Newsletter 21st March 2016

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Iver Village Infant School - Caring, Growing, Learning in the Heart of the Community

Welcome to our school newsletter - Issue 13

Monday 21st March 2016
Academy Status: What are the Governors of the school doing about this?
The budget news on Tuesday makes it clear that the Government want all
schools to become Academies by 2022. If schools do not explore this, they
may be forced to become Academies against their will.
Becoming an Academy would be a big decision for our school. The
Governors of Iver Village Infant School would not take a decision like that
lightly. The process involves complicated legal and financial changes.
During the last year the Governors of Iver Village Infant School decided to explore a number
of options for the future direction and sustainability of our school. As Governors our main job
is to steer the strategic vision of our school and support the day to day management of the
school by the Headteacher.
There are a number of options schools can explore, including forming a partnership with one
or more schools. These are often based within local areas and are called Multi Academy
Trusts (MATs). Every school in the MAT can retain their own identity, Headteacher and Board
of Governors but is overseen by a Trust which has overall responsibility for all the schools in
the Trust. Another option is that a school can become part of an Academy chain where
there may be quite a number of schools under one Trust, often supported by a private
company/charity. These companies/charities could be based out of our area and may not
represent our local community. There are advantages and disadvantages for all the
The Governors of Iver Village Infant School are now undertaking research on the options we
have, to secure the best future for the school.
We are very clear that, before any decision can or will be made, consultations with parents
and the local community must be completed. Following the information we gather, we will
be much better informed of the impact and efforts required in order to make a decision. At
that point, and if the Governors find what we believe to be the best for the future of our
school, we will consult with parents.
Whichever path we follow, teaching and learning and the wellbeing of the children at Iver
Village Infant School remains our key priority.
If you would like to discuss these matters further please do not hesitate to speak to Joyce
Young, or Ms Woodcock.
Joyce Young
Sam Woodcock
Chair of Governors
On behalf of the Governing body of Iver Village Infant School

Headteacher : Ms Sam Woodcock

Message from the office

The UK swaps to British Summer Time on Sunday March 27 at 1am , which

means you should put your clock forward an hour. Luckily, most mobiles phones
and radio-controlled clocks will do this automatically, but you'd better check just

to make sure.
Please see attached information regarding increased incidences of measles in the Buckinghamshire
and London area. We have been asked to make parents aware of this information and asked them to
ensure that their child/children have received two doses of combined MMR (not just the single doses
of Measles, Mumps and Rubella - if this is the case they will need to be revaccinate to ensure they are
fully protected). If you are in any doubt then please contact you Doctor to check and/or receive any
missing MMR vaccine.

FISA Chocolate
egg tombola's
FISA will be
holding a
chocolate egg tombola
this Thursday
after school.
Our egg
b a s e d
solving challenge has had a fantastic
response. Miss James has looked
through all the entries and will be
handing out prizes this week. A great
problem solving effort from everyone
who entered.

The children's science posters look

amazing in our corridor and are quite a
conversation piece with everyone. There
are some fantastic science ideas
illustrated in such different and imaginative ways. Mr Davey will be judging our
school competition and sending them all
off for the national competition.

Thank you for all

your vouchers we
are still collecting.

Brief feed back from the

Parents raised the fact that they were unhappy with the
school photographs, they felt that the photos were poor
quality, there was only one photo with no other choices.
Parents were complimentary about Facebook content.
All were impressed with: Science Week, the Authors visit was amazing! Parents loved going
in to read to the children and would be keen to do this again. Valued the events like Fathers
Day and the fantastic interactive assemblies however they would like more Open Days. More
info to follow...

We can not wait to

see your creativity
Dont forget there are 4 categories
so all the family can join in. The
eggs need to be in on Thursday so
that judging can be carried out by
Dr Wendy Matthews Chairman of
our Parish Council.

Miss Styles would like

to invite all parents of
children in Beech class
to join them for their
class assembly
tomorrow at 9.10am.

Holidays and Inset days

24th March Last day of Spring term
12th April First day of Summer term
27th April Governors day. Join our
Governors for a chat and a coffee at the gate.
13th June Year 1 phonic screening test
17th June 9am - 10am Fathers open morning, all male family
members welcome.
22nd June 1.303.00 Sports afternoon with cream teas.
24th June 3pm - 5.30pm F.I.S.A Summer fair
27th June to the 1st JulyMaths weeks
4th JulyReports out to parents
5th July and 7th JulyParent evening drop in.
20th July - Last day of summer term.

11th April Inset day

2nd May Bank holiday

Beech22nd March
Oak26th April
Beech 10th May

30th May to the 3rd June

- Half term
21st July - Inset day

Maple - 17th May

Willow24th May
Pine 14th June
Elm 21st June

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