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Put the following in the Present Perfect:

1- (I / go / to the cinema today).....
2- (She / have a pet for years)
3- (They / eat / all the chocolate!).
4- (they / live/ in Egypt for six months).
5- (we / go/ to South Africa)
6- (she / watch / Harry Potter four times)
II. Write the negative form:
1- (you / not / study chemistry)..
2- (They / not / go to bed)
3- (I / not / hear the latest song of Britney Spears yet)...

4- (We / not / forget Shakespeares plays)..

5- (we / not / go to Paris yet)..
6- (He / not / see his family for over ten years)

III-Write the interrogative form:

1-(you / come here before?)
2- (who / we / forget to invite to the wedding?)
3- (I / explain / everything to the inspector?).
4- (Who / you / meet recently?).
5- (you / do your homework?).
6- (When / she / make this delicious cake?)

1.I (spend)______________________________ too much money today.
2. Tina (forget) ______________________her backpack again.
3. I (not have) _________________ a routine checkup yet.
4. Both doctors (take) _______________________my blood pressure already.
5. Christopher (suffer) _____________________from allergies until this year.
6. The hospital (x-ray)_____________________ the patients leg twice already.
7. Rob and Fred (fall off)_____________________ their motorbikes many times.
8. Carol and I (not sprain) __________________________________our ankles
A. She ____________ as a secretary since 1991. (work)
b.They ___________________ for a few years. (marry)
c.They __________ in Manchester for a long time. (live)
d.He ______________ 5 books since I met him. (write)
e.We ____________ for them several weeks. (not see)
f.I _____________ to the beach since last summer. (not be)
g._____ you ________ the phone since you arrived? (use)
h.We ______________ any noise for many hours. (not hear)
i.______ she _____________hard since yesterday? (study)
j. ______ you _____ ___anything since lunchtime? (eat)

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