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Today I went to Albahjah kindergarten school. I arrived there at 8:00AM, first

face I saw it was the manager assistant face, she was waiting for me in the
reception. I told her how I am and Im coming from HCT. Then we went to her
office and she told me the school rolls. She was very kind and I was very
comfort with her also she has a good behaver with all employs. Then we
went to the MST classroom. My MSTs name is Fatima. Shes already start the
first lesson with students which it was about clothes. The classroom is very
huge and colorful and there are many corners and they have a small room
for eating there breakfast and washing their hands. Ms. Fatima is helpful and
I loved her behave with the kids which is make the student listen to her
moreover they are super adorable.

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