Of District Banyudono Hospital in Boyolali Regency: Kata Pengantar

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of District Banyudono Hospital in Boyolali Regency


Tutik Winarsih
NIM: S940908113
Condition of building in Emergency Unit Building and Administration of District
Banyudono Hospital in Boyolali Regency undergo structure cracked that spread into the
whole building structure and visually (preliminary assessment) it is seen from the sag in the
structural beam, so that is worried that the building is not save to fulfill its function. This
thesis has aim to find out the residual stress, deflection check, and interstory drift of
component of building structure then to find out the safety level in building existing
The assessment stages are preliminary assessment and detail assessment. Analysis
method is done toward the structural component strength condition. The assessment process
is done with field and laboratory examination. In detail assessment, the test in the field uses
Schmidt Rebound Hammer Test and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocitymeter to find out the concrete
pressure strength; Theodolite, Waterpass, and gauge for building geometrical measurement;
Microcrackmeter to find out the width and depth of cracked and Rebar Locator/R-bar meter
as well as Caliper/Vernier Caliper to find out the number and diameter of reinforced concrete
that is installed. The testing in laboratory is done for installed reinforced concrete pulling test.
Data analysis used SAP 2000 v14.0.0 Advanced program.
The result of the research done in the field and in laboratory shows that the concrete
quality in the building plan in various that is beetwen 12.5 20 MPa, main yield strains of
reinforced concrete is 330 MPa and stirrups reinforced is 240 MPa. 82% of portal beams
deflected more than maximum deflection recognized. It has the biggest interstory drift value
around 39,97 mm. Viewed from structural strength at condition of finishing load, second
floor beam is said several portals is not enough in strength of flexural moments and shear
loads, so it is recommended that the beam structure had to strengthening immediately.

Keywords : assessment, examination, residual stress, structural analysis, strengthening

Alhamdulillah, puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah, SWT karena berkat
rahmat dan hidayahnya, penulis dapat menyelesaikan tesis dengan judul Asesmen Kekuatan

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