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Never give apart if you willbe the most interesting person there. ‘Mickey Friedan, American author Ce 1 GRAMMAR uses of the infinitive a Complete the sentences with an infinitive. nethave not ell take close meet rela not worry 1 Pye decided _setto hime bivthday party this year. We'll just go out for dinner. 2 Would you like __ my tance 3 Please, try about me. I'll be OK. 4 Oh, mo, [think I forgot___ the kitchen window. 5 He promised _ anybody about her problem. 6 She needs more ~ she looks really stressed, T My dad offered sme to the party, b Write sentences using the adjective and the correct form of the verb. 1 important / be It’s important to be __there early this evening, 2 careful / not drop Be those plates! 3 dangerous / swim Xt ___ in this river. 4 difficult / sleep No you over Find it at night? 5 interesting / talk to ‘he's always very at parties, 6 nice / see Hello! rs ___ you again. 7 easy / use Digital cameras are _______. € Complete the sentences with an infinitive. argue learn take have study make buy meet 1 Hes going to the library —to.study_, 1 go to evening classes Spanish. tickets. something to eat. They're calling the theater ‘She went to the cafe —_ ‘Are you doing that _ me angry? 6 I bought some books with me on vacation 7 Ididn't come here 8 He goes to parties with you. __ new people Student Book p.134 Grammar Bank 54 2 VOCABULARY verbs + infinitive Fourteen examples of the word to are missing from this text. Can you put them back? (tr Bil on 16 and I le! gt a partsime ob. Im hoping jet a job with computers because m planning make lots of money |My ges in schol arent very good, and | dont know ifm ong graduate | ty work hard but !m nota very good student. Al the other students understand and learn do things qui but notme.And neveremenber bring my books to dass and always forget do my homework. “ (fd like leam fly because | want be a plot But fist | need tke 2 course, My mether offered pay | forthe course but only if! promise ge bener gaces in school Student Buok p.154 Yocubufury Bunk 3 PRONUNCIALION word stress a Look at each pair of words. Which word is stressed on the second syllable? Underline the stress. J remember dangerous 2 promise reception 3 question survive 4 decide difficult 5 pretend birthday 6 offer tomorrow 7 airport advice 8 children escape b Practice saying the words 4 READING a Read the article and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 DJs are good for smell partes. £ ‘A DJ is more expensive than live music. 3 Some DJs need more space than others. 4A good DJ will only play music that he or she likes. 5 It's.a good idea to ask how much space a DJ needs, 6 You need to pay more for an experienced DI. b Underline five words you don't know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and Pronunciation. Choosing a DJ If you're having @ big party for a wedding or an important birthday, then maybe you need a disk jockey. Duo ore great if you don't have enough money or space to have @ live band. A live band is more fun to watch, but a good Du can be very entertaining and can keep people dancing all night. Quality if you decide to have # DJ, the most important thing to consider is quality (us need ta be reliable, thay nood to hove profeacianel aquipment, end they raed to be experienced. And good Dus can be difiul to ind important to make sure that you like the music they play. If they are ‘experianced, they should ask you what kind of party you're having and what kind of pecale will be there, This informstion will help thom choace the music they play - and a good DJ always wants to entertain people, More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words, Word Pronunciation | Translation celebration noun (selo'breyfn hairdresser noun "herdresar! hhainetyle nan /herctail — psychiatrist noun ‘san'kauatrst/ wedding reception nowt _/'wedis n'sepfi/ impersonal adjective /im'parsonl/ motivate verb movtavent/ recommend verb survive verb sar'vany; in the corner ‘in a ‘kornar QUESTION TIME Can you answer these questions? What do you want to do tonight? What are you planning to do this weekend? Is English easy or dificult to learn? Which countries would you like to visi? Do you think ts important to speak foreign languages? MultiRon LW Equipment Different Dus can have very different amaunts of equipment, from small CD and minidiae players to lenge sound systems and disco lighting, and even lve dancers. i's important to ask how much equipment the DU has, so you ccan plan en appropriate space for him fr her to wark in. Again, a goad DU rull Ue ele Ws aap Tis UF Ter ‘equipment to your needs. irs Cost When hiring a OU, it's importent to understand that you get what you pay fon Expariancad Die ara in demand ‘and ask for higher fees then newer, loss experienced Dus. A good DJ meana @ great party, ao try to opend ‘aS much ae you can. And don't forget, to enjoy yourself! a GRAMMAR verb + -ing Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the verbs in parentheses. 1 Treally hate cleaning up_ (clean up) my room! I don't enjoy (ga) ta the movies by myself. 3 Will you please stop (make) that noise! 4 We haven't finished (eat) yet. (tale) untit They'll keep on you tell them to stop! 6 love (travel) to different places. Match the two halves of the sentences. 1 Do you ever dream of Are you interested in 3 Please don't leave without 4 Remember to say good-bye before 5 We ended the evening by 6 Vm really looking forward to doing some part-time work? bb hearing about your vacation. stopping work and retiring? I do. 4 thanking everybody for coming saying good-bye to me. f leaving tomorrow. Happiness ic when what you think, what you say, and what you do are all in harmony. ahaime Gandhi Indian politcal leader ¢ Complete the text with the -ing form of these verbs. drive read have send write get up listen stay um ta What makes you feel good? Pree eee con sec CLM closes Writing — and then sending a funny e-mail or text message to my friends. A their faces when they read it. © eal ike +__ a | right when there's no traffic and | to my favorite music. | feel completely free. in bed on Sunday moming the newspaper. Then very late and ry dog for a long walk. O i enioy 0 to the gym and really mn 2 good workout then a 4 long het chower flowed by a hot cup of tea. There's nothing better. ot \@» off my computer at the end of the day, | _ and getting into my car to go home! its work, the best moment of the day. | love it! d Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses ing form or infinitive). Getting out of the rat race More and more people are deciding !_to get (get) out ofthe rat race. This means they want 2 (stop) . (otk) in an office and move out ofthe cit. So, what are people doing instead of a 9-5 job? Wel, many people hope + business. Perhaps they enjoy § friends and have decided ¢ Some people just want 7 a (eam) something new. (Get up) their own (cook) for (open) a cafe — (Spend) time | | | Jill Yates and her husband, Tim, hated % (get | Lup) every morning at 6:00 am. and 10____(¢rive), | to work. They spent more hours 1. (travel) than | 4 ___ (work they realy tked (ail) | and 4__ (aur, so they decided '5_ (move) to San Diego, in southern California. they se started a business there, 16 (teach) other people to sail and suit il sey “ts inppatato (be) happy with your life. You only get one chancel” Student Book p.134 Grammar Bank 5B 2 PRONUNCIATION -ing a Underline the stressed syllable in these words. 1 singing 4 Tistening 7 remembering 2 sailing 5 enjoying 8 pretending 3 morning 6 relaxing bb Practice saying the words, 3 VOCABULARY verbs + -ing Match the sentences with similar meanings, 1 She doesn't mind goingif you can't. She loves going out. She hates gardening, a 4. She's stopped going to the gym. [ 5 She's thinking of takinga year off. =) © She's starred working again, J a. She doesn't do it anymore. b She's just begun, © She's happy to doit 4. She really likes it. € She hasn't decided vet. £ She really doesn like it ]LTIDD Stuctent Book p.154 vocabulary Bank More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words, Word | Pronunciation __ Translation fire noun ‘fara! forest noun foros mystery noun star — nature noun nentfor/ storm row stom) breathe ver forid/ | sonal ved en ee (planes) take off verb /tetk af! whole day Tahouldey itdoesn't matter At dazmt ‘maar Can you answer these questions? [EJ What do you enioy doing when you'e on vacation? Ey Do you think eating shi healthier than eating meat? Edo you spend much ume having breakfast (1) Do you prefer eating out or cooking at home? [Fy Are you good at remembering people's names? EXE Muitinom EVLLLD ‘The limits of my language are the limits af my world. Ludwig Witgenstein, Austrin philosopher 1 GRAMMAR have to, don't have to, must, ‘must not, can’t a Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to, Dy, 1 Chefs __hiave 1o_ rave clean hands to work with food. 2 Chefs wash dishes. 3 A politician _be very old. 4 A politician talk to lots of people. 5 Secret _— know how to use computers 6 Secretaries be very tall, 7 apilot be strong? No, but they be intelligent. 8 anurse —— wear a uniform? Yes, they usually ‘wear a white uniform, 1b What do these signs mean? Write sentences with, must or can't, [a off Hie grass 1 You must fasten your seat belt, __ fasten / seat belt 2 stop there yt —_ tum left #- 7 walk on the grass a month? € Complete the sentences with must not or don't have to. 1 1 don't have to wear a uniform to school, 2 You __smoke ina gas station. 3 You___enok tonight. We can eat out. 4 You drive without a license. 5 You stand while the plane takes of 6t get up early on weekends, ‘Student Book p.134 Grammar Bank 5C 2 PRONUNCIATION silent letters a Cross out the silent letters in these words, 1 fafen 4 Wednesday 7 climb 2Dlisten 5 knees 8 sign 3 half 6 know 9 walk b Practice saying the words. 3 VOCABULARY modifiers Order the words to make sentences. 1 British / American English / similar / very / are / and British and American English are very similar. 2. can/ pronunciation / English / fais / dificult / be English 3. Japanese / learning / isn't easy / very Learning 4 1/ Hungarian / think / complicated / is / extremely 1 5 is/bit (Italian /a/ easier | little Malian 6 Reading / is vocabulary / a | to / way / really / useful / learn Reading 4 READING a Read the opinions about learning languages. Which do you think are the three best ideas? RL Learn a language This week we ask students and teachers from all over the world for their ideas. English, and | thin its parly because there are TV programs in English, 20 you hear the longuoge ‘Sang-woo, student, Korea Find something interesting to read in the language youite studying Reading 2/0 realy helps you lean new Sompong Tr vocabulary and gamma. Consultant Thailand i'm studying Spanish, and | try to read a litle Spanish every day ~ you don't have to spend a long time doing it, maybe just five minutes looking ata Spanish newspaper | don't have a lot of ime for studying, but | think that the Intemet is an incredible resource for leamers of English around the world. Everybody with or website, ‘a computer has access to millions of pages of ‘ana, student, Peru Engish, end you don't have to leave home ~ in 2 few seconds you con find something interesting to read, You don't have to be studying to leam language - you can be enjoying yourcelt k you have to. concentrate on pronunciation from the beginning. You don't have to pronounce words petfecy, but you can't pronounce them in a way that people won't understand practice English pronunciation by repeating words afte the (Wor by saying the words in my head Wen, student, Taiwan | think you have to have a good dictionary. It can really help you learn a language. It tls you what words mean, but it also gives you information about how words are used luge, plese, expressions, and pronunciation. Elke, language teacher, Sweden You have to listen to the language as much as you can. n Seden a lt of people speak very good b Complete the sentences with the people's names. 1 __Ana__ says that you don’t need to have perfect pronunciation, 2 — and computer will help you learn, think that having a 3 thinks that a good reference book is ingporuant 4 thinks that if you hear a language, youll get bette at apeoking it. 5 ____ says that reading can improve your vocabulary. More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words, Word Pronunciatio ‘Translation experiment noun ik’speromant guide noun ‘guid phrase book noun fre buk fascinated adjective sanertid incredible adjective bl - obligatory adjective | /a'bligatori tricky adjective "niki be good at verb bi gud av! against (the rules) ‘aigenst/ preposition permitted por mitid/ Study idea Think of personal examples to learn new words. ‘What are you good at? What is against the rules in your school? CUCL b) Can you answer these questions? 4 1) Do you have to work or study on the weekend? {Ey Do you have to getup early during the week? Do you have to carry an 1D card in your country? ‘Which side of the road do you have to drive on? How old do you have to be to drive? ETOELD Murino Some people think football (soccer is a mater of life and death. 1 can assure them its much more serious than that. Bill Shank, Liverpool soccer manager 1 VOCABULARY sports, prepositions of movement a Complete the puzzle. Zon2 b Complete the sentences with the correct form of play, do, or go o|= 1 1 play football for a local team 2 GRAMMAR expressing movement 2 How often do you swinnming? a. Look at the pictures and write sentences 4 Bayiier_—__splferen eck with these verbs and prepositions 4 We often cycling on the weekend. de row ran go. get ski through 5 My sister judo twice a week, serom_outof_down up around _ 6 Idon't basketball because I'm too short! r 1 The dog is running © Read the definitions. Which of the sports in a are they? are cael 1 In this sport yon go down hills very quickly. You attach two long, thin objects to your boots. _ skiing 2 The train 2 Intthis game there are two teams of nine players. - the tunnel. Each player hits a ball with a bat, then runs around bases 3 He People who play this sport are usually very tal. They get points by throwing a bal through a net. the hill. 4 You often play this sport indoors, bur you tan also play it on a beach. There are two teams. First you have to throw a ball over a high net, then use your bands to stop the ball from hitting the ground on your sie. _ The people = the mountair 5 She — You often do this indoors, but you can also do it outdoors and even in the ocean. You move your arms and legs w move through water. = the car. 6 They — 4 Underline the prepositions of movement in ¢ ae Student Book p.148 Vocabulary Bank b Look at the picture, read the article, and complete it with the prepositions. along (x2) -aretnd into out of More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words, across Word Pronunciation | Translation past through to toward under aS Tyas 1 = field noun - Mfild/ a Last day at school for al non oul) _ boy with dirty shoes! a match noun met! init Thal — - player noun lf alerar/ zi a stadium noun 'steidiam/) — track nowt | /treek/ Last Wednesday started tr Dis car and sated it as normal for 15-year-old Michael Brewster at his school. || At 10:30 am. Michael's iss was jogging _around_ Then he drove s— the sree, 6 the bridge, 7 the seourty guard and 8 the schoo! gates. Then he the gym. Butwhen Mr. Duf, tured lft and drove the gym teacher, tld Michzelto ©_the road for about clean his dry tennis shoes, he 100 meters 10 — the got really angry. He ran Principals house. That was 2___the gym, and wher he lst control. He tried back to the locker room, where he found Mr. Dut’ eys. From there, he went 3 to stop, went _ the field and crashed into a tre. Micha! left the school shorty the parking lt, got4____ after the incident. XDI Student Book p.134 Grammar Bank 5 3 PRONUNCIATION prepositions Circle the preposition with a different sound. across | along | from along | around | down Ga through out score (a goal. points) /ekar/ verb US TE Can you answer these questions? ‘What's your favorite sport? Why? (ED What was the last sports event that you went to see? How do you get from your English classroom to the nearest cafe? 1] When you go to lass, do you have to go over or under a bridge? Do you go pasta supermarket on your way home? ‘MultiRoM MC La Complete each sentence with one word. He been to Mexico three times. ‘Anna __ arrived yet. | hope she's OK. People the Uy drive — sloy than people in Germany, Hes the inteligent student inthe school hh 5 Hts easy meet people at apart. She stopped __— soccer after she hrnke her leg. T) You have __ show an ID card to board | the plane. He drove — ofthe parking lat and into the treet GTETDD www up com/elt/americanenglishfile/2 1 TAKING SOMETHING BACK Complete the dialogue with one word in each space. A Hi, How can I help you? B I bought _ these pants yesterday, and I've? d___ they're too big. ‘A Would you like to try a smaller size? B No, thanks. 13 t___ ‘on the small site yesterday and they were +, ___ small. ‘A Well, would you like to exchange them for something else? B No, I'd prefer my money back. Could 1 have aS —. please? A Of course, Do you have the receipt? B Yes,¢h. itis. 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the dialogues. 1 a What of Guadalajara? B [twas fabulous. did you th_—— ‘A [didn’t have enough time to see everything. BN mind, 3 A Whatal_ evening! BR Yoo, it’s beantiful. isn't it? 4A Whatw youl ____ to drink? B A coffee, please. 5 A Do you want to go out for dinner? B Whatag___i__! 6 A Did you find the post office? B Nol gotl___. 3 READING Union Square Union Square is an important shopping area. Every major department store is nearby, and the squate is alsu ¢ center for exclusive and high quality fashions. Names like Dior, Armani, Marc Jacobs, and Yves Saint Laurent all have autiques in the area. if you like crowds, then Saturday afternoon would be the perfect time to visit. you prefer to have the stores to yourself then go when most of San Francisco is working. Weekday mornings are always quiet. Most stores are open ‘until 8:00 p.m, and some even later Here are some of our favorites. suitable for the office, tke cashmere or lambswool seater. Accessories inelude hats, jackets, BORDERS: Fou foots of books, videos, DVDs, (CDs, and more. There isa cafe on the second the largest selections of (Ds in San Francis gin also sells music books and videos and for string cafes and hosts he ocasiora ast _ leather bel, and shoes. pestis witha eating bum iging The id 256 Grant venue ares that overooks floor cafe is popular. ciuecerribasie Union Square Specs 2 Staton Suet a ‘events, like author eee etolleadiy BANANA REPUBLIC: conotte sein Fee Oy of ‘You can find the: latest ‘playful shapes and colors. | epee fasion ot pices hat The stor ta isa “work 400 Post Steet ee 7 in pogess’ where customers con wit or ran on he wal 39 Grant Avenue aren't cheap but wor't break the bank ether. Tere are casual clothes that are still VIRGIN MEGASTORE: This huge three-story music store offers one of ‘a Read the text. Match the highlighted words to their meanings. 1 most recent — latest 2 smal, expensive clothing stoves — 3 has a view over oe 4 won't be very expensive = 5 lots of people es 6 very big — b Where could you? ‘Borders 1 buy a guidebook tothe city = 2 lisiew wo a writer reading their new book: — 3 buy anew shirt 4 meet a rock star = 5 buy a new pair of boots - 6 havea view of Union Square I 1 GRAMMAR if + present, will + base form a Match the sentence halves. Here are six more examples of Murphy's Lav: Ifyou don’t remember to take an umbrella, ¢ 2 Ifyou'e ina hurry, 3 Ifyou drop a slice of toast on the floor, 4 Ifyou forget to take a map. Pull” 5 Ifa door says 6 Ifyou're looking fora girlfriend, 2 something will go wrong to slow you down. b you!l get lost ¢ itll rain 4d when you finally meet someone you like, they won't like you. e you'll push it firs. F i'll land buttered-side down, b Circle the correct form, 1 If you (ERY will take Vitamin C, yon won't get cold. 2 If the kide play baseball there, they break / will break the window! 2 Pl call you tomorrow if | hear / will hear any news 4 If you stay / will stay at that hotel i'l be very expensive. Jack is / will be sad if he doesn’t see you tomorrow. 6 Ifyou see / will see an accident, cll the police! 7 You be "ll be cold if you go out without a coat. 8 Ifyou go to bed early tonight, you feel / will feel better in the morning. 1f you want ta find your prince, you will have to iss alt of frogs Anonymous ¢ Read and match the paragraphs to the correct pictures, A~G. Traditions and 1 the tooth tairy Sl | fa child __puits _ (put) a lost tooth under the pillow a ight, the tooth tay (come) during the night and leave behind some money. 2 Good luck | iF the fist buttery you in the years white, you —__ (have) good luck al yea. 3 Ladders Ifyou (walk) under e ladder, you: (have) bad luck for a year. 4 Throwing a coin in a fountain iF you (throw) a coin into a well or fountain and __(make) a wish, the wish — (come) tue. 5 Gold at the end of a rainbow |_| Ht you (ig) atthe end of @ rainbow, you ind) gold. 6 Mirrors HKyou (break) a mio, you (have) seven years of bad luck 7 Bees Ha bee (y) into your home soon you ___ (have) a visitor. IF you ld the bee. you (have) bad luck, or the visitor (be) someone you don't lke 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Student Book p.156 Grammar Bank 6A 2 VOCABULARY confusing verbs Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. 1 She was wearing blue earrings and —carrying a red bag. (carry ea") 2 Tiger Woods has already — tournaments and —__ allot of golf a for tuue; though he’s sill fairly young. (earn, win) 3. Jack was ___ that his girlfriend would call to say she was sorry. He by the phone all evening, but, unfortunately, she never called him. (hope, wait) 4 My parents the whole wedding video, but ‘my brother decided to __ the photos instead. (look at, watch) 5 Tye her for years. 1___ her when. swe were in college. (know, meet) 6 Ifyou the dinner, Pll_____ the dishes. (do, make) 7 A Dol — OK, Mom? B You __ ___ fantastic — in fact you _ = your father when he was young. (look, look like) EXILED Student Book p.149 Vocabulary Bank 3 PRONUNCIATION vowels a Match each group of words to the correct sound. 1 Kaly ff, spill 2 seat, he, sleep }O08 3 not, shopping, father 4 caught, bought, called 5 look, took, push 6 do, supermarket, move b Practice saying the words. More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words. Word Pronunciation Translation Jaw noun Ib size noun (sate) le adjective | sumpl ae investigate verb /m’yestagent — kall_verb (sal runaway verb | /ran a'vet spill veh 5p os Alrgtly adverb dalek together adverb | ta\geber oe fallin foveal m av — Study idea Irregular verbs 1 When you learn new verbs, check in the dictionary to see if they are regular or irregular. 2 If they ate irregular, write IRR next to the verb in your vocabulary notebook, are! write the simple past form next toi, too. 3 Look up investigate, kill, spill, and run in your | dictionary. Which one is irregular? What are the simple past forms? a | Can you answer these questions? / [ED What will you do iit rans tis weekend? [Ey you watcha DVD this weekend, what movie will yousee? JED What will happen if you'e lat for your ned English class? Dy Iryou leave home at 8:30 tomorrow innting, will you be late for work or school? [Ey Witlyou pass your next Fgh tet if you dont study? ETD Multikom ENED 1 GRAMMAR if + past, would + base form & Complete te sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. 1 1f1__had __ (have) a ca, 1 would drive (drtve) to work, 2 If____(see) asnake,1___ (be) terrified! 3 1____ (not know) what to do if —— (find) a mouse in my kitchen, 4 What —you ____(do) if you (lose) your job? 5 Ifmy-sister__ (be) older, she (come) with me to the party. 6 My parents___ (buy) a bigger house if they (have) more money, b Reorder the words to complete the sentences and questions, Td 1 shark / be frightened / very If saw a __shark Ud be very frightened ——_ 2 saw/ you /a/ fire /if/ do / you / would What — he / iff sailing / could / swim Hed go 4 new / lottery / clothes won / she'd / los of / the / buy ? Ifthe __ 5 coulds't if would / do / they ? pouple / watch / TV What | 6 if/ go / the / were (to / doctor /1/ you a ee (ELEIDD Student Book p.136 Grammar Bank 68 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress @ Write the words in the correct stress group. alfaid animal attack chicken crocodile insect mosquito safari 1 Two syllablee, tress on first syllable open, — ee 2 Two syllables, stress on second syllable about, ene 5 Unree syllables, stress on first syllable finally, SE 4 Three syllables, stress on second syllable direction, — b Practice saying the words. 3 VOCABULARY animals Complete the crossword. Clues across > (ELEILEDD Student Book p.151 vocabulary Bank 4 READING a Read the first part of the text and check (/) the things you would do, CEE Lee If you were hiking in the North American wilderness and you saw a bear coming slowly toward you, what would you do? “fd talk to it quietly.” “"td walk away slowly.” "td try not to look at it”) 1 ‘vd climb a tree.” oO “'d pretend to be dead” =] “vd pepper spray its eyes” ‘id try to fight it" o ‘itd make a loud noi td runt b Now read the rest of the article. Which sentence is the best summary? More Words to Learn 1 Theta aothing you den do ife bea attacks you Write translations and try to remember the words. 2 There are lots of things you can do ifa bear attacks you. Word Pronunciation | Translation 3 Bears always try to avoid people. Sorelle for ko _| pet noun peu Well all of these are possible ~ the best thing to do ‘tusk wit ns depends on the mood that the bear isin. If it comes eae = ———— toward you slowly, experts say you should talk to it bark verb bark: quietly, walk away as slowly as possible, and don't iin (ares): verB Klan look the bear in the eye. It might lose interes. lseppemn-wth — if not... then be aggressive, make a noise, and ise a beta wave your hands. f that doesr't work, and the bear 7 continues to come toward you, then run. But ony if you Hison (Ue ground) verb | lat onl are sure that you can reach somewhere safe before the wave (your arms) verb Averv ie aie sou And rogibar aka a ia fast as an Olympic sprinter, Don't dimb a tree, Bears climb them all day long, and they can dmb better than You can. Water is also rot safe. Beats love water and are Tr = eicellent swimmers. If your car is nearby, try to get inside: JOO UN an you answer these questions? weigh verb weU 7 If bear attacks you, then you can pretend to be dead. Bears who don't want to eat you may lose interest and 0 away. you have pepper spr, then spray tin the bear's face. This works 75% of the time. The fal possiblity is to fight back, Most bears are much bigger and stronger than you, but they may be surprised. Our final advice? It's much better to avoid bears than to do any ofthe things above. € Look at the highlighted words or phrases. What do you think they mean? Check your dictionary. ‘Where would you go on vacation f you could 0 anywhere? What would you doi you won te lottery? What would your family think if you decided to five abroad? What would you doi you saw a fire? What would you do if you lost your cell phone? EXD Multizom EXOD wwvwoup.comyelt/americanenglishfile/2 1 GRAMMAR may / might a Mary is 18 and in her final year of high school. She's thinking about her future. Complete her thoughts with might and a verb from the box. fail go get haveto live rent a share continue not want ‘Next year || might go. to college. Or|2__a job'so I can start saving to buy a car. 13. living at home with my famiy oF 14__ an apartment. | | by myself or ©__ the apartment with my fiend Sue. Then again, she 7 to share with me! Ori my final exams! Oh no! if that heppens, | _ stay in school for another year. Why is life 50 difficult? Maybe | should take @ course in decision-making! Read the sentences, Circle the correct form of may / ‘might (not). 1 If the taxi doesn’t come soon, we Gnighd/ might not miss the train, 2 Tim really tired, so 1 may / may not go out tonight. 3 We lve sking, so we might / might not goto the Alps for our next vacation, 4 Sue hast practiced much, so she might / might not fail her driving test. 5 L haven't seen Jim with Elena for along time. They may / may wot be wgetlet anymore 6 If you do lots of housework, your mom might / might not give you some money. 7 A Thave a temperature and a headache. B You might / might not have the fu, 8 My parents may / may not come tothe party ~ they think they’ll be on vacation then, ELNTELD Student Bok p.r36 Grunnar Burk 6C The frst step to getting what you want ut of if is this: Decide what you ws Ben Stein, Americar 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Underline the stressed syllable in these words. 1 organization 5 imagination 2 invitation 6 translation 3 election 7 communication 4 information 8 decision Practice saying the words. 3 VOCABULARY noun formation 4 Complete the chart with -tiw or -sion nouns or the correct verb. Use your dictionary if necessar Verb Noun communicate communication conclude conclusion correct = confusion demonstrate = inject ‘organization predict b Complete the sentences with verbs or nouns froma. 1 And finally, in conclusion _, I'd just like to thank you all very much for being here today. 2 E-mail and cell phones have made it much easier to 3 Ineed to go to the doctor foran 4 The scientists gave aus impressive — of the new robot. > Let me make a about the future I don’t think there will be any more global wars. 6 Can you help me the conference? 4 READING ‘Most of us don't know what life will be like in the future, or even where welll be a year from now, but it's fun to speculate, So, what might the World be like in the year 3000 (or Y3K as it is now called)? Here is what one expert suggests: BF what forms will our bodies have in Y3K? TB) we wit be blager and wert need more food. The average adult male might weigh about 100 kilograms. People wil ive for hundreds of years and will have computers in thelr brains Ti computers in their brains! What do you mean? IB) We wit 00 be able to repair the human brain and finaly replace it completely in te future you might be able wo record all your experiences on disk, so you can relive them ‘when you want ro. Communication wil be TOO times faster, too, Now we communicate by speaking, but in the future we may communicate by taught and images. wit we sunt die? BB wemagne be abie to avold veal, placing all our body parts when we need tof you die, may only be by choice. It could be our choice ~ ort might be the choice ofthe government that runs your mind computer. 1B) ana what will humans do with their time? IBN computers wil do all the work. Allmanufacturng production will be automated. We might just enjoy ourselves while technology does everything 1 wnat about space travel? BN vee might take contel of space and ve there, too. There might be colonies on Mars or on other planets. Robots wil travel far nto the galaxy, and we may find i fe BF bur witl we be happier? TN wei, rman optimist. | think in the end most of us wil be happy, andthe world willbe a better place. But who knows? a Read the interview, Mark the sentences T (true) « F (alse). 1 People willbe larger and live much Jonger inthe future, ‘We won't be able to replace our brains. 3 We might be able to communicate without speaking, We will definitely not die. ‘We won't need to work, People and robots will travel in space. 7 We wor't find any aliens. § The expert thinks the world may be a better, happier place in the future, Underline five words vou don't know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words Word Pronunciation _| Translat options noun op {nz {in)decisive adjective _/dr'sarsv ask for (advice) verb ‘esk for! — belong verb blo change your mind verb _/tfeinds yor mam compute verb kom’ per! confuse verb on fy _ make a decision verb /meik 2 d's make a list verb imerk 9 lst take your time verb Can you answer these questions with may or might? What are you going to do tonight? Wht are you going to have fr dinner tomorrow? {1 What do you thnk youl do next weekend? [G)_What the net ting you're going to buy? MuliROM Lt EXNMND wn. 0up.comjetamericanengishe/2 | owe my success to having listened respectilly tothe very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite. GK Chesterton, British iter 1 GRAMMAR should / shouldn't b Read the problems. Complete the advice with @ Match the sentences to the pictures. Complete the Should | shouldn't and a verb from the box. sentences with should or shouldn't. “A ‘Jove going out at night and then watching TV when I get home. The trouble i, Fn alnays tired at work the next day. What should | do? B I have a bad pain in my neck. When | move my head, it gets much worse. What is your advice? ‘There is a really nice shirt on sale at a neighborhood clothing store. t's expensive, but I can just afford it. Should I buy it? My coworker earns more money than | do, but does half the amount of work, t's really making me angry. What should | do? _| E My children are six and nine years old, They love ‘to watch horror movies, but when they do, they can't sleep at night. Any advice? Tear hate waiting in lines. After about two minutes | get really angry and want to hit someone. Please hel G I'm 23 and lonely. | work from home, and 1 never get a chance to meet anybody. What shuld | du? be go(x2) tel watch buy contact 1 You _showld tell_ your boss, He might offer you more money. 2'You___so linpaitint ‘ly toreaxaiore, 3 You__ to bed so late! o ~ 4 You____to the doctor immediately. 1 He — should — get haircut. a 5 You it before someone else does, 1] 2 he bapa Beit: Hieatee Hs 6 You ____a dating service. oO Bue — tink coffe all day. A 7 They —_____ horror movies at that age! 4 “You _ sawhe. I> very bad fut you wis aeeaimeaeltias: =) € Match the advice to the problems in b. © “You __ get more exercise” o Student Book p.136 Grammar Bank 6D 2 PRONUNCIATION /u/ Circle the word in each group that has the /o/ sound. Gould) 0 1 lock not 2 problem worth out should 3 could women company stop 4 touch borrow understand — worth 5 good come soon argue b Practice saying the words. 3 VOCABULARY get Complete the sentences with the correct form of get and one of these words. taller lost married off home cee e-mails along angry tickets 1A The pain in my back is getting _worse B You should go to the doctor. 21__3 from my boss yesterday. I spent all day answering them. 3 You shouldn't with him for breaking the window. Hes only three! 4A Can you me tvo for Friday's concert? B I might be able to. My mother and I are great friends, but I don't with my father very well. 6 John usually finishes work very late. When he + his children are always in bed. 7 Atshat age do you think young people should 2 8 My granddaughter is she’s growing very fast 9 Would you like my seat? I'm the bus at the next stop. 10 I didn't have a map, so] _____ Student Book ps2 Vocabulary Bank More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the » Word Pronunciation ‘Tra dloset noun I"klazat! suggestion now Isog'dsestjn! (good) taste noun less desperate adjective _/"desporat/ offended aijetive _Ja'fendsd sensitive adjective I'sensatv/ lock verb aki make an excuse verb _metk an tk'skyus! treat verb Ai it's not worth it its nat ward Uea os Can you give these people advice? “| want to goto the movies. What movie should "don eel well Who should Ica” “vest my passport. What should | do?” "I want to visit your country. Where should! go? “have a problem with my English. Who should VLD Muttinom CeO ia 2 lle eau sentence with one word. | went to the newsstand buyap Hove breakfast in bed on Sunde | dont have work tomoro I's The man ran the tunnel and the the street. if we don't hurry, we catch the train, What you doif you saw a snake ivy sister come tis weekend, not sure. think you sgatsome exerrice very good shape. EXNTELD www.cup.comyett/americanenglish 1 ASKING FOR MEDICINE Complete the dialogue with these words. take hurts much might ae hhave help oftentimes think A Good afternoon. How can T1__help. you? B [have a headache and my back = too. ‘A Do yous a temperature? B Yes, T think I do a litle bit. A 4___ you allergic to anything? B No,I don'ts A OK, it sounds as if you & the flu or a bad cold. B Do you have anything Ican?7____? A Yes, try these, You take onie tablet three 4_adyy. B Sorry,how® A Three times a day. B Great. How 10 A. They're $9.99 for 24 are they? 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the dialogues. 1A Bless____you! Are you OK? B Yes, 'm fine. Ihave cold, that’ al > AH fora drink? B Thats about going somesshere fantastic, Where w. you like to go? about last, A Timreally s night, B What do youm _? 4A Itst_ bad you missed the party. B Yeah, | know. 3 READING a Match the signs to their meanings. Ceased B Do not exceed CnC ti ee ——_ Bh Warning. Drinking ea sng regancy bith dtc. Please wait here Rea ahead |i = weet You should be careful not to take too much of this medicine. ‘You have to wait until a waiter shows you where to sit. ©) You must keep this medicine somewhere safe. © You can't smoke here You shouldn't drink wine if you are expecting a baby. (1 You should be careful or you might fall down. = You must not drink this water. J You must make sure that the door is never left open CJ You should drive carefully when it rains. 1 You have to turn your cell phone off “1 You must drive slowly here. 1 You can't use radios in this park. b Underline five words or phrases you don't know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. |.om not eftid of death; | just don't want to be there when it happen: Woody Allen, American movie directo Re La “Fanos 1 VOCABULARY phobias 'b Complete the text with for and since. Complete the sentences. 1 Another word for afraid is frightened If you are very afraid, you aret____. 3 ‘Two insects that alot of people are afraid of are b__ ands. ‘When some people are afraid, they p____. 5 Ifyou suffer from claustrophobia, it means that you don't like being in c. = s 6 People who are afraid of h___ dont like going up tall buildings. Martha Schwarz, 29, freelance photographer ee 2. GRAMMAR present perfect + for and since a te een acee ae a Circle the correct word, for or since, to homes 1__since | we'e hoping fora son this complete each sentence. was bor. My family and! ‘time. ve been pregnant 1 T've been afraid of spiders for Ginee) I was ten. lived in a small apartment 6 February 2 She's been afraid of flying for / since many years. 2 the fist fue years Ive been a professional 3 I've had this watch for J since three months. cof my life. Then we moved to photngrapher 7 larger one after my second neatly six years now and | sister was bom, My parents love it. | worked for 4 We haven't been back there for / since the accident happened. . have lived there Newsweek § four 5 A How long have you been here? ; then. They don't want to years, and Ive been a B For/ Since ten o'clock. ve been waiting phar etna vel esiceart es for / since two hours. they love the area | prefer working for myself 6 They haven't slept for / since the baby was born! 7 He hasn't ridden a horse for / since he fell off | moved out when | got | although | miss all the fun of engaged, and Ive ved in 2 working in an ofce ~ and the cone when he was twelve, small house in the county | gossip of course! 8 A How long have you known your husband? 4 the last seven ‘My Favorite cemera is my 1 Fot/ Sindeageal We niet when wevvere 19 years. My husband and | have old Nikon 60). ve had it been married § 10. my 21st and have been together for / since then. oe almost fv years now and birthday. | must have taken We're expecting our second about twenty thousand tld soon, We akeady have 2 photos with it, andit sil daughter ~itwes her second works perfectly! © Complete the questions about Martha. Use How long or When and the verb in parentheses. 1 How long have her parents lived in the aread (live) ‘They've lived there cince her sister was born, 2 —__ Martha__2 (move out) When she go. engaged 3 —_____ she and her husband £ married? (be) For almost five years. 4—__she__ pregnant? (be) Since February. 5 she —a professional photographer? (become) Nearly six years ago, 6 ____she __a freelancer? (be) Since she left Newsweek, 7 she ___ her Nikon 601? (get) She go it for her 21st birthday. 4 Correct the mistake in each sentence, | Jun lives here for seven years. Jun has lived here for seven yeas. 2. How long is she a professional dancer? 3 They were married since 2000, 4 He has been in Chile tor February. 5 How long do you have your car? 6 He's had this job since eight years, 7 She has three homes since she was born, 8 My parents live in the same house for many years, Student Book p.138 Grammar Bank 74 3 PRONUNCIATION 1 and ai Circle the correct sound for each pair of words, 1 dish, lve (v) @® tw 2 since, this We fa 3 fy frightened fay 4 time, spider Mt fat 5 child, rice i fay 6 mis, ily hia 7 high, heights Ab fail 8 ss, sster a) Practice saying the words. More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words Word ____| Pronunciation Translation bomb now foamy boat noun | scene noun ‘sin/ iucatment noun | ritmand oe giant adjective — Si fégaony hairy adjective Pheri) | affect verb ftv | Big a in this respect fan 01s 'spekt/ the rest (of us) fa rest a Can you answer these questions? y [BD How long have you known your bestfriend? [Ey How long have you had your cell phone? BD How long have you studied Engiish? {G)_How long have you had your shoes? |G How long have you been in your English class? utzon wovw.oup.comyelt/americanenglishfile/2 1 VOCABULARY life events ‘Complete the phrases. 1 Twas < Tweat o I graduated Istarted =O Lfell ‘We got We had Tretired ‘on my 65th birthday. bin love with Laura in college € born in 1940. d_ to school when | was five. work when I was 21, f two children. g. from school when I was 18. h married in 1962. x PRONUNCIATION word stress ‘@ Write the words in the correct group. swecessfit career appear famous movie direct director violence ticket actor Stress on Ist syllable Stress on 2nd syllable successful _ b Practice saying the words. In feature films the director is God; in documentary films God isthe director. Aled Hitchcock, Bish movie diector 3 GRAMMAR present perfect or simple past? a Circle the correct verh forms. 1 mae / Ges Toe for ages, almost since we ? were / vee bora Wome / ost ‘at the same preschool when we ‘eae ret nly bar a ‘old, and we 5 're / 've been friends tue ten We want / ve tan othe ate clomaiary el, we 7 were / have been in the same class in high school, and now we're at the same university. setae te way nom ae is sl geography, and last year 1 § chose / have chosen history as my ‘major. But I've always wanted to be a teacher, and yesterday ‘Teresa ° told / has told me that she wants to do the same thing! ‘We |” ‘ve been / were friends for a long time, and we | shared / ‘ve shared a lot of great experiences ~ maybe teaching cgute wil be ext b Write the verbs in the simple past or present perfect. Use contractins where possible. 1 A How long hare __ you lived ___in Seoul? (live) BD Since last November. 2A |_______ divorced last year (get) B How long you married? (be) 3 1______ from college when I was 22, and since then I as. civil engineer (graduate, work) 4A Where _____you __ on your last vacation? (go) B We the Orient Express to Venice. (take) 5A How long — ___ you _____ that car? (have) B Along time! I it in 1999, (buy) 61 Juana since she ___ to Mexico City three years ago. (not see, move) GETILDD Student Book p.138 Grammar Bank 78 4 READING 1) The Japanese movie director Hayao Miyazaki is one of the greatest animators in modern cinema. Movies lke Heid and 5,000 Leagues in Search of Mother have made him famous all ever the world. | 1n1971 Miyake Toe! Douge Animation and worked with several other companies. He made Heidi, and 3,000 Leagues in Search of Mather which were shown 35 TV setes allover the word __] in 1952 they moved back to Tokyo. When Hayao was in high school, he saw his fist animated movie, The Legend of the White Snake. He fll in love with the heroine, Pai-nyan, and cried all night. It was this movie that started his interest in animation | In 1985, he and tis tiend and colleague, sao Takahata, started a movie studio called Studio Ghibli. Since then Miyazaki has directed, written, and produced many ather movies with Takata. all ofthese movies have bean major successes, particularly Princess Mononoke and Spinted vay. 1 But he sil load cartons Aare finished collage in 1965, he started work at Toei Douge Animation, and he became very successful While he was working there, he met another att, Aker Ota. They got maid in 1965 and they have two sons. They vein Tokyo, but witen ne tied to draw, he found he could only raw planes, not people, So when he graduated from high school, he decided to study economics and Paltcal science in college. Hayao Miyazaki was bom in Tokyo on January 5, 1981 bis family had a company that made parts for planes, and when he was young, Hayao spent alt of time rowing planes. After the war, the femily moved to iy Utsunomi a Read the text about Miyazaki, Order the paragraphs 1 b Circle the correct verb form in the questions, 1 When (was)/ has been Hayao Miyazaki horn? 2 When did his family move / has his family moved back to Toyo? 3 When did he see / has he seen his first animated movie? 4 How Tong did he work / has he worked for Toei ouga Animation? 5 How long was he married / has he been married? € Read the text again and answer the questions in b. More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words. Word drugs nowt entrance noun entra | episode noun epesoud) | parking ticket now | 'parkiy 'tkav - prison noun pram! role mown ‘roull —_ violence noun ‘vatalons! nominate verb f'namanert! play (the pact of) verb (lev ESTION TIME Can you answer these questions? ‘When did you start schon? Where did you go to elementary school? How long have you lived in this city or tow? How old were you when you went to high school 5) How many times have you been abroad? MultigoM ELTNLD ww.cup.comyett/americanenglishfile/2 1 GRAMMAR used to a Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verb in parentheses. 1 Did vou use t0 enjoy (you / enjoy) math in school? 2 1______(not like) flying, but I love it now. 3 We (be) friends, hut we don't get along now. 4 ___ (Toshi / work) for IBM before he came here? 5 Summers ___ (not be) as hot as they are now, 6 She_____ (live) with her mother, but now she lives with her father, 71 (not get) any exercise. 8 ___ (he play) for the Houston Rockets? b Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases. 1 Tuiseto go to the movies more often. —_ used 2. He used wear a uniform when he was in school. 3 We didn’t used to understand our French teacher, —__ 4. Did you used to worl 5. She use to’work late, but now she finishes at 5:00, 6 Did your children used go to school on Saturdays?___ an office? EIEN Student Book p.138 Grammar Bank 7C 2 PRONUNCIATION consonants a. Circle the word with a different consonant sound. years | science | school | teenager | rules clase change | great GsediD friends child journalist, b Practice saying the words. | used to be a rebel "Nostalgia isnt what it ced ta be Groh 3 VOCABULARY school subjects Match the school subjects and the sentences. 1 Foreign languages Geography History Literate Math Physical education 1000 oO Science eee ee Computer sience a 23x48-= 1,104 b- Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's greatest plays. ‘¢ How do-you say “Good morning” in Korean? d_ Remember to click on the icon to select the program. ¢ Napoleon died in 1821. fT want everyone to run around the track four times. & What's the capital of Panama? hh A.water molecule has one oxygen atom and thon hydengen atoms. 4 READING a Read the interview. Write the questions in the correct place in the text, Did you have a favorite teacher? Where dit yourgote-shool: Did you ever get into trouble? What's the most important leson you've learned in life? ‘What did you want to be when you were young? What subjects were you good at? 1 eee es eres Where did you goto school ‘St Mary's Primary School in Largs, a small Scottish town, Then Large Academy, the local ceeondary school. No, my school report cards used to say “tiendly ancl ‘wellbehaved.” I don't think | was rebellious. in fac, | used to be fay shy. | became more ofa rebel in high school. | stayed in school until was 18, but | was really lazy and uninterested, and | didnt use to do very much work | used to love English and art, but| wasnt very good at math. n English dass we used to read plys, and | sat atthe back of the das thinking, “Why can't you all act a litle better? kt was the fist ie | thought about being an actor | used to love Miss "Toole, one of my elementary. schoolteachers. | loved her because in school, even if We were doing math with he, which | cart ke, she used fo let me draw, and she never got angry. In high school ked my biology teacher. Mt Scott, and my geography teacher, Mr. Brunei, because they were nice people, although | wasnt very youl at Une subject ‘ea litle gi | wanted to be a movi sty, ond | used to make my dad act out scenes with me. | also wanted to be a makeup tis. Tyo do the thing you love most ~ even if you think Ir sly {ve leamed most through working and acting, because it teaches me about life. To eam money by doing something you love can only make you a happier person. b Mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn’t say). 1 Daniela went to school in Scotland. T. 3 She worked hard in high school 4 Her high school was for boys and girls, 5 The students in her class in high school ‘weren't very good actors 6 Miss O'Toole used to get angry with her students. 7 Daniela didn’t want to be an actor when she was very young, 8 She thinks i's important to enjoy your job, More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words, 2 She went to school with her brother, = Word Pronunciation Translation cama noi ‘drama - protest no provtes rebel noun 'rebl oe adjective '9'poliny bright (= intelligent) ‘brart adjective —_ deteriorate verb (di'turisrett especially adverb ‘’spefali secently adverb isontlis oo according to preposition fa'kordin tu war fat wor QUESTION TIME, Can you answer these questions? Who used tobe your bestfriend in elementary schoo? What fod did you use to ike when you were a child? ‘Which books did you use tite when you were a child? Dy yuu wold mmure television now than you used to? Do you get more exercise now than you used to? ELD muttixom 1 GRAMMAR passive a Reorder the words to make sentences. | 1 relieve pain (used J is {Aspirin /t0 Aspirin i weed to ralieve pain 2 named / The sandwich / after / was / the Earl of Sandwich 3 designed / Cesar Pelli / ‘The Petronas Towers / were / by 4 based / This movie / a true story / is/on > published / The first crossword puzzle | in 1913 / was 6 Diners Club® J issued / The first credit card / by / was 7 very often / not used / The typewriter / these days fs 8 discovered | was / by / Alexander Fleming / Penicilin On Creme Necocity isthe mother of vention. Plat, Grek philosopher b Write sentences in the present passive or past passive. 1 President Kennedy / assassinate / 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. 2 Champagne / made / France Champagne is made in France 3 What / this machine / call 4 Television / invent / john Logie Baird 5 This room / clean / every morning 6 That building / design a famous architect 7 Portuguese / speak / in Brazil 8 Where / those photos / take ¢ Rewrite the sentences in the passive. 1 The police stopped me last night. Twas stopped by the police lastnight 2 Shakira sang Hips Don't Lie, Hips Don't ie 3 My cousin took all the photographs at our wedding. All the photographs ———_—__ 4 controls the heating, ‘The heating 5 Uruguay won the first World Cup. ‘The fst World Cup. 6 Van Gogh didn't paint thi This 7 Did Edison invent the telephone? ‘Was: _ a Student Book p.138 Grammar Bank 7 2 VOCABULARY verbs Complete the sentences with the past participle of these verbs. write make create invent design record base — discover designed 1 The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco was by engineer Joseph B. Strauss. 2 Twas after my grandmother. 3 Gold was __ in California in 1848, 4 Copper and tin are to make bronze. Many different characters were by Shakespeare Telephones weren't until the late 1800s, Most cakes are from flour, eggs, sugar, aud butter, 8 Many of the Beatles’songs were at Abbey Koad Studios in London, 9 The Lord of the Rings was — by Tolkien. ) Many characters in novels are ‘on real people, 3 PRONUNCIATION -ed Circle the past participle with a different -ed sound. w nd! nar Gt named | checked | appeared | rained [discovered changed | separated | based (GQuinted) pretended| played Practice saying the words, started | produced directed | missed More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words. Word Pronunciation | Translation hallpaint pen mows —_Jhalpamnt ‘nen bikini now Mo'kinid bulletproof vest owe _"balatprut vest diapers noun Pdaupar dishwasher noun /augwafar light bulb noun fait ball’ stockings own 'stakunye! vacuum cleaner nowt /'vaekyum Klinar/ white-out nowt wartaot/ shield wipers ntoun /'windiild “warparz! Study idea Sometimes you can remember new words by visualizing them in your mind, Look at the words in More Words to Learn and try to visualize the objects. soe ) (Can you answer these questions? 3 ‘Where were you born? ‘When was your apartment building or house but? ‘Who was your favorite movie directed by? How many languages are spoken in your county? Which company was your cll phone made by? MultiROM CAN YOU REMEMBER...? ea | Complete each sentence with one word. \ 6a7 | 111 do it tomorrow if | time. oe | ff]_____ you, | woouldn’t buy that house. | might 0 ut tonight. 'm very tired. | You drink coffee at night - you won't sleep. |G How have you lived inthis city or town? How many mo ‘red Hitchcock make? BI tw sungke but | uit last year. "Disposable diapers invented by a woman. ELVED ww.oup.comyett/americanenglishtile/2 1 BUYING TICKETS Reorder the dialogue, 1-10. ‘A Round-irip, please. How tnucl i dat? A Thanks. Oh, can I get anything to eat on the train? [1] A Can Ihave a ticket to Boston, please? a ‘A Good. And what time docs it arrive in Boston? =] ‘A Here you are. When does the next train leave? 1 ‘That's $104, J It gets there at 1 B B B Yes, eres sich ca with snacks aud dunks, B In ten minutes. B (One-way or round-trip? 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the dialogues. 1A I'm really Looking ___forward to our vacation. Me too! Could you t B A B Yes, of course. Are you r__ A B A a photo of us, please? 2 Say “cheese!” You like chocolate, don't you? Yes. Ww do you ask? (Oh, no reason. I just w__ 3 READING a Read thy 1 You can (Gan) buy a $10 ticket by credit card. 2 You can / can't use bills in the ticket machine. information and Gicle Une vorieet answer. 3 You can store luggage under / in front of your seat. 4 You can / can't take bicycles on BART trains. 5 Many stations close before ( after midnight. 6 Annine-year-old child can buy a S48 ticket for $18 / $30. 7 You have to / don't have to pay fora three-year-old child, 8 Senior citizens who want a discount must / don’t have to carry an ID, GENERAL INFORMATION BART ticket machines will accept nickels (five cents), dimes (ten cents), quarters (25 cents), $1, $5, $10, and $20 bil. Some ticket machines will accept credit cards for a minimum of $20 transaction \When bringing luggage on BART train, please ty to keep aisles clear by storing your luggage under your seat. Some tains have space by the doors for Wheelchairs or bikes. You can store your luggage there, but please keep it within your contol at ll times. SERVICE HOURS in many cases, BART sence extends past mihight Individual station closing times are coordinated with the schedule for the last tain, begitning at around midnight SPECIAL TICKET TYPES BART Blue - for frequent travelers $45 / $60 tickets BART Red - 62.5% discount 662.54 discount for persons with disabilities and children 5 to 12 years old, $24 ticket costs only $9! ‘Note: children 4 and under ae FR BART Green* ~ 62.5% discount 62.5% discount for senior ctizens 65 years and older, $24 ticket costs only $9! *Please note: When using BART Green Discount Tickets onion: ara requited to cary proof of age b Underline five words or phrases you don't know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. OW | hate weekends! | GRAMMAR something, anything, nothing, etc. 2 Citele the correct word. | Lealled twice, but anybody (Gobody answered. 2 Do you know anything / anyone about this mecti 5 Listen! I think somebody / anybody is upstairs + He couldn't find his keys nowhere / anywhere. We didn’t know someone / anyone atthe party. 6 Daniel has something / anything o tll you. 7 Pim sorry, I can't do anything / nothing about that 8 We need to find somewhere / anywhere to stay. 9 We don't have anywhere / nowhere to put it. Look at the picture, Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). | Nobody is dancing. 2 There isn't anybody behind the har 3 There's nothing to eat, = 4 The dancer on the left docsn't have anything on her feet. = 5 There isn’t anywhere to sit. 6 Someone stalking on phone, 7 The mau ow the sight is saying, something to the woman. CXEITEIDD Student Book p.140 Grammar Bonk aA ‘There aren't enuugl days in Ure weekend, ‘Rod Schmidt, American waiter 2 PRONUNCIATION Je/, /ows, /a/ a Write the words in the chart. sofe Sunday seven help go stressful nothing don't close ne Iamch never home study button best something anything l, | seven__| _sofa__ St Practice saying the words. 3 VOCABULARY adjectives ending in -ed and -ing ‘Complete the sentences with an adjective ending in -ed or -ing. 1 Pm tired ___—Pve ha wo ssany late mightst Going toa spa on weekends isso r his movie is really b. Turn the TV off. She just lost her job. T'm reading a really book. 2 5 4 She's veryd 5 6 ‘That was a really ex___ game, 7 8 9 0 Working ten hours every day is very t ‘We always feel very r__ ‘Mom, I'm b. £1 want to go out. ‘The news right now is all very d————— on vacation, 1 11 He's very i in archaeology. 12 The dogs were very ex___tw see us when we ‘came home, 4 READING Favorite times Idon't like... % | con't ike my job t's really boring, \B 1 VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with these words. verdict calendar close social free skin diet producer water _ stressed 1 Tariq isa music _ producer 2 Wensea to find out what day and date tis. 3 T'mnot relaxed. I'm very. 4 Lonly have two or three friends. 5. Whatis the doctors on Tariq? 6 Tariq doesn’t have much ___ time, 7 My __is fairly healthy. [eat alot of fruit 8 My life is great! T go out a lot. 9 You should always drink lots of —__. 10 My doesn't usually get sunburned. 2 GRAMMAR quantifiers, too, not enough @ Match the sentences. 1 I can't drive a car yet. @ 2 Tean't sleep. L 3. Tm very full. 4 Can we spend the night here? 5 cant find my homework. 6 My bag is really heavy. 7 Tl never learn to drive now. oo oo 8 Pll never finish this test on time, a There are too many questions. b Late too much. € There's too much paper on my desk. d T'm too young. € Tm oo old! f I'm too tired to drive home, There's wo nmuch noise. 1 Thave too many books in it ea (Old age is always 15 years older than I am, ‘Bernard Baruch, American politcal adviser Circle the correct word or phrase for each sentence. 1 Learit pay. don' have Gough mone})/ money enough, 2 This apartment is tiny! Do you think it's enough big / big enough for both of us? 2) We would go sling yesterday, There wast enough wind / wind enough. 4 This cotfee isn’t enough hot / hot enough. 5 Tkmow a few / little words in Arabic. 6 L speak afew / a litle Chinese. 7 May [ask you a few /a little questions? 8 Could | have afew /a little mote coffee, please? 9 you can wait, well be there in afew litle minutes. 10 Can I have a few / a little time to think, please? (ELNIDD Student Book p.140 Grammar Bank 8B 3 PRONUNCIATION jx), Ju/, /av, /e/ a Write the words in the chart. exercise young fiend fent fond month wine diet b Practice saying the words. = 4 a READING Read the newspaper article and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 American children are fatter than they weed to be, T 2 Children don't see a lot of food advertisements. — 3 Children get less exercise than inthe pas. 4 Children are overweight because they eat too much tood. 5 Children are overweight because they aren't getting enuugh exerise. 6 It's important for young children to have @ healthy diet. 7 Parents should eat meals with their children. $8 Playing on computers ist’t very good for children. Look at the highlighted words. What do you think they mean? Check your dictionary. It's official - American children are getting fatter. ‘According to a survey published in the Journal of | the American Medical Association, in 2003-2004 more than 17 percent of American children aged 2-19 were overweight . And since then, the problem has gotten worse, More recent health surveys have found that at least 20 percent of all American children are now ovens —_—_—— way? Children watch too much television, and they see twelve food advertisements for every hour of TV they watch. They get lees exercise, play 6 Is awful! me my bag! it to the store, Complete the sentences with these verbs. fillout giveup goback look for look up take off throwaway fermen turn up wake up 1 very morning |_turt on my computer and check my e-mail, 2 Please don't tomorrow. I'm tired! 3 Pve been sick, but I think Pl me t00 early _ to work tomorrow. ‘your shoes when you go inside. them? 4 Remember to 5 Tost my glasses. Can you help me 6 The TV's toa low it ‘Woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head. John Lennon and Poul McCartney, Bish songuniters 7 My parents are trying to — 8 Which word did we need to 9 Please 10 Ugh! EEN Student Book p.1s3 vocabulary Bank smoking. — in the dictionary? the form and return it to me later that garhage —it really cmelle! 2 GRAMMAR word order of phrasal verbs a Circle the correct phrases. IF both are possible, circle them both. 1 Please ou this fora CE this form ou. 2. Your father’s asleep, Don't wake im up / wake up him! 3 We got at 630 up / got up at 6:30, 4 You won't remember tif you dont write it down / write down it 5 Why don't you put your clothes away / put away your clothes? 6 Il eall you back callback you later Rewrite the sentences with a pronoun. Change the word order if necessary. 1 Can you turm up the TV? Can you tur it up? 2 Could you pick up your clothes? 3 Ill give your book back tomorrow. 4 Will you please look up his address? 2 5 Did you throw away yesterd "s newspaper? He gets along with his sisters very wel. ‘Student Book p.140 Grammar Bank 8C 3 PRONUNCIATION /g/ and /d a Write the words in the chart. regular — vegetables immigration allergic B rtm D Practice saying the words. reat generally energetic glass 4 READING a Read the article. Fill in the blanks with these phrasal verbs. get into turn on sit down stay up patep ‘get up get along ne five words you don't know. Use your ictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation, Allergic to camping? Seven reasons not to spend your weekend in a tent... U @ ieatvays rains, and everything gets wet - you, your tent, ‘your sleening bag your dates, and your food @ ‘ou ainays think you put up _ your tent in the best possible place. After the first night, you realize that it was the worst possble place ~ on sharp recs! 8 ‘our terts so smal that you cant standup and yeu cant Al you can do ein your sleeping bag. More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words, Word Pronunciatic mn Translation alarm clock noun /a'larm klak/ gene sour reggarch own active adjective allergic adjective | /a'lardh energetic adjective | /enar'dsetk/ ready adjective red discover ver) | Aiskavar) | because of Ib kz ov |; instead of ‘insted av | QUESTION TIME Can you answer these questions? ‘Are you good at waking up in the morning? What's the first thing you turn on inthe morning? Where do you look up words that you dont know? If you're planning a trip, where do you find out about fights and hotels? ‘When was the lat ime you took something back to a store? MultiROM Qbven iFyous really well ith your husband or wife, after a ayn 2 te, you watt speck oe et fra eck 9 ‘The people next to you have a much bigger tent wih a barbecue and a, They late enjoying themselves while you're tring to get to sleep. QAsheep tries to 5 ‘your tent with you, but fails. Homever, a hundred insets have already sucestlygorten into your ent @ Aiter a bad nights sleep, things are no better when you ® inthe morning No cfles, no tee no newspapets, andthe people in the next tent 7 ‘their TV again. The only good thing is that its very cheap. But of course it's cheap - nobody would pay much for this. EXTILLD wow There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: Twins. os Bilings American comedian 1 GRAMMAR 50, neither + auxiliaries a Complete the conversation with words from the box. would neither — wer A Hii, Sue, What are you doing on Saturday? B I'm going to that lecture on “finding out about your family” ‘ASo!__amm__1.'m not sure how much wel learn though. B2___ aml But! want to learn more about my great-grandparents. A}______ do |. Mine were born at the end of the 19th century! BSo+ A Yes, they did. I'd love to find out more about other members of amine, Did they lve here? the family, too, BS05 1. Let’s go together. Pl pick you up at eight. A OK, See you then. b Respond to the statements, Use So... or Neither. 1 Hove dancing. So dol. 2 Thated our echool uniform, 3 don’t have any money. 4-T'm not sure what the answer is. T can play the guitar 6 ve only been there once, 7 L would love to go to Australia I yent camping last yer. (EZNTELD Student Book p.140 Grommar Bank 8D 2 VOCABULARY similarities ‘Complete the text with words from the box. as both (x2) like neither so (x2) similar | In our family, we al look fy similar | have | datk har and dark eyes and 2__ do my Vans nd bah end se yer and | sister 3 have big noses, and my mouth is eal the same 4 \ my sister's | Hhink looks __my mother — we are is pretty tall We also lke and dislike the | same things. | love old books and 7_ | does she; I don’ ike sports and & does | she, People often think we're sisters, not mother | | and daughter | 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Underline the stressed syllable in these words. 1 identical 6 political 2 adopt 7 investigate 3 baby 8 personality 4 student 9 medical 5 exercise 10 romantic b Practice saying the words. 4 READING a Read the interview and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn't say). Michelle is 18 years old, FE 1 Catherine and Michelle are always together. 3 Theyhave the same hobbies 4 Catherine always knows how Michelle is feeling 9 They lke dhe sane movies. 6 They live in the same city. 7 They're good at all the same things. 8 Catherine doesn't like having a twin sister. Catherine Orr is 19 and is a non-identical twin. ‘She tells us about her relationship with her sister, Michelle. Don't call us “the twins”! Vow do yuh ts What were th bs ings different being a twin? about being a twin as a I think its very different, We've child? And now? been through exactly the same You have someone who things: the same birthdays, the ‘came partes the same fst knows you almost as well as. ‘you know yourself, someone aya school the same evil whos experiencing al the rath teacher. same things as you. Now it’s Decal ered eat becaus we have amest Michelle reworesimiar ect thesame memories than ordinary sisters? paul Definitely Idan tke a ‘movie then neither does she. What were the worst We ple up te phone atte ings? ‘same time to call each other. IF get sick, so does she. People called us "the twins” as if we were one person = i | hated that, and so dig pe yoy Se aon wel which. Some peopl ako elle now? used to save money an buy ‘Yes, | see her about once a ‘one birthday present for both week, although it doesn't make of ys! Also Michelle was good much difference if we see each at sports and | was erie ~ ather or no, We aay know that was df for me. howr the othe is feeling, think its hard not to be cose when you have known someone your whole life b Underline five words you don’t know. Use your dictionary to check their meaning and pronunciatior More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words. Word Pronunciation | Translation beliefs noun bls) [ twins noun wma [ wood now wwod | (be) adopted adjective iadapnnd’ | amazing adjective /a'merzny coins active | kan’vint _ enormous adjective | /tnormay identical adecnve fav deni vote (for) verb soul - reunited riya! | silo hls 0} ‘Are you the same or diferent Can you i respond to these people? “Like going on vacation.” "1 don't speak Russian.” “love the weekend.” "1 don't know what to do tonight.” “1 want to speak English well” ‘MultiROM CAN YOU REMEMBER...” /FILESY ‘Complete each sentence with one word. \ 788, , | (ve worked for his company ten yeas ‘How many movies ‘Quentin Tarantino made? ‘did't to like jazz, but now | love it The Sherlock Holmes books were __by Arthur Conan Doyle. We didnt do on the wecend. We stayed at home. ‘The doctor sad that | drink too Its very cold today. Put your coat A Llove Paris. B dol! coffee. ELD 1 MAKING PHONE CALLS 3 READING Match the beginnings and endings. a. Read the text. Which sentence is the best summary? 1 Who's fd 1 Reitich and American Fnglish are almost exactly the-same 2 I'm sony. P've o 2 The most important difference between British and American § Saige o English s the vocabulary. lowes EC 5 Travelers don't have problems understanding British and ‘American English. 9 'msorry. The o 6 Don'tworry, 7 Hello? l American and British English 8 Could Nese 0 If you've laamed Rritch Fnglich and yru're traveling in the LS, ar 9 Tilcall oO if you've learned American English and you're traveling in Britain, you'll notice some differences. An obvious difference is the accent, bbut most travelers find that they don't have too many problems b line's busy. with this. There are some grammatical differences, but they © that Claudia? shouldn't make it difficult to understand people or to ‘communicate. Thet leaves differences in vocabulary, which can ‘cause misunderstandings. Sometimes the difference is only the spelling, for example, in British English centre, colour, and put you through, calling? © a message for her? f ithotd, travelled, and in American English center, color, and traveled. But g. backin ten minutes sometimes the word is completely different in British and | Rae ‘American English, and i's a good idea to be prepared. i 2 a mn by Clana pleate (Con you match the American and British words? 1 es Bla carpatk 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH Bh igiie o ‘ches Circle the correct words. Brocton = eft 1 Thanks: forall (Gerything 4 mail Od holiday hades 5 rounds ket e lit 2. Look atthe sunset Isnt that / there Stee: EF many cag 7 diapers 1g nappies inet 8 apartment h petrol 3 A Ohno! 9 stand in line i post B Whats / How’s the matter? TO one-way ticket J. postcode 4. Cheers / Health! To us! 1 parkinglot =k queue (W) 5A Were going to work together! aaah 1 ipesnteees ; ; | 13 elevator im single ticket B L'mnot /Idon’t believe it rae Cin soegrel 6 What do you mean / mean you | b Underline five words or phrases you don’t know. Make sure you can say them in American and British English. ‘ty Sueange but true; for truth is abvays strange; stranger than fiction Lord Byron, English poet 1 GRAMMAR past perfect a Complete the sentences with the past perfect form of the verbs in parentheses. 1 My plants were dead because my neighbor Ladw't watered them. (not water) 2 Louldnt get into my apartment because | oa my key: (forget) 3 The teacher was angry because we _ our homework. (nut do) 4 The man lent me his newspaper after he iit. (read) 5 They got tothe theater after the movie ____—(start) 1b Write questions in the past perfect. 1A [saw Ocean’s Thirteen last weekend. B you / seeit/ before Had you seen it before? 2 A [finished The Lor of the Rings ast week. B you/ read it / before z 3A My parents were in Thailand last month. B they /be there / before 4A Weate sushi last night. BD you! eatit/ before > A Carlos flew a plane last week. B he/ fly one / before Make the two sentences into one. Use the past perfect and the simple past in each sentence, 1 drank a lot of coffee. Then | couldn't fall asleep. I Leouldn' fall sleep because Lhad drunk alo of coffee 2. He grew a beard. After that, she didn't recognize him. She — ___. because _____ 3 I didn’t send her a birthday card. After that she didn’t speak to me fora week. a because — ena 4 We left the door unlocked. Then the thieves got in easly, The thieves ____ because 5 [forgot my library card, Then I couldn't take any books from the library. 1_________ because — d Circle the 1 When | introduced Sue | and Tim at my party, they were sure they | met /

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