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Nursing Philosophy
Vivian Dinh
Dixie University


Nursing Philosophy

Becoming a nurse more than six years ago has been quite a journey for me. Throughout
my career, I work with many different populations of patients and diagnoses that has really open
my eyes about nursing. I have learned to love it and finally decided to go back for my BSN to be
able to provide exceptional care for my patients. I chose nursing as my career because I love to
interact with patient, and be able to educate patient and their family about prevention and
I believe the core of nursing is the patient well-being. The patient well-being
encompasses many factors including spiritual and physiological. I believe the support from
family and friends as well as a positive environment play an important part in the patient healing
process. According to Pesut (2010), Spirituality includes, but is not limited to, religion and
assumes a supernatural reality that has implications for human health and flourishing (p. 16).
Therefore, I support family and friends in providing religious, family photos, drawing, and
encouragement board to display in the patient room to promote their healing spiritual.
I believe the focus of nursing is to be the patient advocate. One has to understand that the
patient is an individual with his/her own background, culture, and belief. Therefore, with this
understanding, I can understand the choice that the patient make in their process of healing, and
to be the patient best advocate without personal judgmental.
My vision of myself as a nurse is to have knowledge about my patient needs, be my
patient advocacy regard of his/her background, race, culture or religion, become a good patient
education, be a reliability source for my patient and patient family, maintain involvement with
families on patient cares and share decision making, and working as a team with my co-worker
to created exceptional care for my patient.


To live out my philosophy of nursing, everyday I must prioritize care for my patient with
time management, and critical thinking. I am a good listener for my patient family, and have
them involve in the patient care decision-making. I consult with my fellow health care
professionals for my patient benefit, and to be able to shorten the patient healing process.
Personally, I take care of myself, and become a role model for my patient by eating
healthy, exercise regularly, and spend time with my family. I like to be able to treat my patient
and co-worker just how I would like to be treated. I believe that the patients might not remember
my name; but they will remember how I make them feel during the toughest time of their life.



Pesut, B. (2010). Ontologies of nursing in an age of spiritual pluralism: closed or open

worldview?. Nursing Philosophy, 11(1), 15-23. doi: 10.111/j.1466-769X.2009.00420.x

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