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Future Graphic

Professor. Stephanie Maenhardt

8 APRIL 2016

Short self-assessment.
My goals in English 1010 was to improve my writing and reading
skills. Im glad I took this class as early as I did, I feel like I
learned so many important elements for my future classes and
English 1010
really helped me a lot with my writing and reading
- and helped me understand the process of writing. I'm from
Sweden and I find it very different and more difficult to write my
papers in English and not in Swedish. Ive never written a paper
in MLA format before, and Im really happy I learned how to do
English 1010 provided the opportunity for me to practice my
writing and learn important writing elements such as
and how to use
. This class
helped me find a pleasure in writing, as we studied many
different types of food related topics and readings - which was
really interesting. I also learned a lot about how important it is to
always check the sources for not only the material I'm using for
projects, but also in real life (reading labels on food etc.)
In my
Argument Essay & Annotated Bibliography
I wrote about
why livestock is the highest contributor to the Global warming. I
wanted to dig deeper into the subject and thought that writing
this argument essay about the subject would teach me a lot.
It did - Im now a proud vegan. :)

Maja Keefer

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