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Listening Transcript

Packet 3

Ali Imron Rusadi

Dio Resya Baaqii
Sri Hartati

Listening transcript

Simulasi ujian nasional 2012/2013

Copy right by penerbit erlangga paket 3,4, and 5
Listening section
In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken english.
There are four parts to this section with special direction for each part.
Part 1
Question 1 to 3
In this part of the test you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in english. The dialogues
and the question will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue and the question
about it. Read the five possible answer and decide which one would be the best anwer to the question
you have heard. Now, listen to a sample question.
You will hear.
M: have you finish doing your homework?
W: not yet.
M: do it right way. The class will begin soon. You will.... here
N: where is the conversation take place?
You will read in your test book.
a. At school
b. At home
c. At store
d. At the mall
e. At the market
The best answer to the question where is the conversation take place is at school. Therefore you
should choose answer A.
The following dialogue is the question the number
1. W: Look, what do you think a fish painting?
M: wow, its great. It seens real. Who painted it?
W: the man standing in the corner. You know, he is the famous painter in this town. It is one
piece of the master piece.
M: do you know him?

W: yes, he is my neighbour. Ehm. Its really wasm.

N: what are the speakers talking about?
The following dialogue is the question the number
2. W: Kevin, nice to meet you here. Are you looking for a doll?
M: no, im not. Mita, I am companying my sister. She is the girl standing there.
W: what a pretty girl.
M: thanks, she is my dear sister.
W: i guest you really love your sister.
M: yes, i love her very much. Since my father passed away, we become close. I just wanna
be a good brother for her.
W: I see.
N: who does Kevin love so much?
The following dialogue is the question the number
3. W: this weekend my aunt and I will be .. in Australia.
M: how long will you stay there? You have promised me to do our assignment together,
havent you?
W: a week. Im sorry, I forget about it. What if we do it after I come back?
M: OK, Dear. I keep your promise.
N: what does the women promise to do?
Part 2
Quetions 4 to 8
In this part of this test you will hear some incomplete dialogue spoken in English, followed by five
responses, also spoken in english. The dialogue and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not
be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
You have to choose the best renpons to each question or statement. Now listen to sample question.
You will hear
W: good morning John, how are you. You will
a. I am fine thank you
b. I am in living room
c. Let me introduce my self
d. My name is Smith

e. I have been here since this morning

The best answer to the question how are you is I am fine thank you. Therefore you should choose
answer A.
The following dialogue is for question the number

W: I saw at this on TV yesterday. He cause a price

for his exelence competition of the song.
M: how are this he?
W: you know his only seven and blind. He has never taken any music lesson, but he can play
the piano very well. His competition could win the world music competition held in Korea.
N: how does the man most likely response?
b. Pleasant
c. Certainly
d. Thats good
e. Unbelievable

The following dialogue is for question the number

5. W: hello, good morning, Andy? Where are you now?
M: good morning. I am in Bali. I am staying at Nusa Dua, Bali.
W: how is the hotel service?
N: what does the man most appropriate response?
a. I am sorry to hear that
b. I am glad you like it
c. I am very delighted with it
d. Thats sound terrible
e. I am sorry, Ill go there.

The following dialogue is for question the number

6. M: where are we going to spend our holiday? What do you think of Anya Beach?
N: how does the women most likely response?

a. I am please sorry to hear that

b. I am afraid I can not lended to you
c. the restaurant looks very beautiful at night.
d. I dont think so, if noe the rainy season
e. I am sorry I realized that I did it padly
The following dialogue is for question the number
7. M: Lina, I will study in America after graduating high school
W: really?? I will miss you very much
N: how does the man most likely respon?
a. Yes, America is far from here
b. We will meet again next year
c. Promise me to see me next year
d. Dont worry I will call you every week
e. Dont worry you can go to America too
The following dialogue is for question the number

W: why is my................ I havent see him yesterday...............

M: he join in international mathematic olympiad in Tokyo.
N: how does the women most likely response?
a. Tokyo is suitable for mathematic olympiad
b. Great, I hope he will be the winner
c. The mathematic olympiad is very difficult
d. Suddenly, he can go to Tokyo now
e. He joined the olympiad last year

Part 3
Question 9 to 11
In this part of the test you will hear some dialogues spoken in English. The dialogue will be spoken
twice. They will not be printed in your test sheat. So you must listen carefully to understand what the

speakers are saying. After you hear the dialogue and the question about it, look at the pictures and
decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
The following dialogue is for question the number
9. M: do you have any plan for the holiday?
W: no, why?
M: I am planing to go the lake Sijunjung
W: whats the special about that place?
M: well, we can enjoy a beautiful lake with sunrise in the background. Moreover in the
season there are not cloud at ..... you can see the sunrise with really clear sky. Thats so
W:.... me in there.
N: which picture ..... with the dialogue?
The following dialogue is for question the number
10. W: what do you do every weekend?
M: I play badminton with friends at Senayan hall.
W: what did equiptment need to play badminton?
M: rackets, shutlecock, and net.
W: you have a very fast smash.
M: i always try very hard everyday.
N: what is the man use to do the smash?
11. W: is that you in the picture? So you really dead to do it.
M: yes, thats me. I like riding on the water, its really fun.
N: which picture chosse with the conversation.
Part 4
Question 12 to 15.
In this part of the test you will hear several monologue. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They
will not be printed in your test book, so you must carefully to understand what the speakers are
saying. After you hear the monologe and the question about it. Read the five possible answer and
decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
This monolog is for questions 12 to 15

Hy friends. I am so you often use bowl. Now, you can use one to make your self a tropical freadball.
You need a news paper and all the bowl, glue, a brush, cooking oil, and different colour of paints to
deff its. Now, here is how to make it. First, make a rife fruit shape from,,, newspaper
the glue and five dry,, and brush ,,,,, finish. Now,

12. What is the speaker talking about?

13. When sould ........ layer of newspaper or the fruitshape?
This monolog is for question 14 and 15
Living in the big city has ..........................and the oposite easier to find work and there is usually a
choice a public transport so you dont late to,,, a car, also there are love of interesting things to do and
places to see it, for example you can eat in good restaurant, listen musician,and go the feature and to
concert. Whats ,,, when you go to lake you can usually find a park
14. What is the speaker talking about?
15. The following statements are correct about living in the big city, exept..

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