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in Germany

National Socialism is a kind of Fascism.

Characteristics of National
Characteristics of National
 Anti-Semitic (in contrast to the Fascism in
Characteristics of National
 Anti-Semitic (in contrast to the Fascism in
 Anti-communistic
Characteristics of National
 Anti-Semitic (in contrast to the Fascism in
 Anti-communistic
 Anti-democratic
How was it possible that the Nazis took
power in Germany?
 No stable democracy in Germany
(Weimar Republic was founded 1918)
 High unemployment rate (more than 30% in
1933) because of the worldwide economic
crises. Tax revenues dropped dramatically.
Many disabled person after World War I.
A lot of war pension had to be payed by the state.
 High pay reparations for the damage caused
by the World War I.
47,5 % of the budget of the state had to be
used for reparations and war pension in
Many people had to live very close to the
subsistence level in Germany.

Poor and home less people in Berlin 1932

The Nazis took advantage of the economic
situation and the government crisis in 1932.
They took power in 1933.
Hitler pursued two main objectives:
Hitler pursued two main
1. War of extermination to get more living
Hitler pursued two main
1. War of extermination to get more living
2. Annihilation of all jewish persons.
 Holocaust

Concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau 1945

Over 6 Million of jewish persons in Europe were killed, many of them in

concentration Camps.
 World War II
After the Non-Aggression Pact with Russia
the Nazis started the war attacking Poland the
1 of September 1939.

Stalin and Rippentrop, 23rd of August in 1939 in Moskau

(German Federal Archive), Bild 183-H27337

 World War II
Over 60 Million people died worldwide as a
result of the war during 1939 - 1945.

 Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-212-0221-06, Executing of guerillas in Russia 1941

 World War II
Big parts of Europe and Asia were wasted and

Hamburg 1945 Dresden 1945

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