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Just Say !" to China's Death Penalty for Drug Users!

Rarely used in most

nations, China is
one of six
countries that
routinely execute
as the penalty for
some drug crimes.
China has been
using the death
penalty for drug
offences since the
1940s, and is also
thought to execute
for more drug related crimes than any other country. Between January and May of 2014 drug
convictions in China were 27% higher than they were during that same period the year prior.

The death penalty is a symptom of a culture of violence, not a solution to it.

-Amnesty International
This method of punishment is often used within skewed criminal justice systems. Some of the
countries executing the most people have deeply unfair legal systems. The top three executing
countries China, Iran and Saudi Arabia often issue death sentences following unfair trials.
Many of which are issued after confessions that have been obtained through torture. These
same three nations are responsible for 546 out of 549 drug related executions in 2013. China
alone was responsible for roughly 35% of those deaths.

The death penalty is the ultimate, irreversible denial of human rights.

-Amnesty International
Last year China executed more people than the rest of the world put together, but with death
penalty figures treated as a state secret, the exact number is impossible to determine. Based on
the data that we are able to confirm, people convicted on drug-related offences make up a
significant proportion of those executed. China has made tentative steps to cut down on its use
of the death penalty in recent years, including by reducing the crimes punishable by death.
Drug-related crimes, however, continue to attract the death penalty.

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