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Humanity of Christ:

Difficulty / Mystery in understanding this. What do they think?

- Explain heresies (Docetism / Adoptionism).
Trinity = 3 persons, 1 nature.
Incarnation 2 natures, 1 person.
Word became flesh, tabernacle amongst us. Jn. 1:14
- Chalcedonian Definition: This self-same one is perfect both in deity and also in humanness;
this self-same one is actually God and actually man, with a rational soul and body.
- Augustine: Wherefore, Christ Jesus, the Son of God, is both God and man. He is God before all
ages; man in our own time. He is God because He is the Word of God, for the Word was God. But
He is man because in His own Person there were joined to the Word a rational soul and a body.
Rational: capable of human thought, not just a vessel for consciousness.
RC veneration of Mary diminishing of Christs humanity.
- Explain importance of humanity, example of Christ, accessibility of the Father, seen the Father.
Jn. 14:9
Youth of Christ as an example of His humanity: Luke 2:41-52 Esp. v.52.
30 years before His ministry.
Temptation of Christ.
Luke 4:1-13.
Hebrews 4:15.
Tempted like us, sympathises, without sin = model.
Mark 1:41. Splagchnizomai = lit. his guts were being torn apart or moved in his bowels or guts
writhed Cf. Mark 8:2.
Death of Lazarus: John 11:35. Jesus wept. Cf. v.33.
As anger: Mark 11:15-19. Judgement of the Temple system, cursing the fig tree, moving mountain.
As suffering: Sweats blood Luke 22:44. Cf. WW1 soldiers.
Passion of the crucifixion. [Ties in with servanthood His death was the ultimate service.]
Laying aside of majesty to serve humanity. Philippians 2:5-8. Cf. Mark 10:45.

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