragraph
hamburger and what a paragraph is supposed to look like. (5
3. Kinaesthetic activity: Label students top bun, lettuce, beef,
tomato, and bottom bun. Get them to go around the room and
create a hamburger (stand in lines, in order of the ingredients).
Then label students topic sentence, 1, 2, 3, and conclusion and
get students to do the same thing in a new group. While they are
in their groups they must each come up with a sentence to make
a paragraph together. (20 min)
4. Write a paragraph as a class on the smart board in our paragraph
hamburger. Get students to give suggestions for topics (A dog
came, too), and allow them to have input as to what the
paragraph is about. (10 min)
5. Give students time to write their own paragraph about
Archaeology (yesterdays field trip). Really emphasize students
doing a good job, really neat, etc. Brainstorm some things we
learned yesterday at the field trip. Go over a quick example of
what their topic sentence might be, etc. (20 min).
Archaeology is the study of human past through material remains.
Archaeologists spend lots of time digging up and inspecting human
Even the tiniest pieces of remains are very important to them.

They are able to tell us about different cultures and ways of life.
Archaeologists play a very important role in piecing together the
worlds history.

Formative: Walk around the room during handwriting and make sure
students are using proper form and copying the sentence down
correctly. Ensure students are engaged during the hamburger
paragraph smart board lesson. Call upon different students to give
answers and input. Make sure students understand the layout of the
hamburger paragraph will participating in the kinaesthetic activity.
Summative: The good copy of these paragraphs will be marked and
put in their portfolios.

Extra Time Activity: If there is extra time at the end of the period,
students may translate their paragraph to nice paper, very neatly,
ready to be put in their portfolios for parents to see.

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