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Step on Laptop 01 ( With wired and Wi-Fi lan Card)

>Start > Control Panel > Network Connections>Local Area Connection> Properties

Click Advanced >Select All other user to connect through this computer Internet connection>Click

>Select Wireless Network Connection > Properties

>Select Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) > Click Properties >

>Select Obtain an IP address Automatically > Click OK

> Select Wireless Networks Tab > Select Box Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings >
Click Add..>

Select Association Tab > Type SSID xyz > Select Data encryption Disabled >click OK

Click Wireless Network Tab > Select Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings > Click
Advanced Tab >

Select Computer-to-computer(ad hok)network only > Click Close

Step On Client Laptop/Desktop (With Wi-Fi lan Card)

Start > Control Panel > Network Connections > Select Wireless Network Connection Properties >
> Select Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) > Click Properties >

>Select Obtain an IP address Automatically > Click OK

Click View Available Wireless Network > Select Your Network And Click Connect >After Connecting Laptop
01 we can Access Internet.

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