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10.1 CULTURE TA Look at the photo and read the question on the forum, How would you answer it? Can you givean example? B Read the forum and match comments 1-7 with categories «)~d). i) sound | bp imag J) othe Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from sentences 1-7 the one which fts each gap a)=g)- 1 tess | density with he character from the sarc and st fee tke ts me who's trapped. ‘Mayon ieramitde ve of ty arly chidhood, that feling of being lost of hearing my own voice crying out for help, 3. And then there's that ast bien Fidoy the 130h, they have the whole orchestra ying 4 Darkness and shadow can have the same effect ~ the effect of icing the evil character but letting you 80 jst enough to imagine its shape ard form, You know that party because they're not 13 main character and they're not needed to play the story out 6 ts sila | suers when there's a sinter litle Boy or git. or twine in cle fashioned clothes 7. Seme are also made from made-up compound nouns, He Clover Shinwaleers, Wickerhou D Finda word inthe forum that means: 1 rake a high pitched sound (paragraph |) dee nge and tightening (paragraph 3) 3. dumaged oF made immoral (paragranh 4) 4. talong quickly (p 5 quick mement (naraeraph 7) aE ORUM a This week we asked: What makes o horror film scary for your @ ta big tan of noror fi music, and thnk hats the thing ha in Jaws, you know bul-dup-butsdop-bulvdup uth dup (or the screarng shock musik In Psych, where sucdeniy Win the shower curtla opera, tha aie shyek rrabh buch Every ime [see that scene | mp out of my see, ands ho © Wuinerality 1 what gets me. A characteris put into a po Where they can relly prolct themselves agtrst something tertle, ether oy a lana Capped ina osed apse Waka dos art sare or care talway or tra rest Tang wits usa on, but ony Is no 9008, PL © 1 tink th eof afr nas quite an impact If i's good, t after seeing The Omen. I heard thal ile reve the feeling followed by a word ending wit -ing. for exemple The Haunting, The Shlnng, The Vanishing (Or you get odd, eerie words after ‘he The Ring, The Uninvied. and of course The Omen. Very esr. dort na er @ Asc ticyci upsite-down with one ois whois tung, A Iyekan dll Ache alg, leo a shel fone of tices and (hie under my seal © think ites too wih the Innccence of @ There's 2 tind f scene in tof hoor ls thot way rim | call fh engoont with’ scone. You havea chereciar Who's often a very ikeablo old guy or old ady who does a smple pb the ranrieg a shop or wong ina resiasak. What happene a sertoliyg Bin tify cite ups shen oe hw oakrens crve hone in darkness ul ito thir Grveway and 20, a you inc thal at ery mement sonata very bad legals Reopen Dt a jou vl may exact eree. @ ven the sound track nas sound effects that sound abt ike Oh, achid's woe, that gves me the shivers. @ wren you gotiustagimmese of he vlan or evi bing waco, or epaed bya chore a fora fash, and then is outof sight. roaty makes the BA come ave hn yout mln, becouse you racing, generating images

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