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rs book One ieee Ks iV o DAVE CARR GLOVER boogie Woogie -- How To Play It By DAVID CARR GLOVER To play boogie woogie, you must be able to keep the beat moving from beginning to end, with no fumbles. Therefore, a smooth left hand technic must be developed. Of course, the right hand is also important if your boogie is to have style and expression. Follow the Technic Tips that precede each boogie selection in this book and very soon you will be able to beat out some cool, exciting boogie woogie rhythms. Additional boogie workouts will be found on pages 22, 23 and 24. WAGON TRAIL BOOGIE + CHIN E-Z BOOGIE TWO IN ONE HOP BOOGIE ROCKING BLUES BOOGIE FIVE BOOGIE WORKOUTS BOOGIE WOOGIE TROOP TRAIN Contents Technic Tips — Left Hand Technic Tips — Right Hand ... $010 ae i Technic Tips — Left Hand Technic Tips — Right Hand S010 rn “ Technic Tips — Left Hand sor... Technie Tips — Right Hand Solo a ‘Technic Tips — Left Hand .... Technic Tips — Right Hand $010 rn Technic Tips — Left Hand 18 Technic Tips — Right Hand 18 Solo - - 20 Five Left Hand Patterns... wes Copyright © 1958 by CALIFORNIA MUSIC PRESS 2 TECHNIC TIPS— LEFT HAND for “WAGON TRAIL BOOGIE” 5S ss 51> mp Moderately slow 2. ‘The sixteenth note that follows the dotted eighth note in most boogies is played in a lazy manner. Actually, it is not a sixteenth note at all but the last note of an eighth-note triplet. 3. Moderately slow 3 hy Copyright © 1 1 California Me Pree, Inc, New York, N.Y. Laced Made in USAW” AM Rights Reserved TECHNIC TIPS— RIGHT HAND for “WAGON TRAIL BOOGIE” Practice the correct fingering so that the right hand is played most legato. ‘The quarter rest in every other measure always enables you to reach the next playing position in sufficient time. 4 # 8 @ 4 58 48 4 8 12 tg —> S==S of = Using the thumb, hold the F down until the 4th beat, then lift, so that you can play a smooth legato phrase without any “bumps.” In the following Tip, the same intervals are used as in Tip No. 1. The difference is that they are now played an octave higher and with the basic rhythmic pattern of the left hand. This is called Improvising. In time, after you have leamed to play the printed score as the composer has indicated, go back and experiment with different ways to improvise. If you are to be a good boogie player, the ability to im- provise is most important. Whatever you do, never destroy the established beat. 8. Moder ately slow 1 f 4 WAGON TRAIL BOOGIE DAVID CARR GLOVER Moderately slow 4 f et = International Copyright Secured Made in US.A. "All Rights Reserved TECHNIC TIPS—LEFT HAND for “CHIN E-Z. BOOGIE” Practice very slowly with steady, even rhythm. Play only as fast as is comfortable. Do not play this rhythm as a dotted eighth followed by a sixteenth note. This is straight and steady boogie. 2. TECHNIC TIPS— RIGHT HAND for “CHIN E-Z BOOGIE” Practice slowly, using the 2nd and 5th fingers. Fingers must be firmly curved to produce depth in tone. Increase the speed, being sure the arm does not tighten. Keep hand close to the keys. 2 5 8 - @ 2 oe nf- Careful, slow practice for contrast in staccato and legato playing is necessary. 3. = fe f oe ae ge ee cas aS nf Increase the speed only after Tip No. 8 is perfected at a slower temy y Zz ag sa 4. a eS nf cei «2 eo 8 CHIN E-Z BOOGIE DAVID CARR GLOVER Choppily pei, Boo Moderately 3 a te T : mp 3 5 g = 10 TECHNIC TIPS— LEFT HAND for “BOOGIE WOOGIE TROOP TRAIN” Practice slowly, observing all two-note phrases and staccato notes. 1 a g 1 5 4 nf slow 5 Moderately os TECHNIC TIPS— RIGHT HAND for “BOOGIE WOOGIE TROOP TRAIN” u The chord before each bugle call prepares the hand for the next correct playing position. In measure four, move the hand quickly on the last beat (quarter rest) so that it will be in playing position for the next measure. 5 3 ji Practice slowly, observing all two-note phrases and staccato notes. Correct fingering is most important. logo f. Keep the wrist loose and make the staceatos bounce elose to the keys. Practice softly and slowly at fist. Do not play f until all notes can be played comfortably. 5 4A i 5 ¥ 5 5 i ee eee et et 2 BOOGIE WOCGIE TROOP TRAIN | DAVID CARR GLOVER = Very slow gradually picking up speed (3 ‘p poco ‘poco \phrase simile Moderate boogie tempo Ss 5, 8 ——— 4 sonar SZEMBN © 1988 by California Manic Pas, In, New York, WY. atonal Copyright Secured Made in USA.” NA Rights Neverved mf slow down gradually 14 TECHNIC TIPS— LEFT HAND for “TWO IN ONE HOP BOOGIE” Practice slowly, The quarter rest always enables you to have the hand in position for the next note. sot 54 15 TECHNIC TIPS— RIGHT HAND for “TWO IN ONE HOP BOOGIE” Practice staccato chords with a loose wrist. Be careful to observe the crescendo and the strong accent mark (> ) 4, Not too fast : Again, the staccato chords are played with a loose wrist. ‘The twornote phrases must be practiced care- fully so that there will be considerable contrast when the left hand’s bumpy walking bass is added. 2, Not too fast Keep the fing close to the keys when playing the staccato notes. The rests will always allow you to move the-hand to the next playing position, yee V 3. Not too fast. 4 6 TWO IN ONE HOP BOOGIE i DAVID CARR GLOVER Straight bouncy tempo moving along * § 3 = simile PAF at Siécond time Soom © 1958 by Catenin Mi ured International Copyeant Se se “Al Riis Reserved 7 beyne D.©. al Fine| 18 TECHNIC TIPS— LEFT HAND for “ROCKING BLUES BOOGIE” Practice slowly so that you can perfect a clean, rocking beat. Be sure to use correct fingering so that there will be no fumbling. 42) 2, _ Moderately slow rock tempo ‘The quarter rest is used so that a good, clean legato can be maintained in the upper part. 5 Watch out for the change in rhythm in measure twelve. Moderately, 38. 4) 2) 4 — Pra ayy! TECHNIC TIPS— RIGHT HAND for “ROCKING BLUES BOOGIE” Practice staccato chords with a loose wrist. Observe all crescendo markings. 2. ® phoderately —— = = AS eS e fs ft mf , I the © section, let the second finger slide quickly from the black key Dé to E. @ Moderately § 3 rn . . ei ge a CreR : Perfect fingering is necessary in all of the following Tips. Moderately 2 274 oP — y ti * ROCKING BLUES BOOGIE DAVID CARR GLOVER Moderately slow rock tempo Inteonstanal Copyright Se forma btusic Press, ne, New York, N.Y. ce aden USA AM Rights Reserved ot copa § G3 7 FIVE BOOGIE WORKOUTS Moderately Stet F 3 poco” a poco “erese. poco a poco dim. f poco a poco dim. e 3. Moderately i ol Pasa Copyright © 1958 by California Bsc Press, Ine, New York, Interntnal Copyrieh Secored Maden USAy "AL Rights Reserved 23 ‘When you have mastered each section, go back and play from beginning to end without stopping at the double bars. If the hand becomes tired or cramped, it is because the arm is not relaxed. Practice this walking boogie bass until it is perfect, then consider yourself an expert! AL Moderately - @ Moderately | _. 24 5, Moderately

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