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Project-Based Learning with Technology

This project has two parts, (1) creating a video or recorded presentation and, (2)
writing a project-based lesson plan.
1. Create a video or recorded presentation of approximately 3-6 minutes in
length. This video or recorded presentation should teach a concept or skill or
tell a story to your students. Make sure that anyone in your video or recorded
presentation agrees to be posted online and that you dont use any copyright
protected content (such as music from your favorite group, pictures that are
copyrighted and videos that are not open licensed).
2. Create a lesson plan that you as a teacher could follow in which students are
required to do project-based learning. The project-based learning experience
should also meet one of the 21st century skills standards
( Also, choose
a state or common core content standard to be covered with this lesson. You
can find the common core standards (which relate to language arts and
math) at and the state
standards at This lesson plan/project
does not have to be related to the video/podcast/online presentation you
created for the first requirement in this project. Finally, be sure to include a
specific tool/technology that students must use as part of their project-based
learning experience. This lesson plan should include the following elements:
A lesson title and summary
A brief description of your learners including grade and subject area
A list of the 21st century skill(s) you chose (example: 2c: develop cultural
understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other
A list of the Common Core/State standard(s) you chose
A list of materials and technologies used by the teacher and students
A timeline of activities (instructional procedures) that would be completed
in the lesson. This should be very detailed and show the steps in the
lesson from start to finish. Also indicate where and how the technology will
be used in the lesson. Include all the elements of project based learning
(anchor, task, directions, student choices, student inquiry, collaboration
and teamwork, teacher coaching and feedback, student reflection, public
presentation) and explain how each is incorporated into the project. Make
this section is detailed enough for a substitute teacher to easily read and
understand what to do.
An assessment plan that includes a rubric listing all elements you will be
grading and how these will add up to a final grade
You may use the form on the next page to guide you as you do this assignment, but
you are not required to do so. Here is the grading rubric for this project:
Video or Recorded Presentation

the video or recorded presentation is the

appropriate length


the video or recorded presentation teaches a

concept or skill


The message of the video or recorded presentation is 15/15

effectively put forth
Lesson Plan
Name, Title, and summary are included


Your learners are briefly described, including grade

and subject


The 21st century skill chosen is strongly supported in

the project-based learning experience


The state or common core standard you chose is

strongly supported in the project-based learning


The list of materials and technologies used by

teachers and students is included and appropriate


The timeline of activities (instructional procedures)

shows the steps in the lesson from start to finish and
indicates how each of the elements of project-based
learning are incorporated into the project
The timeline of activities is detailed enough that
another teacher could read, understand and teach
this lesson


The assessment plan includes a rubric and is

appropriate for the learning outcomes and
instructional activities


The assignment is free of grammatical and spelling



The affordances of the technology are appropriately

used in the project




Name: Tyler Robel

Title: South Dakota Discovery Activity
Summary: The students will break into groups to learn about a landmark or city of their
choice as long as it is in South Dakota. Students will be able to use technology to work
together and create a project using either Powerpoint, Prezi, or some other showcase

Learners: The learners in this class are a group of diverse 4 th graders.

4b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project
3b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a
variety of sources and media
4.H.1.1 Analyze the impact of significant historical events on the development of
cultures in South Dakota
4.C.1.1 Describe key events related to South Dakotas entry into statehood
Materials Used by the Teacher:

A model of the landmark I chose

Map of South Dakota
Handouts to guide the project

Materials Used by the Students:

A map of South Dakota with just the major

cities labeled
Pencil and paper
Several books on South Dakota

Technologies Used by the Teacher: Technologies Used by the Students:

A computer with Prezi,

Powerpoint, or some other
presentation application
Google Earth

Computers or iPads
Google Earth
The Internet

Timeline of activities (Instructional Procedures):

The first thing I would do as the teacher in this lesson plan is bring out a model of the
Crazy Horse monument. I would show all of my students the model and then give my
presentation on it with a Powerpoint. I would point to where it is on the map and bring up
its exact location on Google Earth. After that I would pass out my handouts and the maps
of South Dakota to the students. I would explain to the students how they are going to be
assigned a place or landmark in South Dakota to do a group project on (Mount Rushmore,
the Mitchell Corn Palace, etc.). After that, I would try to split the students up into groups of
three or four while distributing the more diverse learners (ELL, special needs, IEP students
etc.) up evenly. After the students are split up, they are going to go get their laptops and
do discovery learning about the place that they are given. They are to gather information,
organize it, and put it into their presentation.
Assessment Plan:
Students are to be assessed on the completion of a rubric and how many spots on it they
hit. Students will need to:
1. Identify where their landmark is on a map of South Dakota
2. Describe in detail why it was built, if it was built, and why it is important
3. Build a three-minute presentation together to show the class what they learned
4. Be able to answer questions from the class and myself within reason.

RUBRIC/HANDOUT 1. Where is your landmark LOCATED? -/15

2. Why is your landmark important or what was the reason it was

built/preserved? Design a project as a group to show us. -/50


3. Did you cooperate well and do your fair share of work on your project? -/10

4. Did your presentation last three minutes? -/25

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