Lesson 3 Assignment-Madisen Davis

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Lesson 3 Assignment-Anne H.


For this assignment, I chose the talented poet, Anne H. Sexton. Anne suffered from
intense depression, post-partum depression, mania, and suicidal tendencies. She commonly
visited a therapist named Dr. Martin Orne for these issues, resulting in her work and success in
poetry. Sexton was seriously, even psychotically, disturbed and suffered from agitation, suicidal
depression, and fits of feeling unreal(Skorczewski, 2012).
The term depression is categorized as a state of mental illness through sequences of
despair, discontentment, and lack of motivation. The levels of depression can alter from a
negative mood, to a spasm of major depression and unhappiness that can result in consequence.
Anne frequently portrayed similarities in these symptoms through her particular sequences of
manic depression further leading to frequent visits to the mental hospital. Her doctor also
diagnosed Anne for bipolar disorder, but a solid confirmation on the statistics for this accusation
is not thorough.
In relation to Ludwigs eight properties of creative individuals, Anne may have been in
relation to the physical trial in early life. It is assumed that Anne was subject to family abuse and
relations with them were not static. Sexton's own childhood had been an unhappy one. Her
father, an affluent businessman, was an alcoholic and highly critical of his daughters. Her
mother, sociable and vivacious, apportioned love parsimoniously(Skorczewski, 2012). Anne
also witnessed postpartum depression at the quick pace track to motherhood. The multitude of
these family issues pursued in her work, accentuating her interest in familial relationships and
childrens ideals.

Another similarity to Ludwigs eight would be the need for a style simulating their
difference from societys work. Anne brought along the symbol of confessional writing style.
She was very open and direct about many topics that would shock society during the time period.
She wrote about menstruation, abortion, drugs, etc. This type of poetic style created the initial
shock factor that glorified her fame and interest in our community.
Anne Sexton began her field in poetry as a way to accent her feelings. The poetry was at
first a break from her episodes of distress. The depression could be released through her words,
therefore possibly inhibiting any further conscious damage, at least for the time being. I do not
feel as though Annes mental illnesses were completely overstated. She was commonly seen in
mental facilities as a means for escape. Life trials proved very difficult for her to contribute,
therefore leading to her suicide.
The consistency of negative feedback rendered on the mind of an already devastated
individual has potency that cannot be undermined. Depression and anxiety are very dangerous
emotions that when at a climax, can lead to any individuals downfall if not treated appropriately.
Anne was an extremely talented woman, and I very much enjoy her work. I have personally
dealt with people in my life with similar tendencies, and I do not take the consequences of
mishap lightly. Perhaps there is an alternative explanation for her lifestyle choices, perhaps
mentally she was considered stable for growth. A constant observation with an open
environment could have proved to change minds of spectators. It is generally up to the
individual to take part in life perspectives as well as life changes.

Part Two: Pablo Picasso

The second artist I chose to write about is the well-known painter, Pablo Picasso. Picasso
was not institutionalized, nor are there any specifications leading to mental illness. Picasso
was a revolutionary artist, in which his art developed in form over the ages. His art periods
were Blue Period, Rose Period, African Period, Analytic Cubism, and the Crystal Period.
Picasso showed interest in art very early in life through training of arts through his father.
Picasso witnessed his fair share of family and life problems, all of which contributed to
different art forms, but no potential mental disturbance. Overall, Picasso was and is one of
the most influential artists of the times, and his revolutionary work is captivating as well as
curious. There are attached examples of his most popular work. The first example is called
The Old Guitarist and the second example is called Guernica. The Old Guitarist is
popular for displaying Picassos Blue Period in art. The Guernica portrays the art of war
placed in the bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. This painting was famous
for vividly expressing the horrors associated with warfare.


Skorczewski, D. M. (2012). An Accident of Hope: The Therapy Tapes of Anne Sexton. Retrieved
April 07, 2016, from http://www.apadivisions.org/division-39/publications/reviews/annesexton-therapy.aspx
Guernica Photo:

The Old Guitarist Photo:


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