Water Pollution Script 2.0

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Water Pollution Script 2.

Water pollution
What is it?
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as bay
areas, oceans, lakes, rivers, stream, and aquifers.Water Pollution
is caused by sewage, wastewater, and untreated human waste
that is dumped into nearby water bodies.The effects of water
pollution are unsolvable. As technology advances in our world, we
have forgotten about the earth and its problems.Water pollution
has been around since the industrial revolution and countries did
not seem to know about the problem and causes of water
pollution.The problem is that we have changed our baseline for
water pollution.We have come to a state where we do not even
recognize our actions and our mistakes that have caused this
mess- our mess. We are behind a scenery that does not even
exist.We need to come to action and fix our problem.Water
pollution is nearly impossible to get rid of and we are just making
it worse.We have lost many natural water resources around the
world. For example, The mississippi river is the second most
polluted waterway in the U.S. As such an iconic river, it
represents what we think about water pollution, or in this case,
how we do not think about it. (Missouris waterways a polluters
paradise right now,-Mcfarland,2012).
Many of our sea animals are dying from oil spills, nonbiodegradable plastics, and dumping .As the bottom of the food
chain is affected,their problems start rising up the food chain and
effecting us.Eating contaminated fish is the number one
exposure for mercury in America.

Local and global communities from developing countries and

many people around the world lack access to clean water and
sanitation. India is currently the most polluted country in the
world.Indias huge population put a strain on the countrys natural
resource(Water.org,2016).Seventy-seven million people in India
lack access to clean water and seventy hundred sixty-nine people
lack access to improved sanitation(Water.org,2016).Flint, Michigan
water crisis shook the U.S and concern us about our water. The
situation started when the city switch its water source from Lake
Huron to the Flint River in 2014(CNN,2016).Few month after the
switch, the city reported the water looking, smelling, and taste
funny. The city reported it and found out that lead was in their
water and outraged began because the governor was aware of
the situation and had the warning for this.This set an outburst on
the community and soon the public came in on it too.According to
a 2013 article in Time Magazine by Yue Wang, more people have
access to mobile phones than toilets or public sanitation.We now
care more about the media than our health.Children are the most
affected one because this will be their future.Many will likely die
before five of diarrhea because of poor health based on a lack of
access to clean water.We are losing our next generation of
doctors, scientists, engineers, and if we are heading down this
path, we might be the last generation on earth.Water pollution
cannot be resolved completely, but if we take a step at a time, we
can prevent water pollution from future catastrophe. If we
minimize our littering, clean our beaches, recycle plastic and use
reusable objects, we can still save our planet. We should care for
our earth as it is our home and the only one we have.

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