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Organic Food V. Frankenfood:

Which is really the better option?
Genetically Modified food, otherwise known as Frankenfood, is a hot topic with
approximately sixty percent of our supermarket food being of this crop. Many argue that
Certified Organic is the way to go, sticking to tradition, without using harmful pesticides, and
cutting out health risks. Opposers argue that Frankenfood is less harmful due to the process of
their creation and not as high tech as many may think. For the past few decades the dispute
between organic and genetically modified has become more current and significant, and the
argument of whether or not organic or genetically modified is better is on the rise. Although
many people have strong beliefs that favor one or the other there currently isnt enough
information to say that one is superior to the other.
Organic Food
Organic food is any food made without pesticides, herbicides, man-made products/
additives, or growth regulators. There have been countless studies on organic food since the
1970s, and one could argue for either side. In the 1930s research experimentation for organic
food began with British scientists Lady Eve Balfour and Albert Howard. They began using
different types of manure and composting to see which would be the healthiest alternative. In the
mid twentieth century controversy grew between organic and conventional foods. It was even
once believed that organic groups were cults spreading doom and gloom (Griswold). Even
today some supporters of organic products are discriminated against for their personal beliefs and
ways of living through everyday interaction and these arguments.
Organic food has been claimed to be higher in nutrients, amounts of calcium, magnesium,
iron, and vitamin C by over thirty studies since the 1970s. The claims also state organic has the

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same amount or more nutrients than non-organic foods, such as the 2006 study from Emory
University and the article written by William C. from the Nutrition Bulletin in 2007 (Berger). Its
also become a more mainstream trend in recent years making it a lot more simple to find in local
grocery stores like Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Ingles, and even Wal-Mart. Researchers also
believe that due to the chemicals and processes used on genetically modified foods that
individuals indulging themselves with these conventional foods are lowering their health benefits
by consuming the unpredictable pesticides used. The study from Emory University stated that
organic diets would reduce pesticides in a childs body by fifty to eighty percent. In addition to
what organic food will give you in nutrients, its less likely to contain nitrates. Nitrates are a type
of nitrogen found in some foods that can reduce the amount of hemoglobin in a human body
used to transfer oxygen resulting in Blue Baby Syndrome (Griswold). Therefore, feeding
convenience foods and genetically modified foods to infants and young children has been
concluded by some sources to be unsafe and potentially life-threatening.
While many claim that organic food is full of benefits, others stand by the fact that it is
full of negative effects as well. Not only is it a more expensive way of living, but its not
necessarily been proven to be healthier than genetically modified food (Sprague). In regard to the
Certified Organic labeling process, while the product itself may be organic, the label may not be.
The USDA began using a labeling system for organic products in 2002. To use the label, 100
Percent Organic the product would have to actually contain 95% organic products. Using the
label, Containing Organic Products would suggest that those goods had at least 70% organic
products within it (Griswold). Organic farming also relies on small amounts of monitoring and
self-reporting. For something to be certified organic, the product must not be contaminated in
any form. If not monitored or reported, through a flaw in the system, consumers could wind up

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with contaminated goods. It cant be argued that organic and genetically modified foods have
similar amounts of bacteria. Furthermore, organic food is more likely to be contaminated by E.
coli (Sprague). With the use of manure in organic farming without use of pesticides and other
chemical products helping to mitigate the risks of bacterias tainting the fruits and vegetables its
much more likely to have an outbreak. These foods can end up on grocery shelves without any
attention being drawn to the products ahead of time ending in consumers catching an illness.
Frankenfood (GMOs)
Frankenfoods are chemically altered to contain more nutrients, a better appearance and
taste, and a longer shelf- life. (Rich) The technologies behind genetically modified foods have
been used for decades, and although many individuals have fears of health and environmental
risks GMOs have been studied extensively (Ehrenburg). It has also been claimed to be a more
efficient version of traditional agriculture by using similar techniques that have been utilized for
thousands of years (Pearson). Genetically modified foods are an effective production method due
to the large quantities produced from the chemical alteration.
What makes GMOs so much more sufficient is the fact that they have been genetically
designed to resist pests, disease, drought and flood. Proponents of genetically modified foods
affirm that these enhanced foods can cause allergies in adolescence, but those who stand by
GMOs strongly disagree. Studies suggest that because of a common vitamin A deficiency around
250,000 childrens eyesight diminish or is completely lost every year, and nearly half of them die
within that year. By altering genes of bacterium, corn, rice, and other starches and grains the end
result is converted to vitamin A. The use of GMOs could also prove successful in developing
countries, explained by John Pearson, Hunger and malnourishment that have caused an
estimated 300 million deaths worldwide since 1970 [The use of GMOs] could create a green

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revolution for developing countries, meaning that by producing GMOs and exporting them to
third world countries or teaching them how to use the correct types of technology the world
could diminish the death rates caused by hunger that we, as humans, have not had the ability to
overcome for many years. While 92% of Americans think GM foods should be labeled the FDA
claims theres no significant difference or risk between it and the alternative. A government
committee conference concluded that genetically modified foods have substantial equivalence to
other foods in the early 1990s after agreeing a discussion was warranted due to recent qualms
about the subject (Rich). Genetically modified foods are considered to be substantially
equivalent to the alternatives, which means that they are just as safe, just as healthy, and just as
Genetically modified foods have been considered unsafe and an inconvenience because
of the effects they have on communities near major farming centers. The pesticides used have
been known to poison farm workers and individuals in the surrounding communities. Lasting
effects have even been found in people thousands of miles away from these facilities.
Contamination can also be observed in various species and their habitats. Over time the pollution
of these chemicals into the environment has caused disruption to their hormone systems, which
isnt well understood at this time, but has caused an increase in many species death rates
(Berger). Many European countries oppose, what they call, Frankenfood and refuse to have it
imported. The United States has been pressuring these countries for decades to conform to the
same way of living and by doing so have slowly been agitating their allies (Anderson). Some
studies have also shown that these foods contain a large amount of nitrates, which are a leading
cause of Blue Baby Syndrome. Other studies have shown that the nitrate count is similar to or

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the same as organic foods (Griswold). Genetically modified foods can prove to be harmful in
correspondence to the upkeep needed to perform successful farming methods.
Inadequate Information
There isnt enough information to conclude whether genetically modified food or organic
food is a safer method for farming or eating. Many risks and factors have been recorded and
stated, but legitimate research on GMOs hasnt been surfaced enough for one to judge whether
its a safe alternative to organic. Testing on humans and the environment has been noted as
inadequate or nonexistent in both categories of food (Anderson). While there are countless
claims of GMOs causing death rates to skyrocket the same has been said for the alternative.
Organic food has been known to cause illness and death through contamination of bacterias, yet
no actual report regarding genetically modified foods death rate increase has been reported. In
2002 the American Medical Association (AMA) reported that the risks of genetically modified
were not substantially different than the alternative (Pearson). This conflict of information
makes it difficult to decide which option is better overall and leads consumers to believe
inaccurate information due to misinformed and opinionated authors. Through the writer's
opinions and opposing studies and statements, the information given is in too much disarray and
confliction to actually garner sufficient results.

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