Jaime Rivera bbh411w Short Paper 1

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Jaime Rivera

BBH 411w
Dr. Gyekis
Short Paper 1
One of the most common conditions that Hispanics suffer from is high blood
pressure. Blood pressure is defined as the measure of the force that the circulated
blood exerts on the walls of the main arteries. If your blood pressure were to
increase, it would be damaging to your heart, kidneys, and blood vessels. (What Is
High Blood Pressure? (- NHLBI, NIH) High Blood Pressure or in the scientific world
Hypertension is a serious condition that is becoming more and more common in
todays world, especially in the United States. This condition is one the leading
symptoms to coronary Heart Disease. Many Americans are contracting this
condition every day because of common everyday factors such as poor dieting, and
lack of exercise. Blood pressure speeds up and causes atherosclerosis (when the
artery walls become clogged up with fatty which obstructs clear blood flow in the
heart) (Lawes, Carlene, Stephen Hoorn, Malcolm Law, Paul Elliott, Stephen,&
McMahon, Rodgers, 2004 pg. 309.)
Although these two factors are the most common reasons why people
experience hypertension, many people forget that Demographics play a huge role.
Demographics such as living condition, gender, age, race, population density, stress
and racism are detrimental factor to consider. Dr. Lori Francis mentioned in a lecture
about Hispanics, the health disparities among this race compared to others. She
mentions in her lecture that Hispanics had a higher chance of developing high blood
pressure than whites. Hispanics from some reason genetically and based on their
living conditions have been known to suffer from hypertension and other diseases
that come from that like Cardio Vascular disease and Diabetes. Dr. Francis
mentioned that most Hispanics that undergo this condition usually live in poor
rough neighborhoods that dont have good resources nearby. The neighborhoods
usually consist of places where they dont have easy access to a proper grocery
store that would give them healthier, fresh food and vegetables, but have fast food
restaurants. Not only will Hispanics be unhealthier and gain weight, but the high
rate of domestic violence that happens in their neighborhood is another factor that
leads to stressful situation and getting. (Francis. Blacks, Urbanization Penn State
Univ. Sept.(2014) lecture. Studies correlating the relationship between weight and
violence have shown that Hispanics are the most prevalent in showing signs of
violence the more weight and unhealthy they become (Wright, & Vaughn, 2014 pg
I know someone personal that not only suffers from High blood pressure, but
also the other demographics previously mentioned. The individual named Subject J
is a woman in her fifties that migrated from South America about five years ago in
hopes for a better future. Subject J has a family of five, a husband and three kids.

Over the years Subject j has been able to cope with the violence that she faced
through the years, moving from place to place in hopes of a better living condition
but sadly there wasnt much improvement. Her options to move to a better, cleaner
environment are not much due to the wage she receives housecleaning.
Unfortunately she lives about ten miles from the nearest grocery store. She has a
vehicle, but her husband usually uses it working long hours in the nearby factory
leaving subject j with only the use of the bus. She goes to the grocery store often
and when she does she can only afford a certain amount of fresh food and
vegetables. When she has no other option, she goes to the corner store down the
block and gets snacks and eat at the local fried chicken shack to feed her hungry
children. It was not till about two years ago when she was diagnosed by her doctor
with high blood pressure.
Perplexed with the though she wonders and asked her doctor of the possible
causes of what contracted her disease. The doctor mentioned in her physical that
she has gained a significant amount of weight, enough that she has become a bit
overweight. Her children have been suffering as well. The good news that the doctor
mentioned that her condition is treatable and if maintained properly, would not lead
to other chronic illnesses. Although the condition is permanent, subject J is now
restricted to certain living conditions and a diet. She is to avoid anything to
strenuous activities that would overwork the heart like roller coaster rides. Little to
no smoking, consumption of alcohol and caffeinated drinks is something a person
must do to properly treat high blood pressure.(high blood pressure, no date,
1/7/15)how to lower blood pressure, A low salt intake is needed to maintain the
pressure from rising too high and causing problems. Sodium is necessary for acid
base balance and important for impulse transmission and muscle contraction. The
problem with Sodium is that its the main culprit of high blood pressure and having
a lower intake helps with the blood vessels t dilate better by reducing to 1500
milligrams per day. The best kind of food to eat to help maintain hypertension are
foods high in potassium like fresh fruits and vegetables because it gives the
opposite effect for sodium cancelling out the effect and keeping pressure in check
(whitney,rofes,water and the major mineralspg. 379-383). Overall the changes
that undergo Subject Js lifestyle arent too demanding but are enough that
someone need to treat this condition just as important as someone who has a
chronic illness. If she follows these modifications, she will live a good long life as if
she didnt have high blood pressure at all.


What Is High Blood Pressure? (- NHLBI, NIH)

Lawes, Carlene, Stephen Hoorn, Malcolm Law, Paul Elliott, Stephen MacMahon, and
Anthony Rodgers. "High Blood Pressure." Comparative Quantification of Health Risks. Vol.
1. 2004. 309. Print.
Wright, Christopher, and Michael Vaughn. Interpersonal Violence (2014): 1-3. Web.
4159.full.pdf html>.
(Lori Francis. Blacks, Urbanization Penn State Univ. Sept.(2014) lecture.
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), Blood Pressure Symptoms, How to Lower
Blood Pressure | Patient.co.uk (Patient.co.uk)
Whitney, Eleanor Noss, and Sharon Rady Rolfes. "Water and the Major
Minerals." Understanding Nutrition. 13th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2013. 379-383. Print.

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