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Elizabeth Fauser

Paraeducator Plan
The paraeducator who worked on this plan with me is also the
paraeducator that does in class support with these two 2nd grade
students during writing in the general education classroom.
Paraeducator: Will work on folktale foldable with the 2nd grade students
Student Teacher: Will work on writing an acrostic poem with the 3rd
grade students
The foldables will be placed in the 2nd grade-writing slot on the shelf.
There will be a T-chart with information on all three types of folktales
on the shelf as well. The information in the T-chart will be the
information the students will add to their foldable. The paraeducator
will follow a lesson plan as follows:
Say: Yesterday, we talked about the different types of folktales. I know
this is our favorite unit because of the fun and exciting stories that we
love; we get to talk about them at school! We talked about 3 types of
folktales. What were they? [fairytales, fables, and legends] Great! In
a minute, we are going to review the characteristics of those folktales
and make a foldable to help us remember. By the end of the lesson
today you are going to be able to tell me about those three different
kinds of folktales in detail.
Look at T-chart with folktale information on it to guide your discussion.
As the group discusses the characteristics of folktales, the students will
write the ideas in their foldable.
Say: Lets start thinking of characteristics of fairytales. What are some
of those characteristics? [made up, problem to solve, magic, royalty,
the end, good and evil, animals and objects talk, morals, happily
ever after] Great ideas! What are some examples of fairytales?
[Cinderella, Frozen, Sleeping Beauty, etc.] Yes!
Now lets talk about fables. What are some characteristics of fables?
[Teaches a moral lesson, animals act like humans, problem to solve,
tricks and magic, fables are short, some have happy endings and some
have sad endings, stories are very old] Great thoughts! What are
some examples of fables? [The Ant and the Grasshopper, The Tortoise
and the Hare]
Finally, lets write down some characteristics of legends. [about people
and their good deeds, people have super human powers (strength or
fly), add things to the story to make it sound more interesting, some
truth, very old, people are heros or famous] What are some examples
of legends? [Legend of the Bluebonnet, Legend of the Almond Tree]

Elizabeth Fauser

We talked about three kinds of folktales, what were they? [fairytale,
legend, and fable] Which is your favorite and why? [student response]
My favorite is fairytales because I love happy endings and princesses!
Great work today. Put your foldables in the basket and make sure your
belongings are put away.
Paraeducator Feedback:
The plan was useful and helpful. This is the third year I have worked
with these two students so I know them well. I also work with them in
their general education classroom, so I know how their teachers
explained the information. The plan clearly stated the information I
needed and the materials were ready when we got to the room. The
girls worked very hard and did a great job.

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