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Running head: Agency Report

Agency Report
Deana L. Seaman
Wilmington University

Agency Report

Agency Report

Initial Independence Inc. is a for profit organization that serves people with
developmental disabilities in Ohio and Missouri. It was formed in 2011, the company is built on
relationships, the organization strives to be a part of every persons life that they serve. This
helps the individual and the company form a strong circle of supports to help deal with the ups
and downs that life throws at them on a daily basis. The mission of Initial Independence Inc. is to
provide individually designed services and supports to people with disabilities that reflect their
individual needs and desired lifestyle.
Ohios system of services for individuals with disabilities is facing transformational
change. The state relies heavily on institutional care and sheltered workshops. Many advocates
argue that these are isolating, restrictive and dont promote independence. The system will
undergo profound change in the coming years. The system will now recognize the need for
integrated community based services and fully realize the rights of individuals with
developmental disabilities. In Ohio there are 2,500 individuals living in institutes on the waiting
list to receive services in the community. The state is currently working to convert ICF beds to
Medicaid waivers which allow individuals to waive their right to institutional care in favor of
receiving services in a home or community based setting. In 2014 there were over 45,000 people
on the waiver waiting list across the state, the average wait is 6.4 years. This directly impacts
Initial Independence Inc. since it is a provider of the exact kind of services that the state is
looking to house individuals in. Initial Independence places individuals in their own home with a
one on one staff at all times. The individual enjoys as much independence and freedom as they
are capable of. They have staff to help them adjust to living in the community and make that

Agency Report

transition as easy as possible. They shop, help cook, and adjust to living a happy content life.
( Ohio Crossroads,2015)
Policies and Procedures
At Initial Independence Inc. it is the policy of the company to encourage employees to
present concerns or complaints and any suggestions for improvement to their immediate
supervisor. The supervisor will then discuss the concerns with the Director, they can resolve the
issue at this level or if it cannot be resolved at this level, the director will forward it to the owner
group who will have the final decision.
It is also the policy of Initial Independence Inc. when hiring employees to require proof
of education, release of references from employers, driver license, and any other degrees or
certifications. Employment is contingent upon satisfactory state, national criminal background
information, and driving record. It is procedure for all applicants to be fingerprinted and
participate in all trainings that are required.
Another policy is that the agency will provide job descriptions for all positions and
evaluate employees in order to establish a consistent basis for measuring and ranking the relative
work of each position. Evaluations will be done annually. The owners group is responsible for
developing and administering job descriptions and evaluation forms. The procedure is to provide
employees with a copy of the job description that is specific to their duties, the employee will
sign and it will be maintained in the employees file. A job description will be signed by the
employee, supervisor and Director upon any change in position or title. Evaluations are done
annually on the date of hire anniversary. Opportunity to discuss evaluation are given and
employee can discuss evaluation results. The evaluation is kept in the employees personal file
and all information is kept confidential. (McCombs, J, 2011)

Agency Report

Structure of the organization. Initial Independence is run by the owner group which
consists of three owners, next in authority is the Director, which there is one for each of their
locations, one in Missouri and one in Ohio, Then a manager, team leader and Direct Care staff.
At this point it is a relatively small organization but with lots of room for growth.
Owners Group





Team Ldr

Team Ldr

Direct Care Direct Care

Team Ldr

Direct Care


Team Ldr

Team Ldr

Direct Care Direct Care

Team Ldr

Team Ldr

Team Ldr

Direct Care Direct Care Direct Care


Team Ldr Team Ldr

Direct Care Direct Care

Team Ldr

Team Ldr Team Ldr

Direct Care Direct Care Direct Care

Governance of the agency. Initial Independence is monitored by a county board; the

county board is in close contact with the organization. Each moth reports are sent to the county
board in order for a representative to monitor closely each individual served by the organization.
In addition to the county board Initial Independence must answer to the Ohio Department of
Developmental Disabilities (DODD), they are the state agency that over-sees any organization

Agency Report

that serves people with developmental disabilities. Their vision is that Ohio citizens with
developmental disabilities and their families experience lifestyles that provide opportunities for
personal security, physical and emotional well-being, full community participation, productivity
and equal rights. This organization controls licensing for the agencies homes and demands
documentation to verify that our individuals are receiving services in harmony with their vision.
(DODD, 2015)
Funding. Initial Independence Inc. is not a non-profit but instead it is a for-profit
organization. It is paid by Medicaid for its services as a provider. Every hour that staff serve in
the homes are billed to Medicaid and Initial Independence must keep very accurate records and
services must meet Medicaids criteria for payment. (McCombs, 2011)
Relationship to other agencies. Initial Independence Inc. must have a close working
relationship with numerous other human service organizations. Most of our clients go to a
vocational program in which the agency must be in constant contact with, the human Rights
Committee must decide any human rights restrictions that are necessary for our clients to remain
safe, a working relationship with the local institutions and mental health facilities is very
important since future referrals will come from them.
Strengths, trends and challenges One of the greatest strengths this agency has is the
fact that it practices a person centered approach to serving people with developmental
disabilities. It truly tries to ensure that its clients are happy in their environment. Their wants as
well as their needs are considered daily. The challenges I believe are the fact that this state is just
catching up to the latest trends and practices in the field. In Ohio people with developmental
disabilities are still living in institutes. It is a challenge to end this isolation and outdated form of

Agency Report

care. Initial Independence is striving to end this, but attitudes do not change quickly so it is
definitely a challenge in this location.
Interns Role My role in this agency since I am not only an intern but also a Director is to
supervise the managers and to ensure that all homes are in compliance with state and local laws.
I have numerous duties handling any issues that might arise that ensures the well-being of the
clients. Disciplinary procedures, interacting with other agencies, Transition of new clients from
institutes to homes, Hiring staff and other numerous duties.

Agency Report


McCombs, J. (2011). Employee Handbook [Handbook]. Employee handbook.

Keep up with the state of Ohio-department of developmental disabilities [Article]. (2016). State
of Ohio-department of Developmental Disabilities. Retrieved from
HTTPS// -of-developmentaldisabilities F. M.

Ohio at a crossroads:the developmental disabilities system [Article]. (2015). The center for
community solutions. Retrieved from

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