Proposal For Website Final Port 2016

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Christine Pilon

Clinical Practice Proposal

Below are the planned clinical practice activities that will be undertaken by Christine Pilon
during the 2016 Winter Term at the University of Michigan-Flint. This clinical practice will be completed
at Macomb Intermediate School District, specifically at the main building, along with Lutz School for
Work Experience. The clinical practice activities will be completed under the direction of Dr. Thomas
Koepke, Director of Special Education and Management Services, who will serve as the primary
cooperating administrator and provide on-site supervision for this experience.
Competency 1: Accountability (Teaching and Learning)
Related Task 1.1
Ability to interpret meaning of various standardized test to boards, teachers and lay citizens.
Specific Task 1.1.3
Ability to use assessment data to identify weakness and recommended strategies for improving
student performance.
Narrative Description of Specific Task
Currently, there is no state mandated curriculum that is developed for Lutz School. The Lutz
School Transition Assessment was created to address the four domains that students are taught while
working in the community and school setting. After ongoing assessment development, the Transition
Assessment committee began collecting data to start building a curriculum based on these four domains
and students needs. Data will be analyzed to indicate the low scores on the assessment to develop lessons
for staff use. Develop a professional development outline for staff participation. New lesson development
will be based of staff area of need and student scores on the most recent scores conducted using Data
Director. The structure and development of collecting data, the creation of lesson planning and the
delivery of lesson to staff will be done to encourage change in the Lutz School Transition Assessment
(LSSTA). New lesson development will be done to increase student scores and support present schoolwide improvement goals for the current school year. Lessons will be uploaded and displayed for
classroom implementation.
Smart Goal:
By April 2016, collaborate with LSSTA committee to create a minimum of one lesson plan in the
post-secondary education and training domain, in an effort to increase overall student scores on the

Developing a minimum of one lesson plan and outline with the use of LSSTA scores
and committee.
Increase student scores in post-secondary domain from 61.05% to 70%
Analyze all LSSTA data before creating lessons in specific strands.

Christine Pilon


The LSSTA is given annually. The assessment is also used for the school improvement
team when writing goals and objectives. Collecting and evaluating the data will provide
staff with knowledge how our students are progressing and what changes need to occur
in the future.
By April 2016, collect data on the assessment in the area of post-secondary education
and training and create a minimum of one lesson on lowest score strand and present to

COMPETENCY 2: Communication
Related Task 2.2
Ability to devise information and communication systems
Specific Task: 2.2.1
Develop media to present materials to faculty, parents, or administrators
Narrative Description of Specific Task:
With an increase in implementing technology into the classroom, MISD has raised awareness to
this going intervention of learning. Future meetings will be conducted in order to generate and provide
teachers with programs using their classroom technology tools. A presentation on the most recent school
APP purchase of Time for Kids will be presented to staff at our January professional development, using
the IPads and classroom projectors. Meeting minutes and agendas will be used as a guide for future
implementation of ideas and programs within the MISD. Macombs Technology lead, myself and the
assistant Principal will conduct meetings and the piloting of programs. The Instructional Building
Technology Leader (IBTL) will report out to all staff and administration on a monthly basis to update any
changes made per building. A classroom survey will be conducted to review data on the new program
after several months. This will be done to ensure staff is utilizing the new program and rating the
effectiveness. The staff survey will also provide IBTL with information on how to increase the technology
into the classroom curriculum using different programs requested by all staff.
Smart Goal:
By April 2016, present new instructional tool with the use of technology to staff at professional
development and create technology instructional survey.


Present Time for Kids App to building staff along with handout on steps needed to
gain access. Provide survey to staff on new tool usage and new ideas for future
programs to implement.
Increase the use of technology led instruction in the classroom setting for student
Analyze data collected by staff.

Christine Pilon

Identifying areas of need from building staff will allow for change and foundation
for future student success.
Professional development: January 18th Survey completed by: April 2016

COMPETENCY 2: Communication
Related Task 2.2
Ability to devise information and communication systems
Specific Task: 2.2.1
Plan a continuous information system between the administration and staff.
Narrative Description of Specific Task
Provide presentation guidelines for future district use on prior written notice page for Individual
Education Plans (IEP). Review and make changes to draft PowerPoint on the prior written notice page for
future staff trainings on writing IEPs for the MISD. Supervisor will assist with explanation of content in
order to expand knowledge. This will assistance in understanding content or for future led presentations
that will be delivered to all building staff in near future. This PowerPoint will promote a clear and concise
understanding to eliminate future compliance issues on student IEPs.
Smart Goal:
By April 2016, review and make changes to prior written notice page PowerPoint for future
district presentations on the IEP process.

Work with supervisor to understand information that must be legally input

when finalizing the prior written notice page of an IEP.
Compete PowerPoint and review presentation with Thomas Koepke.
PowerPoint will be completed by April 2016.
Identify areas that must be changed on the IEP and how they should be written
and by staff before finalizing to eliminate future compliance issues.
By April 2016, review and make changes to PowerPoint presentation for future
MISD staff meetings.

Christine Pilon


Related Task 3.8
Ability to communicate orally and in writing
Specific Task 3.8.1
Make an oral presentation to a school board, parent group, or civic group.
Narrative Description of Specific Task
Attend district Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings monthly. Write a summary on parent
issues and concerns addressed. Reflect and assess questions and answers presented at the meeting by
administrative leaders. Prepare an outline for an upcoming PAC meeting for high school transition
programs available to students after high school completion. Presentation will provide information to
parents on the many programs available to high school students throughout Macomb County after
completing high school and while searching for alternative programs. Presentation will be used for a
future proposed meeting and how it will be conducted.
Smart Goal:
By April 2016, I will attend a minimum of two PAC meetings and develop a tentative
presentation outline for a future meeting.


I will actively participate in conversations and meetings with the Parent

Advisory Committee (PAC) held at the District building.
I will attend a minimum of two meetings.
A detailed presentation outline for a future meeting will be completed by
April 2016.
As a future administrator it is important to obtain concerning issues that
your parents may have. Finding ways to provide them with the necessary
supports will strengthen your building, community and district.
By April 2016, I will attend a minimum of two meetings to gain exposure to
parent concerns and supports that are provided by the community. PAC
dates: February 1st and March 7th.

Christine Pilon


Related Task 4.3
Knowledge of variety of instructional methods and skills
Specific Task 4.3.7
Conduct a clinical evaluation cycle including observation in a typical classroom.
Narrative Description of Specific Task
After reviewing state law, local policy and collective bargaining agreement regarding teacher
evaluations, carry out a classroom observation and post-observation conference with a consenting
colleague using the district evaluation guide and procedures. Prepare a written write-up on the classroom
observations using evaluation tool format. Interview with staff member after the post-observation meeting
to discuss ways in which administrative practices have helped promote their growth. Reflect on process of
both observations and what represents good administrative practice.
Smart Goal:
By April 2016, I will organize and participate in both pre/post observation meetings as well as an
hour-long lesson observation. The effectiveness of the process will be measured by conversations had
with the teacher, administrator and myself. The teacher will be asked to evaluate the outcomes of the
observation and rate the usefulness of the experience.




Organize and participate in a pre-observation meeting with Catie S. Observe

and evaluate Catie on pre-established goals and objectives for the lesson.
Participate in a post-observation discussion with Catie regarding discussing
the outcomes of her lesson.
The observation will be measured through district issues evaluation rubrics.
The interaction will be measured for effectiveness through discussions with
the teacher, principal and myself.
The pre and post meetings as well as the observation will occur before the end
of March.
Observing and discussing the implications of the lesson will not only benefit
my development as a principal but will create a positive working relationship
with myself and another teacher. Professional dialogue will encourage better
teaching practices.
Dates are being arranged for both Catie and my principal. Both will be timely
and effective.

Christine Pilon


Related Task 8.2
Knowledge of significant court decisions relative to school operations.
Specific Task 8.2.1
Review court cases related to a specific problem. Evaluate school district policy and operating procedures
in light of the court decisions.
Narrative Description of Specific Task
Analyze and review a recent court case filed that relates to special education. Understand
concepts and decisions that were made along with how to properly resolve errors on student IEPs.
Participate and review student IEP along with a state level complaint filed to district with supervisor.
Understand the alleged allegations filed. Understand where noncompliance was found and steps to
resolve. Review procedures for resolving case at a district level with supervisor. Review other typical
compliance issues that are filed in special education, along with steps needed to be taken as a building
administrator to ensure future errors and allegations can be avoided.
Smart Goal:
By April 2016, I will review a state filed compliant in the area of IEP compliance, completing a
chart to describe the steps necessary in resolving the issue.



Actively participate in Michigan Department of Education conference call

with Macomb Intermediate School District officials.
Complaint will be examined by district officials.
Phone conference call will be completed by January 8 th. All documentation
must be submitted to MDE by January 30th.
Observing and discussing the process in which the district takes on operating
procedures in light of the courts decisions will benefit my development as a
principal and create an understanding of compliance issues that may occur
with IEPs.
By April 2016, I will attend and learn the steps necessary to resolve IEP
compliance issues held at the state level and what a district must do to prevent
future issues in their building.

Christine Pilon

Related Task: Job Shadowing
Narrative Description of Task:
Spend a minimum of one entire day (including after school and evening responsibilities, if any)
shadowing the cooperating administrator, Thomas Koepke.
Narrative Description:
Job shadow and assist as the opportunity permits Dr. Thomas Koepke, the Director of Special
Education and Management Services at Macomb Intermediate School District, in accomplishing
administrational tasks. Document the experience by charting roles and responsibilities of Dr. Koepke
throughout a regular day. These roles may include tasks that are completed on a daily, weekly or monthly
timeframe. Presentations given during my job shadow will also be attached for reference. In addition,
reflect upon the decision- making processes and approaches taken when responding to these various
categories of demand. Reflect upon several lessons learned throughout the day regarding the process in
which administration and district level leadership is necessary.
Smart Goal:
By April 2016, I will observe and shadow Thomas Koepke throughout the course of the day. We
will take opportunities to discuss questions I have relevant to the daily practices the Director of Special
Education and Management Services. The effectiveness of the task will be determined through
conversations had at the end of the day and I will provide a written summery of my findings.


Job Shadow Thomas Koepke for a minimum of one day.

The task will be measured through conversations had with Tom and a
written report I will provide at the end of the process.
Tom and I have scheduled multiple opportunities for me to shadow.
Being this is a require competency for the clinical practice the information
gained from the experience will very beneficial towards my development as
an administrator.
Scheduled dates are arranged to ensure full job shadow opportunities,

Christine Pilon

It is understood that this proposal, once approved by the Cooperating Administrator and University
Faculty, represents the agreed plan of work for this clinical experience. Upon the satisfactory completion
of this plan of work, a grade will be given and credit for the course granted.
Submitted by: __________________________________
Administrative Candidate

Date ______________________

Christine Pilon
Approved by: __________________________________

Date ______________________

Cooperating Administrator
Thomas Koepke
Approved by: __________________________________
University Faculty
Patrick ODonnell

Date ______________________

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