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Katrina Mendoza

#19 8 - West
due - 1/27/16
Religion Essay

What does religious freedom mean to me?

To me, religious freedom means to be able to believe in whatever religion you want to
believe in. It also means to have the choice whether you want to be part of a religion or not.
Religious freedom means that you have the option to be a part of a religion or be against a
religion. It means that you have to option to celebrate and practice a religion or not. You cant be
judge by what your religion is because what you believe in is who you are and everyone should
accept who you are. Finally, it means it means freedom to express their faith however they
choose. For others, it means the freedom not to practice religion
A lot of people get discriminated for the religion they believe in. A lot of wars, fights, and
riots happen because of how people disagree with other peoples religion. I believe that
everyone should just accept the fact that there are different religions that different people
believe in. One cannot just force someone to believe in something they do not want to believe
in. Sometimes people are forced to believe in a religion or else they would be killed. If one
chooses to believe in a religion, then people from a different religion should not force you into
their religion. It is one of our rights as a U.S citizen. We should be proud to hold such right.
I believe it is the persons choice whether they should believe in something. Whether it is
Christianity, Judaism, or Baptist. The first amendment says that one should have freedom or
and from religion. This means that you cant be discriminated based on what you believe in and
don't believe in. If you dont approve of a different religions beliefs, you should not hurt the
people who believe in it. Instead you can accept the person for what they believe in. If you
choose not to believe in a religion, then that is your choice and no one should force you into
believing in one.
Religious freedom also means to be able to worship any god that you choose. You have
to freedom to not practice religion. It means that the government cant arrest you just because
you are believing in a god that the president believes in. It also means the freedom to practice
any religion, or none at all, without any persecution. I should not be lead to converting or any
form of disapproval, passive or active. People shouldnt show any kind of favoritism to others
when they believe in a certain religion.
To me, religion is a choice. Nobody has the right to force their beliefs to another person.
Even though one does not approve of a different religions beliefs, they should not attack the
other religion because we are all human and we are all the same. We all have the freedom to
celebrate, practice and believe in our religion. One should not be pushed into believing in
something they do not want to believe.

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