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2016 European Young Leaders in Global Health Fellowship

Child Family Health International (CFHI) is proud to announce the first European Young Leaders in Global Health
Fellowship, a unique fellowship opportunity that will be awarded to a student or recent graduate who best
demonstrates CFHI's motto 'Let the World Change You'.

Fellowship components
The successful candidate will receive:
1 full one-month scholarship to one of CFHI's 30 global health education internships, which will place
them in the 'trenches of global health' alongside local health care workers, patients and community
leaders. Applicants can choose from over 30 programs in 10 countries that focus on a variety of
important global health topics, including tropical medicine, HIV/AIDS, end-of-life care, maternal/child
health and more.
1 Unite for Sight Global Health Certificate course so they can further their education in the field
1 free registration to the 3rd Next Generation Global Health Forum conference in Barcelona, Spain
(September 30 - October 1), where they will get to network with other young professionals and present
about their global health experience.

Selection Criteria
Applicants must be:

Currently enrolled in university (undergraduate or postgraduate) or graduated less than 1 year from
application deadline
Interested in global health, health equity, local community empowerment in low and middle income
countries; demonstrated commitment to social justice
A citizen or resident of a European nation


NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

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