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Autism and Aspergers

Sarah Barnes, Zac Buys, Darien Stimley

To experience the difficulties of a students life when
functioning with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Aspergers
To learn the definitions of Autism Spectrum Disorder and
Aspergers Syndrome
To understand the characteristics and causes of ASD and
Aspergers Syndrome
To encounter accommodations and technologies students
with ASD or Aspergers Syndrome may use


Activity Experience - Guess the Character

Autism Definition
IDEA 2004: A developmental disability significantly affecting
verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction,
generally evident before age three, that adversely affects a
childs educational performance.
The term autism does not apply if a childs educational
performance is adversely affected primarily because the child
has an emotional disturbance.

Characteristics of Autism
Engagement in repetitive activities
Struggle with environmental change or change in daily
Sensitivity to loud noise
Picky eating
Dislike getting dressed or grooming
Difficulty making eye contact, recognizing faces and

Aspergers Syndrome Definition

An autism spectrum disorder considered to be on the highfunctioning end of the spectrum in which an individual has
difficulty with social interactions and exhibits a restricted range
of interests and/or repetitive behavior.

Characteristics of Aspergers Syndrome

Repetitive speech
Challenges with nonverbal communication
Inability to understand social or emotional issues
Obsession with specific, often unusual topics
One-sided conversations
Awkward movements or mannerisms
Trouble making eye contact

Heredity- no specific genes have been found
to cause ASD, but heredity plays a role
Brain- larger brains than average student, all
neural passages may not connect
Environment during pregnancy- medications
taken during pregnancy, possible exposure
to pesticides
There are less neural connections
in a brain with Autism.

Teaching Strategies
Minimal Speech Approach
Choose simple language and vocabulary
Organize and structure the classroom
Written and visual reminders
Provide warnings about upcoming schedule changes
Setting timers for activities
Verify that students understand directions


Extra time for tests

Resting breaks during tests or work time
Seating in the front of the classroom
Receiving written notes
Individual visual schedule
Organized instruction and environment
Allow students to move around when needed
Stress ball or sensory fabric

Technologies - Dragon
Dragon is a piece of computer software which aims to help
everyone gain barrier-free access to widely-used information
and communication technologies (, 2016).
As the software is uniquely trained to the voice of the user, it
allows them to accurately communicate and portray their ideas
in an accessible format while bypassing the demands of typing
or handwriting.

Technologies - ClaroView
ClaroView is a computer color overlay program. This software
acts as an overlay to change the colors on the PC screen to
meet the user's viewing needs. The user can set the color of the
overlay and vary the tint level to meet their appropriate needs.

Technologies - Grid Player

Grid Player is an Alternative and Augmentative Communication
(ACC) App that helps people who cannot speak or who have
unclear speech to communicate. The software is suitable for a
wide range of individuals with communication difficulties,
including those who use symbols. The sentences created are
then spoken out loud.

Technologies - Grid Player

1. Autism is a __________ disorder.

2. Picky eating is a characteristic of which disorder?

3. Repetitive speech is a characteristic of which


4. Tommy is obsessed with trains; he talks about

trains every opportunity he has. Where on the
Autism Spectrum is Tommy?
a. Low-Functioning
b. High -Functioning

5. Which is a characteristic of most individuals on

the Autism Spectrum?
a. One-Sided Conversations
b. Picky Eating
c. Eye Contact

6. When students on the Autistic Spectrum

experience anxiety, their brain's natural response
is fight or _______.

7. Which piece of technology helps all students

gain barrier-free access to information?

Asperger Syndrome. (2016). Autism Speaks. Retrieved 12 February 2016, from https://www.
Claroview | AbleData. (2016). Retrieved 27 February 2016, from http://www.abledata.
Powell, S., & Kypraios Driver, M. (2013). Working with Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special
Education (1st ed.). San Diego: Bridgepoint Education Inc. Retrieved from https://learn.thuze.
What Is Autism?. (2016). Autism Speaks. Retrieved 15 February 2016, from https://www.autismspeaks.

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