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Resurrection Season 7 Episode 1

The Beginning of the End

(Washington DC)(White House Community, Oval office)
the camera showed the Michigan group survivors were all in the oval office with there weapons
out and armed and walkers were all surrounding the area trying to break into the room.
James Dixons voice over: this is where it all began...and this is where it all will end.
(Washington DC)(White House Community, FEMA trailer)
screen black
12 months earlier
the camera showed James staring at the ceiling of the FEMA trailer and as he was he looked
around the trailer and he noticed that he was the only one awake. As he looked around the
trailer he saw the time and it was 20 minuets till 7am and as he saw that he sighed to himself
and as he did he said.
James Dixon: well I better start my day.
As he said that he got up from his sleeping bag and he made his way towards the bathroom to
get ready for the day. The camera jumped to the wall of the community and as it did it showed
David Pegouske and as it did he was looking at out the city and as he was he saw a small group
of walkers making there way towards the community and as he saw them he looked at Michael
Kennan who was standing next to him and as he did he said.
David Pegouske: weve got company.
as he said that Michael looked through the scope of his sniper and as he did he said.
Michale Kennan: shit thats got to be like 20 walkers.
as he said that David said.
David Pegouske: I know...they keep showing up more and more each day and I dont know

where there coming form.

as he said that David started firing his gun at the group of walkers and as he did Michale said.
Michale Kennan: well we knew walkers would find this place sooner rather then later.
as he said that he fired his gun and as he did David said.
David Pegouske: your right.
as he said that they fired there guns until every walker in the group was dead and as they did
Michale said.
Michale Kennan: what do we do about the bodies.
as he said that David said.
David Pegouske: Ill have Sebastian and a few of the other civilians go out there and take care
of them later for now there fine.
as he said that Michale looked at David and as he did he said.
Michale Kennan: are you all right.
as he said that David waited several seconds to answer him and as he did he said.
David Pegouske: Im just fine why are you asking.
as he said that Michale said.
Michale Kennan: because we just won a war several months ago and we lost a lot of our group
since then...and Im just saying youve been through a lot...weve been through a lot and if you
ever need anyone to talk to Im here for you.
as he said that David stared off into the city and as he did he said.
David Pegouske: I said...Im fine.
as he said that Michale said.
Michale Kennan: All right...just here if you need me.
as he said that David had a flash back of him and Savanna and as he did they were back at the
prison and as they were they were both staring out at the prison gates and Savanna put her
hand up to Davids shoulder and as she did she said.
Savanna Voice over: Im here if you need me.

as she said that the camera jumped back to David who sighed and as he did he looked back out
at the abounded DC city and as he did another small group of walkers started to approach them
and as they did David got his rifle ready and as he did he said.
David Pegouske: there coming.
as he said that Michale prepared his weapon to fire at the coming group of walkers...the camera
jumped to Kailie Kennedy who was in the food trailer with Ava, Chloe, Victoria, and Elizabeth.
And Kailie was gathering food supplies while the other ladies talked and as she was she
overhead them talking.
Ava Miller: well my Nathan just loves these canned soups out of everything else that we have
here so I try to get as many as I can.
as she said that Elizabeth said.
Elizabeth: Well my husband Hunter likes the dried noodles we have stored here.
as she said that Victoria said.
Victoria: well Ive got some good recipes for you ladies to take home today...
as she was about to finish her sentence Kailie just stared at the group of ladies with the stuff she
had in her hand and as she did she left the trailer. As she did she made her way towards the
Michigan Group Survivors trailer and as she did she saw Nathan Miller sitting down on the front
steps in front of the door.
As she saw him Kailie looked at him and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: I saved your life now go home dont have to keep coming here.
as she said that Nathan stood up from the steps and as he did he walked away as he left Kailie
walked into the trailer and as she did she made her way to the kitchen where she set the stuff
she just got from the food trailer down.
As she did she walked over to the sink to wash her hands as she was washing them she stared
out the window and as she did she noticed how quiet and clean it was and as she noticed it she
turned off the sink and walked out of the kitchen.
as she did she made here way towards her sleeping bag and as she did she opened up her suit
case and as she did she pulled out a small note book. As she did she opened up the 1st page
and it had a list of numbers on it.

The Presidents Men 20

The Brutal Skulls men 20
as she was looking at it she pulled out a pen from her suit case and she wrote down another
number on the page in the note book.
The Senators men 25 (Including the senator himself)
as she wrote that down she looked at the piece of paper for a while and as she did she flipped
pages and as she did she saw the page where she wrote down how many walkers shes killed
and that number was.
Kailie Kennedy walker kill count 200

as she saw that she sighed and as she did she sat back against the wall and she flipped back to
the page where it had the list of people shes killed and as she did she stared at it.
(Washington DC)(White House Community, Front lawn)(Afternoon)
the camera jumped to the front of the white house and as it did it showed James Dixon, Anthony
Allen, Frank Sirwits, and Madison Naurloa all walking along the side walk in front of the white
house and as they were James said.
James Dixon: all right give me the run down on whats been happening these past few months.
as he said that Anthony said.Anthony Allen: Again...really.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: yes really.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: Weve been doing this every day since we got done with the war...the main
gate is done being built cant we just relax for once.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: you know we cant do that.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: And why not.

as he said that Frank said.

Frank Sirwits: you know why not...if we start to let our guard down people die...and if we let our
guard down someone could attack us again and we could loose even more of our people.
as he said that James said.James Dixon: hes right.
as he said that Anthony sighed and as he did Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: whod be stupid enough to attack us by now...we took out a whole walker herd
and an army were basically unstoppable.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: I agree with you...if we do run into a threat well take care of it like we always do
as he said that they all saw Isaac, Ben and Carl make there way to the main gate and as they
did James said.
James Dixon: good luck fellas.
as he said that the 3 of them waved to James, Anthony, Madison and Frank as they did Anthony
Anthony Allen: try to bring back some food this time thatd be great...were running low on food
as he said that Isaac said.
Isaac Green: thats at the top list.
as he said that they left out of the gate and as they did Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: do you really think theyll find something.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: no I dont think so...the last time they came across anything was a few cases of
water a few months after the war...I think we picked DC clean since weve been living here for
almost a year now.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: we need to find a new route for looking for supplies.
as he said that James said.

James Dixon: I agree with you.

as he said that James and Anthony looked at each other and as they did Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: when they get back do you want to take one of the cars and...
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: and go out and search for a place that is stocked with supplies with just the to of
us...hell yeah I do.
as he said that James and Anthony high fived each other and as they did Madison rolled her
eyes and as she did she started walking away and as she did James said.
James Dixon: Hey where are you going.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: to see the doctors.
as she said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: Why.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: because theyve got to be doing something more interesting then this.
as she said that she made her way into the white house and as she did the camera jumped to
the Rosevelt room. As it did the camera showed Dr. Jackson sitting down at his laptop at his
desk and Dr. Pop was working at his desk and Dr. Wyatt was checking with a patient and as he
was the door to the medical room was open. And as it was Madison popped her head in and as
she did she said.
Madison Naurloa: Knock...knock.
as she said that Dr. Pop looked up from his desk and as he did he said.
Dr. Pop: Madison...what a pleasant surprise to see you.
as he said that Dr. Wyatt stayed by his patient and as he did he said.
Dr. Bryan Wyatt: Nice to see you Madison.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: Dr. Pop...Dr. Wyatt...hows it going with you guys.
as she said that Dr. Pop and Dr. Wyatt looked at each other and as they did Dr. Wyatt said.

Dr. Wyatt: Can you handle here please Im a little busy at the moment.
as he said that Dr. Pop said.
Dr. Pop: Madison may I ask why you are here.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: well I was just with James and were not really doing anything today and I
decided to come up here to see what you guys were doing.
as she said that Dr. Pop thought for several seconds and as he was about to say something
Madison saw Dr. Jackson working on his laptop and as she did she said.
Madison Naurloa: hes still on that thing.
as she said that Dr. Pop said.
Dr. Pop: yeah he is...hes really close to finding the cure...ever since he found out how to make
James normal again with that serum.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: how close.
as she said that Dr. Pop said.
Dr. Pop: a matter of months...hes been working non stop ever since you guys left to fight that
war with the senator.
as he said that Madison walked up to Dr. Jackson as he was typing on his laptop and as she did
she said.
Madison Naurlo: hey.
as she said that Dr. Jackson didnt look away from the screen and as he didnt Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: hey...Dr. Jackson.
as she said that she snapped her fingers and as she did she looked up at Dr. Pop and as she
did he said.
Dr. Pop: hes wired in.
as he said that Madison walked up to his desk and as she did she closed his laptop and as she
did Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: What the hell is your...

as he was about to finish his sentence he looked up at Madison and as he did he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: oh its you...if you dont mind leaving I have plenty of work to do that can not
wait to be done so be on your way.
as he said that he was reaching to open his laptop and as he was Madison said.Madison
Naurloa: no you dont.
as she said that Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: what...why.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: because you have been on that computer ever since weve gotten behind
these walls...thats why. So your coming with me.
as she said that Dr. Jackson just glared at her and as he did Madison reached for her pistol on
her hip and as she did she said.
Madison Naurloa: Dont make me say that again.
as she said that Dr. Jackson rolled his eyes and as he did he got up from his chair and as he did
Madison and Dr. Jackson made there way towards the door and as they did Dr. Jackson said.Dr.
Ethan Jackson: No one touches my laptop.
as he said that Dr. Jackson and Madison made there way down the white house hallway and as
they did Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: where are we going.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: youll see.
as she said that she lead him through the white house...the camera jumped to Ryan campbell
who was sitting on the roof of the white house and as he was...he was looking out at the front
lawn of the white house community.
As he was he watched Chloe leaving the FEMA storage trailer and as he did he saw her smiling
a laughing as she did and as he saw her he got up from the spot he was sitting in and as he did
he was making his way to the door when he ran face to face with President Allestar.
As he did Ryan said.Ryan Campbell: President Allestar...I didnt except to run into you up here.

as he said that President Allestar said.

President Allestar: I didnt except to run into you either Ryan...may I ask what you were doing up
as he said that Ryan paused and waited to answer for several seconds and as he did he said.
Ryan Campbell: I like to come up here sometimes...its quite and away from everything.
as he said that President Allestar stared at him and as he did he walked to the edge of the white
house roof and as he did he looked out at his community and as he did he said.
President Allestar: thats exactly why I come out here Mr. get away from it all for
awhile...for when Jeffery or General Salazar are chasing me down wanting me to sign
something and I just want...need a break form it all I come out here and my mind is at ease and
then I go back down to the oval with a clear mind and I know I can handle the rest of the day.
This spot is my sanctuary...and you may use it as you wish...just dont tell anyone else about it.
as he said that Ryan had his back towards the president and as he did he said.
Ryan Campbell: your secret is safe with me...Mr. President.
as he said that Ryan made his way to the door and as he did President Allestar said.
President Allestar: Oh and Ryan.
as he said that Ryan kept his back facing the president and as he did the president said.
President Allestar: close the door on your way out.
as he said that the Ryan made his way through the door and as he did it slammed shut behind
him as it did the camera stayed with Ryan. As it did Ryan was walking down the stairs and as he
was he saw the president and as he did Ryan went wide eyed and as he did the president
walked up to him and he put his hand to his chest and as he did he said.The President: these
are the things to come.
as he said that the hallway went bright white and with a flash the camera showed Ryan standing
in on of the white house guest bedrooms and it was covered in blood and as it was Ryan was
also covered in blood and he had a knife out and it was dripping blood from it and as it was the
Ryan jumped to another room in the white house where he was in the middle of killing another
person and as he was the camera jumped to Ryan outside of the white house and it was night
As the camera showed it Ryan was staring at James and Ryan was holding someone hostage in
his arms. As he was James had his .357 revolver out and it was aimed at Ryan as it was the
camera showed that James was upset but not crying.

And as the camera showed that James said.James Dixon: Im sorry.

as he said that the camera showed that James shot the person Ryan held hostage in his arms
and as he did Ryan dropped the person and as he did the camera zoomed in on Jamess gun
and as it did James was about to pull the trigger again and just as the gun went off...the camera
jumped back to Ryan standing in the hall way of the white house.
As he was he looked around the hall he was in and he was alone and as he was he yelled.
Ryan Campbell: NO.
as he said that Ryan had a stunned face and as he did he made his way out of the hall way and
into the main part of the white house.
(Washington DC)(White House Community, Right outside gates)(Sunset)
the camera showed Madison and Dr. Jackson walking along the wall of the community on the
outside of the gate and as they were Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: do you mind telling me why were out here.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: ever since we moved behind the walls have you ever been out here.
as he said that Dr. Jackson thought about it for several seconds and as he did he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: No I havent...actually.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: why.
as she said that Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: Bcause Im busy on trying to find a cure to end all of Ive been a little
busy thats why.
as he said that Madison looked at him and as she did she said.
Madison Naurloa: thats not the Dr. Jackson I remember from outside the gates.
as she said that Dr. Jackson looked at her and as he did he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: what do you mean.

as he said that Madison said.

Madison Naurloa: youve gotten soft since weve moved behind these walls...youve never even
stepped outside that office have you...come on have you.
as she said that Dr. Jackson looked down at the ground and as he did Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: thats right...your a weak spine less coward...
as she was about to finish her sentence Dr. Jackson looked at her right in the eyes and as he
did he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: I am many things but I am not weak...I have saved the Michigan group
survivors many of times before and Im about to do it again by finding a cure to all of this.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: is that so.
as she said that Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: it is...Ive saved this group back at the prison when we got separated on
Lucas gavins farm...I also helped saved and fight with this group on the farm when it got over
run with walkers...and way back when several years ago when my partner in the CDC had us
locked up I got him to change his mind to let us go before we were all blown to hell...and 2 years
ago when the senator attacked Mackinaw Island I shot down and killed Dr. Sargent and I did it
because I knew James wouldnt have the guts to if he ever meat him after that try
calling me weak again.
as she said that a group of 10 walkers stepped out from behind one of the buildings they were
talking in front of and as they did Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: uh...oh.
as she said that Dr. Jackson pulled out his pocket knife and as he did he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: about dam time.
as he said that he started killing the walkers with his knife and as he did Madison was about to
pull out her sword and as she was Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: No leave them to me..leave them all to me.
as he said that Dr. Jackson Killed 2 walkers with his knife and as he did Madison just looked at
him shocked and as she did Dr. Jackson only took several minuets to kill all 10 walkers with his
pocket knife. As he killed the last one he got some blood on his clothes and as he did he looked

right at Madison and as he did he said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: weak...ha...I didnt survive these past 7 years in the world where the dead
rule the earth. Im not weak...Im anything but.
as he said that Madison walked up to him and as she did she said.
Madison Naurloa: looks like you proved me wrong Dr. Jackson.
as she said that they stared at each other directly in the eyes for several seconds and as they
did the leaned in on each other and as they did Dr. Jackson kissed Madison and as they did the
kiss lasted several more then 30 seconds.
As it did they released there kiss and as they did they stared at each other directly in the eyes
again for several seconds and as they did Dr. Jackson started to un button his shirt and as he
did so did Madison and they began to kiss each other pationteally again.
As they did the camera jumped to the wall of the community and as it did it showed David
Pegouske looking through the scope of his assault rifle and as he was he said.
David Pegouske: Ok...Im calling it for the night are you coming.
as he said that Michale said.
Michale Kennan: na...Im going to stick around for a little while longer.
as he said that David said.
David Pegouske: you sure.
as he said that Michale said.
Michale Kennan: yeah...Ill join you and the others in a little while.
as he said that David said.
David Pegouske: all right...have a good one.
as he said that David left and as he did the camera stayed with Michale and as it did he was
looking through the scope of his rifle and as he was he saw something glimmering off of a
building several miles away off in the distance and as he did he said.
Michale Kennan: What the hell are you mysterious object.
as he said that the camera jumped to the Michigan Group Survivors FEMA trailer and as it did

David walked inside it and as he did he was met with a kiss by Kailie and as he was he said.
David Pegouske: Hi was your day.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: good how was yours.
as he said that David said.
David Pegouske: Well first of all...
as he started talking Kailie just stared off into space tuning David out and as he did David talks
for several seconds and Kailie just tuned him out and as she did she heard her name.
David Pegouske: Kailie...Kailie.
as he said that Kailie jumped back to reality and as she did she said.
Kailie Kennedy: yes.
as she said that David said.
David Pegouske: did you hear anything I just said.
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: yeah I am.
as she said that David said.
David Pegouske: good..Ive been waiting all day for this.
as he said that David and Kailie kissed and as they did the camera jumped to Ryan and as it did
he was still in the white house. The part of the house that was barely used and as he was...he
was walking around the hallways and as he was he had his knife out.
As he did he kept flashing back to James having his gun out and it firing at him and as he did he
got another thought of the room he was in that was covered in blood. As that thought came to
mind Ryan saw Chloe walking past the hall he was in and as he did he hid behind a doorway
and as he did Chloe thought she saw something and as she did she stopped to look down the
hall way.
As she did did she looked down it for several seconds and she didnt notice anything and as she

did she started to make her way to her room.

Ryan started to follow Chloe and as he did she walked right up to her room and as she did the
camera jumped inside the room with her and as it did Chloe was closing the door and as she
was Ryan busted in through the door as she was closing it.
as he did Chloe screamed and as she did she fell to the floor and as she did Ryan made his way
towards her and as he did she crawled across the floor to her kitchen which was in the same
room as them. As she did Chloe got up and she got a butchers knife and as she did she swung
it at Ryan and Ryan dodge the knifes.
As he did Chloe was about to go in for a final strike and as she was she cut the top part of
Ryans shoulder and as she did Ryan grabbed her wrist. As he did he bent it back and broke it
and the knife dropped to the ground.
As it did Chloe dropped to the ground in pain and as she did she said.
Chloe: Stop...please.
as she said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: Shhh...its almost over.
as he said that he set her butchers knife down on the counter and he still had his knife out and
as he did he walked up to her and he slit her throat as he did he watched as she started to bleed
out on the kitchen floor.
(song Daylight by the artist matt and Kim starts to play for montage)
Ryan watched as Chloe died on her kitchen floor and as she did the camera jumped to Kailie
and as it did she was staring at the ceiling and as she was she starred at it for several seconds
and as she did she looked at her suit case and as she did the camera jumped to Michale who
was on the wall still looking at the shimmering light...the camera jumped to James and he was
sitting on the front steps of the white house and as he was he was saying to himself.
James Dixon: this world is ours now...this world is ours now.
as he was saying that the camera jumped back to Ryan and as it did it showed that Chloe finally
died and as she did Ryan smirked and as he did he walked up to her with his knife in his hand
and as he did he stabbed her in the head.
(Song Ends)
(Screen goes black)(End Scene)

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