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Planning For Growth

Goal #1: Become a competent speaker/presenter

Strategy 1.1 Present in front a class
Strategy 1.2 Observe other presentations
Strategy 1.3 Practice speaking in front of other people
Strategy 1.4 Ask other teachers/speakers for advice
Strategy 1.5 Look at books/online for tips on public speaking

Measures of success: When I am comfortable talking

front of people. Eventually becoming a successful public
Reflection: Although I am not yet a confident or
developed speaker I did make it through a presentation in
class which is a good first step. I will continue to take
every opportunity that I get to speak in front of people.
Summary: What did I learn? I learned from others that
I am not the only person who struggles with public
speaking. When presenting show confidence, dont let the
audience see that you are nervous. Humor can be a great
tool. There are all kinds of good speakers.

Goal #2: Learn how to write and use a good lesson

Strategy 1.1 Ask other teachers for advice

Strategy 1.2 Observe classrooms

Strategy 1.3 Look at books/interview/online sources
Strategy 1.4 Talk to/observe peers
Strategy 1.5 Classroom learning

Measures of success: When I can put a good lesson

plan in my portfolio, and I receive good feedback from
peers and instructor.
Reflection: I learned the basics about writing a lesson
plan. I believe that once Im able to use some trial and
error on my own I will be able to write a great lesson plan.
Summary: What did I learn? Writing a lesson plan is
essential. If you are unprepared for class you might not
reach your goal for what you wanted to teach that day.
How can you expect your students to be prepared if you
arent. However if something isnt working in your plan
its okay to be flexible.

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