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(For this half-term only)

We will complete a short unit on performance poetry and
compare different types of poetry, including free verse
and nonsense poems. We have already written kennings,
simile poems, rhymes and haikus, so we will continue with
narrative poems.

Italy & Ancient Rome

Summer Term 1, 2016
Class 4G

(For this half-term only)

Narrative: Stories in historical settings/other cultures

We will read and discuss other stories from the time and
culture. We will look at how to use relevant facts from a
time period or culture to create settings and characters
which are realistic. We will critique work so that we
create a clear benchmark for what makes good writing.

Non-fiction: Recount newspapers

We will look at examples of texts to discuss the
differences between comment, fact and opinion. We will
analyze the features of news, incorporating the 5 W
questions and journalistic style. We will revise notemaking and how to expand text.
Guided reading
Children will carry out daily shared or guided reading with
linked activities to develop skills across the reading


Any trips will follow separately by email or letter.

Convert between units of time: from hours to

minutes; minutes to seconds; years to months;
weeks to days.
Solve problems involving the above.
Read, write and convert time between analogue
and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks.
Count up and down in hundredths; recognise
that hundredths arise when dividing an object
by one hundred and dividing tenths by ten.
Recognise and write decimal equivalents of any
number of tenths or hundredths.
Recognise and write decimal equivalents to , ,
Compare numbers with the same number of
decimal places up to two decimal places.
Round decimals with one decimal place to the
nearest whole number.
Solve simple measure and money problems
involving fractions and decimals to two decimal
Revise the four main operations, apply
calculation strategies to word problems.
Read, use and convert between units of measure
and solve problems involving them.
Find area and perimeter.

P.S.H.E. Weekly lessons following Rainbow SEAL, continuing with the next unit.
ICT We will continue coding using the SCRATCH application to change motion,
looks, sound and drawing.
History We will make a timeline and use evidence sources to help us research what
ancient Roman life was like. We will compare and contrast evidence about a key
historical Italian event, and think about why the accounts of it might differ.
Geography We will compare physical and human features of Europe. We will ask
and answer questions about locations, giving our own views. We will locate
mountains and volcanoes on maps. We will consider changes in the area over time
and linked to our work in History.
Science We will complete a unit on teeth and digestion, but also carry out
focused work to develop core scientific skills, such as making a prediction or
writing a conclusion.

Art We will carry out a unit on printing, making a repeating pattern and overlaying
colours. We will take inspiration from other artists, existing work and nature.

D&T We will prepare food hygienically, measure ingredients, follow a recipe,

assemble or cook ingredients, and evaluate our work.

Music We will continue to use the staves and note names in playing instruments.
We will go on to look at note values, recording what we play, and creating our own
compositions. Children will have an opportunity to work alone and in groups, using a
range of instruments including percussion and keyboard.
P.E. Weekly lessons by a specialist will continue. Children will continue cricket
with the aim of playing a conditioned game in which they understand and apply
basic tactics. They will go on to field and track athletics.

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