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It is more important for the government to spend money on promoting the healthy

lifestyle to prevent illness rather than on the treatment of people who are really ill.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Government expenditure is a subject very close to peoples heart, nowadays.
Among all concerns, the responsibility of government to take a good care public
health is viewed by many to be of utmost importance. It is firmly believed that the
benefits of government to spend money on sick people have great impact on
general public.
First and foremost, a healthy lifestyle is likely to exert a peculiar impact on great
many people.
This is because it is the responsibility of the government to promote its citizens to
lead healthy and sound life.
A case in point is of Shanghai Municipal Government, has set up an early warning
system to advise the citizens on how to avoid contracting and therefore limiting the
spread of the pandemic H1N1 virus.
Hence, the resources of the government not only will be conducive to every
individual to maintain of a healthy life habit, but also to the minimization of
possibilities for people to get sick.
However, it is of paramount importance that universal medical care can exert an
enchanting effect on the society.
It is due to the fact that humans can suffer from various kinds of diseases.
The entitlement to social welfare is every citizens right.
Consequently, with more funding of medical care facilities and all reasonable
measures, greater possibilities of helping those who are sick will likely to take place.
In conclusion, I strongly agree that a government has unavoidable duty in offering
responsible medical care to public, as its merits can clearly be seen.
It is expected that the relevant authorities should work collectively with the private
sectors to promote a healthy lifestyle and provide a good quality medical services to
the society.

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