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What I learnt is that sociol interactionism composes active participants, humanistic

approach, independent learning,whole person,using of reward and punishments. I have

learned about how the sociol interactionism occurs. Vygotsky and Feuerstein are the
prominent scientists in this field. Vygotsky is opposed to behaviorist thinking and also
teaching and learning by cutting the subjects into small pieces. He claimes that meaning
is superior to the structure. However his ideas were rectricted due to the Russian
revolution , he tried to explain his ideas but no symbols and signs. The basic question is
that language is interaction with other people. I have learned the meaning of
mediation, zone of proximal development. What is zone of proximal development? It
means I+1,JUST ABOVE THE LEVEL. Mediation is helping to find the way of
learning. On the orher hand, Feuerstein says that the main point is the implications of
classroom teaching and learning. There are also some traumatic expressions and
learning difficulties due to the Holocaust. So thay tried to overcome these difficulties
with the strategies and skills.Another thing is ‘ Structural Cognitive
Modifiability.’namely, ıt means there is no end in the learning; “Instrumental
Enrichment”in other words,learning how to learn; “Cognitive Map”,individuals
presentations of key factors; “Dynamic Assessment”, assessment happening in both
ways; student and teacher. Lastly, I learned BBL, ıf brain is not inhibited, then learning
is possible every time.

What I had difficulty in figuring out is nothing for the time being. I expect that it will go
on like this

I think I need to focus more in the BBL and I also need to the key points of Vygotsky
and Feuerstein.

I really think that both Vygotsky and Feuerstein are prominent. But in sometimes I will
use the theories of Vygotskyy and sometimes the other one. Because it depends on the
situation and students…

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