2005-02 Taylor Allred 12-Page Activity Report Detailed Sep 2004 To Feb 2005 - Redacted

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SAEE System Activity Record Login ID: tallred Case Name: Wolferts, Brittany A Case ID: 1252064 20SEP04 10:20 1 Minutes Finalized Review Record Allred, Taylor Policies: Reviewed prior CPS records Reviewed priors. There are none. (Allred, Taylor 20Sep04) 20SEP04 10:48 7 Minutes Finalized Parent Telephone Allred, Taylor Policies: (Allred, Taylor 208ep04 20SEPO4 15:47 1 Minutes Finalized Collateral Telephone Contact Policies: Ireceived a message {0 NE vihere Michelle and her children are staying. {W 52idgy wanted to talk to me and make sure | am aware of al he abuse that has gone on in the amily. qq asked me to caigiyback at AMEE Aired, Taylor 20Sep04) 20SEPO4 17:28 1 Minutes Finalized Collateral Telephone Contact Allred, Taylor Policies: I called Ss: not in. lefiqqqya message. (Allred, Taylor 20Sep04) 2ASEPO4 09:35 2 Minutes Finalized Parent Telephone Policies: TC to Michelle. We arranged to meet aEBciem, at 10am. I told Michelle | plan on interviewing the chidren at that ime. (Aled, Taylor 25Jan05) 2ASEPO4 10:22 60 Minutes Finalized Client School Visit Allred, Taylor Policies: Child first seen, Interviewed outside the presence of others, Interviewed outside the presence ofthe alleged perpetrator, Support person offered, Vici interviewed | went odFlementary to interview Britany and Sidney Wolfers. (Alred, Taylor 03Jan08) 21SEP04 10:23 Client School Visit Allred, Taylor Policies: (Continued from prior log) (Aired, Taylor 09F e606) 21SEP04 10:23 1 Minutes Finalized Client School Visit Allred, Taylor Policies: CONTINUED FROM PRIOR LOG. Both Brittany and Sidney were clean and appeared healthy and wel cared for. They were offered a support person and deciined Britany did net gisclose domestic violence or physical abuse. She said her dad once hither with a sleeping bag after laughing at her sister. She talked about her dad's “sickness Sidney cid not disclose abuse or neglect ether. She discussed marks that have been lefton her bum, but said they were from a diaper rash when she was younger. Both interviews were recorie AES (Aired, Taylor 14Feb05) 22SEPO4 13:30 110 Minutes Finalized Client Home Visit Allred, Taylor Policies: Inquired about American Indian/Alaska Native heritage Allred, Taylor Allred, Taylor 14Feb05 3:27 pm Page 1 of 12 SAFE System Activity Record Login ID: tallred 5 Activities For Case Case Name: Wolferts, Brittany A Case ID: 1252064 22SEP04 13:30 110M inalized Client Home Visit Allred, Taylor I met with Michelle at thé helle and | discussed at length her history with Brian. She said that Brian had been abusive since early on in their marriage, but it seemed to escalate this past May. She said that Brian was on Paxil for 8 months, but stopped taking the medication, Michelle said she thinks this may have contributed to his abusive behaviors. | told Michelle that | would have to address the allegations with Brian. She expressed worry about this, and said she is especially worried that her children will suffer if Brian does not have supervised visits only with them. Michelle said that Brian went to treatment at Dr. Randy Hyde's office and was referred to CY Roby's clinic for sexual addictions. Michelle said Brian had several affairs, including an affair with a 17 year old when Michelle was pregnant ny (their oldest child Michelle said she and Brian were married for 12 years and that Brian has had a problem with pornography from the beginning. She said throughout their marriage he would randomly hit and pinch her, and was continuously verbally abusive. She said their first year of marriage Brian punched her and cracked her ribs. She said that in Brian's family there was a "sweep it under the rug’ attitude. (This is the first time Michelle has seperated from Brian.) Michelle said that Brian currently works night shift at Macey's in Pleasant Grove, but throughout the time they were married he did not consistantly hold a job. Michelle said that other dothestc violence occured, including a time that Brian hit her in the arm, Michelle said one time she was listening to head phones and Brian grabbed the head phones off her ears and yelled directly in her ear. Michelle also told me about an incident when she and Brian were discussing dating and boundaries with their daugh\er Brittany. According to Michelle, Brian told Brittany that she should tll him i she does anything (sexual with boys) in detail and explain how her body reacts to what they were doing. | discussed services with Michelle. She said that her children are on medicaid and they are also receiving food stamps. Michelle said she is receiving services from the shelter such as DV courses and women's groups. Michelle said she is interested in therapy for her children. She said she would like to continue treatment with Dr. Randy Hyde, however there has been more of a financial strain since they've been in the shelter. | asked Michelle if she knows whether or not Brian is in treatment of any kind, she said she does not know of any right now. | discussed with Michelle the allegations of physical abuse toward her children. She said Brian is very manipulative with the children. She said knows of times he has "thumped them on the head” or "grabbed their arms.” | explained Utah domestic violence laws to Michelle and | discussed a safety plan with her. She said Brian has filed for divorce. She has a protective order for herself against Brian and plans on pursuing one for her children as well. Michelle has family, friends, and LDS church affiliations as supports, along with the help and support of the women’s shelter. Michelle said that her children do not have Native American heritage. (Allred, Taylor 09Feb05) 28SEP04 10:00 10 Minutes Finalized Staffing Allred, Taylor Policies: | statfed this case with my supervisor Tess Blackmer. | explained to her that Michelle is very nervous about me talking fo Brian and that Michelle feels her children may suffer emotionally if Brian is aware of this case. | told Tess that | plan to hold off on talking to Brian for right now. 14Feb05 3:27 pm Page 2 of 12 "SAFE System Activity Record Login ID: — tallred Case Name: Wolferts, Brittany A Case ID: 1252064 28SEP04 10:00 10 Minutes Finalized Staffing Allred, Taylor Tess and! discussed what my interview with Brian should include and ways to go about addressing the issues with the family. (Allred, Taylor 26Jan05) 28SEP04 13:21 1 Minutes Finalized Parent Telephone Allred, Taylor Policies: : | received a message from Michelle. She said to call her at SMa Michelle again said how nervous her children are about Brian knowing that they have talked to me: (Allred, Taylor 26Jan05) 29SEP04 11:04 10 Minutes Finalized Staffing Allred, Taylor Policies: | staffed this case with Susan Knadler, supervisor of the domestic violence team. We agreed that Michelle is taking the appropriate steps to protect her children from further domestic violence between her and Brian. | told Susan that | and Michelle both feel that treatment for the children is necessary. Susan said that we can Send them to ISAT. (Allred, Taylor 26Jan05) 29SEP04 15:27 8 Minutes Finalized Parent Telephone Allred, Taylor Policies: TC to Michelle. She said they have court on October 4th. Michelle asked me if DCFS will have involvement in the protective order hearing, I told her that we often write court reports if the Court requests it.I told Michelle that I wasn't completely sure if we can write one otherwise, but that | would check and let her know. (Allred, Taylor 26Jan05) O10CT04 15:38 15 Minutes Finalized Parent Telephone Allred, Taylor Policies: Following a message | received from Michelle, | returned her call. She said that she is very Concerned for her children’s ong term emotional well being if they do not have supervised visits only with their fath SRN 16 2 10015 stat the information | have with my supervisor to determine whether or not the allegation should be added. | staffed this with my supervisor Tess Blackmer. She said that based on the information we have, she does not fee! that emotional maltreatment should be added as an allegation. (Allred, Taylor 09F¢b05) O50CT04 17:10 10 Minutes Finalized Recording Allred, Taylor Policies: | illed out PSAs for the 3 Wolferts children to attend treatment at ISAT and gave the documents to Heather Andelin. (Allred, Taylor 09Feb05) 120CT04 10:15 1 Minutes Finalized Parent Telephone Allred, Taylor Policies: LM for Michelle notifying her that she can take her children to treatment at ISAT. (Allred, Taylor 09Feb05) 16OCTOS 11:01 15 Minutes Finalized Recor Policies: CPS Assessment/Investigation - 30 Day Extension Agreement (CPS08) has been completed on 160ct2004 a 11:01 am (Allred, Taylor 160ct04) 280CT04 15:15 40 Minutes Finalized Collateral Home Visit Allred, Taylor Policiae- 9 Allred, Taylor (@™ ‘ave kept. In these notes they have documented their observations of Brian and the children. ‘These notes will be included in this case. _ 14Feb0S 3:27 pm Page 3 of 12 SAFE System Activity Record Login ID: tallred Activities For Case Case Name: Wolferts, Brittany A Case ID: 1252064 280CT04 15:15 _ 40 Minutes Finalized Collateral Home Visit Allred, Taylor the first IM@ gp Noticed anything strange about the situation is whengg®> noticed that Michelle's daughters would Rot go to the bathroom without Michelle: they also will rarely sleep or lay down without Michelle present. Brian would stare at Michelle, make random comments, ask her about what shes going to make for dinner, ete. that Michelle would ignore Brian until he would get right up in her face feltvery uncomfortable going to the homoqgugamig Brian was vory rigid and Stents Men carl coud * SN 2101 STEED i's Were being noisey, ‘80 Michelle told them to go outside’and play. Brian quietly watched Michelle give the girls the instructions, then as soon as they were outside he immediately yelled at them to come back inside SRR that this typ° of thing happened often AMINNNIRBian was always "hovering" over Michelle, nagging and yellingggaaaIIM@l@Rhe yelled at their daughters frequently as well 'one time when Michelle was talking to one of her student's parents. She was informing them about the lessons. ‘S§INENENNIBBBrian stood close to Michelle and said over and ‘over "Michelle, Michelle, Michelle..." Finally Michelle acknowledged him, then he just walked away. ——eE—_————— dutumeneammanammcamenns Dass the bed itany stated to clean up the mess and Danny went tothe bathroom, ag that utile Danny was on the tlt she started to cry and seream “dont burl me, dont het me." had to reassure Danny that{™ilB was not going to hurt her. Following my interview with a noticed signs of abuse with Michelle and the children, Isked Michelle about it and offered to help her through it. Brian told that Michelle has “antisocial complex pathology.” SS ,,.., Taylor 26Jan05) 290CTO04 16:48 30 Minutes Finalized Parent Telephone Allred, Taylor Policies: TC from Michelle. | gave her the phone number for ISAT (treatment center for her children) and encouraged her to set up an appointment. | told Michelle that | interviewe lichelle discussed with me the possibilty that Brian may have sexually abused her children. | asked Michelle if the children have said anything that may cause this suspicion. She said no, but that she remembers ‘noticing a spot of blood in Sydney's underwear one time when she was doing the laundry. She also again mentioned Brian's comment to, detail if she "messes up" with ichelle also said that she is ware Of Several accounts of sexual harassment against Brian. | told Michelle that I would look into investigating this further, then get back to her. (Allred, Taylor 09Feb05) O3NOV04 15:35 15 Minutes Finalized Staffing Allred, Taylor Policies: | staffed with Becki Kendrick Michelle's concerns that her children may have been sexually abused. Becki suggested having Michelle set up exams for her children at the CJC. (Allred, Taylor 09F e605) O4NOVO4 11:04 3 Minutes Finalized Parent Telephone Allred, Taylor Policies: Ireceived 2 messages from Michelle. | retumed her calls and got her voicemail. | left her a message. (Allred, Taylor 09Feb05) Q9NOVO4 12:41 | 1 Minutes Finalized Recording Allred, Taylor Policies; 14Feb05 3:27 pm Page 4 of 12 ‘SAFE System Activity Record Login ID: tallred Activities For Case Case Name: Wolferts, Brittany A Case ID: 1252064 O9NOV04 12:41 4 Minutes Finalized Recording Allred, Taylor Caseworker out of town Nov. 10th-15th. (Allred, Taylor 09Nov04) 46NOV04 10:51 20 Minutes Finalized Parent Telephone Allred, Taylor Policies: | had several messages from Michelle on my voicemail, however | was gone on vacation and unable to return her calls until today. | called Michelle and we discussed taking her children to the CJC for ‘an exam. Michelle asked ifthe exam is covered under medicaid. | told her | was not sure, but that | Could find out and call her back. (Allred, Taylor 09Feb05) 48NOVOS 1 Parent Telephone Allred, Taylor Policies: TCtoM | told Michelle that the CJC accepts medicaid. | told her to call them and make an appointment for her children to get an exam. (Allred, Taylor 09Feb05) 23NOVO4 10:53 1 Minutes Finalized Collateral Telephone Contact Allred, Taylor Policies: i received a message from Kathy the CJC. She said to cal her back aI ic she wants to speak to me regarding Danielle Wolfers (Allred, Taylor 26Jan05) 29NOV04 10:16 1 Minutes Finalized Collateral Telephone Contact Allred, Taylor Policies: TC to Kathy at the CJC: She was not in. I left her a message asking her to call me. (Allred, Taylor 26Jan05) 30NOV04 15:35 30 Minutes Finalized Collateral Telephone Contact Allred, Taylor Policies: Ireceived a telephone call from gem is the : alk to me about some concerning things that Vanielle told' = was drawing pictures with Danielle (Danny). Danny drew 3 — Girls, and said that the middle girl is happy, but the girl on the left is sad. Dann, told “someone stole something from her, someone she knows." Danny described the 3rd girl as "mad, very mad.” She said "someone hurt her in the stomach." She drew a circle on the girl, than drew another semimrian and he seterden tere beets ‘extremely hard to deal TS Brian continually argued Sil. in front of the children, oun: “uncomfortable and rcetene aaa Jon ‘slammed open the door and wanted 12 know why Michele did't pack church shoes for the KS. iON ‘Michelle was running late getting the kids ready to go on their visit With Brian. Michelle was unable to find the car keys. They later found out that Sydney hid the keys. 1 kids screamed for 45 minutes because they did not want to go visit their dad. Brittany kept complaining that her stomach hurt. It turned out that they did not go to Brian's that night MEE: hat all of a sudden Brittany felt better and said her stomach no longer hurt when she foureemt ote Tot see her dad thal night, (Allred, Taylor 25Jan05) 14Feb0S 3:27 pm Page 5 of 12 SAFE System Activity Record ad Activities For Case Case Name: Wolferts, Brittany A Case ID: 1252064 01DEC04 09:54 6 Minutes Finalized Collateral Telephone Contact Alllred, Taylor Polici TC t ‘ohler at the CJC. Kathy said she did a medical exam on Danielle Wolferts. She said the exam went well, that the results came back normal. Kathy said Danielle's Kathy said she wil be examining Sydney on Wednesday at 1:30. She said if anything is abnormal, she'llcall and let me know. (Allred, Taylor 26Jan05) O1DECO4 16:21 10 Minutes Finalized Collateral Telephone Contact Allred, Taylor Policies: received a message from Julie (EEE victims advocate. She asked me to call her a, Ee | returned Julie's call at 16:34. She said she does not fully feel comfortable assisting Michelle with @ protective order against Brian and wanted to know my opinion. | briefly staffed the case with Julie and told her that | do not have the evidence at this point to support physical abuse. (Allred, Taylor 25Jan05) O3DECO4 14:30 7 Minutes Finalized Parent Telephone Allred, Taylor Policies: cs TC from Michelle. She reported that Brian is not allowing the children to call her during their visits with him. Michelle said that overall the kids seem to be doing good. She said Brian has been planning a lot of "big activities." Michelle told me about a punishment that she felt was somewhat strange. She said her daughters told her that if they do not listen, they have to walk from room to room picking up and carrying blankets for 3 hours. | agreed that this seems to be a strange Punishment. Michelle also told me that the kids first appointment for Family Support and Treatment is December 7th at 10am. (Allred, Taylor 25Jan05) O7DECO4 10:03 1 Minutes Finalized Parent Telephone Allred, Taylor Policies: \recelved a message from Michelle Wolfers. She asked me to call her back = lar (Allred, Taylor 17Dec04) O9DECO4 13:14 1 Minutes Finalized Parent Telephone Allred, Taylor Policies: TC to Michelle Wolferts. No answer. (Allred, Taylor 09Dec04) 17DEC04 10:20 50 Minutes Finalized Client School Visit Allred, Taylor Policies: Interviewed outside the presence of others, Interviewed outside the presence of the alleged Perpetrator, Support person offered, Victim interviewed Iwent to Lindon Elementary to interview Brittany and Sydney for the second time. linterviewed Brittany first. We discussed truth and lie. Throughout the interview Brittany mentioned her father's "sickness" several times. She said she has visits with her father on holidays and every other weekend. She stated he is "acting like he is taking his medicine." She said her mother left her father because of his "sickness." Brittany told mie that her father has three different brains, a “normal, mixed, or mad brain." | asked her how she leaméd about her father's different brains. She said "I learned it by myself.” She said her dad has been mad beforé and has "switched brains." I asked Brittany how she knew so much about her father's sickness, she said by listening to her parents talk and because her mother told her about it. Brittany also discussed her parent's divorce several times, specifically who wanted the divorce. | asked Brittany about discipline and what happens when she gets in trouble. She said she gets grounded, is put in time out, or is spanked. She said her mother has spanked her with her hand, 14Feb 05 3:27 pm Page 6 of 12 SAFE System Activity Record Login ID: tallred Activi For Case Case Name: Wolferts, Brittany A Case ID: 1252064 17DECO4 10:20 50 Minutes Finalized Client School Visit Allred, Taylor Britany said that recently her father fold her to put Danny's shoes on (younger sister). Brittany S2id he father slapped her on the leg with the back of his hand and said to hurry. Britany also paid that 2 long time ago she was geting a sleeping bag from the camper and she started laughing because her sister Sydney fel. Brittany said her father hit her in the stomach with the sleeping bag, then said "I don't want mom to hear about this.” Britany disclosed that when she was 8 years old she heard her parents arguing and her father pushed her mother, almost pushing her mother down the stairs. Britany said she was siting on the cleienne When it happened. | asked Brittany how she knew her father pushed her mother. She said she heara her ‘mother yelling, then later her mother told her. asked Brittany about who she feels safe with, She said she feels safe with her mom, sisters, grandma, and the children’s voluntéers (at the shelter) | asked her f she feels safe with her dad, ‘She said "yeah," but that she knows he is sick, jnterviowed Sydney following my interview with Brittany. Sydney also discussed her father's mental pealth. She said her father has a sickness and is telling everyone a big lie. She said she has hears her mother talking about it. Sydney said he doesn't understand, but her mom explained it to her {asked Sydney how her visits wth her father have been, She said good, that they get to have alone {ime wit him, She explained alone time as one on one time with her father when they go shopping. She Said her father has been nice a lot and tries to do his best, but stated "he stil yells at us." She ‘said he yells for "tiny things,” that they have a big punishment for litle things. {discussed truth and lie with Sydney. | also asked her who she feels safe with. She sald her mother ily not grandmother, but doesn't feel safe with dad because of his sickness. She said he gets "a litle angry, bossy, and mean.” When asked about discipline Sydney said she has had one spanking, but Pua gets time out. She said one time her sister Britany was hit by her father witha sleeping bag. Folowing my interviews with Brittany and Sydney, | met with Michelle and attempted to interview Danie. Danielle, however, would not answer my questions or engage in an interview. Idiconeced my interview with Brittany and Sydney with Michelle. (Allred, Taylor 09Feb05) 21DECO4 12:22 1 Minutes Finalized Collateral Telephone Contact Allred, Taylor Policies: (Alired, Taylor 25Jan05) ™ an : 21DEC04 13:00 1 Minutes Finalized Collateral Telephone Contact Allred, Taylor Policies: allred, Taylor 25Jan05) 21DECO4 15:14 10 Minutes Finalized Collateral Telephone Contact Allred, Taylor Poli _ a : they were watching Lion King and there is a line rie movie whore a bird makes the statement "theres always one in the family” (or something similar) gifs all said "that's Our dad SM, Danielle said that their iad spanks them ‘real hard." Following this comment, Sydney sald “he did onee.*= = TWAS pulled over By a police officer and they were not buckled in their seatbelts. (Allred, Tayior 25Jan05) 14 Feb 05 3:27 pm Page 7 of 12 SAFE System Login ID: tallred Activities For Case Case Name: Wolferts, Brittany A Case ID: 1252064 21DECO4 15:27 18 Minutes Finalized Collateral Telephone Contact Allred, Taylor Policies" 4 7" " : ‘iow shocked :qmphas been at “this situationfaggsaid that while Brian and Michelle were togetherqgg had n these types of problems. Sillmigpvlchelle covered it for several years. thinks Michelle is a patient and incredible mother, $SNENEEBvanted me {0 know this.

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