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ARE challenging practice solutions SXOPTecote toe prem encanto ice ee Keeton Fret cuRMccunNycy Pahoa melglele corel ce elm le a ee Reel ey Abate tee tines teem reat) ene ea ees eee ics critical errata corrected and edition updated CuCl , chris hughes updated edition PHYSICS a-level challenging Practice Solutions Thomas Bond Chris Hughes Themis! mission isto bring knowledge to the masses. We firmly believe that education isthe greatest enabler in enriching the lives of millions. This journey began with the publication of our frst bookin 1894, Today, themics books in languag for the students by equiping them with a range of tools tomaster knowledge in an ‘enjoyable and effortless manner. 1 ard sciences open up's whole world of poribiltios Well done, Tremis PUBLISHED BY copyright since 1994 © yellowteet limited, uk ‘Themis Publishing \Veox 288862 All rights reserved. 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No part ofthis book shal be reproduced, store in a database or retrieval sjstem, or tansmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocoovine. recording or cothenwise, without the prir written permission ofthe original copyright owner, Yellowreef Limited, Ux hereby reserved al rights to the publication. RESEARCHER(S) Wong Yu aing (lead) CONTENT SECTION | MEASUREMENT ‘Measurement 1.4 Stunits 1-2 1.2 Errors and uncertainties 1-8 1.3 Sealars and Vectors sensurwinsene wii son dl SECTION Il NEWTONIAN MECHANICS Kinematics 2.1 Rectilinerr motion 22 2.2 Nonlinear motion souessunnsnnannnseninn co DAB Dynamics 3.1 Newton’s laws of motion 3-2 3.2 Linear motion and its conservation sous wicininic BAZ Forces AL Types of forces 4.2. Equilibrium of forces 43 Centre of gravity oss 44° Tuming effects of forces conn 420 Work, energy and power SA Workiwicanucens . si so BD 5.2 Energy conversion and consewvation, 55 5.3. Potential energy and kinetic energy 5-10 54 Power 5-12 ‘Motion ina circle 6.1 Kinematics of uniform circular motion. oo G2 6.2 Centripetal acceleration 6-6 63. Centripetal f02C€ women siasccecsecticic OB Gravitational field 7.1 Gravitational field, 7-2 7.2 Force between point masses scene oe gas: 7.3 Held of a point mass a 712 74 Field neat to the sueface of the Earth 7-13 7.3 Gravitational potential 7-23 8 Oscillations 8.1 Simple hammonie motion 8-2 8.2 Energy in simple harmonic motion secu 8-1 83. Damped and forced oxillaions: resonance 8-17 SECTION IIl THERMAL PHYSICS 9 Thermal physics 9.4 Tnternal energy 9-2 9.2 "Temaperatuce ecalee 9.4 9.3. Specific heat capacity 9-6 94 Specific Intent heat 9-9 9.5 First law of thermodynamics. 19-13 9.6 ‘The ideal gas equation 9.7 Kinetic energy of a molecule... SECTION IV WAVES. 10 Wave motion 10.1 Progressive Waves sears . . sone 10-2 10.2 Transverse and longitudinal waves 10-8 10.3 Polarisation ovens ssomnnmnsin 10-12 10.4 Determination of frequeney and wavelength 10-15 11 Superposition 111 Stationary waves seven 11-2 11.2 Diffraction essences 11-8 11.3 Interference 11-9 11.4 Two-source interference patterns soon M4 11.5 Diffraction grating sunnninineneseueen os vow M23 SECTION V ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM 12 Electric fields 121 Concept of an electric field. 12-2 122 Force between point charges 12-5 12.3. Blectdc field of a point charge 12-7 124 Uniform dlectiic fields seo caisson ZA 125. Electeic potential 12-17 aarced Mes -chalenging Prac Slaton: 13 4 15 16 17 18 Current of electricity 13.1 Electric current 132 Potential difference 13.3 Resistance and resistivity 13.4 Sources of electromotive force D.C circuits 141 Practical circuits 14.2 Series and parallel arrangements ... 14.3 Potential divider 144 Balanced potentials .o.susninesnn Electromagnetism 15.1 Force ona current-carrying conductor 15.2. Foree on a moving charge 15.3 Magnetic fields due to current 15.4 Force between current carrying conductors Electromagnetic induction 16.L Magnetic flux 16.2 Laws of electromagnetic induction Alternating currents 17.1 Characteristics of alternating currents 172. The transformer. 17.3 Rectification with a diode 13-2 13-6 13-12 13-19 14-2 14-9 14-17 14-23 16-2 16-9 17-2 17-6 17-10 SECTION VI MODERN PHYSICS Quantum physics 18.1 Energy of a photon un. 182 The photoelectric effect. 18.3 Wave particle duality 184 Energy levels in atoms TBS: Tine specherenicnsiaiiccuisiccctti 18.6 X-ray spectra. 18.7 The uncertainty principle. 188 Schrodinger model 18.9 Barrier tunneling... 18-3 18-5 18-12 18-13 18-18, 18-20 18-23, 18-26 18-27 19 Lasers and semiconductors 19.1 Basic principles of lasers. 19-2 19.2 Energy bands, conductors and insulatots rune 19-5 19.3. Semiconductors - ee 19-8 19.4 Depletion region of a p-n junction 19-10 20 Nuclear physics WA The nacliesercaiecen censuses DOD 202 Isotopes 20-3 3 Mass defect and nuclear binding energy... sans 20M 204 Nuclear processes... o . 20-9 20.5. Radiosetive decay snus a sonnei 20-14 20.6 Biological effect of radiation se 20-29 SECTION VII NECESSITIES Al Necessities ALL Mathematical requirements AL-2 AL2. Glossury of terms soe co ALS, AL3- Summary of symbols and units AL7 AL4 Data and formulae. Al-9 aarced Mes -chalenging Prac Slaton: aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ordinary level advanced level critical guide 0 ‘An ample effective guide for students starting out at Sec 3and critical at Sec. Aor. ‘An ample effective guide for students starting out at lower Form 6or J¢ year Land critical at Upper Form6 or C year 2. ‘An intense and sharp delvery of ‘An intense and sharp delivery of example (LBE) © challenging drill questions © (with answer keys) / solutions critical study concepts. The strucure and cencepts, The structure and organzaton ae erect verbatim organitation re aret verbatim notes @ imports from top schools. imports from top colleges. The MCG / structured question “The MCQe /strucured question challenging types were taken from actual ‘types were taken from actual learn-by- exams, The deliberations were crams The deliberations were from easy to hard (topical) from easy to hard. (topical) For practce. The MCQs / structured question-types were ‘taken from actual preliminary exams of top schoo’. (topical Its comprehemsive solutions, For practice. The MCOs / steuctwred question-types wore ‘taken from actual prefminary exams of top coleges.(toprcal) Its comprehensive solutions complete guide © A total deliberation of extensive concepts taught in top schools. ‘Atotal deliberation of extensive concepts taught in top JCs. demanding LBE “The MCOs / structured question- ‘types were taken from actual exams worldwide. The deliberations were tromeasyto hare. (topical) “The MCQs / structures question- ‘types were taken from actual exams worldwide. The deliberations were from easy to herd. topical) oh-my-god drill For practice, The MCOs/ structured questior-types with For practice, The MCD / structured question-types with questions © (with answer keys) / solutions questions / Solutions were taken from actual solutions were tacen fom actual exams of top schools worldwide, exams of tp prep-schools solutions =: (topical) worldwide. topical) F Mock exam questions arangedin | | Mack exam questions arranged challenging 2 topical order ina topical order. practice Its comprehensive solutions, with ‘mark schemes. Its comprehensive solutions, with mark schemes. challenging examinations questions 0 (with answer keys) / solutions © ‘Accurate exam questions arranged In paper order. Its comprehensive solutions, with ‘mark schemes. ‘Accurate exam questions arranged in paper order Its comprehensive solutions, with mark schemes. complete yearly solutions ° ‘The solutions to actual exams artangedin a yearly format, (ony lations no unsere: pave prcase our py fe guetons) ‘The solutions to actual exams arranged ina yeely format lor slsions, 1 quetane pease purchse your enn copy the gusion) teacher's reference o ‘A complete and comprehensive Buide for teachers. ‘Acomplete and comprehersive [Bude for teacners aarced Mes -chalenging Prac Slaton: aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. [Frution ofa teacher's reference rodacing 2 reference fer eres never a8 tt te ‘eto a8 years to ut. Orga we wanted he Boot to {2 nth sme te se ater Cupcat the fos by vrsty book? We opps. Then we ‘ee nopeee vas no difeene tour other etblhed ‘Mest, we wee bonbarhd wi queres fam safes ‘ecaemencstins in our bool std repeted some ote Sree 8, mare offer than at fn schism her ‘eon hey arian arform 2 what ney were a fa co hah are wb pe we ce ‘brie or reasons only known to themselves, wil stil mark hese ‘op sho! & may acep inant “er une time” bu an respe to ine” Bray ast “pe! ont me” gt “strep to ine” prose stem f fc Al ese ince ut moorant jsderes wl il he 2eal of out bs ‘There ore to sare pect We must fa wy 1 {ig tia the earners ee a8 he comet nd ace |ensver. ned, bore are carey areerence ast wha he ‘tana nates tem the ote’ se the fnce We Iecéeé othe vawed fom fhe exminer pot of sew eta sof aowers an tt tale erin ter eo ongns the eyesight tthe studee sae parte. Te ude can now conenty te hs eras and serv [ievtat ns caret ae acutely resented Soot (per sbject atten ni upped wth the ma Seven ofthe sect mtr, wl ase cle at lest 10st ‘earner egos tala oat fo teacher. The \etoreser costes vw rom te exarner sea tn respct to time’ ie inna ‘he oy coc wy a aarced Mes -chalenging Prac Slaton: aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Units of 74 Units of o = 7 kgs? k* (ans) —______—S 19. (c) £ ? Units of c= ms units of \e : [(n)(xemm? nse?) | = (ms?) =ms* (ans) 20. (0) kgm? s*K* Units of Boltzmann Constant sit = (kgm s?m) Kt =kgm’s?k* (ans) 21. (D) kgs Energy delivered Intensity = ———$_—_—__—_—— Areaxtime Units of intensity = J m? s* = (kgm s? m)m?s7 =kgs? (ans) 22. (C) kgm? sa? Base units of R= W (A?) * =157A? =kgms?m sta? = kgm? 53a? (ans) —<$<$<___________8) 23. (D) 200 mm? Area, A=[xb= 64x47 = 3008=30%10? mm? MA_Al Ab Al ob MA=210? mm® fans) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. hg TK uncertainties MCQs 1. (0) Recorded reading = (4.072 + 1% + 10 mv) = (4.072 £1% + 0.010) (4.072 +0.04072 + 0.010) = (4.07 + 0.05) (error has only 1sf and the main reading follows the decimal place of the error) (ans) es (0) vernier calipers, micrometer screw gauge To produce the smallest percentage uncertainties in the measurements, vernier calipers should be used to measure the width of the metre rule, and micrometer screw gauge should be used to measure its thickness due to its small value. (ans) ee | 3. (B) stopping 2 stopwatch at the end ofthe race ‘The error due to human reaction time will cause a scatter of readings about the true value. (ans) (8) 1.011, 0.999, 1.001, 0.989, 0.995, 0.999 Balance 6 has the smallest systematic error, Le. Its mean is closest to the true value. However, itis not very precise: readings are scattered widely about their mean. (ans) 7 =0,04+2(0.01)=0.06 (ans) 6. (B) There is a constant delay between starting the timer and releasing the ball. The graph depicts a relationship of Vh=kt~c, where k and c are positive constants. Hence, itcan be concluded that there Is a constant delay between starting the timer and releasing the ball asa t intercept is produced at t>0. (ans) $$ 7. (C) 20.05 gem Density Mass Mass Volume Length» Breadth x Height AD _AM | AL AB, AH D ML BH AD _ 0.1 , 0.01 , 0.02 | 0.01 7 =0021 250 25.0 5.00 2.00 1.00 AD =0.021x2.50~+0.05 gem? (ans) CMA 8. (8) we Good precision is characterized by a small spread in measurement. Good accuracy is characterized by values that are close to the true value. Option 8 best represents precise measurements with poor accuracy. (ans) 9. (C) Stopping a stopwatch at the end of a race. Stopping a stopwatch involves a random error called human reaction time of around 0.2 seconds. fans) OD 10. (c) Option Ad will be unchanged as itis given by the smallest unit in the measuring instrument. Finding the average value will reduce random error but may not reduce the fractional uncertainty. Option B: Using the gradient can only reduce random error. Random error cannot be eliminated. a =_uncertainty for n oscillations aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 206 “\ 0.91 / Percentage uncertainty “2 —2.58% (ans) SSS 32. (0) 2042 wg eLNOBNER Sis SH He Lot? = 19.812. =19.6 Dasaned Pye: -celengitg Prac Sotors Questions — 1.2 1. fyi) 1 Using formulae s=ut + sot 1 =972ms" (ans) (ani) (1) % uncertainty of h =—+-x100% 266 0.38% (ans) 2) %uncertainty oft = 2° 100% 0.740 =0.68% (ans) 140, 9 =9.720.2ms? (ans) (2) Air resistance is neglected. Human reaction time in measuring ¢ is not taken into consideration. fans) 2. (adi) Random errors can be seen in the way the data points zigzag about the line of best fit. (ans) fa)(ii) Systematic errors can be seen in the straight line not passing through the origin but cutting the horizontal axis at some non-zero value of s. From the equation s=ut +4at? where initial velocity u is apparently zero, the equation simplifies to 5=}at? which should give a straight line passing aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 1. A) Velocity is a vector. Time isa sealer. The measurement of distance travelled must be in vector-form. (ans) _ _ — _ & 2) Resultant of option C: Resultant magnitude = y1' +2" = /5 Ithas @ magnitude of V5 of a vector while the resultant of the other options has a magnitude of one vector. (ans) 3. (D) ory «| ov ‘The gradient is the steepest at 2.5 V. Hence, the rate of change of deflection with potential difference Vis the biggest. (ans) 4. (B) displacement, velocity, momentum Displacement, velocity, momentum, acceleration and force are vector quantities, (ans) SSS 5. (0) vector scalar vector 6. (A) Feos’~mgsin? Free body diagram of the block: e Fos mo sind sind ng cos mg R= mg cosd+ F sind Hence, there is no net force in the direction perpendicular tothe plane. There is a resultant force only in the direction of the plane. Resultant force = F cos—mgsin? fans) 7. (©) 14.5N Resolving the 25 N force, 25sin 45° N ‘4s° | 25c0845¢N v 25N Resultant horizontal force 25 sin 45° + 30, =123N Resultant vertical force 25 cos 45’ + 10 =-7.58N Resultant force (3) 68") =145N {ans} es | 8. (a) tants aon aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. By cosine rule, d? = 150° +140” ~ 2(150)(140)cos 85° = 38439.5 d= 196 cm By sine rule, 150 sind, 196 sin 85° 81= 49.7" 82= 49.7" -35°= 14.7" Angle to positive x axis = 360° - 14. =345.3° ‘The magnitude of the second cisplacement is 196 cm in the direction of 345° to the positive x axis. (ans) SSS a Change in momentum = Final Momentum — Initial Momentum 8.0:10kgm: 4.0:10"* hems By cosine rule, Mi = (8.0 x 10°)’ + (4.0 x 10)? = 28.0 x 104\( 4.0 x 10"}cos 60" 93 x 10*kgm s* By sine rule, Dasaned Pye: -celengitg Prac Sotors 4.0«10* _6.93x10* sind sin 60° 9=30" The change of momentum is 6.93 x 10”*kg ms” in the direction of 30° clockwise from the final momentum of 8.0 x 10*kg ms”. (ans) 8. (a) By cosine rule, F’ = 120" + 80° ~2(120)(80)cos 135° 343765 F=185.4N=185N By sine rule, 80 185.4 snd sn 135° O= 17.8" Angle to positive x axis = 17.8" - 60° = 778° The magnitude of the single force is 185 N in the direction of 77.8° to the positive x axis. (ans) (b) F = 185 N (similar to question 6 (a)) 9=178" aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 2-2 Ci Rectilinear motion MCQs 1. () Just before hitting the sand, the metal ball (mass 1m) from rest (initial speed v = 0) has a final speed (v)= wat = (0)+(20)(2) =10 ms? Kinetic energy before impact is £mv = Amo)’ = som —@ Work done against sand = FirctonS = mas —@ where a is the deceleration of ball in sand and s is its depth of displacement. o- 50m=mas = a= 50 0.0080 = a=6.3%10" ms? (2sf) (ans) — _ — 8 (0) ° When the cyclist goes down slope, for every At, there would be an increasing As, giving an upwardly increasing graph ‘When the cyclist is traveling at a constant speed, for every At, there would be a constant As, giving a constant increasing graph. When the cyclist goes up another slope, for every At, there would be a decreasing As, giving an downwardly decreasing graph. Since the cyclist is moving further away from his original position, the graph of s is ever increasing, fans) = _@ (a) velocity ‘upwards time ‘The gradient of the height-time graph decreases from positive to zero and finally to negative. Hence, the velocity starts from a positive value, dropping to zero and finally to a negative value. Since the ball returns along the same path, the force acting on the ball is constant. Hence, the gradient of the velocity-time graph is constant. {ans} 4.10) ° 0 ? ‘The gradient of the velocity-time graph at any instant is the acceleration at that instant. As the gradient decreases with time, its acceleration will decrease with time tao. The acceleration for the graph in question should not become zero after some time since the velocity-time graph has not, plateaued out. (ans) 5.(D) The acceleration of the ball a is constant at 9.81m 5 as long asthe ballis in the air, regardless of whether it is moving upwards or downwards. At the instant that the ball strikes the surface, it experiences a very large retarding force and hence a great deceleration, according to Newton’s 2" Law (F = ma). When this happens, the acceleration drops to a negative value. As this acceleration is too large to be drawn to scale, they are depicted by dotted lines. (ans) es | aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Using v? =u 425, =18.8m Total distance traveled = Hence, he stops 27.9 -25 (ans) 1+18.8=27.9m .9 m beyond the line. ‘asaned Physics -ealenging Price Sloe Questions — 2.1 1. (yi) ssut+hat? 1.00= (o}¢ +4(9.79)0” 145198 5=0.452 (shown) (ans) (ay(ii) Let vbe the velocity of the plate after falling through a height of 1.00 m. v=u+at =0+(9,79)(0.45198) =44249m5* The velocity of the plate after falling through a height of 1.00 mis the same as that when the plate starts to hit the beam. sutthat? = (4.4249)(0.052) + 3(9.79)(0.052)" =0.2433m=0.24m (ans) (b) Firstly, the presence of air resistance opposes the motion of the plate and may decrease the acceleration of the plate. Hence, this causes the time to be longer than that predicted, Secondly, the plate may start to tilt as it falls, thus causing the time for the bottom edge to reach the beam tobe different. (ans) a 2. (ay(a) Distance travelled by Train B (0.5)(50)(100) + (0.5)(50)(100) =5000m Distance travelled by Train C =2{(0.5(50)(25) + (50)(75)] =8750m (ans) fa)(2) Distance apart of Train Cfrom Train A Distance Train A travels while Train Cis stopped or preparing to stop =2(0.5)(25)(50) + (200/50) =11250m (ans) (a)(3) Time delay of Train C as a result of stopping aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 250 150 1.00 oso T o12.080 haa { 0 020 a0 060 a/me (ans) (b)(ii) 1.80-0.50 Gradient = £:80-050 9 49 ig (ans 066-012 es (Meee (b)tii) From the graph platted, When acceleration is Om s”, F= 0.20 N (ans) (b)(iv) A pulling force equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the frictional force results in zero net force which gives zero acceleration. (ans) {c) The gradient would be doubled since the gradient of the graph represents the mass of the trlley (i.e. f =m). (ans) 8. (0) From the graph, (d) Loss in KE = KE sefore bound ~ KE attr rebound = 1(0.23)(5.2)° ~4(0.23)(2.6)° 34 (ans) ee | 9. (a) utat 0=20+(-9.81)t Time taken to reach maximum height, t =20+981=2.04s (ans) (b) Vizu+2as Since u = vo = 20.0 ms" andv =O ms" at maximum height, 10° 2(9.81) s Maximum height, s = 400 = 19.67 = 20.4 m from root-top (ans) {c) tr ta? 4(-9.81)t? +20t=0 Time needed, t = 0 s(NA) or 4.085 (ans) (d) Velocity of stone at t= 4.08 s, v + at = 20.0 + |- 9.81)(4,08) = -20 ms” (ans) (e) Att= 5.005, Velocity of stone, v = u+at= 20+ (-9.81)(5.00) = - 29.1 ms? (ans) w+ 2as (29.1)? = (20)? - 2(9.81)s Position from roof-top, s 843.9400 _ 226m (ans) 19.6 Maximum speed of stone = (ans) (b) Acceleration, @ = PoU 32°20 ams? (ans) t "032 (c) Speed after rebound = 2.6m s* (ans) ‘asaned Physics -ealenging Price Sloe aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. (ani) Usings =ut-+Lat?, 2.0¢+3(9.81)¢ 4.0 400 9.81 9.81 ~b tb? —4ac 2a ‘ Using x we get f =6.59 s or ~6.18 (N.A.) (ans) (b) ‘At constant speed, net F acting on object is ON. Weight of object (73)(9.81) =k(62)" fesistive force k=0.199 Base units of F = (Base units of k)(Base units of v’) Base units of k= (kg ms”) /(m’s”] = kgm” (ans) ‘Mark Scheme: (a){) speed = 2.0m" aL {aii acceleration = 9.81 ms™ A vy, =22.6 ms al (a0) sur tot? a 200 =-2,0+ 39.81)" m1 (Accept any other conversion) 9 sor ~6.18s(NA) Al {b} Weight of object = Resistive force a k=0.199 aL Base units of F = (Base units of ki(Base units of ) a Base units of. Al (10) 18. (ay) Using s=ut +4at?, 510 -4(9.81)¢? 4.905t” -10t -5= 10) y{-10)* -4(4.905)(-5) 2(4.905) =2.45s (ans) or Using v? =u" +2a5, vi =10? +2(-9.81)(-5) ‘asaned Physics -ealenging Price Sloe fay(ii) After first rebound, ‘mgh = 4 «initial total enerey =4(mghy +4mu?) 2 hath + 7 10” 3x91 =2.52m_ (ans) MSH t Or Let u, be the velocity before thenthimpact vp be the velocity after the nth impact, KE be the energy before the Ast impact KE, be the energy after the nth impact Ke, =2. Thus, u is larger than v. (ans) (byt) Considering the vertical motion, and using the equation y=uset, Time to reach maximum height, 1, = By substituting the expression in (b)(i, uw /2s Similarly, time to land from maximum height, av? /2s Since u is larger than v, t: is smaller than t>. (ans) (enti) Impulse = m x Av = 42 x (800-0) (ans) 33600 Ns (oui) Both are incorrect. According to Newton’s 3" law, the force exerted on the projectile by the gun is. equal to the force exerted on the gun by the projectile. (ans) (opti) Principle of conservation cannot be applied because the ground (Earth) exerts an external (reaction) net force on the gun. (ans) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. | option o: The contact force is the force of the parachute on 18. (c) 5.0ms* the parachutist. (ans) a F 392 { mo 21. (0) 7 020k le 0.10 kg t 0309 Considering the two masses as one mass at static equilibrium, F=0.30g As the thread is burned through, for the 0.20 kg F-0.209 =0.204 (0.30 -0.20) g= 0.204 my Since the raindrop falls with a steady speed, there is, no resultant vertical force. kvemg => ie Kinetic energy of raindrop a=5.0ms* (ans) i ig mg) _ mg | mn 22) = fans as.(o)F Me _5 By Newton's Third Law, Force acting by P on Q= Force acting by Qon P=F F=Mgaq ag =e = Mite Mog (ans) Ma Ma Ma ss 20. (C) An athlete clearing the bar in @ high jump. Weightlessness refers to the state where the body does not experience the effects of contact forces due to gravity. Option A: The contact force us the force of the floor of the rocket on the astronaut. Option B: The contact force is the force of the water on the diver. Option c: No contact force is present. ‘asaned Physics -ealenging Price Sloe 22. (A) The centripetal force holding a satellite in orbit, round the Earth and the weight of the satellite. The reaction force to the weight of the satellite should be the attractive force by the satellite on the centre of the Earth. Furthermore, centripetal force is directed to the centre of the Earth, which is the same direction the weight of the satellite is directed to. This violates the applications of Newton's Third law of motion. (ans) 23. (D) remains over the mark because the motion of the train produces no additional force on the bob Option A: With constant velocity, the bob remains over the mark. Option B: Not applicable. It is true that the bob remains over the mark but the force due to the motion of the train (horizontal) bears no relationship to the reaction of the thread on the support (vertical) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. and relativistic theories would have to be used. fans) Mak Scheme: (a) correctdefinitions 83 (0) correctaention 81 perpendicular distance from pivot largest 82 (oli) corectiabel and direction for velocity and acceleration Bt eular motion at correctlabe and direction for resutant force o (Ci correct abel and direction for velocity and acceleration Bt any acceptable stuations Bt correctlabe and dlecton for resutant force 81 {4H correetdetation et (Ki) Princine aglies at ‘Accept plausible explanations wrt Newtons tid aw ot (ct correct formulae a correct substitution of values a = 187%30" ms * at (ei eorret substitution ofvalves a v,=-1.49x107 ms a (1) acceptany plausile explanations 81 (20) | (a) Newton’s Second Law of motion states that the net, force acting on an object is equal to the product of the mass and the acceleration of the object, and the direction of the force is the same as that of the object's acceleration. (ans) (b) Since resultant force acting on car is zero, Magnitude of force exerted by tow rope = magnitude of frictional force on car = 500.N (ans) () F=ma 1000 - $00 = 10002 ‘Acceleration of car, a=0.5ms? (ans) (d) veurat Final velocity = 5 +0.5(20)= 15m s* (ans) ‘asaned Physics -ealenging Price Sloe 4. @) =1.25 ms” (ans) ) Fema Resultant force oftcer = 500 x 1.25 = 625 N (ans) (c) Force exerted on car by towing vehicle = 625 +500 = 1125 N (ans) OO} Since the car moves with constant velocity, resultant force on car=ON (ans) cancin a Magnitude of towing force = magnitude of frictional resistance =500N (ans) 5. (a) The velocity increased immediately since the air resistance acting on the metal box is minimal, thus the box accelerates. (ans) (b)(i) Given that the combined mass of the box and the parachute is 5.0 ke, Resultant downward force = 50 - 30=20N (ans) enti Fema Acceleration = 20+ 5=4m s* The box and the parachute are accelerating downwards at a value 4m 5. (ans) (ci) veutat Velocity the box strikes the ground with =0+10(2.4)=24ms* — (ans) (cyt) s=ut+ at? Total distance fallen by box, s (10)(2.4)’ = 28.8m Total distance ‘Average velocity = —2= SS" _ Total time taken aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. text -N « t a i | Sa g — in ferenss (ans) text 1, Area under graph of Figure 12.4 = Change in momentum of belt-remaining boxes (B and C) (ans) 2. Area under graph of Figure 12.5 = Net work done on the belt-remaining boxes (B and C) {ans) Mark Scheme: (2) correct definition BL (b) indicate and label total weight of belt +3 boxes, normal contact fores, driving force and total resistive force a1 Arrows f all 4 forces have to be drawn in correct directions, approximate lengths, points of aciionsand numerical values. B1 {e) constant speed aa Acceleration force = ON aL (a) appreciate net foce gives tse to acceleration a correct substitution of values a (6){i) correct substitution of values a v=350ms* at (6)i)correct substitution of values a 12305 AL (e){)F and time values given at correct horizontal lines at {e)li)Fand distance values given Bt correct horizontal lines aL (e){t)2. Change in momentum of belt remaining boxes (Band C) Bt 2.Net workdone on the belt-remaining boxes (Band) 81/27) SSCS Abr ttiey and its conservation MCQs 1 © Taking (+) to be positive, Total momentum =(6.0)(5.0) +(10)(~3.0) =Okgms* Since objects stick together, Total kinetic energy =0) Average force = change in momentum per unit time of impact = (6.0)(50)/0.20 = 150 N (ans) (a) 0,0 Taking (>) to be positive, Total momentum =M(2v)-+2M(-v) =Okgms* Since objects stick together, Total kineticenergy =0 (ans) sr A 2mu Mem 3. By conservation of momentum, mu=mv+Mv =v =U m By conservation of kinetic energy, du? =4 mv? +4uv? 2 2 fa mu? =mu? -2muv +“ y? mv? M'+Mm m amuv =| 2mu=(M+m)v aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. =} (60+80)x25+ 3 «(80+40)x55 =4750 Nms =475Ns FAt=mAv 4,75 =0.2x(v-15) 389ms* (ans) SS ‘asaned Physics -ealenging Price Sloe Questions — 3.2 1. ei They have the same charge. (ans) (ay(id The two nuclei will fuse to form one nuclei. (ans) (anti) By conservation of momentum, the loss in momentum in one nucleus results in a gain of momentum in the other nucleus, hence it is not possible, (ans) (o) Taking V to be the speed of the nuclei, (>): 3mv+(-2mv) =3mV +2mVv my=5mV v : (ans) cow velocity G3) 4 time im i ao (ans) ten Let V be the final velocity of tritium and V, be the final velocity of deuterium. By conservation of momentum, 3mv-+2m(-v)=3mV, +2mV, Ve — Equation 1 By conservation of kinetic energy, 1 1 2 =(3m)v? +=(2m)(-v) Fame + Am)-v) ah 2 Sv? = 3(Y,)° +2(V,)’ — Equation 2 (am(uy? +£(om)(vs) Substitute Equation 2 into Equation 1: aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. yN us (ans) (b)(iii) Area under the graph is the change in momentum of P or impulse on P. (ans) (oxiv) Change in momentum of Q =mvq-0 _(asiitis atrest initially) = area under graph 2.35 vq =9.96 Va= 4.24 ms? (ans) (b)(v) Relative speeds of approach = relative speeds of separation Before impact O-* © Vg Np (as Qis at rest initially) Up =(4.24-¥,) 1.50U, = 2.35%q 1.50V, 1.50(4.24~Vp)=2.35%4.24-1.50V) \p=-1.20 ms* U, = 4.24 -(~1.20)=5.44 ms * (ans) ee ‘asaned Physics -ealenging Price Sloe 7. @ ‘The moment of a force about a point is the product of the force and the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to that point. (ans) (b)(i) The resultant force on the tray must be zero. The resultant torque about any point must be zero. {ans} (oii Taking moments about the fingers, P (0.10) = W(0.15) (0.10) = 0.12 « 9.83(0.15) P=177N (ans) {onc Total upward forces = Total downward forces P+w=a Q=1,77+(0.12)19.81) = oR Taking moments about the thumb, Q(0.10) = W(0.25) Q=2.94N (ans) .95N (ans) © The glass should be placed at the position of the fingers. At this point, the weight of the glass will not cause the tray totopple. (ans) © Note: Force Qs the only force which will increase in magnitude to maintain equilibrium (a)(i) Momentum of a body is the product of its mass and velocity. (ans) (ay(uy) By conservation of momentum, 0=mv,—m, = t= fans) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 1(5,0)(1.67) +4(100)(4.0)' = 874 Since the kinetic energy is not conserved, the collision is inelastic. (ans) (8) By Principle of Conservation of Energy, mu? = fo-+mgh 4(5.0)(1.67)° =(1.0)(5.0) +(5.0)($.81)(Dsinas) D=0.055 m (ans) ee 12. (ay(i) For the stone to hit the coconut horizontally, it must be at its maximum height. Taking upwards as positive, In the vertical direction, veu’+2as 0 = (20 sind)? + 2(-9.81)(18.0-2.2) 8=617° (ans) (ay(ii) veusat 0 = (20sin 61.7") +(-981)t t=179s (ans) (aj(iii) Inthe horizontal direction, s=ut+tat = (20 cos61.7°)(1.79) = 17.0m (ans) (by(i) Momentum = my = (1.0)(20 cos 61.7°) =9.48 kems* (ans) (b)(ii) Average force = Rate of change of momentum m(v,-v)) t (1.0)(~10c0s61.7° - 20¢0s61.7°) 0.050 284N Magnitude of average force = 284 N (ans) ‘asaned Physics -ealenging Price Sloe () Total momentum =my, + Me, = (1.0)(-20 cos 61.7") + (2.0)(4.0) = 3.26 kg ms* {ans} (d) Momentum is not conserved because during the collision, the stalk exerts force on the coconut. This constitutes an external force to the stone- coconut system and results ina change in momentum as stated in Newton’second law. (ans) 13. (a)() In the vertical direction, v =u" +2as = 0+ 2(9.81)(80) v= 39.62 ms* 67 mst 39.62 ms v_ = N67? +39.62” =77.8ms* 39.62 tand 67 0 =30.6° The resultant velocity is 77.8 m sat angle of 30.6° below the horizontal. (ans) (byt & Coyti @ (ans) o} air resistance is taken into account, the air resistance will act against both the horizontal and vertical motion. Hence, the horizontal velocity will no longer be constant but will decrease with time. The vertical velocity will increase at a slower rate as the net acceleration downwards is decreased. The result is path Q which is shorter in its horizontal range. (ans) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ray photon Nickel nucieus {ans) (oy According to the law of conservation of momentum, MMMp = V0 6.2410” =(9.95x10*)Wv,) v, =62710?ms* (ans) ©) It depends on the direction in which the photon is emitted. If the photon is emitted along the same line as that of the moving nucleus, the angle would be the same to conserve momentum. Ifnot, the nucleus will move in a different angle to the emitted photon such that the components of momentum cancel out vectorially to conserve momentum. (ans) ——___——C 3. (alti) Gravitational field. (ans) fay(ii) Electric field. (ans) (ati) Magnetic field. (ans) (b)(i) Sketcha circular clockwise path. Cp (ans) (b)(ii) (1) Force on electron due to magnetic field, F,=e8v = (1.6010 -*9)(1.5x10*)(2.9107) 6.9610 N=7.0%10- NN (ans) ‘asaned Physics -ealenging Price Sloe (2) Radius of its path, r eB (9.11<10"*)(2.9«10") (1.6010 “)0.5»10 *) 0.1101m=0.11m (ans) (c). The electric force on the electron is opposite in direction to the field, thatis, itis out from the plane of the paper. The resultant path of the electron will be spiral in shape out from the plane of the paper. fans) SS 4. (a) The atoms ina solid are arranged in an orderly manner. They are not free to move around but can vibrate about their own fixed positions. For liquid, the atoms are free to move around. They take the shape of the container that they fill. For gases, the atoms move around randomly, colliding with each other frequently. It has no fixed shape and can be easily compressed due to the abundance of space between the atoms. (ans) (b) Crystalline solids are arranged in fixed geometric patterns or lattices. They are orderly arranged and are practically incompressible. Crystalline solids show a definite melting point and so they pass rather sharply from solid to liquid state. An example is diamond. Non-crystalline solids are solids with random unoriented molecules. They are considered supercooled liquids in which the molecules are arranged in a random manner. They do not have definite melting points. One example is plastic {ans} () Elastic deformation is reversible. Once the forces are no longer applied, the object returnsto its. original shape, Plastic deformation is irreversible. The object does not return to its original shape even after the forces are removed. (ans) (4)(i) The stress is maximum at the top because the cable needs to carty the entire weight of the cable in suspension. (ans) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Resultant = 2T sin 0 As increases, sin 0 increases. Hence the smaller the sin & value, the larger the T value. Therefore, T; isthe greatest. (ans) SSS 8. (C) both T, and T, increase Weignt of lamp As angle Sis increased, horizontal component of T; increased and hence T; increases to balance it. Since the vertical component of T; remains the same (|,e. weight of lamp), T; increases. (ans) ——————___________4 9. (c) 107N Vertical component of F = Weight of ladder = 100 N =8 tand= = tant# O=tant& 8 F sin O= Fsin (tan 72 £)=100N Value of F = 100 = in (tan"S_) = 107 N (ans) SS 10. (8) 9.8N Tension T = 15.0 sin 30° + 13.2 sin 10° 7542.29 = 9.8 N (ans) 11. (a) 22" Magnitude of resultant force = magnitude of weight of picture =15x10=15N Let tension in each cord be T, 2Tsin 1s When T= 20N, sin minimum angle @ the cor: {ans} 12. (a) tan" & eon Son Tsin 9 =80N Tcos 8 =50N Tan? ian Toos 0 13. (8) 14. (8) 150N, 0.0755 F = ke = (1.5 10° (0.001) = 150 N 1.5% 10°)(0.001”)=0.075) fans) ‘asaned Physics -ealenging Price Sloe aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. (bi) Graph oftan DanainstE/ Far 120 i Het mg. ay 020 > 060 040 020 000 ! oo 40 #0 20 4p hy (ans) (b)(ii) From the graph, Gradient = 2: = 286 ~ 9.063 N7 (ans) 48-12 136 (eX) From the graph, When F = 10N, tan 9=0.70 ccangle & = tan" 0,70 = 35.0° (ans) (exit) Using a metre-rule, measure the horizontal distance h and vertical distance v as shown in the diagram. below. ‘asaned Physics -ealenging Price Sloe Repeat measurements at least 6 times and take the average of hand. An accurate value of tan 0 average value of would be (ans) average value of v (the diagram above is not drawn to scale) T, sin 20° + T, sin 20° = 1200 TyeTes 2 ea754N (ans) 25in20" (b) When the cable is almost horizontal, there is not vertical force present to balance the 1200 N, hence the 1200 N object suspended will tend to move downwards and break the cable, (ans) (c(i Weight = mg=100x10=1000N (ans) (c(i) Since the vertical height of the object remains constant, Work done against gravity J (ans) (ey(iti) By Principle of Conservation of Eneray, Loss in PE = Gain in KE mgh= }mv' ‘Assuming that the angle of the rope from the horizontal is still 20: 1000 x 30.0 sin 20° = 2 x 100 xv? Speed of object, v 1000 30.0sin20" $100 143ms* (ans) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ¥ Total KE at maximum compression Initial total KE mut 2(m-+m) Su’ mam (ns) (b)(iii) Total KE at maximum compression Initial total KE some of the initial KE is now converted into elastic potential energy stored in the spring, some of it is lost asheat when compressing the spring, and the rest is manifested as the KE of the composite <1 because body. (ans) Mork Scheme: (a1n.1- 3807 =700 Bt (o)h2. 7= 456.2 =20.0 at fo) a= 233 ms? a son a {oy R= 108010 a (01 a= + mw a Mem" (Vi an m)(— a a a em (oyu Total KE at maximum compression < Ital total KE correct explanation at (09) a | 4-19 0-0 Tea eacsing MCQs 1. (6) Hang the card from point R In order to find the position of the centre of mass of the card, 2 lines are traced from behind the vertical plumbline when the thin card is hung from at least 2 different holes. The intersection will be the position of the centre of mass of the card. Hence, the next step in this experiment would be to find the second trace of the plumbline by hanging the card from another point (i.R). (ans) 2. (C) 10cm aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. WME coin Overy 1. (8) 001 1 > W, 2101 ‘Taking moment about the pivot W, (4.00 +3.00 ~2.00~ 2.10)! = w, (2.10 -0.5)! 0.90«W, =1.60xW, —O @: (W=Vpg=Alpg) 0.90 x AL,0,..0 = 1.60% AL,0,g 222, 4001=i{ £4) 160 iz) *=2.25 (ans) Pu - _ _ x 2. (D) 450mm Taking moment about the support, Total clockwise moments =Total anti-clockwise moments (60)(0.4) =160(d) d=0.15m=150mm Distance from end € = 600-150 = 450 mm (ans) ——_—____# (A) They both act at the same point. ‘A couple is a pair of forces, equal in magnitude but ‘opposite in directions, acting on the same body but not on the same point, and so tends to produce rotation only. (ans) SS 4. (C) 0.46Nm Torque of couple =Force x Perpendicular distance to line of action =2.0(0.30sin50%)=0.46Nm (ans) | fyb To have only rotational motion, there must be no net force but a non-zero net moment. Only system (0) satisfies the conditions. (ans) a 6. (C) Theratio of the mass of X to that of ¥ is 43 For a system at equilibrium, Taking moments about the pivot, Clockwise moment = Anticlockwise moment x(30) = (40) x 4:3 (ans) a 7. (A) 25N Vem a \ 1m \ \N Ve R son Taking moments about P, Clockwise moment = Anticlockwise moment (50)(0.5) = Fs (1) Fs=25N (ans) __—_$<$<_<_ 8 (c) 150N Taking moments about the pivot, Clockwise moment = Anticlockwise moment F (15) = (150)(15), Minimum force, F = 150 N (ans) 9. (A) F=4.0Nand T=0.4Nm To maintain linear equilibrium, Fug = Faown = 4N To maintain rotational equilibrium, Taking moments about the top left hand corner, T=4(0.1)=0.4Nm (ans) 10. (A) Zero Non-zero Resultant moment (about the centre of circular object] = +57 + 15r—20r=0 Resultant force #0 (ans) 11, (¢) 160mm Let the distance be y mm, 200 (400 ~ y) = 80 [1000 - 400) y= 160mm (ans) ——__— ‘asaned Physics -ealenging Price Sloe Questions — 4.4 1. (a) ‘The moment of a force is the product of the force and the perpendicular distance between the line of action of a force and the pivot. ar a Moment =F d pivot (ans) ‘The torque of a couple is the product of one of the forces and the perpendicular distance between their lines of action. F ld F Torque «Fx d (ans) (b) A body is in equilibrium if there is no resultant force and no resultant torque acting on it. (ans) (enti) Let A=horizontal force B exerts on § Let T= tension in the cable Let W=weight of S =3.0x10°N (ans) (opti) Ww _3.0«10° sina" sin25 099 x 10° = 7.1010" N (3sf)_ (ans) Let x be the distance of the centre of gravity of the lever from the pivot. Taking moments about the pivot, Clockwise moments = Anticlockwise moment x(150) + (100}(0.10) = (0.30)(50) x= 0.033m (ans) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ~¥ 7. Clockwise moments = Anticlockwise moment 300 000 + 30 z= (1.5 X 10°)(6.0) z=2.9%10°N (ans) {a)liv) Move the pivot nearerto the trolley and use an iron jib which is lighter. These will compensate for the increase in moment about the pivot due to the heavierload. (ans) (b)(i) Gain in P.E. = mgh 1.5 X 10°» 24 3.600000) (ans) (bytii) Output power Energy Time 600000 = Np = 120000 W Efficiency = QutPut POWEr +4 Input power = oom 100= 22.6% (ans) 53x10 (b)(ii) By Principle of Conservation of Energy, Loss in P.E. = Gain in KE. meh = } Speed of the load before ithits the ground, v [ah = \2x10%25 = 22.4ms* (ans) (a) For a body to remain in static equilibrium, the net force acting on the body and the net torque acting (ans) on the body must be zero. (b)(i) & (b)Li) () fans) (ai) By considering moments about the left end of the rod, 0.251 x 400 +0.50L x120= T, cos30°xL T,=185N (ans) (ay(i By considering moments about the right end of the rod, 0.751 x 400 +0.50L x120= T, cosi4.4°xL 1, =372N (ans) & (a) The lines f action of all the forces (W, R and P) must meet at a point so that the net moment of all the forces about that point is zero. (ans) (b) Z| let ebethe angle that force P makes withthe horizontal r{1) ‘ sina =£{2) cousin 30° (shown) (ans) (C) Psin 30° Rain 0 0 30° Reo: 0 Pecos 30° In the vertical direction, F, = 0

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