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evaluates RESULT

takes EXAM obtain

create TEACHER

1. Login
This Table responsible for storing of all the user information both Instructor and Student,
UserID Field is the Primary Key, Instructor is a Boolean Field (True/False) if True then
user is Instructor else He is a Student.

Sno Field Name Data Type Constraints

1. User ID Text(10) Primary Key

2. First Name Text(20) Not Null

3. Last Name Text(20) Not Null

4. SSN Text(10) Not Null

5. Password Text(10) Not Null

6. Instructor Boolean Not Null

2. Test

Sno Field Name Data Type Constraints

1. Test Name Text(50) Not Null

3. Test Scores

Sno Field Name Data Type Constraints

1. Test Text(50) Not Null

2. ID Text(9) Not Null

3. Date Time/Date Not Null

4. Grade Number Not Null

4. Test Bank

This is the actual Question Bank Table which holds all the Questions and their optional
answers and also the correct answer, the Type Field holds information about the type of
question Multiple choice or True/False.

Sno Field Name Data Type Constraints

1. Question Text(250) Not Null

2. Type Text(1) Not Null

3. Opt1 Text(50) Not Null

4. Opt2 Text(50) Not Null

5. Opt3 Text(50) Not Null

6. Opt4 Text(50) Not Null

7. answer Text(50) Not Null

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