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Final Grade: 6/8

Teacher Observations: your sources are

Name of the team members: Mateo Gutierrez/Daniel
Grade: 7B

Read instructions carefully. When you finish, send it through

Phidias to your Language and Literature teacher, Miss Pamela Prez.


Idiom and meaning

1. Feeling like a million dollars: I did great

2. Get away clean: You did something
mean or bad to someone or something,
and nobody noticed.

3. To come alive: I came back from a

terrible situation.
4. To get the ball rolling: Everybody
followed me.

Final Video Idea (be very specific

to how you will explain the idiom
in the video)
The main idea we have for explaining these
idioms is to just explain the topic, and in a part
of the dialogue including different ideas of the
topic, the expressions will be said and the
meanings will be said in a funny way.


1. What is your radio topic?
Our topic is to explain how successful the businesses in Colombia, and
what makes them so important, obviously using the idioms we have
assigned and with something fun.
2. Investigate online 2 sources related to your topic and explain how it is
useful for your radio script.
SOURCE #1: ???????

Useful Information: ???????
How is it useful for my script?
SOURCE #2: ???????


Useful Information:???????
How is it useful for my script? ???????
3. Choose 2 or 3 songs that are related to your radio script topic:
First song: The lazy song (Bruno Mars)
Second song: Cant remember to forget you (Shakira)
4. Why are these songs related?
The first song is related because, no matter which business is or how
great somebody think it is, there are still some people that think work is
just bad and its a waste of time, and a good form to represent that is by
this song.
The second song is related because, in Colombia, the music business is
very important, and one of the most recognized artists in this business is
Shakira, who is a Colombian singer, which is a great way to represent
how Colombia gets a protagonist role in music.
5. Start working on your radio script. (Reminders: you must include all 4
idioms and include your English teacher in the dialogue, do not make
long paragraphs, make a long conversation of short dialogues, also
explain where the songs will go in your script.).


Both: Hello everyone
Felipe: And welcome to GN 94.5, the best school radio.
Pamela: So, today we have two special guests, Mateo and
Felipe; and they are going to tell us about the most important
businesses in Colombia, ok, what can you both tell us about this?

Mateo: Well, the people that work in the best businesses in

Colombia may always feel like a million dollars
Felipe: Stop there! What did you just say? It doesnt make any
sense, what do you mean you feel like a million dollars? you
feel like money?
Mateo: Of course it does make sense! Let me explain it to you:
with this I meant that the people in those businesses may feel
great or very important because they are very successful.
Felipe: Oh I get it now!
Mateo: Oh yes! So, lots of people in the most important
businesses in Colombia may always feel good and ok with
everything, but obviously, there are always some people, in this
case the employees, that in any case will do something mean or
bad to someone, and will get away clean
Felipe: Seriously, stop it with the weird expressions! Does that
mean they are clean?
Mateo: Its just really easy to know what that means, it means
that, for example, you did something you shouldnt have done,
but nobody notices that you did it, so, you got away clean with
the situation.
Mateo: Now, again with the topic of the businesses, we can
include banks, you can found one almost everywhere, and these
are places where you can do important payments, and borrow
some money for your different needs.

Felipe: But people often criticize them, and they can be found in
a crisis
Mateo: Thats true, but none business can be perfect, and in
most of the cases, these ones are able to come alive from a
Felipe: Oh come on, no business can die!
Mateo: Practically, they can, but obviously, not really dying, just
disappearing because of lacks of money or other types of things.
Felipe: I guess you are right, continue telling me about those
businesses, please.
Mateo: Sure! but first, lets listen to this song, the lazy song,
from Bruno Mars.
Pamela: Even though work and businesses are very important in
someones life, there are still people who dont really like to do
so, and this song is a very good example of it. But work isnt bad,
I really love my job for example.
Felipe: Ok, so lets listen to it!
(The first song starts playing)
Mateo: Now, back to the business topic, again! Another important
business in Colombia is the construction business, in here, lots of
new projects are always appearing, the majority of them can be
useful, and others no so much.
Felipe: And you cant forget about the fast food business, and it
is not only famous here, also in the whole world! Since often,

people go to this types of establishments to buy some food for

breakfast, lunch and dinner, and almost everyone likes it.
Pamela: And also, the musical business is very important for us in
Colombia, since lots of Colombian artists are getting recognized
globally, and everyone likes music, which means they frequently
get positive comments from people about their music, and the
audience buy their cds like if there was no tomorrow!
Mateo: Talking about music and Colombia together why dont
we listen to this song, cant remember to forget you, from
Felipe: If you are a music lover, you must have heard Shakira at
least once, and this is a very popular song form her, lets hear it!
(Second song starts playing)
Pamela: what a great song! Well, now, just before we end, and
related to the business topic, there is always the need of a leader
to get the ball rolling right?
Felipe: Of course there is always the need of a leader everyone
can follow, they make things more easy and organized, maybe
not in every case, but sure in the majority of them.
Mateo: You said you didnt understand the meaning of this
expressions, but you know you just told the meaning of this one
Felipe: I did?
Pamela: Yes, you did! See, Its not that bad, is it?

Felipe: No it isnt, its actually pretty easy so, I think we are

Mateo: I think we are, well, we can be done for now, but you may
always remember, that even if these are some of the jobs that
you will find the most, you are always free to choose what you
want to work on.
Felipe: If I could choose one of these four we mentioned, I would
like to pick the construction business, it sounds really interesting.
Mateo: Me to, but still, there are some other jobs that I like even
more than that one, and I am sure you like other jobs to, but
remember, you are always free to make your decisions.
Pamela: So, with this we end todays program, thank you so
much guys!
Both: Thanks for listening our program, and we will see you next

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