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When I attended Mass Comm Weekend for the first time last Friday and Saturday, I was
not entirely sure what to expect.
I thought I might learn more about the different opportunities in the Mass Communications department. I suspected I would meet and learn from seniors whom I had not even known
were Mass Comm students. I expected that I would enjoy the keynote address given by Molly
Luton, an E&H alumna.
Each of those things happened, but they were only part of Mass Comm weekend. I found
much more than I had anticipated.
As a commuter and transfer, adjusting to college has been difficult at times. During the
keynote address, I realized that I was not alone. Everyone has to adjust to new experiences, and
those adjustments can become valuable life lessons. Luton acknowledged that graduation can be
a frightening time, but it is also an exciting time. Her story of trusting and taking each new step
whether during college or afterwards felt applicable to both graduates and undergraduates.
I watched my fellow Mass Comm students receive well-deserved awards for their hard
work. I began to realize what a talented and kind group of peers I have around me. I listened to
the faculty speak about the seniors, and I realized how deeply my instructors care for their students.
An unexpected sense of belonging and gratitude descended on me. Not only do I belong
at Emory & Henry, but I belong in the Mass Comm department. When a senior said that she
liked how welcoming the Mass Comm department is, I realized how true that statement was. And
I realize how deeply grateful I will always be to the professors who push me to be my best, challenge me to explore new areas, champion me, and care about me as an individual.
To the students who volunteered countless hours putting this weekend together, to the seniors who have inspired me, and to the wonderful professors without whom this department
would not exist thank you.

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