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Nutrition & Digestion

1. Nutrition

The substances in food that provide the energy

needed to carry out all its essential processes.
2. There are 6 types of nutrients

•Fat (saturated & unsaturated)

•Carbohydrates (carbs)
3. Fat

Energy containing nutrient that helps protect

the body and absorb some vitamins.
4. Saturated Fats

Fats that are a solid at room temperature.

5. Cholesterol

A waxy, fatlike substance found only in

animal products.
6. Unsaturated Fats

Fats that are a liquid at room temperature.

7. Carbohydrates

The main source of energy for the body.

Examples are sugar and starch.
8. Proteins

Nutrients that are needed for tissue growth and

Made up of 20 different units called amino
9. Vitamins

Substance found in food we eat that help the body

function properly.
10. Minerals

Help your body grow, develop, and stay

11. Water

Makes up about 65% of the body.

Needed for all cell processes to work.
12. Food Groups

•Fats, oils, sweets
13. Digestion

The process that breaks down food into

smaller molecules so they can be absorbed.
14. Digestive System

Includes; Mouth, Esophagus,

Stomach, Small intestines,
Large Intestines, Liver, Gall
Bladder, Pancreas, Rectum
15. Mechanical Digestion

Type of digestion that happens when food is

Happens in the mouth and stomach
16. Chemical Digestion

Type of digestion that breaks down food into

smaller molecules so they can be absorbed.
17. Saliva

Fluid in the mouth that begins digestion.

Breaks down simple sugars with a chemical
called amylase.
18. Peristalsis

Wave-like contractions that move food

through digestive system
19. Chyme

Thin, watery liquid that food is changed to

after digestion occurs in your stomach.
Pepsin is released to help break down protein.
20. Duodenum

First part of your small intestine where the

liver and pancreas add fluids to lower the
acidity of chyme.
21. Bile

Produced by the liver and stored in the

gallbladder, it is used to break down Fat.
22. Insulin

A hormone produced by the

pancreas to allow sugar to
pass from the blood stream
to your body.
23. Villi

Tiny fingerlike projections that increase the

surface area of the intestines.

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