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College of Education


Name: __Sarah Zach________________

Grade Level: __Fourth Grade_________
School: _Colman-Egan School District___
Date: __February 5, 2016____________
Time: ___1:00 1:30_______________

Reflection from prior lesson:

In the previous lesson, we learned about how the water cycle affects
landscape and growing plants. We also learned a song that can help the
students remember the steps of the water cycle.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

4-ESS3-1 Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels
are derived from natural resources and their uses affect the environment.
Lesson Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students will answer 2 questions they write at
the beginning of the lesson with 100% accuracy.
Materials Needed:

Science: A Closer Look


Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

The students are always very eager to answer questions. There are times
when the students blurt out their answer without giving others a chance to
answer the question. There is a variety of disabilities in the classroom
causing the students to need altered tests and some content. The students
really enjoy doing hands on activities, such as labs.

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (5 minutes)
There will be pictures of animals after an oil spill projected on
the board at the beginning of class. Can anyone tell me what
is going on in these pictures?
In the last few lessons, we have been learning about
resources here on Earth. Are all these resources renewable?
Can we remake them?
Can anyone tell me what pollution is? An example?
Today, we are going to be reading about pollution and how it
affects our environment. We are also going to write our own
notes. The first thing I want you to do it to write 2 questions
you may have about pollution.
2. Content Delivery (20 minutes)
a. I will have the book projected up on the SmartBoard through
the document camera. As we read, the students will highlight
information they think is important and write it down on the
same paper as the questions.
b. Now that we have our questions, lets share them with the
class. Students will raise their hands and read the questions
they wrote.
c. We will be popcorn reading the section on pollution. As we
read, if there is something you think is important, I want you
to raise your hand and share with the class. We will then
highlight it on the Smartboard and write it down for notes.
What would be considered as important information? Bold
words, highlighted words, headings, etc.
d. We will read the section as a class. When a student raises
their hand to give important information from the text, the
student can go to the board to highlight the information from
the book that will be projected onto the board.
e. When finished, the students will go back and answer the
questions they wrote at the beginning of class. If not
completed, the students will take it home fo
3. Closure (5 minutes)
a. When finished, the students will go back and answer the
questions they wrote at the beginning of class. If not
completed when class is over, the students will take it home
as homework.
B. Assessments Used
a. Formative assessment will be used to test the students
understanding of pollution. The students will be assessed
through their notes and answering the questions they made.
C. Differentiated Instruction

a. For ELL students, I would type up the notes for the students to
use after the lesson.
D. Back Pocket Idea
a. If students complete the activities early, they can read or work
on homework at their desk.
E. Resources
a. Science: A Closer Look

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