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A HEBREW AND ENGLISH LEXICON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING THE BIBLICAL ARAMAIC BASED ON THE LEXICON OF WILLIAM GESENIUS EDWARD ROBINSON LATE PROPUAGOR IN THI UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, IEW YORK Eddited with constant reference to the Thesaurus of Gesenius ax completed by E. Rédiger, and swith authorized use of the latest German editions of Gesenius? Handwirterbuch iiber das Alte Testament BY FRANCIS BROWN, D.D., D.Lirr. DAVENPORT PROPESFOR OF HENREW AND THE COONATE LANOUAGES IX THE UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY S. R. DRIVER, D.D., Lirr.D. anp CHARLES A. BRIGGS, D.D., D.Lirr. REGIUS FROPESOR OF HEDREW, AND CASON OF EDWARD NOBINSON PROFFAKOR OY BIBLICAL THEOLOGY ‘EMMLAT CHEK, OXFORD AN TIE UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BOSTON, NEW YORK, AND CHICAGO HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY The Biversine Press, Cambriage 1906 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION (Aramaic version) TO “BDB” A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, by F. Brown, S.R. Driver, & C.A. Briggs (The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass.; Clarendon Press, Oxford; 1906) Based on the Lexicon (1833) and much larger Thesaurus (1853-58) of Wilhelm Gesenius. The main part of the Lexicon is dedicated to Biblical Hebrew. Biblical Aramaic is contained in an appendix (p.1078ff). 1906 was the same year that the Elephantine texts were first published, and so no use is made of them in this Lexicon. Subsequent advances in knowledge of Akkadian and Old Persian means that the suggested etymologies of loan words are often now redundant. (See lists in recent BA and EA grammars.) BASIC PRINCIPLES: All words (with a few exceptions, e.g.3,, 9, 877) are strictly arranged according to known or hypothetical triliteral roots. When several, originally independent, roots share the same root letters these are distinguished by a prefixed I, II, III etc. (e.g. J7¥ , p.1082). Forms of the verb are listed first under each root heading, and then nouns, adjectives ete in (Aramaic) alphabetic order. Exceptions to this are denominative verbs, which follow the nouns from which they are said to derive (e.g. SBP ‘receive’ (p.1110), from 437 “before’). Since the root under which biliteral nouns, proper names, etc, are listed is often far from obvious, a note is inserted in the lexicon at the expected alphabetic location with a brief reference that indicates the relevant root (e.g. 38 pp.1078). BASIC LAYOUT: E.g. T3Y p.1104. 1 2. 3, 4, 5. 6. Root letters Grammatical category. (Here vb. = verb) Basic gloss: more precise translations are given in body of article. Comparative semitic data, and references to the then standard editions and grammars. (Here, the verb is attested in Targumic Aramaic, Syriac, Old Aramaic, Nabataean, Palmyrene, Egyptian Aramaic, and there is a cognate in form but not in sense in Biblical Hebrew.) List of main Pa‘al [G] forms which occur. Other stems (Hithpe. [tG] etc, if any) are listed separately later. List of meanings, with details of prepositions used with verbs, or usual subject / object etc. ABBREVIATIONS: A complete list is provided on pp.xiii - xix of the lexicon. [ ] _ indicate that the enclosed base form is not actually found in BA, or that the enclosed gender is not certain from the biblical context. indicates that all occurrences in the Bible are listed in the article. e.g. “8 , abbreviation of the cited Aramaic word (in this case TM28). Greek text (i.e. Septuagint) Hebrew (consonantal text only) Syriac (i.e. Peshitta) Targum (Aramaic) Vulgate (Latin) - BYAGEA A Alexandrine MS. of Septor- gint. ABA =ABhandlangen d. Berliner ‘Akademie d. Wissen- te) ‘ce.cogn, mace. of cognate meani with verb. “e scx. perk. macs. of person. x rai= nce. of thing. sec. tomacoording at active. AGI =Amyrian & English Gloe- sary, Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. A7Ph apie Sern of Philo- AUSL= American Journal of Se mitic Langu de = Abiedians aL” met aliter, and cleswhere; also ef alii, and others. Alle =K. Albrecht. sistent(amn).— alttestamentlicho(r,), aie. = always. ‘Am Amos. ‘AmJSem.Lang.=AJSL, 4.7. AmBV=Amercan BV." ‘Andr = Andreas And = Td, in AW aba Walid. AkWe abel & Winckler, Keil- ABBREVIATIONS B= Vatican MS. of Septuagint. | BIG. Bickell. Bs J. Barth, BattereenTd. | Bl oF Bleck, Beumrong dee Jonson; | Bla 2-8 Blak, BaF 1d.Etymologivcho | Blockx A. Bloch, Phinisisches Studion; Ba*®= 1d., No- Glossar. minalbildang. =A. J. Baumgartner. Bi =K.C. Bibr. Boo =8. Bochart. Bolle = Jd, Bab. =Babyloniao, Bierozoicon. Becher=W.Bacher. BacberTnt. | BS =F, Biticher. Bos, or Bol"! = 14, Alteste Terminolo- | Ta.y Lehrbuch d, Hebr. ale der jfdiachen Schrift- | Sprache; Bose ™%um Ja., Bahr =K. C. Bihr. Bahrom\— ‘Bahr, Symbolik des Mosai- ‘chen Caltas, BAL =C. Bezold, Babylonisch-As- he Literatur, iblical Aramaic, Guide Fran- -Arabe Vi Berliner? '='k. Berner Rasgum ‘of Onkelos, Berthol= A. Bertholet. BaRy=Barthear's Comm, ed. by | Bev Bee BH yee A. A. Bevan, =0. Besold. = Biblical Hebrew. Ahrenlese,or Neve hren: » De Ine Ta Pro rung. H. Bondi, Hebr, Lebn- worter in’ Hieroglyphi- achen . . .. Texten BOR = Babylonian & Oriental Re cord Br =A. Briggs, BrOo-ttr— Til, General Introduction to” the Study of Holy Scripture; Bril = Id., Higher Criticism of the Hexateuch; Br” = Id, Messianic Prophecy. BraunlVei.ser = J Braining, Vestitus Sacordotum He Dbracorum, Brd_ =O. Brodenkamp. Brockelmarn, esp. Id, Lexicon Syrincum, Bu =K. “Buide, Bu" = Z1., Samuel; Bu Die. biblische Urgeschichte. Bohl =Frantis Buhl, esp. as editor ‘of edal* of Gesenius? Handworterbuch uber das BublOered = Jay dea Alten Bahleom = Bur =0.F. Burney Burckh=J. i. Burckhardt, esp. Zd., ‘Travels in Syria, etc 23, Boxto: =C. Bezold. Box Bs © meirea, about; also cu, with Ge $0. P.Caspari Cate Seka Calvi. = Coppadocia Castell Edward Castell Castle Castel d xiv caus, indicates that the prooeding is to bo preferred to the fol- << indioaten that the following is tobe ptr” t-te re: 1 of words (synonymous or mate ‘also of pas ms somatinee = ‘ace o ‘wale in peed = equivalent, equals. + plus, denotes often that otber Eomnfen ssa te ed where the forms of verbs, nouns, and adjectives Se naratea by ‘cttiony, near the begiz ‘of articles 5 while ‘ ete.’ in such connexions ‘commonly indicates that other {ie ot boon though worth he aot i while to cite. xix [ ]iindicaton that the form, etc., enclosed, is not sctually found, ‘the Hebrew offers no itive proof; ¢.g. nm. [m.] oles that the noun is pre~ sumably masculine, though the gender is not clearly exhibited ib Hebrew. 4/ =t00t or stem. ‘= sign of abbreviation (in Hebrew words) AD) = ef eactera (in Hebrew quotations) "= Yahweh. a beneath a Hebrew word repre- went any accent that ovcasions vowel change. Nore. Scripture citations in small ior letters and figures, following n.m. or nef. refer to me where the gender fevedhibied, Stall inferior figures following Hebrew words, names of conjugations, ete,, denote the (approximate) num: ber of occurrences of such words, conjugations, ete BIBLICAL ARAMAIC [Dn 27%; Exr 4'-6%, 7; Je 10"; Gn gr**] Nore—In matter already given with the Hebrew words is not repeated Poruliar to the Biblical Aramaic. In other casos, excopt where or 5: w ‘that the words occur also in the Aramaic of the Targums is not expressly stated. the case of words common to Biblical Aramaic and Bibl Hebrow the etymological tis prefixed to all words is mentioned alone, it may in Syriac, oven when this here. The XN [ans] v. rox. T [ate Ks] aan, trast (BH; +/a3");— sf. 3 ma. PBR (KPH) Dn gta, t[TIN] vb. perish (BH);—Pe. Impf. 3 mpl. *73R! (not - v.K!™) Je 10" they shall perish, pass away. Haph.(OAram.3in Lab™ Conke™) detrey: Impf, 2 ma 13M (KS) Dn2™(c.5 pers.); 3 mpl. TAN v"* (indef. subj.; ace.pers.); Inf. 872%) v'™* (both c.> pers.), M- 7 (abs). Hoph. (KW?) be destroyed : Pf. 3 ms. 137 7", TTAR (assumed as ¥ of foll.; v. p. 3). Tt [aR D'4nan 1d Me™] a.m. tether (BH 34);—1. lit. father, af." Dn 5"(v.Behrm Marti), RK (KS) i hae Pl. fathers, ancestors [1% D*], af. OTR a , but v. KS), ADR Ear 4! eh. TAR a." stone (BH id.);—abs.’e Dn 2445 emph. 138 v;—1. a (the) stone Dn 24506", @. stone, material of idols 5°; of buildings Ezr 5* 6*. Tras (K'™) af. tettor-missive (late BHM}, OAram.n-an, Palm. nae Lab”) ;— abet Ear 4*(van d. H.¥}-); emph. RE 4! 5% MITT = BH "NX (v. ti) 4determ. affix w (as in 13%, TRA; in Sab.=post-pos, art, Hom™! Wt), Ngjoon iow, oy [he] prob, from same demonatr.+/as M, XY, YY, ete, 3}, 15) lo, Ia] well then, in that case, Eth, PAI: when ? now (Di*"', Byr. eof (enclitic) but);—then, thereupon, Dn 2955 304, Ber 4°? 5'*4 (alw., exe. Exr 5', at bog. of sentence, introducing new stage of narrative with some emph,); 80 c. 3, [M3 (3 t. Eer., 26 t. Dn) Da ais ARNE ote, Bar 4% 5°6%; ITRCTD from that time + Ear 5, Tr T8 (K'%) ape. rath month (BH id.) ; Ear 6", Tym K**°] nam, threshing-oor (id, Syr, Jb17”, cf. Chr-Pal. Schulth'***; hence Ar. 3531 as loan-word Fri™; conj. on etym. Lag Ge ath Hf 1081909 Jon RAED.) estr. DPT Da a, tty] am counsellor (Pers. loan- word =andardaghar Nj Otmst Tete Ande 48 Ste * Dr Scheft!% Mey "23 questions, and thinka military title);—pl, emph. WET 3. NTT fem ‘Sav, correctly, exactly (acc. to ‘Haug?™¥ 5 Scheft ** from Zend deres, make Sirm, whence Skr. ptcp. pass. drdha, firm, sure, suitable, Zend derebta, holding firm, Pers.durust, whole, complete, correct ; > N5™*" "from RI}, q.v.);—Ezr 7® ® 73gN, ITY vm. TDN (of foll.; v. BH nix, TL. me). T [rng] a.m.** sign ( wrought by God, and alw.c. pron wonders);—pl. abe. DH Dn 6"; emph. DY 3%; af. ‘Tine v™, Sine (ot following, BEL IL Sut, Su). tors (0 nn.™+" treo (EM, Byr. ed; of BHA, Nhe, p.18);—ebe.’« Da 4?; emph, RD ySth7202, TL[NIN] vb. make hot, heat (¥ id. [rare]; ef.Ar. ji kindle, burn);—IPe. Inf. 10) (4) Dn 3 (> scc.), sf. PIDP v5 Pe. pass, Me (KS) v8, TTS (00 Gi, with most MSS.; Baer NTI) adj. sure, aszured azda, Ske. addhd, “certain” (Kern*®™0#.2); go first No™"47; confirmed now by Eg. Aram. (RES™:?*) spe jn JO ‘DYM if itis made certain (certified) by, eto.; >GKiAVal. (v. Thes) as vb. ts gone, or (NT]8) és going, from Talim. "M1¥ (=) go away (Levy ME¥BL), 50 Bcheft#0!8." from Zend Sada ‘ gone,’ ptep. pass. of azaiti* go’);—Dn 2* MOD ete eer ea eee nears on my part (the thing is fally resolved upon by me: of. © JEL; TE PEN MOND); + 3™(v.79)- #18 wb. e020 of (BE [rare]);—e. Pf. 3 ma. “e Dn 2+ (ont v" 6%); 3 pl. 8 Ear 45 1 pl. 271 5%; Zmv, ms. (ONM)DI v" (for die K##9: 0191. 90, go off,c. loc, Dn a 6% Ezr 4% (+ pers.), 5°; goand say Dn 2™, go (and) put Ezr 5". PIN (of following; BH IL. mt, pK), ‘tromnin (Boer Gi Str) namemph. scale, balance (cf. also Mand. sexo No™', Eg. Aram.2onb 8-C%%, Chr-Pal. J.stas0 Schulth text NSMWH Faooh XA nC”): Dn 5 (yan 4. du. emph, niyo, y, K8% bane ys0), 1079 pe “TON (of following; v. BHM). 171 nj. one, o;—ms.’n Daa" 4; fo. 07 Ezr 4°+5—2. one side Dn 7'; n. om. 6; MI 2°= one and invariable (inevitable); MIND v* 3 one, altogether (60 8-C¥* %, and late BH ‘WNP Ezr a4); ordinal, "JN MOY firet year 7 Exe 5" 6%; ‘n=a certain one (rot) Dn 7" (© 12 partit). a (indef, art.) 0. subst, Dna 6" 4" (v. AYP), Ear 4° 6%, 730 10 Dn 3 = sevenfold (as Byr.: No" PS; of, Ex16* ©), v. KIM, TITIN (assumed as of foll.; of, BH Mit p. 26). T [rn] a. m. brother;— pl. sf. pre Kt (RS Kise), 1 Qr (KI) Exr 7” thy brethren, i.e. fellows, associates. [anny] v. (mo). [pny] v. on. TRIMS (orig. H- or NYY- Nb in Streck 3435) n pr.loc. Hobatans, Ezr 6*; capital of Media, esptured by Cyrus (Bc. 50), and then summer residence of Pers. kings; mod. .j\d.m Hamadén, Bpieg™ Margoliouth +?» Aemers, esp. Bragsch Bie Fens Om. 2 (QM ed. Agma- tanaD1™™=™™ 1; OPers Hafigmatina(=place of assembling) Spiog'*, Bab. Agam(a)tans Beh®, Bes™*, etc; ‘Ayiraa Herod'®; @ *“BeBarara 2Maceg'+; Mey * 4-1 Streck vem, T{orns] pl. 0M, prep. after (Capped. and Eg. Aram.1nit (Lab™*9818.0 ¥-08), prob. Nab. anit after (Lab BAC™); Eg, Aram, bovine (S-CP* 9%); & (ats,) "ine; I] TUR after this Dn 2; caf, ‘, Uso. Aram. syn. WKB, q. v. tom adj. £, another: v. NN. Tprme Day Kt, heyy eye by me; very dub. (vy. Comm); usu. and unto the last (=at last) came in, ete.; but word in this sense unknown: Qr fH; read perh. (Bev) PURE WH} (or 1 Kt PUR; cf. ete?) and yet another came in before me, THIN at. oste. end (Hebraism ; 10 (cf. Tacob*¥-ise%-*) Chr-Pal,, Schulth‘);—Dn2® yo 4 (from BH O° KB p. 314). TPM aaj. m. another (Eg. Aram. pnt S070"; "NobPalm. id. (Leb"); © MPR; of, yoovtems Bye. et); Dn 2" 9% 4Kt 579%, The £. in use is “NY (Eg. Aram. nn, RES™; & alm, "EM" (DY); of. KI ae Nomen), Dna ‘obo, vm teem, T[p2e yar] a.m. pl satraps (BHO; ef, M™*);—emph. #2 Dn 3° 65479, Ir ede, lees Dis] adj. terrible (TNO, fr. ROY = BH NY, q.v., om) ;—fs. abs. ND'E (K!=) Dn 77 (on form v. Prat ™2™omnM Ng seve som), al URS (Baer ‘NM, exo. hef. sf, v. Baer™*™) part, there is, are... (prop.a subst. foll. by a gen.,v.BH Us! Eg. Aram. int RES*, 8-C me, Nab. tne, Palm. vx, ¥ Tal. 1° (Dalm 144, Syr. m2, Sem. Ait, Mand. 1%, 9 (Ne*48802); y, farther BH 4); Daz", not by wisdom 13q. ptop. or adj. 29: vt et; Syr. Mand. m. ed Zen}. nev (Cocke™); of. sub BH BA) Dn a”. 97 DDN TM RP, 3” 42; afer the subj. 2 3* fing "8 N> Sam, Exx 4%; og. plop. or adj, Da gis with pleon, af, 2" KITT spiny ND poy, +b2n1 eat, devour (BH);—Pe, Pf. mpl. 95 Dn 3° 6%; Teng. 3 ms. 928 4"; 5; 3 fe DNR 7%; Imo. fa. SOK vy Pe. fe. pe 52, eat, of boast, Da 4™(oce.rei). 2. devour, of beast in vision, 7* (ace. rei), abs. v"; hence fig. of kingdom, devour, denastate, v™ (ace. of earth). 8. in phr. HAF 3° eat their pieces, i.e. slander them, cf. 6 (v. 722). toy adv. of prohibition, do not..., let not...) aq. impf. (=BH I. 58; Zenj. bx (Had "**) Cooke™t; of, Pblovi (Nose 3a); not & Syr.);—Dn 2% TZN, 4 5", +28 demonste.pron. pl. these (v. Nt infr), Exe 5 Qr (Ke Mp). 1080 wbx by 4 ass (= BE BH (a p42) ;—ttabe Das", ome ee MoM V+; af TOK 6, o"+, AO Dn ot}, Onn. Ezr 5+ 7, a Dn a, 77 ¢Dna" +, emph. WY Jo 10", este. D-Dn 5°, af. 3, ete. [e. pref. abe Dn 52, riba a etc.; but notin og. aba. or cat... #049 Ear 5%, ete. od, in gen. Dn 6**; heathen deities Je ro" Dna" 3"+ rg t. Dn (made of gold, ete. 5*), + PONTE 3° (vB). 4 Cod (of Iar.), Daa® Ear 5'4; phr. (02 Api Bar 5! 6 7%; DOP 7K 71; NOOK /K Dna®; RDP te Ezr 5" (ERT W), 2 6M 'Dn 294.6 t.(y. DOD SIR Dna; POD RV IND TDM 3% oe; wen 6"; also Wr MD 5! Ear 4 gt 16 Ene; NYY Exe tT DN amaoue pron. pl these (Nab. ie (Leb™ Cooke"), Cappad. and Eg. Aram. bse (Lab "22 RES* 41 §-CBP EH EH): prob, therefore not, as used to be supposed, a Hebra- ism, but a peculiarity of the dialects of Je 10" fad of Ear (in which the om, Aram, form does not occur): v, farther [¥);—these, Je 10" Ex 5" Kt. TION interj. 10! (der. uncertain: us. regarded as by-form of TH spe Be Arm thn, Cooke™**, RES #*=8-C™'); a om AMA, a 74, lenye i in ‘cin of a vision. tts (Dna 6?) demonstr. prom. pl. (pl. of MR, quv.: Palm. bx (Lab™ ™* me Type; ‘Mand. poy (Né**" Talm. (with emph. ha prefixed, W™) v. farther sub BH n}, and add Eg. Aram. tbe Cooke*);—theas, oy Dn: ie 2°52 ID rhe, vt emade , 6 PM HDBT TUT (20 v7 WOE TPN demonste. prom. pl. these (pl. of 1, Aram. yx (Cooke®* RES™** CME): with Ad prefixed, OSyr. f. pdden, Nov Barkitt me sears, Chir-Pal. yD (mand f) Sghw™™*; of Ar, oi, Eth. AAh: Di; the demonst. affix J, a8 in 43, ol, ete; WO) ;—theas, RI YM these men, Dn g'?™8202 GOES Ear gG also Ezr 5° 6%, nbs ‘Tmbas,000 (=BH IL."b8) abe’ (a. pers. precedes) Dn g'; n. om., emp. KBD v? ‘the thousand (just mentioned); catr.+ pl.abe. DI Daze thousand thousands ( pers, Jero"; aq. ace. rei +99 pers. against whom Dn 3. relate, tell: 8q. aco. rei Dn 4* 7}, +2 pore. 2° 7° (gee ret om.) 4D pers. 2" 4%. 3, inf. 2°46 t, Dn} 1g. vb. fin. 5” 67; Sores sab penser rect. 3 [pl . indef. sabj., for pass, K'**, 90 4], T7OND 2. [m.] word ;—cstr. Dag" Exr6*, T [8] am. lamb (As tumors (also= child ; immertu, girl; conj. as to etym. DI Pk Jon HHO ms AHL ally MOH), WYO; Syr.|és07", Pan.-wee, Palm. pl. emph. woe Leb™ Cooke™™™; Ar, 2:1 (loan word! ef. Fri™, but also DHM"®*));—pl. T798, lambs, as sacrif. victims Ezr 6” FIBRE v.38. TRIN Dn * Exr6" 7" in common edd.: ye MM LTHTAN pr. 1s. 1 (=Heb. %, a. Zen}. 1081 yu Nabna‘e+(Lab™); & tox, Syr. 152");—J, Dn 2” 47 5, tre 4 ptop. ga, after Ns & ptep. (Ke) at rE TT ETT, beret meet anny aby em nr: ‘as nom. pendens, Dn 4 7; em (KO) 7 Kar 7 (of, S-07M2ERN, TPN pe. 3 mpl. they, those ZIV, £1, e.g. Gn 3! 6% Byr. sd, oul”, £ JS, Ql; Talm. thy, TI ‘(for fing, Pap); Mand. pov, prn j—all fom fi 7, with demonstr. syll. ji, [M ‘lo,’ prefixed, Wo ™ —they, those, Dn 2 RIX R290 thoas ir as accus, UH 107, 77 Kt Va PUN vy (Qe £ PR) which are four (Dri K1#.), Earg's + DQP pO MD = what are the names...$ (Drtton 9, Ch ae, tRIMaN (Ear ¢* TQM) pr. 2 pl. we . Aram, RES™ 8-CP™ nant; wow), Dn 3%" Esr 4™ (after ptep.), 5". TPN they (£) Dn 7" Qe: Ke WM, av. t[DIN] vb. oppress (BH [late] con- i . Pe. 32 DW Da 4'. T[hats, ANS KM] nam. only du. (setain Xa 808M) tooo (BH AY, o/ mx; Aram, Tema bor eAG= Lb Gn 14, 90 8-C' and (usu.) 37; poe TO, 4257" ‘Syr. Chr-Pal. (Schalth™*"); also ‘bx Palm. Lzb™Cooke™™, Chr-Pal. o. prep. sa Schulth*", etc.) ;— pl sf. 3 ms. ‘7ily8 Dn 2“ 3%. L WAN (/offoll.; of. BH IL pox, 1.004), TW mam. man, mankind ;—sbs.’x Do a4; emph. RUB V+, 90 Qr 4" (>Kt what KI"; 20 Nab eax oft. Lab™ Cooke™ SAC): pl. OVA 4! (Hebraiam, M** Prop, j—1, man, homan being, Dn 2" 3" 4 5°77 630 7444 Eee 6"; 20 BAT Dn 7” a son, of man, human being (v. esp. Dr?! Ber %), oll. men, people, Exr 4" Dn 4**- nai 62 of, pl. 4; 8 T}} 2° i.e. human off- apring; XYP{ "2 sone of men,=men, 2® 5". IL WIN (Vof foll.; BH ILL. wx, np), F[pwy] 2.2. pL. wives (p0 Zinj. (Cooke™*) cate. "ea, ¥ PP?, Syr. has, Heb. DY, Ar. Fes: on sing. v. BH MYX, and add Aram. of Nineveh este. new (CIS'), and Eg. Aram. mnt 8-C Fe biot);_—pl. af. WT? Dn 6%, vitae ib . of RN: mn TTININ Kt, (Le. RM, peculiar to Baran; Qr 7) pr. 2 ms. thou (BH Tt 3 Cappad. and Eg. Aram. nox (Lab Baten, ge, fone i.28%), Nera nit (Cooke 0), Palm, rox (i.™); 5° net, 3 na (D095 Spr. by!");—thow, Dna™ pratt Pr. 2 mpl. ye, you (BH Do p. 61°), Dna. T7O2DN m.prm. Amappar, who trans- ported peoples to Samaria Ear 4%; Avermapap, GL 2adparocodpne; prob. = As. kg. Furbanipal (3.c. 668-626), i.e. dex(an)ow, Gelzer + me 3AM COT Mey * Zim™T*™ Borthol stiee. Enoy. Bib?*. THIQBON adv. thoroughly, RV. with Haug ??¥ 1H Tag tet Andris Soheft HOW is orcing Aten tm A. LY; Beg WTRND, 62 778% (of, Oram, NBR, oD a weight, complete, correct : Lab™, Cooke™). SION (vet lh; BH [78] bind, "#08 bond, PH Binding obligation). T7708 n. [ma] band, bond (FOH, WO", Syr. /", baiml”);—abs. “t Dn 4* (of iron and bronze, for stump, in Neb’s vision); pl. abs. ROM Ezr 7* bonde= imprisonment. TION mm. interdict (as binding);—'x abs. Dn 6; ostr. v3; emph. 7PM v8, Tyre n.m.™%* wood (s0 %, for WP; Eg. Aram.pyS-C™; BHY?, IL myp);—1. abet timber, for building Exr g° 6'; beam v2. emph. RY toood, material of idols Dn 5‘. TFIN conj. also (BH WY; Eg.Aram, Palm, nt (S-C™ Lzb™); © AB, £7 aloo wie; Syr. 2/’);—also, always tt} Dn 6 Ezr 5" 6', FE ND BN (Ki) a pep gent, Ear 4", @ 'Agpacaion, A ' ‘ion; Ges Rid meat Hofim™*""™ Mey 2% Persians; DI™"™" Scheft” Paraua (in Media [v. Streck Hnomte); yoty. COT); Marquart “RIPO(R) seoretaries (¥ dittogr.of preceding); oft. identif. with following, so Andr*™*, TT NMDO WN Ear 5 6'= (acc. to most) 1082 Ts THIRD ION 7, mar-pt gent, so most hitherto, and still Mey" ?** (Persians), bat many moderns think official title (Hoffm ™*** Marquart™“Jen™ "+" Enoy. Bib.™**; plansi- Die explanations are: Andr™®* = As. Juparkak (x, Muss-Arnolt *" Jaga 8, general, 1d Atem.tane OmO.ME); Beheft™—Olran. apara- Teaser ruler ; 14 ™0¥# 0 6 WR. as OPers. *aparabritka, lesser governor). Toney or DINER (00 edd.: > Gi Beer [v. B.r07 2 f.] from MBS, Dhwt) Exr 4 B35 7) of uncertain mng.: Thes Haug? =o indhaend (Grom Peblevi afdom, Pers. (lis end); Scheft™ treaeurice (from Zend pathind, pl. of Fare freanury, 3 7 path, al #0 up), will “mule veya YET. ym. tipnel mm. purple, red-purple (BH id, TM) ;—emph. KANE Dn go", TTI (Vof fol; BH 1 mx, nom). THT mam. 4 Hon ;—abs. “*e Dn 7* (im); pl. emph. RIT (D™) cman, TIN Antes. 10 (of uncertain der.: only BAram. (tNab., v. CIS"); 04, p. 1080, and NH "2 oe ! here ! Ab 3' al., are porh. allied TN Da 7? PAN. 6 DNDN, vA", always in description of a vision (cf. OM). TIM tas & Syr.] m.[m.1] way (fig.) (BH);—pl. of. WW (of. K'™ 84) Dn 5® thy waye (the progress and outcome of thine affaire); AD- 4* hie waye (i.e. the course of God's dealings, | TT3¥0). tL Tse (“of foll.; BH [, THX]. THI (Bocr™*™ KI) wf a length- ening, prolonging (1);—of time Du 4* 7". IN (+/of foll.; ace. to most, weakened fr-77y (cf. BH) Be-Ry™*"; but 478 loan-word fr. Pers.(OIranian) dryaka,woorthy ofan Aryan, Scheft? TIP WS adj.vb. stting, proper ( Baer KM 18402; van dH. Gi Str TM, ef. D™*; Vid.; orig. Pt. pase. K'"); —Esr 4", ara ANTI Das', v.73. IS people of Erech (BH TN; to also Mey™™*);—pl emph. Exr 4°(Qr £ KI89, [28], 2-[£.] earth (00 8yr.;= BHM, 4q.v);—emph. 7% Dn2™* + 16+. Da, Ear 5!" Je10"; wpe (Dee #18) = T+ of direction, earthward, i.e. doxroard, "YD Dn a™ Kt lower than thou, i.e. inferior to thee Qe TE (of. F 79 FW Bu 44);—Je 10" v. [PI]. THY W] n-£.denom. bottom (00 Y; of. also EMV Tower);—cate. HW Dn 6*. T[P RS] =.[e] onrtn (=P); wore Bg. Aram, 5-C™**1+e (sts, aleo wyme, as ib."), ‘Ninev. and Bab, Aram. Cooke™, also Mad No™', Zinj., Lab® Cooke“; p=y, xpro=ienp, =m, Cooke"; ot Zinj. {!2snd tem and reff, Cooke! NG™2 = am Aho Gunktomers Lab mete GAC aI, ‘emph. MEW Jo 10", TAIT of king, Ear 4*"* ots 7 (BH Eg. Aram. Bape; wenn RES“, 8-C**; v. also Andr™4* Beheft"™);—Apeap6a, A(p)oababa, Apbavaba; GL Aprafeptns. T [the K!="] n.m.™** foundation (prob. loan-word fr, As. ulkd, id., «/vittt (v. BH), 80 Zim™Te"; & f My, NH Ape, Chr-Pal. wo), lao?,Schulth="; Ar. si 4, No**);—pl. emmph. ROP Br 4 gt; af. "70 6% ‘Trahy n.[£] fre (BH ER; KOSS thinks emph. fr. onomatop. V yet ; D™ Buhl +/ xen, _ CLE RPM, RPM, Syr. [NL7');—Dn 7", ts (K!®*) n.m. conjurer, enchanter (prob. Bab. loan-word ; so BH "pt);—abs. t abe. PPM v" 5", emph. MDP 4457, num. meaning and v/dub, (K' Nina Ear 5%; most wall (GB oalls); ‘M“* cp. As, alurrd, wall, butt; Hpt in Gu™* 748 thinks=[alirdnd] fr. As.airw, pointed by Mas, as if= OR (5%); ‘other conj. Marquart Scheft™* Ants ver. Tats v. [OP 1088 2 TTLDR, NIN wb. come (BH post. Aina; Pali. nie Haph. Lab®,Chr-Pal. J) Schulth 1); Pe, Pf. 3 ms, MM Ezr 5* Dn 78; R= ‘Ear 5%; 3 mpl. iy 4; Jeo. mpl. 41) Dn 3*; Inf. ¥0R) (K%%) v3; Pe, MOR come, a pers. Ezr 4!"(4-5 los), 5% 0.5 rei Dn 3"; abs. v7; aq. vb. fin. act. Exrg", Haph. bring: Py. gma. X090 (K"*), Dng(aoe, pers. + PPloc.); aa YON, aco. rei 5%, 20 (9 acc.) ¥ (+072 67 (5 acc. pers.), v™ (ace. 3 Inf. TAH CoB ant) 3% (6 ace. pers), i). Méphal (pase,K"*) be brought; 1 (KI. Bales, W702) enbj, rei Dn co 3 mpl. "0" subj. pers. 3°(+D7P pers.). TS v. me. TPAN a.m.™*" (prob. f.*) furnace (prob. loan-word from’ As. utdnes, atdnu, id, {also TelAm.], DHM™"“* Bubl ; Syr. Méh; hence Ar. Sy5f as loan-word Fré*; Eth. AVI: Di?*; conj. on etym, in K!™4™ Tag™ i), este, 8 Dn 380229; emph, RAK 39 TOR vO, TDN nm. place (c0 Eg. Aram., Nal Palm.; 3; ; Syr.80 place; Zinj-wwLeb™%; Ar. By footstep; cf. Heb. Wet, and sub We); Fase: a, Dn a* nd nanpirnd snwe he}, Ker ig! ITD Maa RTD TD, GH, Hence b. ‘WKB (Dn 7* Baer 3) after (lit. in the track of : s0 Zina (Cooke™=™), Palm. £08, Spr. 383), APY TKD after thie, Dn 7", af. Dn a™ TINT and after thee. STAR v. wp. a 3 prep. in, with, through, ete. (BH 3);— of °B, 12 Dn g'+, gms FB 3’, £.AD at 34, BpL Ina 3*+;—2. in, of place, 2% 3' 4" "HOND+; at Ear 5%, of time Dn 2” 3° (at), 5°+; 4" Exr 4 ‘apbN a chare in (BHZ.2). 2. into, Dn 2™ 33 3M, Ear 54; “3 MY pass over or upon Dn 3%. 3. of the instrument, by, with Dn amo gt here: Bt (Am 6: BH XI. 2). 4. of the price (ib, XIX. 3), with, Bar 7”: 8. O12 DY Kzr 6° =day by day (ib. III.3, end, so Byr. PS™"; of, mya mm SC", bed be wea PS) 6. through, on account of (ib. XXX. 8), Exr6". 7, in the matter of, Dno*, 8. after vbe. of ruling, Dn 2*+, trusting 6™, : ee ith 4 Bary deoking of 75,3 TH, to do with ¢ Ex 7", TURD ‘Wb. be evil, bad (00%; Syr. aJ5; OAram. wea Lab™ SAC* Cooke™; of, BH);—Pe. Pf. 3 ms. impers. "Ti? Du6"i.e. it waa evil (dieploasing) to him (of. BH [ys7] 1). T[OPNa K™) aaj, bed (00 Eg. Aram, Cooke™?; $ 02, Syr..aa);—fa.emph. KART Ess 4) rbilloas and bd city (ot mEpER, v, r™). TDN, 03 v. HH. baa myeloe, Batylon (BE id);—Dn a"415 t. Dn, 9 t. Ezr. toda] pl. emph. as subst. w)33 Ear 4° the Babylonians, vb. Pa. soatter (00 Syr.; BH » mpl. MIN Dn 4" (aoe. rei). #7" (both juss. Str Me 4%, AN?- 5%, Hithpe. in late BH; & Ithpe.(rare)); Inf. ‘in haste (orig. a alarm’) Dn 2® . Mithpa, Ps. pass, S020 Dn 5 eee ithpa, Pt. pass, O12 Dn 5° was tbr as, haste (2); er 4*(K04), YA (essumed as prob. +/of foll, Brock Sehulth; Lane”). thy mw fm.) mina (Syr. MS id. PS™; Ar, JU Aeart);—abs.“3 Bip D6" (aq. Inf.; of. Sy. Js om. PS"* Schulth=*), T[ 203] wb. conse (lato BH);—Pe. Pf, 3 fa. MOD Ber 4%, Pt. fs. KPBE vy (both of work). Pa, make to cease,acc.pere.: Pf. 3 mpl. 2bB2 4? 5; Inf NDB25 4%, aco. pers. om. 6°. TPS prep. between (BH [19,] 2; £13, (WR; Syr. LS, MLS), Dn 7; oof. 3 pl m, TPR v Kt (Qr 3 pl. f APPR). Hoya ng, understanding (BE; /p3; XT myh2, Spr. LtE5);—abs.’3 Dna, - 5M, 1, 1084 Dia THITVD (Beer KB) mE, emph. castle (oo Egypt’ Aram. RES™-48 218 gC nenaone, Nab.=tomple CIS“; BH 1772); —Esr 6*. [r73],, 2:0." house (BH 3);—emph. Ear gi, MD 5 6%; cate. (YB 4™ 5t45 ° "n2 Dn 4! (Baer*, of. M'™*; van d. H. Gi 2), ADB a+; pl. af. ABB Dn a';—t2. ‘house, of men: Ezr 6™" Dn a” 3° 6"; of king Esr6*Dn 4, RAPD ’D 5%, HPO MY KE’ Ker 8% of. 720 RMBD 3 61; 130 D4” royal residence (of Bab.). 2. house of God, temple at Jerasalem Dn 5 Exr 4+ 28 t. Ear. t[ma D**#] vb.denom. (lodge,) pass the night (I id.);—Pe. Pf. 3 ms. 03 Dn”, Sav. bo. TINDD] wb. a, woer away, out (BH nba);—Impf. 3 ms. #92 Dn 7, fig. for harass continually (ace. pers.) taba a.[m.] tetbate (losn-word from As Biltw, o/521, acc. to most mod.; but Scheft™ op. Oran. bali, tribute, OPera. *bari, payment in Hind, oo’ (in Bab. bara) Mey 408.9 Scheft iwi cows Buhl ¢ vielleicht ’);—abs, M3 eM 3 Ear 4 7%, cwnteba, mprm, Bab, name of Daniel (BHid., p.117);—Dn24'+6t.Dn; Badracsp, ENS Dn 5’ (BH id, p. 128)— HUME y™ 7!; Badrevop; vid. Bey ™2:B0-Reaisss Debut. T[7723,N23] vb. vona (BE nR);— Pe. Pf. 3 ms.ef. 3 ms. 192 Ears"; rs. of. AN Dn 42; Imp. 3 mpl 129% Ear 6; Inf. X2ID B+, MPP v" (rd. 27D? MI** or. pers. Taya (Ki) nf, petition (3 Syr);—abs. “2. Dn 6; af. ANU v (both aco. cogn.c. RY3). thya (Kk) a.m. owner, lord (Syr. ‘Nsis, used similarly; of, BH 593, /5¥3; also ya) ;—extr. BYE~3 Ear 4*""j.e. commander (Andr*™* as translation of Persian framdtar, commander). ‘t[ypa] ns. plain (X; BE nypR, /ypa; ef. Syr. JMado, /ado);—cstr. WNT NyPI2 Dn3’. TPB] vb. Ps. inguire, seek (only Ezr) (2Syr.; v. BH);—Pf 3 mpl. M82 4” 6'; Impf. ms. 723 4"; Inf. PADD 7";—2. énguir (rei) concerning 7; ¢. subj. indef,, =pass., 4° search was made, 906', 4". Hithpa. Impf. 3 ms, "22M" 5”, impere., let search be made. 41.93 mm. son (id. ; Syr. 5, Mand. 3 ‘No™**, OAram.Nab. Palm.n3 (and j2) Lzb***; Sab.713 Mordtm’"*""; = 12, } becoming 3, Philippi 2 stm © Brock 2 7" al; / iff. 2 aco. to JHMich Thes K'* al.; BH 7B Aramaism for 12) ;—cstr. ‘3 Dn 3+; sf. FIR 5"; pl. catr. 22 Ear6*+; sf. ‘a 6" 7%, P22 Dn 6*; Ear 5'*2 6" Dn 56" Ear 6"7%; Toraclites, WI) “22 =captives v"* Dn 2 5" 6"; PED 7"*j.¢. one of human kind, SOP "22 men 2° 5"; PPRAD 3% a divine (or angelic) being (v. Dr, and of. BH Gn6* Jb1'); W 19 72.6! a son of 62 yeare =62 years old (BH 129), 2. of bullocks, rin 2 Ear 6, mWy.73. TPIS] wb. imeel, bioss (00 BH);—Pe. Pt. 2. act. NI }B-DY 12 Dn 6" kneeling on hie ‘Freee (in prayer). 2. pase. 799 Dn 3" Blessed 1085 inquire, 0. 7m (be) the God, etc. Pa, Bless, praise: Pf. 3 ms. 1 2", 18. AIB (K™) 4, both 0. of God; PA. pass, 1139 2® the name of God (be) Blessed. t [773] =.[t.] knoe ;—pl. of. 592 Dao", Trans] nf. id.(by transp.; of. T4727, SX? NAAIW; Chr-Pal. Jhoaos/ Schwally-* (who > expl. from /295, ef, Schulth “) ; Ar. £3} id.);—pl.sf. MDBW Dn 5 hie knees, TOTS adv. with advers. force, only, nevertheless (der. uncertain: Né™™"="p + NB, Tit, except what : XB oft. for MW, DOR ; Byr. pis Exo! ar®, and in NT for wAjy; Chr- Pal. 44>, qt5);—Dn 2" 4" how down the tree, ete. PIP... OU only leave the stump, etc., v? 5! Ear 5%. IND (of foll.; BH M3, WB tJb 39°). tu. [93] n.[m.] open feta ;—emph. 832, in /2 OT (=BH MYT nN), Dn 2 ghee, 2 RTT ye, “Towa mam. ftesh (3103, Syr. eo; BH eR, o/Wea);—abs. ’a Dn 7* flesh (a8 devoured. ‘beast); emph. #73 2" flesh = mankind, sx bp 4*=all creatures. ° T[n3] m.[m.] bath, liquid measure (I; perh. loan-word from BH 1.2, /nn3);—pl. abs, 12 Ear 7, WDD v. mab WH. 3 TINA (prob. of foll.; BH Mt rise up). Tra at. pride (EY); BH MG; of. KO j—abe. 22 Dn 4 in pride, [22] n.[an.] either baok (¥ 32 back, top; BH 22, 23), or) | "D2, mm, man (BH);—abs.’2 Dn 2* 5"; plebe TAB (K!*) 3%, also, certain ones, ye; emph. WII Ezr 4"'5*"6*Dn 3!*+-gt.Dn. t [rag] a.¢ might;—emph, wOY ‘bat M*™) Dn a®*, T[133] a.m. mighty one ;—pl. este. “7 bun Da 3” (=BH 5s "1100, tans A m.m.plemph. Dn 3%, dub.: most think || form of [12] treanurer (or, Mey text. err. fora); Gr Bev al, rd. R377 snniaere poss. (v. Lag Dr al.) dittogr. for following HID. T1773] ‘wb. how down (3?; Syr. (rare); BH ext); ;— Pe. Jmv. mpl. Wy" 11 (K 14 ™n*) Dn4"*. [03] n.m, miast (Eg. Aram. Nob. Palm. 105 T1%9; exp. cate. 123, 29, 8D; 20 Syr. og ; of. BH %, p.156);—estr. Wt (20 Nab. Cooke*™) Dn 3*+, 7" edd, Gi ia (Baer wit, v. on 3*); af. 3 ms. PA +Ezr 5%, 3 fo, Fb +4” 6t;—midet, alw. c. preps. a, 833 (=Heb. 713), Dn 3® wpe wR, 4? 7 Ene 485 gf PRB DP PY, 6*. » "ab Da gt nes, 9, wip Dn 3%. My. nie, thal um. treasurer (Pers. loan-word XSyr. BH; K'4; in Bab. ganza- baru Peisor #02), 01 emph, RE Ber 7",—Vid. 0270. ye P fe TL12] wb. out, (aivide,) determine (s0 ‘Pe. Pt. act. as subst., pl. abe. M2 -s(of fate; astrologers or soothssyers) emph. WIM 4* 57 (ef. Dr; Ar. — RSI mom), “withpe. Pf 3 fe. MNT 2™ a stone tone cut out, 20 NK (K¥8 1.4) ys (© IP of source), F[Pr nt decree (21, Spr Jia); — este. MH Dn 4", +7) ¢. 3, 123 prep. on account of (co Galil. Aram, D'**), read perh. in 7": v.72}. T[-v2] n.[m.] chatk, plaster (co T; BH once, p. 162);—emph. XJ? Dn 5+, (baba) v. Sh. 1086 Na tata, 1153] wo. roveat (BEET ex cover, reveal); Pe. reveal secrets, human agent: Inf. X20) Dn 2%; of God, Pt. act. #8 vEEN0, Bed Pf. Oh v2 v™, revealed (WH = Ngwnmm 7); —of secret, e.> pers. Hay take into exile (BH Hiph.), Pf. 3 ms. ‘P33, ©. ace. pers, Ezr 4” 5"*(5 loc.). thrba ke] ae, extte;—emph. 19} 32 i.e. exiles, Exr 6" Dn 2” 56" (cf. BH mba, bby (“of following; BH IL. S43; Palm. wbba Leb™ SAC™ Cooke™, = orjty Aubin). wt z.[m,] rotling;—abs. ) RY Ezr 5* stones of rolling, too heavy for carrying. “am 3] nm. wheel (7 BH; Sy Nlig); —pl. of. Tidada Dn 7? of throne-chariot of God. taba wt. (book-)rott (t BH);—Ezr 6*. t[12a] wb. complete (oft. £ Syr.; rare BH);—Pe. Pt. pass. "2 Ezxr 7'*as adj. perfect (read perh./2 DY, Torrey Berthol ; ef. 57). T [123]* treasure (¥; v. BH [D7], sub 113);—pl. emph, X13 ereasures Ez 6', 3 pho 99 5, cate. 259 A MND 7* T [pa] ne. wing of bird (= 5, wm, wan (1D"*9), Syr. ISQ; akin to BH 9x, As. agapput ace. to NO* (of. Mi TMB), LAP, a, Ar. : Ay, row (but this loan-word Fri™));—pl. abs. wings, PRED 7; af, RL v4 Ke (Qr eg. 78). t [oa] n.[m.] pone (BH 03; Chr-Pal. pix Schulth*);—pl of. HER Dns, ioe nam. ™** body (v./ov1 in BH; 2 pp, HEPA (D™*™), Syr. Landy, body, slf);—body of man, sf. #2P4 Dn 4% 5", 20 pl. of. Kea, (K+) 3%, both Kt, Qr ag. IOP cx, 5 TNT denionstr. pr.f. this (=BH mH: Zinj. Téma, Cappad. Eg. Aram. xt, Nab. 11, Palm, mt (Lab ®*"% Cooke), T 1: ¥. farther sub BH ™. The pore, maze is 79%) ;—this, Dn 4” NE? ba a2 NOT AT NDT, 5* HOP. IP NY one striking agsinst another, similarly 7? (of, PY 2b), v? RTRPD. a T34 n.[m.] bear (00 BH 235; Syr. 353);—obe." Da 7’, t[M2"T] wb. sacrifice (BH M2);—Pe. Pract, pl. PIT Ear 6%, o. ace. PPT, v. foll. T [33] a.[m.] sacrifice ;—pl. abs. (21 6. t [nape] m.[m.] attar;—emph. #27 Emr 7”, T[P37] vb. cing (BH);— Pe. Pe. pl. ayyoy ny Dna®. T[77I7] n.£. cause, reason (BH id., oa, of. 125 Sy Eg. Aram. S-Ch 54481); str. in adv. phr."§ M228 Dn 2” for the cause (to the intent) that, 4" (rd. 99 for ™Y K*""* Bev) DTT, nan. ™** gold (v0 & Syr.; BH abs. 7 Dna +, 37% Esr 7; emph, 5" 67%, €2- Dn a+ 15 t. Dn. NIVTT Kt, NUTT Qr, ace. to Thes and most n. pe. gent. Ezr 4’, v. conj. identif. by DIM=* Beheft"™; nt)) Pe. Pe act. pl. PTT Dn 5", ©. DIP ID of king, 6%, id. of God; pass. 2°] terrible 2", fT 7, Pa Impf. 3 ms. af ONT 4 the dream made me afraid, “J part. of relation, who, which, that, used also as mark of gen. and conj. that, because (Aram, of Nineveh, Bab. Zinj. Nerab, Cilicia, Téma, Egypt, (Lzb™-# RES™ 8.0 matt); Nab, Palm.v; © ¥ (exc. in cpds, as PPE mine, YY his); ; Syr. 25 Eth. Hs 2a: of name origin as Ar. 93 possessor of [cf, sub BH My], Properly a demonstr. that [of]; in Eth. 2¢ is ‘ this,’ 2a ‘ which"); but this being referred by usage to ing preceding becomes equiv. to the relative who, which, used, however, more widely than Heb. W#);—1. as rel. who, which (construed like WY): a. Jero! Dn 2” fT MI whose dwelling, v" #390 7D "1 whom the king had appointed, v*/3 ROP] whoee name was B., 4° 5", etc.; =that which 2°; him that Ear 7; 6% Dn 7" S38 [ORY which are four (v. PK). Sq. pron. of 2 ps. (cf. “WR 8), Dna” thou, Oking..., 3937 +66 °F to whom ... hath given, 4; 4* as to whom I know, ete. (cf. WE 4dend). Sq. |= where Ezr 6!,80 4 alone 6? Dn 2*; of time," #]IY2 at the time when, etc., 3°", With the pred. an inf, 0, , Dn 6° mynd My RIND which is not, to be changed, Esr 6°; a place- or other determination, Dn 3” valiant men 7°03 "I that wore in his army, 5° D943 "| MOD, 7° Exr 4% 586%; of. Dna 5% 77 Bary, €O Y= wwith- out, Exr 6° 7" (00 RPT X Gn tg" Ex ar"); oft Dna™. b. YIP, "10 (ef. in late Heb.'¥70, 179 1.05) whoever, whatever, 0 +Dn 3°! RPI BY whoever does not fall down, 4" #3} "7 1? to whomscever he willeth, v2 5"; ever (or simply what), +Dn 2® i will be, v4 Ear 6% 7—f, K m mark of the gen., Dna" xa *1 xerdei prop. the captain, that of the king =the king's captain, (a genuine Aram. idiom: so & 7, Syr. ¢ con- stantly), v"**4-oft.: the subst. in such cases may be either in the emph. state (determined), as Ezr 4" 5%, ete,, or in the abs, state (andetermined), Dn 5° 7‘* 70 "YD; or it may have a pleon. sf, 2” RTD "L FIP lit. his name, that of God=God's name, v 38% 43, ete. (80 also { Byr.). To circumscribe an adj., ep. in specif. of the material : Dn 2™ thou art RBI ML NPA the head of gold, v* 3! g”* Ear 56'+; as predic. Dn 2 30 3774 AERC his head (was) of fine gold, v* 7"; with a pron. Dn 2” wisdom and might #7) AI7Y are hiss of, 67 OM one) whi farther K", eee ing 3% hearing 5% ete; fatredacing thesntjec aenemen oooh eo PT 3” Ear 42; Dn 2? ey Der TO True is is it that... (cf. 9 DIOR Jbxa4). b, =in thot, inaemuch a4, whereas: Dn 2" and whereas ("%) thou saweat, ete. ... it shall bo a divided kingdom, v® 4™4; ea a con. necting link=eeing that, because, for (of. WR Bo) AMM 4G, 0, that (uf), after vbs. of asking Dn 2", commanding 3", expressing ‘a purpose 4°5" Ear 4 64; 8D" that not (ne) Dn 2 3 6% (on MP YY leat Ear 7°, n00 Mo). @. prefixed to direct narz. ike"? 2, and sts. PAE Bay, and én recitatiowm), Dn 2” and said thus unto him NOZPOy (that) I have found, 7 6%", & with preps. and other ‘8. "Tp (like Heb. M2; 20 Eg. Aram. ‘1, Palm, Nab. 13, Lab™ SAC" Cooke™* RES; 52, Syr. 0); a. according as, Dna; 5. 40 soon as, when, 31 5° 6". b TTD: a. because that, Dn 3" Exr 5" (cf. WHE Is 43°); 5, from (the time) the, efter (ew que), Dn Ear 4%, 0.1 until, Dna 4 7"; =ore that 6%, 4.°7 5Y Dn3" is not 8 conj, but means above that which... @. for | N33 bg and "152759 see [MPT] and 53p. t [JT] wb. snage (BH); Pe. Pe. pl PAY Ear 7® Kt (Qr P73), #4. 9 pers. 77 wan.™™ judgment ;—abe. “1 Dn 4* irate of waynof God); mph, ED THE TY Ezr7™ judgment be exeouted judges, court Dn7'** + perhaps wa eating ™ ‘am [ype aN], Ew Bev Kmp Dr); MT how- ever =judgment was given in favour of (v. Dt). 1088 mT TE] a.m. juages—pl. P74 Ber 7*- tiny te] a.£. (judicial) atstrict, pro- vince (K'®54; also BH);—emph. RRR (QM '*9) Earg! 6; este. APT Dn a ge Bar 7"; pl.abe. RP 4", emph. RY" Da 3%. MATT Daniel (BH id.);—Dn2* +50t Dn. NOT mprigent.(1) Ezr 4? (00 most, bat Hoffa Marquart" Andr™™* Mey™i™ Btr* read WIN judges (as transl, of Pers. databara), while Sabet (improb) ep. Olran. *denya, (the) orthodox, reins). TF fe era see Ear; Dn uses 127 (Eg. and Capped. Aram. 7t (CIS*™ BES ™? 8.07 (Luan, ot ib7*%), Leb™™!6); 5°39, £93; Ar. oil; Eth. Hie From 15, 7, 4-¥.)i—this (always after its subst.), TURP, wT] RTPID, 6745, £ genes all T] 2B, 5°. demonstr. pr. comm. this, that; only Dn; Ear uses 43 (T3-4+demonstr. affix m, W0n);” Dn at ede, 78 1 AD, T [O97] nam. ram (¥ INDY, Byr. [lot id, also (and primarily) male, v. BH 771);—pl. TAP" for sacrifice Ear 6% 7", tha n.[m.] memorandum, record (BH M31, «/73t; of, Nab, Palm. yoy Lab™ BAC* Cooke®™*) —emph. MINIT Ezr 64. TOIT] =. [me J30,j—ph emph. OPE Ror gh T[P 27] vb. burn (BH);—Pe. Pt. act. oy om) Day burning fire. t[TI9T] wb. be like (BH I. 79%);—Pe. Pt. act. POY Du 3* ( pers); £9 72ND} m7, , demonste. pr. comm. this (Zinj. , Mot; Eg. Aram. nt (S-C’ at) ib.°8 *); Nao ie an ‘ane Cooke ts ex 18.10%) and (with 9, ie. 0, J& oooe) PEs Aram. of Téma xt xn (Cooke™™); Syr. Ue (contr. for #779); Mand. pren; Sab. .,3 (Hom wee); Eth. HPE: all trom fa.) = fame. in (Wom); fon Bane &Y, NYY, Gyr. Jie, Mand. fen, Eth. pe silt the m5 the ‘pl in TDM, q.v.);—ehirs Ppt wm. Dna MY Nf} this secret, v8", Exe 4” S45 APTSB Dn s® b. AY] after thie +Dn2™*; go MYy WIND +77, HY TD Like this, thus, +3e 10" (=Heb. M9), Dna” ny7) ND a word Tike this (of Mit Est 4"), 3% Ear g!. a, MYTPY on account of thie +Dn 3! Ezr 4" 5" = therefore (cf, Heb. neP>Y) Ear 4,—Vid. aloo 3p, and MEP. T[P}2T] wb. be shattered, fall to ploces (BH);—Pe. Pf. 3 mpl. P] Dna™, Haph. break in pieces: Pf. 3 fs. MER 24, 3 mpl. P37 6% (all nq. a00.); Jmpf: 3 fe, PV 2° (abs.), V" (ace.); sf. FERNR 7°; Pt, act. PEND 2" (ace.), £, MND (KI) abs. 7, Vv. M,, n.pram. (BHid.; Eg.Aram.eamn RES“ 8-C"+);_2, Darius Hystaspis Ezr 4" +8t.Esr, 2.‘Darins the Mode’ Dn 62", YIVT (“of following; BH, ym). T[yyT] a.[¢] arm (00 ¥ Syr.);—pl of. sayy Dna®, TYTTE (K!*) wf] force (prop. arm, X (rare); BE YMpY);—abs. O97] 8D Ear 4? by ‘ores and power, forcibly. Try 2.£.™6* decree, law (Syr.; Pers. Joan-word, v. BH);—'7 aba. Dn 6" 7%, cate. Ear 745 emph, WY Ese 7'*+; ef. ONY Dn 2;—1. decree of king Dn a" Exr 7; 0. af, Dn 2° deoree against you. 2. ble Taso of Medes and Pers. Dn6*=, 8, law of God (in mouth of non-Jews): Dn 6* Ear 74234, 0 (abs.) Dn 7%; laws of God Ear 7%, [sry] m.[m.] grass (00 ¥ Syr.; BH ¥2);—emph. RET Dn 42, Tt [naI77] mam. judge (loan-word fr. Pers, détabara, law-bearer, judge (cf. WP"), Andr™”* Mey™*2 Dr; in Bab. as détabar(r)é Hilpe ma toies);—pl. emph. 7230 Dn 3, nm TT interrog. part. (BH 1,q.v.: £1]; not Syr.: on the vocal, v. K'");—Dn 2® NT art thou... 3" 830 (Beer Gi; edd. KYM), 6530 can he... 7 NOT nonne? +3* 476%. 1089 wn TNTJ demonste. part, lo! behold ! (BH 40 (twice); Eg.Aram.and Téma xn (Cooke'™ 8); 5 N; Syr. Jo; Mand. xn (No*"); Ar. U3: in Aram. also oft. prefixed to pr. 3 ps. for greater definiteness, as & NVTI, of (for ha-hil), v. Nb wae Woumt), Da 54, TN] demonste. part,, prefixed idiom. to for greater definitoness, lit. behold like §, v. 9 supr), only in "178 Dn a® "ERT ayn 1D like as iron doth not mingle with clay (cf. a, £° MD> #7 Gn 494, 20 T= ’a wn Is5* o'+ off; 2°73 "7 Gn 26“ 4 oft,; WD ys" 5+, also pleon. “PWD yaa7 4. oft, b. Palm. 17 as (Lzb™), as ™ as (is) in the law (Cooke™"; so 3!" y 2°, cte.), YLT oonj. (like Dn "7p 8: =Heb. WMD), as 422 1 TM Tike as he levied, Cooke™## 1861. aise [0% for WMD have” Mp, ERENT, St yl}. It is dub. whether "1 ¥7} belongs tom (ootico eep.°™) or b: Sehulth!4™™™™ fy ‘b, reading "] ]} (bute rare and late: D®'*-1); ‘Neg %M-198° from I (vy. BH) how 2). Ht [raT] a.m, counsellor, minister (Pers. loan-word ; orig. form and’ mng. dub, ef Andr™** Mey #45 DeO44); "ol emp. RAIN Dn 6; cate. FT 3% af TH 4, vn gM Vid, MIP. [O77] a. [m_] member, limb (loan-word from Pers. «lita, pli id. Lagome* Fier cawatesy); ‘plabs, MTNA POF Dn 2" ye shalt be made members, i.e. dismembered, 80 3”. T1177] wb. Pa. gtority God (3 Syr. BH honour man);—Impf, 2 ms, BY3} Dn 5%, 15. TVA 4; Pt. act. THD v™ (all c. > pers.) NV, TI vb. come to pass, become, ‘be (BH ™7);— Pe, Pf. 3 ma. M Dn4™+, tq Dn 545 ame. Dna, 1a, 4'+; 3 mpl. 8] Dn a+; Zmpf. 3 ms. Mile (KI) Drt®Om-Ng*M; in JAram. as jussive D'™**) Daz" 4; 3 fo MY Dagt+, X— Exr6'+, 3 mpl. fie Ear 646+, 3 fpl. me Da 5”; Imo, mpl. Wi} Ezr 4%, 12} 6*;—2. come to pase Dna®*"4," 2. come into being, arise Kar ‘7%; Become, come to be, ©, n.pred. Dn 4% 5” and (=represent) 7; 0, 2 like 2™, 0, 5 pred. 4a awn ¥, c-adj. prod. Exr 6, o, adv. phe. 5* Dn 4"; WT, let it become ‘0 Let ét be given 6, also 7" Dna". — 8. be, a8 copula, c. adj. pred. Dn 2** 7"; so very often in periphrast. oon}. c. pt, MOY "M aoish 5%" “1 TH Behold 2" T+, ote. TR = NV] | £. pron. of 3s, he, she, it (=BH #01, #7; Zinj. and Palm. (once) wn, Palm. (usually) Nab. Eg. Aram. wn, £7, Lab™, SCPOneti Act. ‘The pl. is [3% 4.) ;—he, she, ¢¢, Dna" .. POD KAM and Ae will change, oto., v= 6* 7?™ Exr 5*; Dn a® H9}E WAN that image (nom. pend.); 4! HO TER thou art it, Remming the subj. with emph. (BH 2») 26"; resuming the subj. in predi- cation (ib. 3b) 2” eT AM NIA NET it in his, v9. ipsting the subj. (ib. a) a? fist} ee WIN; with @ pron. (ib. 4b) 2” ++ 0X87 TARE thow art the head of gold 5%; 3 bit WAT 1D oho is the god... (s0 pl UK Ear 5')5 47 +++ HOD MY. MDM (ib, & by); 67 +++ BWI YE who te... (i. 20), Ear 6" (00 +e fQR"PDn 7"), [Of in ¥ Bx x4 15" 28 20” 2477 yas" 6°60" Affirming existence (BH 6») Dag", Cf Deva, KHe8, t[7] mm. palsce, temple (As. loan- word; BH; also Palm. xb21 and xban Lab" SAC*);—emph. NO2%] Ear 4" +5 cstr. Som Dn 4%; af. 520 4, AD- 6%;—2. palace of king Dn 4! 5! 6” Ezr 4" (v. n). 2. temple : a, in Jerusalem Dn 5 Esr 54" 64, b. in Babylon 5¥™, bay wb. go (BH; %; Syr. only Pa.);—Pe. syncop. (s0 & D'™*, Eg. Aram. Cooke”, Impf, 8-C?*%%) go, of men: Impf. 3 ms. 401 (Kis; al. WM) Eze 6%, 4M g'; of in- animate things=be brought, 7; Jnfi 710? (KS; al.) 7", Pa. Pt. 1909 walking about Dn 4" (9 loc). Haph. sd.: Pt. pl. im 3 (92); fig. «walkin pride (1rd. Pa, in these). tab eves) wom] os—Ee gy, THOTT, (Ex), JOTI | (Dn), pron. 3 pl. they, them (=3BH ba, 790, qv, but the more original forms, Eg. Aram. waht C1S'S* (Cooke), #41, S-OPOLM; not F Syr, which use MR, er, GS, instead; Ar. o 1090 1 qd. The win tT, an in 1, MMR, by the side of my, rp, 25, as nom. Ear 5! 39 servants (constr. as in Byr, No'™> Me 5? Ks@5), b. ag accus. (in BAram., as in Syr., there being no verbal sf. of 3 pl.; 90 Eg. Aram. Cooke™™*, 8-0), Dn 2 {7 NPI and rushed them, y® 3 Bar gm ghMNG ptt Comp. fax. TT IOT Or (Kt ROM, also [Gi] ere, ete.) a.[m.] chain, necklace (Talm. *7257 Dm; Syr. [dis0d ; loan-word from Gk. pads K'4; or < Pers. héimyin, girdle [dimin. would be hamydnak] frame se par, Bey Dr?) Andr*** (rdg. 92720); also Behrin™ Lag 4 va “(who ep. also Talm. "7 necklace, bracelet, Levy an wt Daj or gold, Dag, TTT cons. 4f, whether (BH 3, q.v.: Zenj. Eg. Aram. (S-C™4*+), Palm. Nab. 71, Mand. 1H if (2 uve De, T™ pre, Byr. f]);—1. sf, Dagny gi Exr 4% 5%, «89 1 Dn at? 3%) VND Méf mot. 2. repeated, 121 ++ 6 7 sive... sive, whether... or (of. BH BX, 2 br), Ezr7™ (¢0 Palm™"**"), 8, in indirect, question, whether (ef. B®, @ b), Ears DTD + RIN Vid, aloo HP. POT ete, v. pho Haph. TTT (vof fll, 7H, NE reflect, brood impurely D™™™; Syr. sabe is injure, irvitate, quarrel PS). t[nir] a.[m.] taney, imagining ;—pl. abs. PIN}? Dn 4" fancies (in dream). 4 }, 1 conf. and (BH }), used mostly as in Heb, except that there is no 1 consecutive’; aud, connecting both words (Dn 2') and sen- ‘tences (ib.). When three or more words are connected together, | may connect them all (Dn a* 4% 5"), oronly the two last (2" 3¢ 4* Exe 6"), or the three last (Da 3° 3%), or be omitted altogether (2% 5", of. 3? Ezr 4°). } also con- neets vbe,, in cases where BH would use “1, a Dn4* "6"; in such cases apf. is oft. followed by a peep., as Dn a7 MPM) UD, 20 vi a+, p hance in a*4* and often read prob. with Nb OaA 0 12 o4H) MI (for M2Y). Special penses:— Sith abt Lena 5 = 7 contrasted ideas, but Dn 2* 3°" 4'. 0. =and fo, Daa” 6 esp. after imy. 3! or impf. 27. 4. to express an intention Dng* M19" that they might drink: after a command, ete, even with peop. or perf, nearly = that, 2 6* (of, K!™), #. introducing the pred. (cf, BH 8 0), Dn 7” DOH) 177 NY Pland this horn, it had eyes; but ‘the case is isolated, and del. prob. } with Marti. t +2) vb, buy, gain (3 id., buy, Syr.¢, Be. Pt. act pl. Do ing to) gain, 2° time ye (are TDN] wb. Pe. Pe. pass. pl. PPM Exe 4® be oon (& Syr., of. BH IL. ("] Hiph. t [TT] wb. be presumptuous (2; v. BEL (7, 7] ;—Haph. Inf MIR? Dn 5” act (presumptuously. T [JT] wb. toa (3 1; Byr. 5; of BH) ;— ‘Hithpe. bs fed: Impf. 1 (K**®; po in Byr. W884 Ng 8,78) Do 4°, 1D of source. Tyra (Kk) a. [m.] food ( Syr.);—ebe. ‘p Dag. T[J11] wb. trembie (3 Syr.: of. BH) ;— Be Pe pl MMM Kt, Qe PRs BIET por, Dng"6 t[14] a.m. brightness, splendour (3 id., Syr. J&7, perhaps aed from As. simu, chiefly of countenance, D1¥®%: Fr 2 N52 x cso, t Jen*"@ Brock*='r*);—sf W] Dn 4? splendour of royalty; 11 2" (of image); pl. Brightness of countenance: sf." 7%, Tt Kt, AT Qe, 5%, 5M. Ta3t (K'**) mf, purity, innocence (cf. BH NY, also T NYY, Syr. 5p be clean (Ar. WS is be ‘bright (of fire), acute (of 1»ind), ete.), or Ar. 153 be pure, good, € 82}, Syr. 13} be pure, innocent; are these forms with 1 secondary t ‘or ancient || t);—abs. ‘t Dn 6% innocence in God's sight. 1091 ban Tr 2} a pe .m. prophet (BHid), Bar 516", TOF™* time (prob. loan-word from OPers. zrvan, zarvdna, time, age, Né™™*Scheft; ef. BH (late); and (on change of » [6] to m) Fri‘; Nab, jor, Palm, (Nab.) jar Lzb™™* BAC**);—abs.’ Dn a7"; emph. 090) Ear 6'+; pl. abe. Dn 6" +, emph. 885] Dn 2";— time: specified time Dn 2"; appointed time 7%, cf, 2; YD] AD at that time Ezr 5? Dn 37 4; (festival) seasons 7%; time, oocurrence, 6 thres times in the day. tye ‘Wb. denom. Hithpa. agree to- gether (3);—Pf. 3 mpl. Dn 2’ Qr PUNT (Dems He, Ke Map. PIO, ve Ex 5" D9, oq, Inf. TONE), tho] x. [m.] musto (cf. BH I. [%1]);— emph. #39} Dn 3, T [rey K'"?] am. singor;—pl emph. we) Eze 7™, . T [pp] a. (an. ] xing, sort (1 8yr.; ef BE);— pl. ate. V9] '] Dn gh98, ‘tpyt ve. ery, all (3 Syr.; cf. BH);—Pe. Pf, 3 ms.’t Dn 6" (3 of voice). WH (& Byr., bs omall; BH VE} 1; Eg. Aram. 3yt Cooke", Nab. vt, Palm. wut Izb™ SAC*). ttre adj. little, Da? tL Pe vat, lift up (¥ Syr.; of. BH Gerad iad ap kets Jt opo (cc. the timber erected ; Teh prob. to ent ment, v, Ryle Berthol). tO3a7) ape m. (BH i2);—Bar gt. im (m=) wood (cf. BH I. yrt);—catr, Yat 1 Dn 2° seed (offspring) of men. n am vb, Pa. destroy, hurt (v. BH TL ban);—Pf. 3 mpl. af. 730 Dn 6® (of lions); Imo-npl a b3n 4 (sf.of tree); Inf. nbanp Exr6" (see. ioftemple. ‘Hithpa. be destroyed: Timgf. 3 fe. 920 pan Daa" ORY oe all of Kingdom of God). small ;—fs. MF} NR 4a2 bon thar a.m. ™* nurt, injury ;—sbe.‘n Dn 3® 6¥, of. RES**4*; emph. 02 Ber 4%. trbran af. nurtful sot, orime;—sbs. ‘nDno®. * T[an] mm. fetiow, comrade (% Syr.; vy. BH);—pl. af. “QB Dn 27, 1] n.£, setlow;—pl. sf, ANNI Day” ite fellows (in vision of horns). ‘t3n prophet (BHid.);—Ears'6, 70, 7710 vm. TTD wt for (287: v.BH IL. mn);— abs. 12 Exr 6" with joy. thn, or (KS) I] n,m. breast (¥ Syr, v. BH IL man);—du, (Schulth "1m m4) af. 199) Dn a, THN adj. new (& Syr.; BH vhn);—'n Ear 6s ’ TN (Vof following; & 7M, RIM, riddle, vy. BH and K'""*), Trp] at riaate;—fpl. abs. PPO Dag," TTY] wb. Pa Raph. (H'**) declare (£ 8yr.; BH ITT, [79] (late));— Pa, es YY (or equiv.): Jmpf. 3 ms. sf, HAM (of pers. indir. obj.) Dn gi, FA a" (OTP pers.); x =. TAM a” (5 pers.) r pl. v. Maph. usa. o. 8 (or equiv.): Tog 3me. MED ss ions] Sean Inf.Aph., KIS); Gate. FIM NAM Dn 5" ths declaring of riddles (cf. AND vb Ju 14", Bev), [0017 or OTT] vb. repair (foundations); f 3 mpl. O°N Esr 4" (si vera 1. —Haph. Impf. ‘No 204, #4108 Str 45), rare form for RET KoxeatMicesm, but perk, read this, and regard as Qal (orig. meaning dub.; Ar. Bib is se, =T OM, Syr. $4, of, BOM thread; Syr. a. lao join together (80 here Schulth*¥ =1cm0. ten), of, Ar. laze conjunsit trabos (de Gosje Mat ong? Ar PG) lo Bs PE GO, Gam» 23) Fratsv same. conj. pull down and clear ‘away (for rebuilding), Ete haiatu DIY? **; Jen 1092 awn His op, As bjs, observe, earn (D1"* Lem}, Le. examine, test; Hpt®™ =" conj. «/ pon exeavate, of. Ar. [azs\ secure site by a mark, 1 Stes ET (after Seybold) 51%; al. conj. build wall, denom., Ar. LjlE wall (V7 boyd guard, surround). TTI adj. white (¥ Syr.; BE L [9D ;— Dn 7* (robe). THTITT wb. soe, behold (7. BH);—Pe. Pf. 3ma.‘nDn4™ 5; 2 ma, M9 2%, MD ata; TaD] v4; 2 mpl. PN at; Pe. Inf MIP Exr4'; Pe act m9 Dn 24145 pl mH 37 ‘ee, have sense of sight mace. pers. 3%, 6. 9¥%, i 5°. Db. see, witness dis of king (aco) Bera’. B.usu. behold in dream of ‘vision (oft. periphrast. conj.), acc. pers.,4®, ace.rel 2941 abe a® 7 FANs0 4 Soy ate TH 7**%; c. obj. cl. a ~ cee nbn, a gee 7h (cooly) Dn 3!" (20 © Les gual, v. Dr). Trt] a.m. vision, appearance ;—emph RYO (KS) Dna; af. 1-73, Mv"; peste. ‘YT 2 +.;—1. vision (as mode of revelation) 2 ORD MT), 7, 90-729, RPT a ae 7, DPT T 48 (Bie reads HUM T wilt relate). 2. appearance 7. t Erving Kose; od, prh, Kioto] auf. sight, visibility (v. Schulth™”=20m >t); of, Ah Da 4°, Ther] w. (m.] stn (y. BH won) ;—Wf. 19 Dn 4 (Qr WHR Ki" 9), < pl. (for 7700) Hi Bev Kmp Bebra, of. | 7. THON 2.£.ntn-offering (BHT 4; Nab. mietan penalty, acc. toSAC");—abs. 'n Ear 67 Ke, Qr mega. T[NMTT] vb. ttve (v. BH MY);—Pe. Imo, YT] OPED live for over/ Dats" 56". Ph, WD (K189 pt Xe =) Dn 5" Zt Live. tor] adj. living (BH id.);—1. of God: abs. ‘n Dn 4%, emph. #95 6"; men, pl. emph. ving 2" 4", " @, plaan. abstr. die (BH DMD): 10 7"; cate. "0 Exe 6%, TNYT, TPT af. beast (BE m. 7'n) ;— abe. W4_Dn 4, 74; emph, REID 7m, and col.) 4" 5%; cate. (coll.) 13 AYN 2 4am; pl abe. IND 7%, emph. RIND 772, bn Tov mm, power, strength, army (v. BE TL bin, 5n);—2. power: abs. ON) 772 Ear 4? by force and power ; 72 ¥°P i.e. call loudly Dn 34 P09 4 5s THB 3” mighty men of force, army, sf. APD 3; ostr. DIDyE 9y). [o°2r] ,, 2m. wise man (y. BH pon);— pl. abe. O70 Dn 2"; elsowhere of the class ‘Possessed of oocult learning in Bab. v”, emph. yp. v5"; cate. "247, Dn. ‘tr927 me. wisdom ;—'n abs, Dna” +, i . of God Dn 2®; of gods 5"; of man 2®; of God imparted to man Exr 7® ractical wisdom), Dn 2"; =occult knowledge v. foregoing) imparted to men v® 51", obi, mm.™** dream (¥ Sy; v. BH aan, /IL. bn) ;—abe. ’n Dn 4? 7'; emph. 2090 ats af."O0T 48, TR 25 pl. POPD sj — dream, as vehicle of revelation Dn 3'+10 t, 4#+6t, 5"; to prophet 7, +[F] 217] wb. pass (over) (v. BH);—Pe. 99 pers. pase over one (of time): Jmpf. 3 mpl. PopT Da 42, tpbn wf.) portion, possession, lot (v. BH);—abs. ’n possession in land Ezr 4"; af. 1 Dn 4, i.e, his appointed lot. t [rrr] nt. ciass, division, of priosta and Lovites s—pl af. 1IMNBRD ged Levites (BH nébqe);—pl be NOT v. om. TOF a.m. wine (¥ Byr.; BH HD (poet. and late), /I. son); —abs. n Ear 6° *; emph. wy Dn 54+, T[rreory] mt wheat (v, BH Mn, «/ 825; N68 op, Eg.chnt; OAram. has non, pl. von, Palm. eon Ixb™ SAC");— pl. PE90 Ear oT, T[rpyT] mt dedication (x; BH id, o/pn) ;—estr. N2N, of image Dn 3°4; temple Ear 67, T[]21T] vb. shew favour (v. BH);—Pa. Inf. o. ace, pers. 1 (K'**) Dn 4* (cf. BH PO.Pr14"). Hithpe. implore favour (of God; to BH Hithp.), Pt. nO Dn 6", Ty, (=BH id. 8);—Dn 2”, 1008 ann T[JOIT] vb, Haph. take possession of (Sxyr. be strong, overcome ; % be strong, taks possession of ; Eg, Aram. Haph, yoni hold pro- perty 8-C*, of. BH Jon);—Pf. 3 mpl. BOND (KS! Kap") Dn 73; Zmpf 3 mpl. PDE (K+) y¥ (perhaps point 199-). T[}QF] mmm. (royal) power ;—emph. «71 Dna; af. 990 4, THON n.[m.] clay, potahera ( id.; Chr- Pal, Jame clay esse, LuSyu pl. potsherde Schulth®, Syr. 16,3 poteherd; © KID, NH DYN clay vessel; As. hapbuy id. #1512 jar(PS™), whence Ar, 572 pottery Fri", but Sab. yon Jar, ace, to HomiMestomn se; of, Eth, Sates Jar (transp.; Di™); v. BH (080M) ;—‘n abs. Dn a" (WR TN), FDA v4; cate. RD yA; emph. EDN yeas, TOON adj, Incking, wanting, deficient (cf. BH 100);—‘n Dn 5”. T[STT] vb. Haph. chew insclence, harshness (NH AYn Hiph. act insolently, 80 © Aph.; Gyr. @7» be sudacious);— Pt. f. Ty (K'*°) Di 3" overbearing (of command), TRYIN 2" harsh (id). [2117] wb. be waste (vy. BH I. s1n);— Hoph. Pf NIV) Ear 4¥ city was laid waste. tow mm. magician (BH id, I. win);—abe, Dn 2; pl. obs. MINI 2” 5"; wy 4, TPP IN] vb. singe (X8yr.; NE T);— Hithpa. Pf. 3 ms, THN Dn 3” (of hair). tly qn] afm] toin (v. BH y>0, VIL ]);—sf. YY Dn 5° the joints of hig loin [IW] ve. think, account (7. BH);— Pe. Pt. pase. pl. PPP NYD Dn.4™ like thove not cocounted of, of no account, Bev Dr. T[TTUATT] wh. nocd (As. Jaitbu, craves Byr. m2 in need of; not %);—Pe. Pt. royp Dn3", ag. Inf. (van d. H., wrongly, 00 TLarrtin] n.tooll things necded, require- ment (Syr. id.) ;—eatr, 1308 MPD APD Ear ®, , “JOM (¢. BH IPN darkness, «/ Ten). ‘T[p he] nm. [m.] darkness;—emph. Ke Dna®, TLPWIT] wh. shatter by © blow (As. Jakilu, shatter, perhaps thresh; NH bv Pi. shatter: Aram. 900 forge, hammer, Syr. Shee forge, furbish; Bubl™ cp. ¢ RPP barley-groate (as pounded, beaten), and perh. As. judlu, barley; Nb™™*ep. Ar. Jos thrust, drive away (Frey), 57M sorm(y sea ; cf. in Eng. beaten, buffetted bywaves; As loan-word Ba™"""),Syr-\ dando id); —Pe. Pt. act. 99} Dn 2" (acc. rei). TDI] wh. sont (v.BH);—Pe. Pf. 3 ms. af. (of stone) WORD Dn 6" (2 instr.). 0 taney ‘Vb. be good (¥ Syr., v. BH 316) ;— Pe. Pf. 3 ms. ’b, 6.79 pers, Dn 6" it was good to him=he woas glad (cf. O82 v"), tay RAJ. good ;—abe.’» Dn 2" pure gold; =pleasing to (92 pers.) Ear 5" (cf.6%, BH308). T [ray] a.m, guardsmen (vy. BH id.; /rap);—pl. emph. #130 Dn a, T70 a.m, mountain (1 Syr.Nab,8AC%; BH, /;—abe’oDn2®; emph. KROv4, Tint aay, taatingly, hungetty (Syr. dy id. PS"; on etym. of. Schulth ¥=-"=-t, on adv, force of f. term, N,-, v. Njseaxat Wo"; and of. M22 y 124*);—Dn 6", t[pe] a.[m.] olay (2 id; NH AYO, Syr. 4 Geb (vet v. Fri*));—emph. #7" FON Dn 2", the mfm.] dew (7. BH I. Sou);—catr. wep 59 Dn 4232 gt, [bbw] wb. maph, nave shade (¥ Syr.; v. BH IIL. [55¢));—Jmpy. 3 fo. 5908 Dn 4! (beasts under treo). TOYO] wb. wa. toed (Pe. prop. tant, v. BH) ;—Jmpf. 3 mpl, aoc. of grass+ pers.: FOR, Dn 4"*, 20 (sf. pers.) RAOYY 5", 1094 n OYD ,, mm. "4" taste, judgment, com- ‘mand (BH DY (late sense));—abs.’0 Dn 3"+, catr.'p 5* Exr 6%, DVB (of God, mere scribal dis- tinction Not Btr'*eK Anmatomey Bar 6 7Pyomph. WOO 4"4-;—+1. Dng!in the taste of the wine (while they were enjoying it). +2. Judgment, discretion, in reply, CA MOP 307 Dn 2™ (Pr 26"); in act (pera) 99 DY Dn 3% 6" shew proper deference to (5H). +8. report (of official), 0. yon Exr 5,30 Dn@. & command, of God Ear 6" 7, of king 6"; 70 DP give command, issue decree Dn 3" +3 t, Ese 4". 11; 0593 commander Ear 4°, Trop] mam. nat, claw ( PO, Byr, liad; 1Bt,/ TV. -ox);—pl. af. of man “DARE Dn 4%} of beast, mmipn (K1S*) 7, Qr mee, TLD] vb. chase away (v. BH);—Pe Pract. pl. PTB, } ace. pers. +1? pers. Dn 42". Boil Pf. 3 ms. TP (WO), subj. pers. +7 a5". tombe co most, Ear,’ (Andreas"“* » title; Hoffm™"* ep. * Pers. taraparda, i.e. beyond the bridge ; of flame) Dn7". Hithpe. Jmpf. 3 me 37" Dn 4”, 3 fe. 30MNR Esr 6*; 3 mpl. PIN: Dn 7; Pt. Sm Ear 4* 6%, fa. RNP v4, pl. fa-7%5—2. be given, subj. rei, > pers. Dn 4* Ear 6* 7"; be given over, subj. pers. 773 (12) Dn 73. 2. be paid, of cost Ezr 6" (19 of source), v*(9 pers.), toll 4” (b pers.). 1095 us TTT a pe-tere, Judah (eoondaryformat. from foll. ace, to M'** Bohl ; of. BU NY);— Dn 5% Ear 5! 7; "12 9B Duo™ 536", thr] mgent. Jew (BH 7"); pl. abs. PRT (KIS) Dn 3"; emph. M77 (Ib) Eee 4 5 80, Toi nm. ™*" day (v. BH);—abs.* Exr 6, omph. 91" Dn 6"; pl. abs. Pot v4, emph, WOH 24; ostr. "Oh 5", and nph (K smsuoms) Berg; af High Dn 24;—day, aa division of time Dn 6", day of month Exr 6%; thirty days Dn 6“; O13 Of Ear 6° day by day; pl. esp. of duration: ” PRY one aged of days, aged man Dn 7*#; 98% days of old Ezr 4": of a period: life-time, or reign, of king Dn a“ 51; n¥p) 43" at the end of the days (appointed time),* FERED 2” in the Latter part of the (fatare) days, : TP TEP n.peam, Exe 5 (BH id, «/m2) Py v.3v. DMM? (of foll.; v. BH DM, whence Mon), TNO as. rage;—abs. Dn 3", “fv. T[AD] wb. be (go0d,) pleasing (5 Eg. Aram, Hf. rem 8-C"*; v, BH 30);—Pe. Tmpf, 20 (KS) Exe 7 (78 pers, +int). too (K!*”) vb, be able (Dn) (3; Nab. (rare) SAC®; Eg. Aram, 8-C**"*; Chr-Pal, Schulth®; BH 5);—Pe, 2 Pf 3 ms, 92! Dn 6" (subj. God), 2 ma. Tonpf.3 ws. 92 (Hebraism, K+5+™0 ye, ban 3°(subj.a god), 2 ms.baan 5 ( pers, TOY] wb. advise (00 JAram.; BE yw)i—Tthpe. Pf. 3 mpl. Wine (RWS Asses 4) Dn 6* recipr. took counsel with each other, 2q. inf, uw T[ayy] n.m. counsellor (prop. Pt. act.);— pl. sf. EY, Bar 7, ‘TH vs, Trwy nf, counsel;—abs. Dn a"(v. YBa). NY v. RPP. T[2¥9] wb. Pa, make certain, gain oor tainty (3; cf. BH);— Pa. Inf. RIE Dn 7, ©. 9Y concerning. TID adj. cortain, tras (id, firm, native ji —abe.”* Dna, emph. H>- 3%(K'™*); 2° 647 ;— 1 .cortain,eureDn 24; in exolam. * undoubtedly / TFT v' of a surety, 2. true 6%; £. as subst. 7" the truth concerning, OY rei. TET") vb. worn (v. BH);—Pe. Pt. act. £0 Dn goannas, TEP") aut. barning —oste, yy MED Day". T[>P] nam.™** nonour (v. BH);—abs. "BY Dn 2! 7; cate. id. 47, Sv? (Km Ste 7B); emp. We 2” 5, v*, T [WP] adj. honourable, aifficult;—1. honourable, emph. WY! Ezr 4", 2. dificult (cf. BH 122 adj. 2 a), fo. M2! Dn a", burn a. pr-loo, Jorussiom (BH );—Dn 5% 6" Eer 44" 20 t. Ear. t[rry] om. month (r, BH);—abe, m> TIN Ear 6; pl abs, PTY Dn 4™ T[AZP] 24 tnigh, or toin (¥; v. BH TD )jcpl at, ADT Dn a, Tynkr tract (BH id, /T. h nOq Ear 5° 6 7; “BD TPP 5; 2 'OR 6", 0 ND 7%, Ty th ape, (BH id. 3, p.221);—Exrs', JOP (vot following; BH 1, nyy). t. [770] m2, stoop ( Syr);—af AY (Ki"*) Dn 6*—x. [729] v. [19F). 11) mack of aocus, (=BH Ln; Palm. m5 Zinj.™**., af, rim; Nab. Palm. caf. nn’ (Lab™ Cooke”; of. RES“); TSam.M!; Syr. AS (rare); v. further p. 84>);—Dn 3" IY“ HM whom thou hast appointed, TAN (KI89%) vb. att, dwelt (TB yr.; v. BH 30+);—Pe. 2. eit, be scaled : Pf. 3 ms. 30 1096 > Dn 7 and (of judgment= the judge) v", 20 Tmpf. 3 ms. 2 (K'%+ 4%», of. BH 3A) 7%. 2. dwell, Pt. pl. aba. [2 Ear 4% (3 loc} Haph. cause to dwell: Pf. 3 ms. 3m 4” (ace. +2 loc.), tor aaj. pre-eminent, surpassing (*. BH 1) ;—ms. abs," Dn 2"; fa. UTR! 6, osu. 7-4? 54; as adv. cxovadingly 37 7°"(cf.we Prono Eut™© wh, Lab* reads ma nv). J 2 part, like, as, about (BH ?, 9-v.);— Hike, as, Dn 2" KOTO MDB, 4° 514; accord- ing to 427129 ABFOR and according to his will he docth, Exr 64; about (as BH 2 a: of. Zinj, Lab“ [yp wows), Dn 4" MI TPR, 6'; with inf. (BH 8 b), 6" HRD ATWOW and as he drew near, oto. Cpde.:—"T and "YR, v. "Pond MY]; MYND together, v.78 (sub “re). T[a7p] aaj. saise (& Byr.; v. BH 312);— fa, abs. 1272 NP Dn 2° (>n, appos. K™M**), De. TTTD adv. here (BH 1D; & Mand. 10; Chr-Pal. Jo; Syr. with prefixes, as JAX hither, 1k.” where 2);—Dn 7 NOPE] KRIO NITY hitherto (cf.3048%51") is the end of the matter. +n] ‘vb, be able (% id.; Eg. Aram., SOMA, Beh BUM of. oyn. 52);— Pe. Pt. act., usu. 0g, inf.: abs, SI? Dn a™ 4" (inf. om.); pl abe. PTR 6M. TEAz] mm. priest (v. BH jr2);—emph. tr Ear 7; pl. emph. W)2- 666 78%; af (of Isr.) Hv, [Mp Neem] ne window ( MR, Syr. JloS, of. Schulth““"!(sub *ap), hence Ar. 855; 58 ia, a5 loan-word Fri);—pl abs 2 IB Dn 6" (ef. 8-079. T [713] m.[m.] kor, © measure of wheat (BH p.499);—pl. abe. pia Ear 7". hiS, a.pem. cyrus (BH id.);—Dno* Ear 5"+6t. Exr. [h23], PIpD veto. dv. He. bbs +1053] we. compiete (v. BET. [543]; ‘but ‘3% perhaps loan-word from As. uklulu, ‘udaklil, ukaklil, DI**™, cf. aPY, YY and ;—Bhaph. of building: Pf. 3 ms. of. nidbay Ear 5" he finished it; 3 mpl. 9530 6", aloo (c. acc. rei) 4"? (Kt 19920% "TW, read Qr) OUD, Inf MOOPEND, Ishtaph. ce; 7p, aco. rei s#. be completed, of walls; Zmpf. 3 mpl. PoPPER ne ba,-bo nm. the whole, all (BH 92);— emph.X9D'Dn 2+, catr. 99 2" 374,52 a4, af. 3 mpl. KMD? (so Palm. Lzb™ Cooke%™*!" sued. $0 7! (Qe fN99);—2, 933 OPO 9D the whole of (=all) the wite men of B. 3%, ete.; 6? umabordo the whole of the kingdom, v4; c.f. the whole of them, 27%. with ‘ag, noun, understood collectively, every, any, or with a neg. none (BH 2 b): 3” OF->2 " ‘img that every people, nation, and lan- guage, oto,, 6° APCOTTO of any god, Eur 6" Duy ae be; v1 owe 53 every man who=who- ever, Dn 3” 57 6 Ear 6"; Dn a" x, .95059 bye} no king hath asked ..., v* 4¢ 6"; 80 vy bp (= Heb. WH72) whoever 6* Exr7™, what- ever ¥®, "7923 wherever Dn 2® (of. WH 4b 7). +3. emph. XPD, used absolutely, a8 Heb. 5371 (BH2b): Dn 2” XPD vn crushing all things, 4h ABNDDD HEH and food for all was in it, ‘y? NBD NDD all came upon N, (cf. €3 990 Jos a1), Ear 57 899 MODY all peace (K "4; ef, in Hoty fsta, afer thar noun: BEC 2 .a)— For 930-53 v. aP.. TYP adv. thus, as follows (BH 12; £12, Byr. «3);—usu. WR OY, etc,; of. Eg. Aram, CISti#s.20 RES*™), Dn a APWOH 12}, v™ 4°67 7" Esr 53; 6 IB NPT). Trnip adv. accordingly, as follows (der. uncertain: No" Marti al, from 12+ i 20 somewhat, ungefithr 20 : ¥. older improb. view (a2 we should say, from ? and ¥9'2= OY, of. Talm. 8D" for 1") in Thes™): referring backwards, Ear 62 "139+. QI? did accordingly; referring forwards, 4° +++ 03 8029 wrote a letter... as follows, §* (rd, c. @ ‘STOR; MTP from v’, Mey™*™), ve", T[WID] wb. gather (¥id.; OAram. Palm. waa Lab™; Syr. alo; v.also BH [022]);—Pe. Inf. 02305, sq. ace. pers. Dn 3. Hithpa. Pt pl. PWIND (were) assembled 3°. 1097 n> + [133] m.m. assootate (, Lab™ BAC*; 8-0"; Syr. Mo; Chr-Pal. [las, Kio] Schwally'#*"# Schulth “**; «/ appar. m3 K'403 M‘%6; Bubl makes loan-wa. from As. Kindtu, ‘Genoese,’ but v. D1¥®* Zim™>"*);— associate, pl. sf. BOYD Bar g', HU 447 5? 640, ND2 (v. BH 809 throne). TNOTD (RPE 95 6 wan Ehron9;— cstr.’9 Dn 5%; af. PYOTD 7°; pl. abs. NOW 7%. ‘10D v. pe. THOD n.m.™"" stiver (v. BH);—abs.’> Exr 74, APP Dn 2®; omph. KBD? v*+;—2, as material Dn 2®** 54 Ear 56%, ua money oF its equivalent Ear 7", yi, TR MIDE, NYP vad ray, TIIDD vb. pina (3 id.; NH BD; Syr. ‘bo form knots, MEo twist into a knot, Ar. EW draw together, As. [kapdtu] 1. Bring to- gether); —Pe'll Pf. gpl. BP(W™) Dn 3" they were bound, Ba, bind: Inf. 7B2? Dn 3” (5 ace. pers); Pt. pase. pl. PNB) bound v™", TIN] wb, Ithpe. be distressed (cf. NOP ud). suffering, NNMP n, id.D™™%; Syr, Nia be short, abridged, oS. M28 it grieved me; MWoSs5 pain, grief ; cf. As. kira, pain; also evi (der. spec.) be il, Ar, $5 dislike, shrink from) ;—Pf. gma NO NBN (KP) Day, t[rbanz] at, prob. netmet, oap (>al. mantle, ¢.g. K'"; v, Dr) (NH T2272 comb of cock; 80 JAram. RNP272, Syr. JMSS5; As. karballatu, cap Andr™®*, Muse-Arn**P#- os; so SAC#™AH, of BH [ba59]);—pl. af. HmrgaTe Das [79] n.m. neratd (loan-word from Gk. cipvé, mpiooew (K'** Krauss ®t; Ng eo4im, 8 doubts); & id, Syr. 1848 (v. Brock), Chr- Pal [1050] Schulth"*"; cf. D1®™, also Ki+ Bev>=4” M'*);—emph, {12 Dn 34, [mp] wb. denom. Haph, make pro- clamation (poss. directly dependent on «pig (Ditmas Kr Me), but even then formed as denom.; of. ¢ N27, NH N23, Syr. 10 Af. Ethpe., so Chr-Pal. Schwally™* Schulth vet); Pf, 3 mpl. W133 Dn 5%, 0. 7 pers. concerning. ND NDT v. x09. WD (“of foll.; of. BH M9, 139 8), t [N23] n. [¢.] talent;—pl.abe. MPP Er 7. tvto? a. Chaldean (vr. BH DMp);—abs.’> Dn 2"; empb. ew Dn 5* Ket (Qe Marwp2), wos Eze 57 Kt (Qr MEI); pl. abs. PCH? 3° 5", emph. enw Kt, IPD Qr, Dn 2** 4* 57;—1. Chaldean by race Dn 3° 5” Exr 5%, 2. as learned, of the class of Magi (BH ‘2 20), Dn ab 4! gi, TID vb. write (v. BH);—Pe. Pf 3 ms. ’2Dn 6™) pers. +orat. rect., 7! acc. rei; 3 mpl. Sap Ear 4* acc. ME; x pl. TAZ 5", ace. rei; Pt. act, abs. fs. 120} Dn 5', subj. NT, fpl. NZ vi, subj. YBXR. Pell (W™) Pf. 3 ms. PTD Np Exr 5 thus (it) was woritten, 20 73 $3 6%, tan mam.” writing;—abs. 307 Bar 7 (Boer 5p, but v. K'™*™ Str); este. “2 6%; emph. X29? Dn 5*+, 1 §°*;—1. writing, inscription (on wall) Dn gm, gg woritten decree 6", b, soritten requirement Exr6"*73, thno (Kt) n fmm.]want (BEND, o/s) ;—estr.’2 Dn 5}; plemph, W972 Ear 5, 5 » yeep. to, fr, in regard to, at, mark of scons, (BA P, and general Aram.);—sf."9, 39, ab, Dn 744+; 199 +Eer 4¥; DDD 454 7™ (eo Eg. Aram.S-C¥*#%4+), 19 4¢Dn 3t; Dinh Je 10!!, Bhp + Exe s4™*6* (a0 Zinj.,Cooke™; Nab., ibIM, Nd 4Dn 2 9% G* 7! (yt Nd), Exe 4° 5? (20 Palm., Cooke™*™™ ett eshinam);__3., to, after vbe. of saying, declaring, writing, eto., Dn 2" 6", etc,, giving 2""+, offering Ext 6°; of going (Aram, does not use bY), usu. to 1 place, 2" Mt RN2), 3* 4° 6+ oft,, rarely to & person Ezr 5°; = towards Dn 4"; into 3% 6" 4; in address of decree or letter 3" Ezr 57 17 to fall or come to Dn 4'*"* 5" Ezr 517%, be confirmed foDn4®. 2. a8 mark of accus. (os oft. in Aram.; cf. in late Heb., BH 3), Dn 22494 oft., Ear 7, ,, 539 (cf. i Ju3Is8%), 3. to become or make into (BH 4) Dn 2* 4, 1098 mb 4. a. with reference to Ezr6**7 #95, 7" (but ri. prob.’ 70), b. delonging to Dg, 7%, and in AD "| =his 24; 0.0% Ear 4; 5 man to find (belonging) to 2* 64 (cf. BH > #9 Dt22"+). 6. as periphr. for the genitive (BH Bo) Daz’) Myy MW, Ber 5™ or; gam, a. of the object or purpose, for (BH & g) Dn 4 FEUD) ra vO 7 Ear OM 78; on behalf of Ex 6", 0. according to (BH 8 i) Exr 6" ++ +138) according to the number of... 8. of time, at Dn 4™ ++ sM¥D) at the end of... v5; to Dn a4 PObp. 6. with an inf, (BH 7), after such vbs. as be able, think, need, agree, decree, Dn atisit gins 6484 Bar 4 534 of order to Dn 2 3%, 00 a8 to 5*. With €) = not to be... Gre ar 6°, v. NP. Cf. the synopsis Lab™™*, xb a +Dn4*) adv. not (BH x); Aram. of Téma, Eg,, etc, #5; Nerab 5 (Lab** Cook 8); © MP; Syr. H);—not Je 10" Dn a, ete.; before @ ptep. (so rarely in BH, 1 be), 29 3! 4404, go EPI NDB REM TOT are as men not accounted of (vo Bev Marti, ef. Ing3* & pan wr p03; >most ‘accounted as nothing,’ for which no analogy, yet ef. ¥39' 3); 09.0%, v.°0%. With inf. ‘and P Dn 6? mynd xb ¥y which itis mot to alter which is not to be altered (cf. v*), Ear6* (KV Drtet,of Tagg¢, Do Dasari), ‘With interr. 699 +Dn 3® 4” 64, qub (of fol; BE ¥, "Hn). tipo] am. ange (z8yr);—af. ADD Dn 36", tab n.m.™+* heart (v.BH; soFg. Arm. — cate. 9 Dn 4 7%; af. 3232 2” 5%, AD 43 5, tab] nfm] 1a. (BEd; 00 ¢8yr.; Bg. Aram, Lab*"=Cooke™4*);—af, 99 Dn 7”. t[W22] wb. be otothed (v. BH);—Pe. Impf. ace. RM: 3 ms, V2" Dng’, 2 ms. U25R vi, Maph. Pf. 3 mpl, W391 v" clothe one (5) with (ace.). t[trnd] am. garment (BH id);—sf. FAI) Da 7’; pla af. fimpad 31, HI v. WP. \ yw +L > conj. therefore (BH 1? +Ru x8; Aram. of Téma jn CIS""= Cooke"), Dnat#4"(Lambert™ denies 1.109, taking BaAram. always as=P?). TIL ]17? con. except, but (from MP and 7H ‘not if? (ef. Heb. xb px Gn 24%); 80 Nab. and Eg, Aram. jnb Cooke®-88#! §.9 moar, Udinn’, however Bocin > Pi-r-Mervito Aum. 10 SPOPY Gng2%43' al.);—1. afteraneg.(=BH DEP, q.v.): am except Dna! "6", b. but (Germ. sondern) Dn 2. 2, without » neg.: however, but Ezr 5", tio] w gent. tevite (BH 1Y);—pl. emph. wend Ke, 9 Qr (KOO, Ear om 37 (all+ priests). tb prep. to, at, bostde (der. uncertain ¥.K'™*; perhaps akin to Mb, %, wad joins XM, Syr. L& to), ©. 1, Ear 4 the Jews which came up PTO from thee (de chee toi; CLL. gS, MPD, e.g. Ex8'g™ GT = Heb. DyD), tomb (Ki) a.m, toast (3 Syr. bread, 20 BH, q.v. / I. pnd);—abs. ? 72) Dn gt made a feast, T[rand] ws. concubine (= *HNNP; Fl tr HAWBLEHE on, Ax, (ZI, indelicate epithet for woman; Batten ®** ep. Ar. ja) note, tune, gong; still, otherwise Wetzat 8+ =<); pl sf. WO) Dn 52, Av, . tsb] n.[m.] night (v. BH nss);— emph, 055 Dna” g@ 728, ted am. tongue (X8yr.; v. BE 1, 1 102) ;—tongue= language, fig. for people : bs. 7) 79% DY Dn 3®; pl. emph. WIP] ‘¥1731 51 6 7 (of, BH NOD 2, Is 66%), D $9.9, trp af, nundrea (v. BH);—abs. ‘0 after noun enum., Ezr 6" 72#*#, go D YB 6", Mey) Dn 61, and du. Mixp Ezr 6". NNO vm. TEND v. wee, 1099 npr Tyg] 2m" vessel, utensil (T 1(H)%, Syr..)so,80Chr-Pal., Schulth™"™; OAram.jxo, Ph.03; poss. / not, v. BH II. mo, of. Lag™ 12 Bubl);—pl, weasels of temple at Jerus.: emph, wD Ear 5" 7" Dn 52; cate. IN) v* Ear 6 nba v. Soa. T[na9] wb. Pa. overthrow (%, Syr. (Lexx.); v. BH (late, rare));—Jmp/. 3 ms. Tar 77 WY Bsr 6" (of God). [rave] vn. 773 v.20. Dig] vm. TTD ape. gent. ot tery. Medes, Media (BH id);—1. gent. Dn5*6*"", 2. terr. Ear 6, tof xt, mem ar (KIM) am gent, ‘Mode ;—Dn6'. Iarplym. Dt). TTD (NID +Exr6*) pron. interr, and indef. what? (BH "9;; Zinj.p; © wo; Syr babs Ar Us: of WOM) 35 what? Dn 4” nay m0. 2. whstever, what (cf. BH. 1 bend) Dr >" x29 70 7 knoweth wh? iain darkness, Bar 6*.°20" 9 (of. b: 20’Nab.; Palm. "1 0, "70, Lzb™ Cooke™*) Dn 234 Bxr 6 priapn 7 xo) with regard to what yo shall do, 7% (=tohateorver). 3. with prefixes: a, MP how! Dn 3®*. Bb. Mp? why? (cf. BH 199) Exr 4” be not slack herein: why should damage grow, eto., virtually=leat damage grow (@ nh wore), 77 AYP KIND TIED *T “for why should there be wrath! =lest [@ wi wore] there be wrath (of. & ROD", Byr, LaaNF let : and v.44 5,p.g54*). 6. no~by wherefore? Dn2™, tri n.[m.] death (X Syr.; v. BH);— abs, Eze 7, Prov. m. T[NT9] vb. matte (vy. BH Ing); — Pe. Pf. 3 fs. NM, 5 rei, Dn 2 (459). Pa Tmpf. 3 ms. AT3 KOE 4%, i.e, hinder him (cf. BeGe dy Da Deicimebe ns, Talm.: Levy! **), “Hithpa, Impf. 3 ms. WOM Ezr 6" let him be smitten (asiled) "T22. [rpbrra] v. pon. oD TROD, THOM wb. reach, attain (Tid, Byr. Ise, ef. Chr-Pal. Schulth""; Eth, oma: Ar. Lil (for st) Nomex om m, distinct from BH ¥¥P, etc, q.v.);—Pe. Pf gms. 4P Dn 4%, N57; 3 fe, NOP 4”, NED ¥" Qr (Kt, erron, nao K'@™" 4); 3 mpl. {00 6"; Impf. 3 ms. KE 4“7;—I. a. reach, come toDn 6* (9 loc.); come unto, as far as 7" (CW pers); abs.arrive 7 (of time; © £846 ; v. Nes™#“ who ep. Ar.
  • pers. 15ers 2 ms. THD 3" (5 rei); Tro, 08, 99 (KI2-*%) Exr7*. TN n.[m.] maneh, mina, » weight (v. BH; OAram, mp SAC? Lzb™); ;—abs. Dn 2.8058 y, Clann FeetAote ime Ws 2A Dr al.; its connexion in Dn with MD is due to word-play ; v. also DUB, 928. Typ a. [m.] aumbor;—cstr,‘p Ear 6%, \ \ \ \ 1101 nw tomy a.t. gitt, offering (BH id, Are) ;— .. oBlation, to God’s representative, abs.’D Dna, —. techn, meal-offering, pl. of, BMNND Exe 7", T72 v. mo. T[xyo] » 1,[m.] pl external belly (v. BH [72] 6);—sf."115p Dn.2™ (of image in vision), ‘TIYVD v. 7ap. wT v. [RYD). yn v.11. Sy. THD mam, lord (79, «19; Syr. J2S, 0. Jib, Kus, Eg. Aram. #1 (RES); Chr-Pal. dhs, eto., Schulth**"; OAram. Neb, Palm. (8) (L2b™); of nape, dei ta"! (napea), god of Gaza, SAC™; also Ar. 273 man, Bch iD mam, Tord Hom 21 Aas RES‘) ;— lord : God, cstr. YD Dn 5%, rhe mp 2%; of King, af, YO Kt (as Nab, SAC™*; K!™), Qe "7p (as Palm., SAC**) 4", tn n.[m.] rebellion (v. BH);—abs. Er 4”, tim K}"4) adj. rebellious ;—of city, £, abs, TYP Ear 4", emph. RET} (K™) vi, TTD v. HI. t[WVD] vb. pluck (v. BH);—Pe'll Pf. 3 mpl. Yb Dn 7‘ were plucked off (wings). tra apron. Moooe (BH id.) ;—0 8p Ex on ‘Trvthy mn. [m.] off (v. BH) ;—abs. Ezr6* 7", [aptin] vase. [Jaw] v. pe. [pinto] v. pw. [atin] nme. [e719] v. im. 3 NI) (Hof foll.; v. BH id,, but esp. Bewer ‘Amis ten. Lanes 10182 who op, As, nabt, tear away, lead forcibly, hence proph. as (fg.) carried away by divine frenzy, ecstasy, of. 8 ro 19"), T[s729] mm. prophet (Hebraism! also & Syr.; v, BH);—emph. 2} Kt, 812) Ezr 5! 645 pl. emph. RAND g. mn t[may] at. propheaying j—cstr, ne Exo", WEFT) , mpm. (=BH WHY,, ete,);— Dna*4-2gt.Dn, Exr5'*"6*; 229 Dn 3't- 3t.Dn. tara) a.£. reward (00 & (rare); be Pors, loen-word, Haug™™ "3" prop, *nibaged, presentation ; but perh.erpt.,v.M" : —abs.’1 Dn 2%; pla af. HMI? (al. 722, 72) 5%. trina at mpl the the omens id, Syr. Matas, NH MOD Ar. ops is Toan-word from Aram. Fri®; prob. foreign word ‘K'* Fra™ Bev al.; 1 As, cf, Ba®*"");—Dn gt, t [72D] vb. stream, flow (5722, Syr. nes draw along, lead, % also intrans. move along In 30%, flow Dt 33", 1H streams Is44'+);— Pe. Pt. Da 7” THOTETO PEAT WH MET. 4172} prep. in front of, taoing (=BH, v. vp 616; not elsewhere known in Aram.), Dn6" aber 2. T[rai] u.[2] brightness, daylight (X Syr.; BH id);—emph, RNIB (K!%) Dn 62, 7272] ws. mithps volunteer, offer 7 "t, TUM v4; pl. mt V4—1. volunteer, aq.inf, Exr7”. 2, give or offer freely, Wace r054-9 of God; ved of temple; frenwill gift (inf, prop. frecwill giving) v", 17727) a.m. row or layer, course ( NH id.; NH also 427 id. (Levy™"""), of, lé3, as loan-word Fri"; borrowed from As, nadbaku, mountain-slope acc. to D1*™ (cf, Ba Heumie Ht xmas 2.6) but mng. not very suitable Not™o2omn7 yoy Ematia) abe, /y Ear 64, pl. PPP vt. [TT] vb. see (v. BH I-17) ;—Pe. Pf. 3 fa Thy ny ANY (K*4™") Dn 6, TH7) (Mos Bacr) m.[m.] sheath (E12, mb; ¥. BH (late) 13, Pers. loan-word);— 43266 Duy" my apirit in (its) sheath, i.e. ry body; < FP} emph, or af. RIP (KI**); or (Nes 4 Boy) at best strange; rd. prol this (P32 as T; DO1-20ate.0.1), 4% of Bahl Dr, 1102 mT) T7172, nam.” river (vy. BH L-v0);— abs.’s Dn 7%; empb. 7D Ezr 4+, ®— river, usa, of Buphr, in phr. 9 "29 Ezr 4 sot. Ezr; 2% 2 Dn 7" a river of fire, in vision. T[V92,717]] nam. right (FHT, Sy. Shou; v.BH IL. -73);—emph. 173 Kt,, tL] ‘Wb. descend (3 Byr.; v. BH (poct., and late));—Pe. Pt. Mf} Dn 4%* (both ROP TO). Haph. deposit, 3 loc.: Jmpf. ams. NDB (K**") Ear 6° (Gu™ reads amp 5 int ms, FM (K'**) 5" (ace. rei); Pt. pase pl. POIRI 6" (were) deposited. Hoph. (W™) be deposed : Pf. 3 ms. NT Dn 5® (NOI). T[ 2002] wb. ute (x Syr.; BH (rare));— Pe. Pf. 18, ND) ROWS TY Dn 4" (As. natdle look), Beil (WM) be lifted: Ff. 3 fe WNT NP? 7. +03] ‘vb. keep (3 Syr.; v. BH Ly, and (rely 8); —Pe. Pf. 10. ‘3b wNpD ™p? Do ton 2] 2. [m.] soothing, tranquilizing (prob. Hebraism, v. BH id. «/ 10 (+/ aloo T Syr.);—pl. MXIT) Ear 6" Dn 2" ie. soothing offerings, 22 T [023] m.[m.], pl. 792? riches, property (2 8yr.; Eg. Aram. 8-C¥+; BH (late));—/2 07, ‘Exr7* confiscation of property; cstr. P22 6". $719) n.[m.] leopard (v. BH) ;—obs.Dn7'. T[TMD3] wb. pum away (3; v. BH);— ‘Hithpe. be pulled away: Impf. 3 ma. NON Esr 6" (10), ‘vb. pour out (v. BH 1.10});—Pa. (more gen.): Inf. R9 72025 Dn a to offer in sacrifics to him, c. ace. PNA TMD, [703] mw [m.] drink-offering (¥ Syr.; of BH);—pl. sf. HDD? Ear 7” (+ ANN, ete.) 2 v. pop. + 2D) vb. tall (v. BH);—Pe. Pf. 3 ms.’ Dna; 5p 4; 3 mpl. DB) 3°47" Ke (Qr 3 fpl. MOBD, KY); Zapf. 3 ms. 98 (K'*) Dn 3°+; 2, mpl. 8; Pe, pl. PB} 3}—2. fall, "8X72 Dn.2*; fall down and do homage 3h Sloe. 39; of voice, MOTD 4%. 2, by-violence 7*(c. 572). "3. b Ser Ber it shall fall to thes (thou shalt nood) to give (et. Chr Pa ‘Sohuleh ent 249 at ae), PDD wb. go, or come, out, forth (¥ id., ‘NH 0), Syr. ws, 20 Chr-Pal. Schalth “=, OAram. Nab. Palm. pro Lab™, of. Ar. “U5 ole of field mouse; v. aleo Aram, #7 Jad, owlay, Eg.Aram. rnp Cooke'™"*#, Ar. 1335 household outlay (Aram. loan-word Schmit -—Pe. Pf. 3 ms.’7Dn2™ ‘he toent out, o, inf.; 3 fr. MRE2'V® decree went forth (cf. La"); 3 ap ‘pea ot Kt (Qe 3 fpl. ‘npby, K***) fingers came forth; c. 19 loc.: Tmo. mpl. PB (K"*) 3" come forth! Pt. pl. PPB) ¥* (both of men); sg. PE 7" (=flow oud). ‘Haph. bring forth, acc. rei +1 loc.: Pf. 3 ms. Pao Ear 5" 6 Dn st; 3, mpl. P83 v? (0 _ Bg. Aram, 8-C"* 2350), t [7702] n-£. outlay;—emph. PEPE", ‘T [7399] 2.£. firmness (vy. BH 2») ;— emph. 8hizx Dn 2". T[TTS)] wb. Hithpa. distinguish onoselt (. BH 1. ms);—Pe. ND Dn 64, by pers. [782] vb. Haph. rescue, deliver (v. BH Eg. Aram. Syn take away, ae —of God, abs.: Pt. act. 9¥0 6°, Inf. Dag; of maa, sf. pers, AIRIE 5 6%, fe 1103 bap Tryp) adj. clean, pure (v. BH mp:);— "2 (YB Dn 7" like pure wool. t [WAPI] we. knook (v. BH (rare));—Pe. Pact. & 122 Dn 5*of knees knocking ¥1) 3. tN ‘vb. lift, take;carry (cf, BH ; rare in Aram; v.°D), XP) ChWB, NHWB);—Pe. Pf. 3 ms.) Dna carry auay (of wind, c. ace. relly Tmo. me. WY Ear g? take (nce. vessels), ‘Hithpa make a rising, an insurrection: Pt.fs, Tiefpantp Bar 4", 99 pers. PMC) v. [P92] sub TT. vine. 3] mf. breath (v. BH, ¥/Dv3);— af. WO) Dn 5°, i.e, breath of life. 17) nm. griffon-vulture or eagle (v. BH);—abe.’s Da7'; pl.abs. MP? 4”. F[pyny] am.pL Weninin (prob. loan- word from BH DPN}, + 1));—servants of sanctuary, emph, M27} Ezr 7", T1]02] ve. sive (v. BH; Trere; OAram, im, Impf. nx, 90 Nab.; Zinj. Palm. 1; Eg. Aram, E mat, jn, ete, S-O™AH, pl. af. Agonon ib.’*, Inf, mad 8-0"); Pe, Impf. gms."PAN (K*) Dna, af FARE 4! 4; 2 ms, JIE Her 7%; 3 mpl. PON 4"; Inf. BAP? 7*;—1. gine God, «. af. rei+9 pers, Dn 4*=*, 2. of man, give, allow, acc. time, 2%, 3, give, pay, acc, rei, Exr4"7( +1 of source), abs”, T [su] at. gitt —pl. abs. 1379 Da a; sf. HIND 5”. T [Ang] wb. Haph. stetp off (202 fall of; Syr.$hu; Ar. 555 scatter ; As. naldru, diminish, shorten, NH “W} fall off');—Imo, mpl. THR (K'*) Dn 4" (ace. of leaves). Dd NAD v. HDB. 1b30) Wh sivern]. boas, carry a load (v. BH) ;— BO. Pe. pass. D'>zibp nie (K'* NG sts '84.0) Esr 6 tte foundations (be) raised (Thes al; W°2%%), very dub.; Hptoete mab conj. “DP EA his (God's) fire-offerings they bring (As. zabdlu), 80 (besitantly) Berthol. [02D] vb. think, intona (2 Syr.; v. BE TL 7b (aie) Pe Tmpf. 3 ms.730! Dn 7*, 9q, inf, TYD vb. do homage (by prostration) (= Syr.; "BH (late));—Pe. Pf. 3 ms.’> Dn 2%; Tmngf. 3 ws. 29" Dn 3°+, 3 mpl. PD? 3%, eto.; Pt. act. pl. PRP 3'+j—do homage BY% Dn gitannieanie, of falao god v*; %9 om., 4; » Sey) a (perh, as representing God, ef % yet v. Dr). T[]2p] nam. prefect (¥ (rare), Eg.Aram. 8-0; y, BH (late), As. loan-word);—pl. abs. 1230 Dn 2*; emph. #230 3***7 6°, TO wb. shut (v.BH);—Pe. Pf. 3 ms.’D ‘Dn 6* shut the lions’ mouth (ace.). TrHyBD0 uF. bag-pipe, or Dn7?;—come up, 19 pers. Ear 4", #9770 Dn 73; abs. of horn in vision 7**; fig. of thoughts 2™. Haph. lift, take up: Pf. 3 mpl. P60 (as if from por; K'®) Dn 3%; Znj.MQprnd (Ki Strt™™) 60 loc.) both c.5 ace. pers. oph.(W°?™) be taken up: Pf. 3 ms. POT 6 (PD loc.). TWD] wh Pa support, sustain (E | 5 Zinj,; v. BH);—Pt. act. pl. 1M? PYD Ear 5%. 1104 my TDD nim." book (vr. BH "BS);—extr. NIT D Ear 4%, AYO 'D 6%; pl. abs. MED Dn7books (of records, v.Dr); emph. #Y1BD "2 Ezx 6" house of records. t[DD] a.m. secretary, scribe (E Syr.; BH 10b);—emph. ®7PD the secretary, Persian official, Exr 4**""; eatr. DD the scribe 7=", of ‘Ezra as learned in God's law. + [S370] m.[m.] prob. mantle (v.exp. SAC sran. sav dah Ft of, Andr™ with conj.asto orig, Pers, form ; > trousers; NH; JAram. id, with ‘both mngs., also shoes; Ar. j\Gzx mantle is Toan-word Fri“; Egypt. Ar. Jyiy; shoe is Gk. loan-word ace. to Vollera0" 05, of, Kranss san); pl. af. AEB Dn 3. T [710] a.m. chief, overseer (Zid. (=BH wi etym. dub; prob.with Bev™ Dr™ Andr ,loan-word ors neh nt chiaf);—pl. abe. PPP Dn, emph. KD v4, cate. FP vt, 1. [DDD] vb. Pa hide (v. BH);—Pe. pass.fpl.emph. WYO Dn 2" the hidden things. IL. [VID] wb. destroy (Syr. she; v. BH “nb);—Pe. Pf. 3 ms. sf. AMID Exar 5? (ace. of temple). y “TAY wh. make, do (3 Syr.OAram. Nab Palm, Eg. Aram. (8-C*; of, R38); = BH “RY, q.v., but in mng. || ney);—Pe. P/. 3 ms.'y Dn3'+,2ms.F72E (KM) 4%; 15. NAY 3°67, 3.mpl. 113Y Exr 6"; Jmpy.ampl.|"12RR (Baer Kio, (HIYA Gi Str) Ber 6* 7"; Znf TAO (KY8 9%) 497 (1BPD); Phat. 72Y7* +, fa. RTE Dn7"; mpl. MP Ezr 4";—2. make, soc. rei Dn 3“ and (of creation) Je ro"; make a feast Dn, war 7" (OY pera), ded. of temple Er 6", 2. do, ace. of deed, Dn4™ (of God), 67 Exr 4; do, act, ¥222, thus, Ear6", 3, according to, Dn’ and (of God) 4%, abs. 6"; sec.+3 rei Ear 7" de something with, + DY pers. 6°; do, perform, sec. of God's law 7%, acc. of signs, eta. (subj. God) ‘Dn 6" and (+DY pern) 3% Hithpe. Jmp/. Tap Bzr6" +, 6! 7; 2 mpl IR be; Pe TQYNO Exr 7% 12-4", fs, Y= §s— Tay L. be made into, c. n. pred, Dn 2* 3" Ear 6". . be dons, wrought, 4%, 5* (subj. MAT); be performed, executed, of command Ezr 6" 7", ‘Judgment 7%. [ray D>™, or TAY K'**”] nan. slave, servant (BH 729) ;—catr. 12} Dn6" servant of Glod ; plaf.of king, pray Kt (Ko"4="), 730 Qe Ezr 4", 112 Qr Dn 24; of. of God, THR, ‘Dn 3%* Ezr 5", of king Dn’, (BH id);—Dn 23+ 10. 3, +0} THY 3%; = 2", t[rrpay] 2.2. work, service (BHM) ;— emph. KATHY Ezr 5 Dna, ostr. NT2Y Exr —1. work, of building temple, Ear 4* 5* administration Dn2® 3%. ritual, service, of God Exr 6%, T[ray. K'*°] afm] work (BH [rape] 15 34% works);—pl. af. syria ( wera ’D 4”. ‘. Chin G WD v. iy, +[7P IY] wh. vase on, away (¥ (oft. for ‘Heb. "2Y, Syr.; v. BH L My (rare, date); Fe. Pf. 3 fs. NYY Dui 37 4"; Impy. 3 ms. MI) 7 3 fs. TIYR 6°;—4. pass on, over, c.2pers.Dn 3”. 2. pass away, of kingdom 4® (0 pers.), 7"; of law6*, Haph. take away (so Eg. Aram.8-C%™): Pf. 3 mpl. YHYD, aco. rei, Dn 5™ (1 pers.) 7; Impf. 3 mpl. FAY v™; Pt. THT 2” remove, depose kings, of God. TW, Prep. and conj. even to, until (BH TIL"Y; 90% Syr.OAram. Nab, Palm.Eg. Aram. (Lzb™8-C4%));—1. prep.: . of space, even to Day"; KYW v*, b. of amount, up to Ear 7248, “9, of time, untit Dn 2® gu ame Ear 4"; 5" WI7W); our against 6" (cf. BH, p.724* top); fo (the end of)=during Dn 6° Fin etry, v7, On NAT Dn gv. TUM; and on“ 1-y aevimay, a. conj.: %. "TWD until, aq. pf. (of past time) Dn 24" 5" 7°", oq. impf. (of fut.) 2° 42 Dn 6" 01 wy YT.» OD ap te ne that ..., i.e. ere that. b.W alone, Ear 4" 1105 nby TPT am time (Tid, yr. LES, per. loan-word from As. adannu, fixed, appointed, or dgfinits, time; [Ar. lie prob. Aram. loan- wa,, Schwvally 22 08017); aba.’y Dn"; emph. ®7Y a°+; pl. abs, PT 42+, emph. wry a*;—1. in gen,, time, as duration Dn a* 773; involving specif. conditions 2°! time 3*, 2, definite time, =: Gk. xpévor, v. EASophocles'™*) years, 42229; rap 2D PIM MY 7 (ie. 3k years, v. Dr; perhaps read du. for pl., cf. Bev Gonkem), TAY aw, stim (BH; 8-0"; £9; Chr- Pal. Schulth™*‘), Dn 4 *2>p DBR nb wy (cf. BH 18a). T [Fy] ns. iniquity (BH IT. my, fp; of. © WW) ;—pl. af, Wy (K#%*) Do 4, THiy m.[m.] fowl (v. BH, VI. 9);—s abe. Dn 7! wings of a fowk; cstr. 2™ coll. Tray nm [m.] char (JAram. (Talm., rare), Byr. hota; Ar.j152, 5512 mote (in eye, tending to cause Blindaare (iY) aco, to Ar. Lexx, Lane™*);—abs, ‘y Dn 2* (in sim.). By], pry v. ny. Tinpyy] me. stgnet-ring (¥ Byr.; py =nurround, v.BH);—sf. ADPIP D6"; pl. cstr. rev, tety mpm. mera (BHid.);—Emr 7", Try mpem. comrade of Daniel (BH +)3—Dn 2, = 1h} 12y v"+. NOY vy. oy. T [pp] nt." eye (v. BH I."y);—estr. 1Y Exr 5 (of God); pl. (K'™") of horn, 7% Dn 7°5 of man, du. este. QV v', af. 2 4". ‘tvy mm. waking, or wakeful, one, angel (Vy, of. Byr. wh wake, .% waking (P8**), JAram. YY, NH VP adj. awake);—abs. “yDn4™™; pl.abs. PY v's; AqSymm.éypiyepor; of, Charleg tomo mates tent Dosti, doubt. fal is the connex. with Ph. Zophesemim (Euseb, Fran Enee-i), i.e, DYDW ‘DY toatchers of heaven, as keeping watch over or spying out (Zim™4*** Jerem4Tiatiase.s0@) by, why vay. mbpv. 1. by. mby (“of foll.; v. BE rR nby. t[nby K™9>!] 2¢ burntoftering (BH. APD; of. Palm. undy altar, SAC*L2b*');— pl. abe. nby, Ear 6%, t[by K!*] adj, nighest;—alw. emph, why Kt, Maeby Qr, the Moet High God: 0 Dn 3%" 5%; ’y alone, the Most High, 4¥*2231 43 (cf Nab. npr. heey Lab" SAC"), tt[yrby] aay. sa. (BH id.);—pl. of God, rv9y *WP (double pl., Bubl, as sts. BH, Ges tae KGELEH) Dp pene, tpby] me root-chamber (cf. Dr; BH mp); —ef. aR Dn 6", \Y prep. upon, over, on account of, above, to, (BH and geversl Aram. id.) ;—sf. 1 9.°22; 2 ma. Toy Kt (0 Eg. Aram., Cooket "Ans, g.ornanarty aby, Qx (E , Dalm'**) Dn 3"4+6t.Dn, Er 7"; 3 ms. Ty (00 Nab. Palm.; Eg. Aram. nby S-04'+) Dn 3"+, Toy +Exr 6"; 3 fa. mdy Kt (s0 Eg. Aram,, 5-C?*), #2 Qe (90 %) +Dn 4" 5%; x pl. Mylan +Ear 4", HY 4 5% Baer (Gi #2); 3 mpl. DIY (so Nab. CIS"™; Eg. Aram, SCM IS) 47m, MDD +5°;—2. @, upon, Dn 2 547 64 oft, 4 wD SITY (2 11"); to be established ‘TA 59 4® (of. 2 Chr}; BH ZZ. 2) to lay an impost upon, Exr 7; to trust on, Dn 3%; after a vb. of motion, 79 OD to come upon, Dn 4"; of times, to pass over, gases; Ear 5! fmoy nbs phe DvD i.e. (named) over them. b. idiom. (as in BH; y. ‘IL. 14) of the pers. who is the subj. of an emo- tion or experience, Dag’ ‘M79 12Y ‘Ti were changed upon him, 7%; 6" "7g ND DWH (cf. 2). @. on aco, of (BH.1 £8), Dn 3" MTSy BIND, - Soin NYT Y on thie ace, +Ezr 4** git, nerdy wherefore? +Dn 2; and Y M71 (v-"))._ &. on Behalf of (ib. £0), Exr 6%, @, regarding, concerning (tb. 1 £9), Dn 2 54 Ot Ear7"+oft. 2. over, with vbe. of ruling, appointing, eto., Dn 2** 3" 4*+, Ker 4” 6%, 3. in» compar, sense, above, beyond, Dn 3” 6*, 4. expressing direction : ®. to, of person, after avb.of motion (of. BH 7 © a), Dn 2™ 4"™ 6 Ear 4"* +4 oft; after to send (a letter, ete.) Far 4878 8+, worite 47, prophety 51; of the direc- tion of the mind (i. 7 ¢¢), Dn" 6%; of, Bar gt 59 mn “4 19) (cf. Je got and OY 34"). 1106 nby ‘b. against, Dn 3" 5764; Ber 4'7™. 6. in such phrases as 5Y DY, 3KD (to be) good or scceptable to (as in Syr. and late Heb.: v. BH 8), Ear gp H990 5Y DM, 7 Dn 4™ 8PM, 6H (Ch2), v™ (24).—Comp. the synopeis of meanings in Lab™, tb} aay. above (from m7, with of direction, D'“™; Nab,, Eg. Aram, id, Lab™ B44; & hp, bY; Syn. AS in NSA above); —Dn 6? fink ¥)Y above (over) them (cl. Cooke**, Dt 28° 2), toby nf. matter, affair, occasion (Syr. IMSS, v.BH 1. 5by);—aba’y Dn6“(=groand of accusation). +bdyy ‘vb. go or come in (3 Syr.; v. BH IIT. Sby);— Pe. Pf 3 ms.5Y Dna"; o. SY pers, v5; ¢. AD'2P 6", a0 3 fa. nbby Ke, My Qr 5%; Pe. thoy Kt, 199 Qe, abe, 4¢5'. Maph. bring fn, 0. DIP pers: Pf. 3 ms. 9971 (KY 4; wo Eg. ‘Aram, B-C&O™" bys ef, DIT: Darm 4; Dn a® (bce, pers), 6" (acc. rei); Jaw. ma, af. pers, PEE 2™; Inf: PER 42 (b acc. perm); no BYP pers, MYO? 5?(id.). Moph. (WO) be brow, ma pare EE pera: Pf. 3 ma OR Dn 5%, 3 mpl. 990 v4. t[byp] ».[m.] going in (Syr,,2?; %*, ote. MPD): cat, MODY *DyD Dn 6 ie. unset (0 read Nb 4% Str M Bey, of. Syr. N58, CX5 5 > van H.Gi" bpp, Baer 0; of, Kimomn, toby n.[m.] perpetnity, antiquity (r. BH IIL dbs, Dby);—‘yabs, Dn 3+, este. 7%; omph. poy 2*4; pl. MEY at+, emph. MDE a 7*;— perpetuity in the fature : “9 105 Dn 3" 7%, cf. 47"; ‘pas adv. for ever 47; OIE WIPE DEEN 7's pl, VP for evr at 9° gH GH; antiquity, HRP MIO Ear 4™"; of limitless time both past and fature: 71} 779 Dn 2” Mlamites (cf. BH Lr a tydy] ue. (= Syr.; v. BH L. yy, v>Y);—pl. abs. a _ [nby] v. nby. oy Toy n.m.™*"people (*-BH Loo», by); — 7y abs. Dna" 3 Ezr6%, catr. Dn7%; emph. MY Ear 5,007"; pl emph. WOU (meen) Dn 34772! 5 6% 7, DY prep. with (BH DY: 20 Syr. (px) and general Aram.);—sf.°99 +Dn 3, 19) + Ear 7°, 79 +Dn 2%, pintey +Ezr 5*;—1. w. together swith, Dn 2° 7 ROP 2N-DY, Karst; whose welling, portion, etc., is with Dn 2"* 4% 5", Dd. to speak with Dn 6%, to make war with rw; todo with (= towards) 3" "BY 722 "F (cf. y86"), ef. Ezr 6*; DY YY to make like fo Dn6", +2. of time, Dn 3"=4" "1 WyDy grits) with all generations (ef. BH 1 g); 7° M>orDy duri qilgenertions ( 8)s 7 RPT OP during T [pray] aaj. deep (v. BH pos);—fpl. emph,, as n., RORY Dn 2® the deep things, TOY a.m. wool (¥ Syr.; Eg Aram. oy 8-021", sp Ta.™*; of, Mand, wroxpe, NO™; v.BH 1by);—abs. Dn 7". +1 DW] ‘wb. answer (v. BH I. 79);— Pe. Pf. 3 fs. MY Dns"; 3 mpl. WY a+; Pr. act, (RI Nees mee) MY at, ph, PP (KIT seit) 3;—alw. +108 Pt, anewored and anid (> [or BYP] pers. usu. foll. wee; folly 22-2), — 1, answer, make reply, to something said: Dn aha shoe ye 5G, B. eepond 10 occasion, in view of @ situation: a*s2 genase gear gi, typ adv. now (00 Eg. Aram, (CIS*#= Cooke™-* RES™?8-C™*°); © 0.9. Nu oat: 1 prob. a subst. fr. [MY] the /of NY (p. 7734), tims; 60 19? lit. at (this) time= Heb, NAY: K'®0); Da a® SATIN TED, 3 4h gi GS Ear 48 5 6%; PTY until now Ezr 5" (s0 & Gn 18" +). ‘Tryp and (Ear 4") conte. MYD adv. now (Eof 187; 20 first SS Torreyi™+#Omn we, now confirmed by Eg. Aram. niy3 Cowley "4.34, mh 3 (= RES #4 = 8.08%); a) formerly taken to mean and oo forth);—alw./3', and alw. in aletter, introducing the business of the letter, and to be connected with what follows, not, as MT, with what precedes: Ezr 4" (del,, as in- troduced by error from end of v"), v" (joining to v") and now, let it be known, ete, v"" and ‘now, the letter which, ete, 7'** and now, [make a decree, ete, (cf. MY] similarly in letters 2 K 5° 10%, and xat viv 2 Mace, 1°), 1107 my UL FID (+/of fol; v BH TIL. m2, yy, 29). t [ay KH” Str, or MAY ef Buhl, M] adj. Boor, needy ;—pl. abs. [9 (Beer Gi K**), or My (van d.H. Bahl M7*; of D!™) ag n, Dn 4* topo TAY (of following; v. BH 19, 19). TDy] a.{f) (ehe-)eoat ;—pl. m7 Exr 6°. Thy K'9>] n.[m.] cloud (x. BH I. PY) ;—pl. cate. OY 272 Dn 7". 4 [Ay] a. [m.] bough (7. BH Ay);—pl sf satay Da gt0, : Teay (Ke) nim.) amercing, coniie- a (wot & Syr.; v, BH);—ostr. 1'07) ‘D MY v. MBP sub I. [7yR]. NDY (of foll.; £#Oy Pa., Syr. enwrap, ‘BY foliage, Liecs. flower, etc, BH DYMDY, DP ‘as loan-word; cf. perh. As. upd, cloud{-mass)). T[rpy] a.m. leatage, follage;—sf. apy Dn gt, T[A¥Y] vb. pain, grieve (¥ (rare); v. BH I. ayy);—Be. Pt. pass, as adj.: YY 592 Dn 6" a pained voice (cf. ¥ Est 43, 3? Ex 12"). Topy (<7- K'"*) n.[m.] root, stock (py, v. BH, and, on meaning of /, Schwally Beoucm sa; ” ote, HG Y Dn g™8, T[py] wb. denom. Hithpe. be rooted up ;—Pf. 3 pl. (m.t v. K'™*) NOgNe Ket, fpl. ™- Qr, Day’. Dy], Tov. ry. +3] ‘vb, mix (X (oft.); Byr. (rare); v. BH L. 2y);—Pa. Pt. pass, 2 mized with (2)Dn2"*, Hithpa Pe. id, : 329 v9 (Oy), ph P33. v8 (2). TE y Ki] a.m. wild ass (E Spr; VT, perh.= Ar. 3,5 give a ory Nysmaeeaty. «0, y, BH Thy as loan-word (K“"=™—7, but, dub, Note 40m0.45);_p].emph. TY Dns", FH [pny] at. atsnonour (nny, BH be naked (q.¥.), "7'Pnakedness);—catr.N°Y Exr 4", 432 vy “WW (“of foll, ef. BH IT. 72Y, 1.79). Ft[y M**] mm. foo (cf JAram. “TY objection; on dub. BH Y v. p. 786) ;—pl. sf. Tw Kt (KH), MY Qr Dn 4". taivy n[m] herbage, grass (v. BH 3ey);—emph. HPP, as fodder: Dn 4" 5". TOY, TW am ot £ » ton (7. BH);—m. (foll. n.£) Dn7?*%; £ (before n.m.) v5 ey =twedve (foll. nam.) 4” Ezr 6", Tp ey mpl indeok twenty;—7) mp Dn6* (follows n.m.). Tiney], may (Kester samey yp think, plan (BH II. ney (q-v.) as Arams- ism; & NW"NK, not Syr.);—Pf. 3 me. (strictly Ph pase, N5o0himaonOrssc¥98 MS) 9 Dn 6s, 9q. inf, plan to do so and 20. ny v. npp. t [nny] adj. ready (v. BH I. 1ny);—pl. PPNW Dn 34, 0. Tprny adj. advanced, aged (BH (as Aramaism), pny, q.v.);—eate. (#79-) Poh“ one advanced, aged, in days Dn 7** (cf, Syr. JRSST eX Ecclas 25'al,, PS™), 5 Trp a.m. (Bab. or Pers.) governor (As. loan-word, BH id.);—abe. ’o Exr 5"; catr. ‘nde Exr 5** 6%; pl. emph, HN Dn 37 6'. TN a.m. potter (=pabhdr, 7B (also clay), Syr. .2% ; prob. loan-word fr. As. pajaru, potter, ef, Brock Zim™);—abs.’p Dn 2". t [wtb] m.[m.] a garment, meaning dub., tunio (Thes) or leggings BAC 27.1708, 20; (prob. later insertion in text Id.*™*) (Talm. (rare); +/ op spread out ace. to K”");—pl, af. nn wre Kt (prob. "BB KH 209 ‘mp te M7" al "98), HTYDB Qr, Dn 3"; conj.on meaning v. in Behrm Bey Dr t”**, t (298) Wb. divide (3 Syr.; cf. BH (chiefly late));— Pe. Pt. pass. fs. MON TPB Dn att shall be divided, tabp n[m.] naie;—estr.‘2 Dn 7% 1108 po tigbp at. atvision;—af frnsbe Har o*, t[755] ve pay reverence to, serve (deity) (cf.As. paldju, fear, revere (and BH¥™, IB ete.); Eg. Aram. nbp worship Lab™!; 5 MB serve, Syr. Xo; Palm. undp soldier); —Pe. 1. pay reverence to deity (usa. ace.): Jeepf. 3mpl, ANPBY Dn 3" 7"*; 20 Pe. act. MB =, pl. pnbp 3+, and (ace. dei) v". @. pLestr. as n. MIP M3 ‘1b Ear 7™ servants of the house of God (+ priests, Nethinim, ete). tymbp n.[m-] service, worship ;—eate.’D OOH Pg Er 7", TOP nm.” mouth (of. BH 79; on form vy. K1@2 MI"); ‘fp abe, Dn 7°, cate. 474, ff, ROR (on form v. K+ Not tmmt oom te wom (expansion of biliteral /), Ba™™=o=nest) ‘7';—mouth of king Dn 4”, lions 6”, beast (in Vision) 7, horn (ib.) v"; mouth of pit 6%. DB v. ppp. TYRE n.[an.] « (triangular) stringed instrument (Gk. padripsor, Krauss’ =: £6 Princo™2 Dp iment)’ Dag’, PROD aan, DDD (of foll.; v. BH I. Ddb, (D8). TOp mm. palm of hand;—cstr. Dn 5%, emph, PR v™, Srp, mm.™** tron (¥ Sy; v. BH Spa)j—abe. Dna" (3), 48+; emph. MTR Dn 24 11th 25 4 5st [D715] vb. break in two (v. BH on) ;— Pel (W%™) PF, 3 fe, WROD NP Dn 5*. TON (rd. DWE M74) prob, m.[am.] hale. mina (NH DY, OAram.p7p,e7p Lab™SAC* Cooke; v, 42 and reff.) ;—abs. ‘p Dn 5%; PLL PPC) [read POWY v. M**] v# TOI apr. torr. ot gent, Poreia (x1 kingdom), Persians (v. BH id.);—’p Dno*™; Dp 5" Ear 4™ 6". TPO] adj. gent. Persian; —empb. wow Kt, PROB Qr (K'"*) Dn 6 the Persian. T [P15] vb. toar away, break off (v. BH [P%9]);—Pe. Zme. ms. PW Dn 4% (cf. Dr), ace. of sins +3 instr. whe T[WB] vb. make distinct (of, BH (chiefly Iate));—Pa. Pt. pass, Ear 4" made distinct (BH Ne 8*; { NH). TRGB nam.™** copy (TM, Syr. NM Si5; Ars. loan-word in BH, where aleo PNB id. ; loan-word from Pers. Thea" 44 cof. Armen. ), Gildemeister **"-#0 uA armen. et Moy Eat Fofmn TA ™, Olran. *paticayan, id., acc. to Andr™”*; not, clear whether "¥ is text. err. for/nib (Hoffm'*), or from diff orig. (Andr'* paradayan! parica- yan!), or from same +/ in diff. stage (20 appar. Scheft', citing, for both, OBektr. fra-siihana, announcement, Olran. prasameana, prasé answer, OP. Na, announcement, an- swer));—eate.’p Ber 4! 5, T [WB] vb. interpret (a dream) (3 id, Byr.4o, perh. Eg.Aram.p Lrb™SAC™(Ar, =5 loan-word, v. Fri™); As. pakdru);—Pe. Inf WEEP Dns", acc. cogn. MY. Pa. Pt. act, “wep Dn 5", ace. MobN. WH ,, n.m.™"* interpretation (of dream) (cf. BH as loan-word) ;—cstr.’p D4? 5" 7'#; emph. #8 a'+7t. Dn, + 4%" Kt (Qr-); TL, a7 5%; of. M— a*4 11 t. Dn, +Qr 4* (Kew); pl ape 5, TOAD n.m.**" command, word, affair (Pers.: v.BH);—abs.’p Dn 3"; emph. 4. Ezr 4 +5—oommand Ext 6", word, by missive 5", from king 4" (both ¢. MPP), in answer 5" (6. ann); weakened, thing, affair Dn 3" 4". T[TIDD] wb. open (v. BH);—Pe. Pt. pass. fpl. NB Dn6" opened (windows). Pe'fl (W°S*) Pf. 3 mpl. WTB 7" books were opened. NMD (of foll; £Syr.; BH nn (rare). TPB] m.[m.] breadth (& Byr.; Eg.Aram, RES™ §-C™*);—sf. MIB Dn 3! Exr 6%. 3 T[ND¥] wb. be inclined, desire, be pleased (X Syr.; cf. BH II. n2y);—Pe. 1. desire: Pf. 18, U2Y (KST™e DO Ngoas.ien,inw pf. intrans.) Dn 7""(c. inf.). . be pleased, 1109 obs will (without hindrance), abs, of God: Impf. gms. RB 48; Inf of. MED v™ soc. to Ais willing ; of Neb.: Pt. act. W2¥ 5™*™", Tray'ne, thing, anything (orig. purpose) (Palm. 12¥ Leb SAC™ Cooke™, Syr. Jlctay, all dhing ; of. NYPD thing, from PB} delight in, crave);—Dn 6", L[V2¥] we. atp, wot (¥Syr.; of. BHI. yay);—Pa. Pt.act. pl. PyB¥p Dn 4* wet thee (>), +909. ipa. Impf. YIEF, (aloo V2-), be wet, «OR 4M, 78D vw 6M, IL YAY (+/of foll.; of, BH IL. yay). T[yayr] at. 1. singer; 2. too (2 8yr.; —pl. 1. abs. 837% Dns’. 2, emph, Wh, 28 cate. Dov T78 n. [am] side (very rare in Aram,; perh. Hebr,, v. BH id., +/-rrs);—estr., ¢. prep. . againet ; MAID ED 6%, i.e. arising from, touching. TTNTE m.[m.] usu. (malicious) purpose (Hebraism from BH MYT¥, ¥L nty);—e.n in- torrog. U7 Dn 3"; < read RINT BevDr Kmp. THT we right doing (Talm., OAram.; v. BH MRT, 7 pry);—'s Dn 4, t[reey] mm, neok (¥ Syr.; v. BH sub I. ayy); —af TIE Dn 5, IY ve, T [N73] wb. Pa pray (orig. bow in prayer) (& id, bow, Pa, pray, 20 Bye. Wy and Pa; As. null, entreat (appar. not of prayer to gods Zim Rataeet); Ar, 5 middle of the back, Ye. pray, Eth. RAW: bow, RAC: pray; Sab. mdy shrine Hom™™: 441), Py w>FD Dn 6" (abe.); pl. thirp (K!”) Bar 6" (5 sn behalf of). [T1238] vb. prosper (v. BH Il. nbx);— Haph. Pf. 3 ms, Moy Dn 3” 6"; Pe. Myo Ear 5", pl. "19- 6%;—1. cates to proeper Dn 3” (cS pers). 9, ahew prosperity, be pros- perous 6% (of pers.); have success (in building) Ezr 6"; be sucoseaful (of work) 5° (ONT). toby, nm. ™*** image (v. BH dby);— abe, “¥ Dn 2® 31; cate. ‘Y 3", OD¥ v'4; emph. HDYF 2* + ;— image Dn 221% 334 10 t. 35 sahaye % 3! i.e, his expression. ms Trey] ne omen nm some pind fy. BE | TL.7px) ;—pl. abs. PR¥.Dn 4”, emph. ROBY v", cate. IF vi, T [Dy] am, ne-goat (7. BH V. 7wy);— pl. eatr. My "TRY Ear 6". P bap (“of following, be in front of). 2 Tabst, front, as prep. in front of, before, "peceuse of; 89. "I as conj. because that (perh. in form s dimin,, Bev=**; 35°22, 6.9, 938, 92, ta, in front of Dams); Syr. Nciao, Jodo aspect, caw ©& in front, keds, sf. oXactad in front (of), opposite (©), ef. Gn 15"26; Palm. bap) before (Cooke 2,608); este, Spb Daa, a8 19D) taj — tle. : a. Dn 3! XD9x ‘PD before the image, 2" g'4; in view of, By reason of, 5° 290 * by reason of the words, ete,, Ezr 4" My 52> . Eg.Aram.*t not dap, b, RES), ‘be oq. conj. because that Ear6" (00 Palm. cIs*™), 2. a aid daprbp inview of, beauss of (but read probebly 5229? according to the front of, i.e. having regard to, because of: Luzs 25-112 Lambert 3.198% Marti #4 Not, 16,7 Nog ounma? Strack™ al.; of. BH I. mg¥ d): a. as Prep. NY 037 79 because of this, therefore, +Dn. 2% 374 6" Ear 7; Dn 3” pointing forwards, 20 TID MPT 53ROP on this account, (viz.) Ddecause that, etc.” b. oq," as conf. because that, inasmuch as, Dn a® AMIE YY (53299) D3} decause ye see, v4.4, Exr 4" 7"; Dn although. In Dn 2* 6" taken by @ (89 rpéror, rabéx), Ges (Thes, not Lex), EwHi as=azoord- ing a (as Eog™ © wraet dap b> according as he came), but not BeyBehrm Marti. [Occas. in &, usu. = before cf. in £7 Gn 28" 31%, DHT 4), thap vb. denom. Pa receive (BH (late), 7 1: prop. come in front of, come to sect, of. Germ, entgegennehmen);—Pf. 3 m8, 532 Dn 6!; Zmpf. a mpl. P>3D ye shall receive 2, 3 mpl. ea 7%; alll c.ace. rei. OTE, Prep. before (@O4rm. ‘Nab. Palm. ete. (Lab*"), & DYR, Byr. plo; prop. subs aHo op the front, of. Ar. p35 the front; for / v. BH onp)i—et. Dn 2+," v4 Top Kt BE Qr, +57 63; mere + (cf. Nerab menp, ke™); 3 fs Kt, ROW Qr, +77"; irene t45—1. "ee (=Heb. "205), exp. in the phrases to answer, pray, say, etc., a superior (as more respectful than to), Dn 2* seein oe repeat ten Dat Exr4*9; 552; arith WP to seo fair Dag 6% after vbe. of m: ion in bors Da 2 3 ete oftime 7! +2. DIET? from before: bo, but as used in late Heb, Est 1™ 4!: p. 8184), ¢. BP Dn af, YR v"; of a decree, 67 "DIET oye DY (|| '¥O 37+), cf. a Exr7"; of God, Dns* ET NED OY THOTT, ” 0 very¥, Dr! 151), Also Heb. 2 to fear Dn 5” 6%, te pod op fl t [71g 7p] nt. former time (of. BH PR, Zinj. nop (Cooke*”), former state); — catr. Dn 6" FY MOTD = before this, formerdy ; 00 Exr 5" M1WD. CE Gn 28", Ex 387 Z FT [OTP] adj. tormer, first (s0 Nab. Palm. Spr) ts omph, MDP theft Da emph. RIOR RTP the former hors v', mpl. eaph. ROP WP (vor fell; ¥ Byr.; v. BH id, OPE). tw ap adj. noly;—abs.’p Dn 4"; Biv 4+, cate. ‘Y- 7"+;—gods Dn 4M 5"; subst, of angels 4""*; of Isr. (as holy eat sant) 7, THY WM saints of the Moat High “bp (of following; BE ip, bp). ibe™4* votes (I 8yr.); rey str. sound of words 7", instr. 34", [DxP] ‘vb, arise, stand (v.BH);—Pe. Pf. 3m. th Da 3 mpl. 08 Ezr 5"; Impf. 3 ms. Dy Dn 6" 7%, 3 fe. DPR 2; 3'mpl. POP! 7% (Rt); PL. BHD 2%, pl. roxy Kt, POP Qr, 3°, emph. ROKP 7; —1. lit. arise Dn 3" fe. from throne), 6 (from bed). 2. fig. = come on the scene of history: of kingdom 2%, king 7° (both 19 of source), v". 8. aries (out of inaction), and build Exr 5%, devour Dn 7". 4. stand, lit., 93R? pers. 2", of. 3%, DIP pers. 7%; pt. as n,, those standing (there) +". 8. endure, of kingdom 2". Pa. ext up, establish an or dinance (O12): Inf. me oF Bagh. (R) op Pf. 3 ms. DBA Dn 3'+, DPM 6, af PLMPH 5", FRO 3'5 3 fs. MOON 7*; 2 ms. OPN 3"; 8. eb 3; Impf. 3 ms. DPT (K*™) 576%, DB aM 4; Inf. af ADKORAD 6; Pe. act. 2, lift up one B. establish, ¢. ace. DP 6% (=Pa.), DK v4. appoint Ezr 6", 2 acc. ‘Dng"; ef.pers. +98 6*, aco. pers.+ 99 4" 5" 6. Hoph. Pf 3 fs. MOR (variants in Str; of. K'*5 not Hebraism Ngo e.17m; Wy commse 'be made to stand P79, Torp n.[m.] statute (Eg. Aram. prop Cooke™);—abs. Dn 6%, estr. v4, Toxp adj. enduring (cf. Nab. orp (Cooke"” ‘Lab DR; SAC, privately, prob. 9P));— abe. ’P Dn 6* (of God, #0 oft. © NH, ef. Dr); fs. TR? 4° (of kingdom). +bepi wh. alay (¥ Syr. (oft); v. BH (late, rare));—Be. Pt. act. 992 Dng®, ace. pers. Pell be slain : Pf. 3 ma. 7DD 5, 3 fs. NP 7", Ba. day: Pf. 3 ms. 792 37 (aco. pers.); Inf. b 2" (b acc. pers.). Hithpe. be slain: Inf. md a"; Pt. (=gerundive, K*™) pl. TPRN v* were to be alain. TWOP (of foll; & WWE, Byr. sho bind, whence HPP, Jigs knot, ete.; of. BH II. [0p]). T[79p] 2.m.>**joint, kmot;—lit pl. estr. "WE Dn 5! joints of his loin; fig. abe. IEP 4, usu. knotty things, difficalties (Syr.PS™"); but prob. of magic apes, Banne (also Syr.PS"*, ef, Brock™), so Bev, v. also Dr. twp n.[m.] summer (3 Syr.; v. BH-IL rp);—abs.’p Dn 2%. oP, oP v. OP. tonnyp Kt, OUP Gr, n.[m.] lyre, xither (also £5 loan-word from Gk. xifope Krauss thes), Dn gt; Kap DUNE. bp. bp. T[NIP] vb. scqutre, buy (v. BH I 10p);—Pe. Jmpf. 2 ms. RHF Exr 7" c. 0c. rei, RROD. RESP (0/of following ; BH I. 3p, ny). ani rP “Tryp m4. ond (00 BH (late); £ (Gn 47"); not Syr.; ‘ef, Eg. Aram. RES*"4*);—catr. 79 at the end of (months, days) 4*#"; WROD PID 2%= part of (| HD v4; of. BH Nyp'a). TSP vb. be wroth (Syr.; v. BH I. ayP); Be. Pf. 3 ms.‘p Dn 2", tthyp xn.[m.] wrath (of God) (only Syr. Myo sadness, anziety, in Lexx.);—abs.p Ezr7”. YP v. exp. T[NYP] vb. call, read out, sloud (v. BH Lucy) ;—Pe, Jmpf. 3 ms. ™P Dn 57, 1 5. HE vs 3 mpl PB v4; Inf, DO vA; Pe, ack. WD 3+ ;—2. call, proclaim, 2}: Dn! 4" 5. 2. read out, aloud, ace. ¥273 5'**%, v1 (b pers.) Pot (W°™) Pf. 3 ma."IP Ear 4" it was read, DP pers. Hithpe. be summoned, Impf. 3 ms. “BM Da 5 TATP we approach (v. BH I. 317);— Pe. Pf. 3 ms.’p Dng® (0 loc); 1 a. IP 7 (68 pers); abs., 3 mpl. 1p Dn 36"; Inf sf. TWOP 6" when he approached, 5 loc. Pa. offer sacrifice: Impf.2 ms. 2208 Ezr 7", e. aco. +98 of altar. Haph. 1.=Ps:: 0. acc. Pf. 3 mpl. 3490 Exr 6, Pe. act. PARA v" (5 dei). 2. bring near: Pf. sf. SPIYPS Dn 7* (D7P, dei). Tarp (K'"°) nm. [mn] war (5 Syr. NH id; BH as Aramaism);—sbs, Dn 7". TAP, RL, a. city (¥ Bye; BOA mp; ¥. BH, /mp; also Né™*-");—abs. 0 Ear 4", Rv" emph, WIMP ysmnina, TyyB 2." norm (y. BE 1p); —abs.‘p Dn 7; mph. MP 3°45 da. (often!) NR 75 emph. €03- 7°+;—2. instr. of music, Dn 34, 2. symbol, in vision, 77asenamaa, [ytP] =. [m_] piece (x; v. BE yp);—pl. af. SHAE Dn 6%, 172-38, both in phr.P 3K, i.e. accuse maliciously (80 X Syr. PS*™ (of. OAram. ‘b wna “oH Lab™ SAC Cooke ™*; y72 also Mand.), prob. borrowed from As. Barge aktls, malign, slander (oft.; alsoTelAm.); cf, also wktarrisu Hamm *""!; further Ar, aed Eth.0A0: 79: Di*). up twitip m.[m.] trun (2 Syr.; v. BE BPP (ones, Aramaism));—abs. Dn 4"; ‘PTD 2° of DANP v. pan. 5 TIN (of foll.; not Aram; BH A we). TL] a.m. appearance (%, rare);—af. 1 Dn 2" 3, Tein) mm." head (Eg. Aram, 8-0"; Palm. tn; TU, Syr. a5; BH OH) ;—este. Dn 7"; emph. F_ 2; sf. PH 424, 9 2, Po v4, B 7%, 3%; pl. abs. NYRD 74, af, DINGAE) (KW Amy 6 Gy Mette) Er gies 1, Read of man Dn 3%, ef. 7°; in vision: of 2. head as seat of 1 eg, 337 (Vof foll; v. BH 1.239, 39, 7). 2] adj. great (% Syr.);— abe. Dna" +, ctr. v4; emph. m. 492 Ear 445 £807 ‘Dn 4"; mpl. xedupl. P2729 (K"™9 3%, fpl. 72- a*+, emph. 8D 7"; great, lit, of image Dn 2", rock v%, city 4", sea 7%, beast ‘¥", tooth v’, gifts 2"; great, imposing, feast 5), signs 3", words 7°"; ¢.!>.comp.7™. 2. fig. of power, influence, etc.: great king 2" Exr 4° 5" (cf. Zinj. 739 Jado Cooke™), God 5* Do a®, 3. as n.=captain, chiefs ¥INIO 3) Dn 2¥, P20 v4, REINA 48 sh, TiD} (K+ mt, myriad (¥ Byr);—abe. “+pl. na Kt (rd. $27 K"*), 237 Qr Dn 7” ; rhs a-myriad m; 32 Dn 4® my lords (of Neb.) aszar) 5+**", of Darius 64; 2- Kt, - Qr (K1% 42%) of Belahazzar v*, T13] vb. grow great (¥ Syr,; v. BH I. Nn); Pe, Pf.3ms.’0 Dn 4*+; 3 fe. 02) vl; MY Kt (>N3] Qe Ke. dm0y yin, grow tall and large, of tree Dn 4"; grow long, of hair v*; fig. grow great, of king v", increase, of greatness v", Pa, make great: Pf. 3 ma "M2 ac. aco, pers 1° n 1939 2.2. greatness (¥ Syr.);—sbs.9 Dn 4%, emp. WIAD) 5"4+, af. W- 4";—greainess of king Dn 4** 5"; of kingdom 77, nfpl Dn7'; as pred. 2M Vv". 2. £: bef. mmpl. Dn 7*”; after nmpl. 3°. thyn] adj. num. ord. fourth ;—f. abe. WON Kt, MPT Qe (KI) Dn a® 3% 7°; emph. #73) vise, PR ote. v. pr, TWIv. an. T [D7] vb. Haph. onrage (cf. BH);—Pf. 3 mpl. 499 Ear 5%, ©, acc. MDP mba, 1139 nam. rage ;—abs. Dn 3" (of king). tia] m.[e] toot (7. BH); —du. abe 17 Day's emph. wh. oe, of A yam, mbm Ket, AB) Qe (KO*40 9730; fey in vision, of image Dn 2***\4, of beast 7°22. + [WAIT] wb. ve in tumult (¥; Syr. (rare; ‘usu. feel, perosive); v. BH (late, rare));—Haph. shew tumultuoumess, come ing: Pf. 3 mpl. WHYS, . Y pers. Dn 6™, abs. v7. M1 ¥. [2] sub mie. TIN (of folL; v. BE id, BO, tm), i—9 abs. Dn 51764, cate. 4°+, omph. ROM 2; af. YI 7, FL 5®; pl. estr, 7 7*;—2. wind Dn 27. 2. spirit: w. of man, 5” 7"; as facalty of ‘knowledge, 7 s%6. bp. remD pen ee gt TH) ne. emelt j—cate. 1% Da 5”. T[DIT] wb. rise (v. BH);—Pe Pt. pase, 07 Dn 5" lifted up, of heart, i.e. preeumptaous, PO. extol: Pe, DoD 4* (5 dei). Haph. exalt; Pt, 5" (aoc. pers.), MIthpSL Lift onenelf up against, 5° (OY dei). T[Ov] nm. 47 height ;— af. ROM, of temple Ear6?, image Dn3}, tree in vision 474", Tr} a.m. **poorgt (3 id, Spr. 1h, 152, IN; Pers, loan-word ; =Phlv, nas, NPers. ris Andr ;—abs.’9 Dn 4’, emph. Nf} 230; 5), abs. PT v2, emph. #7 v9, am YT) mpr.m. Persian official Ezr 4* (usu. ‘expl. from Vom, v. BH, p. 933; Scheft” thinks poes, orig. nmin, Olran. rukma, ==eplendour). YOM 2. [m] pl intens. compassion (BH DM, 4/I. orm);—abs. 9 Dn a", T[YITT] wb. trust (Z id., ChrPal. pod Behwally'** Schulth“="; As. rabdpu; Ar. Gaby 1. have indulgence, permission);— Hithye: st one's trust upon (99 dei) Pf. 3 mpl. sinnn Dn 3. pm (Wof following ; v. BH: Pm, Pim), T [pry] aaj. tar;—plabe. 7 HY TET) TLNIDT] wb. cast, throw (7, BE I. mon (rare));—Pe. Pf. 3, mpl. ©) Dn 6"; x pl. N70) 35 Inf. MET VY" Ear 7";—2. cast, ace. pers. +5 loc. Dn 3" 6%; ace. pers. om. v7 2. fig. throw (burden of) tribute, 9Y pers., Ear 7. Pell Pf 3 mpl. 'O) (W%™): 1. were cast, subj. pers. c. 9 loc, Dn 3". 2. were placed, set, 7° (cf. & Je x Dr, and BH mv 2).- ‘Hithye. be cast, subj. pers. c. 5 loc.: Impf. 3s, ROW Dn 3" 6°; 2 mpl. HOW 3 THY (“of following; of. BH IIT. myn). [vy] nf good pleasure, will;—cstr. TAI? of king Ear 5”, of God 7%. TEpryr] am. 4" thought ;— pl. este. ag3b ‘why2 Dn 2*; a % 7; Pe Kt, % Qr een) 2” 5%, 1871 4 gt Ty aaj. fouriahing (perh. loan-word from BH IW} lucuriant, «/p7);—fig. of pers. Dn 4 (cf. BH ¥ 92"). DWI ‘Wb. crush, shatter (¥ Syr.; v. BH yr);—Pe. Impf. 3 fs. YAO) Dn 2® (obj. om.). Pa. Pt. act. IYI 2% (aco. rei). T[DD7] wb. tread, trample (cf. BH Pe. Pt. act. fs. 192) MOI, 0, ace. rei TOW wh. inscribe, sign (3 8yr.; v. BL (ence, late));—Pe. Pf. 3 ma." Dn 6" vit; Jmpf. 2 ms. DON) v5— énscribs (prob. with one's name, i.e.) sign, ace. 1118 su NOP Dashes OM ve Bel Pf 5 ms oy, MDB: 1. be insoribed, written, Dn 5**, 2. be signed 6. uv tga (>van d. H. ’b, v. Boer) =.[£] trigon, mu, instr (whence prob, Gk, eapBier, triang. instr. with , v. Thes Lewy relat Poe tow Dy male oy Boe m3 Tattice-work, / 120, of. Byr. yXes);—Dn 38H, TIN] wh. grow great (¥/0, Syr. v. BH tab (Aramaiam in Job));—Pe. Impf. 3ma.hOP%, of injary Bar4*; “PY TODYY Dn 36%. WHY adj. great, much ;—abs.y Dn 2+, fpl. RENE 2° Exe 5"";—1. great, of image Dna® (in vision), height of tree 47 (id.); of honour 2, 2, much, fruit 4%, flesh 7'; pl. many, years Ear", gifts Dn ®, 8, as adv. exzadingly, 2" gt ota, thre] mut. testimony (Vp =e 1D testify, Syr. uae, Ar. 543, tatify, of BEL [VIP] (once, as lonn-wd.)K4"#-*; Bg, seme witnesses, Cooke S-C4+*) ;—emph, 1 Gn 314 (il BH 2). [DW], OW wh. set, make (v. BH; for Pers. infl.on usage cf. Scheft");—Pe. Pf. 3 ms. De Ker 5+, sf. OY 5; 2 ms, BOY Dn 3; 18. yo ney Ezr 6"; 3 mpl. OY Dn 3"; Jmv. mpl, wr) Exr 4*;—1. make, acc. DYD=make decres Das Ear 6%, +b. fin. vt, + inf. 4" 5% and pers.) v'%, 2, make, appoint, one’s name es (a ace.), one to office Ear 5" (2 acc.). 8. eet, fx, 200. 9 mind, Dn 6" (c. inf); acc. Hp 3 pay dae regard (BF) to (9 pers). Peiil 3 ms, DYD DY Fo Exr4" from meadecres in made, 20 57 6712 Dn 3® 4? 6%; lit. 3 fe. DOW (rd. prob. MO K'4™1-4) 6% (of stone, Toc.), ‘Hiithpe, be made: Impf.3 ms. DVR Exr 4* (of decree, DD ©. 19 sent.) 3. mpl. pope Dn 2! subj. rei+-n. pred. be made into; Ear g° lit. be set, laid, of wood, 3 of wall Trwip mm side (Eg. Arem.8-C*; £9, BD, Syr. Jigao, Chr-Pal. je Schulth =", cf. Schwally®"; Ar. ht, half);—abs. Dn 7* (of beast in vision): ~ a T[2°W] wb. be hoary (x. BH);—Pe. Pe. subst. = elders, term. techn.,abe. Ryn “aY Ear 5° 6*"; 20 emph. 12 5% T[2DW] wb. mithye. consider, contem- plate (v. BH I. boiv);—Pe, 52a Dn 7! (3 rei). tranbsip 0K!) n.£ snstght;—Dng!™™, ‘Wh. hate (X RYO, Syr. bie; v. BH Y);—Pe. Pt. pl. af. Toy Kt, WY Qr (KIS *4%0)Dn 4 thy foes (BH 3, MI'Sab)- Tryp am.™*” nats, of head (¥’p, Syr/a0; ¥v.BH L-ye);—eatr. Dn 377"; af. PID 4™ |. mb Exe s*”; Impf. 3 ma of. toys Ear sahiy Bes Dea ask for, request, ses. rei Da 2” (b pers.) v7 Eze 7 (ef. pers). inquire about, for, aco. rei Pere.); 09. orat, rect. v™ (éd.). tT [rrpayt] nt affair (weakened fr.question, énguiry, ef. Dr);—emph, MEK Dn 4, T7WW am" rest, remainder (7. BH I. we} Eg. Aram. n. "27 Cooke™, vb. “nena be left’ (outstanding) Cooke™=8-C", Chr Pal. jla);—'e abs. Exr 44, este. v’+; emph, MP Dn 7"; —of a thing, remainder Exr7®™; of cities 4", of persons v™ 6" Da al, of beasts 77%, TIDY (vot foll; of. BH IT. 30), [2°00] =. [ms] amo; —emph. 1979 “Tata Dn 3} pl abe. © "Y [33p 7°, [TW] wb. Pa tana, praise (¥ Syr; vy. BH IL. ray (Aramaism));—Pf. 2 me. 939 Dn 5%, 1 5. NW 4", 3 mpl. MOY 5; Pe. act. MIUD 2 4%;— praise, c. 5 dei Dn 2? 4"; b of idole 5*%, T[w2v] uum, tribe (BH 52%, /p2v/);— pl. este. Doni) "629 Ber 6", tV2W), only WWI wz. seven (BE 1.92%);—abs./e bef. u.m. pl, Dag"; entr. PUD bef. mm. pl. Ex 7"; "yy my 10 Dag seven times above what (more than), v.15, o/ are. ills SMe + [PDO] wb teave, 1 alone (% POP, Spr. waka; of. BH, p.990);—lPe. Inf. PPD) Dag? Jeave roots, 50 Im, mpl. P3Y v™ (both ¢. 3 loc.); Ezr 6? let alone, c.bace.rei. Hithye. Imp. 3 fa, PUWOA Dn 2" be left(of kingdom, + >gent). TWA] wb. mithp. be perplexed (¥ id, entangle, NH U2 , dis srvoney Aa ils aa) ton ces Syr. wk flatter, allure, Schulth™=""="; 0 Mand. Po. wie Né™*; of. Ar. U254 (ss loen- word Né**) confuse); —Pt. pL PY3EP Dns". t [bry] ws. (royal) consort (cf. BE id; Yonknown Hpt*™™>* conj, As. Figriti, Karem-oomen);—pl. sf. 30938 Dag”, ADDI v2. T[V TW] wb. mithya. struggle, strive (Ei Pa ern, Ithpe. be recalcitrant, also "Tp Ithpa. strive, and so NH 718 (b for), Syr. Noes boguile, esp. Pa, v, NS ™0# OmO 7); Py, VEPE Dn 6" he was striving, oq. Inf. FIR nam. revolt ;— abs. Eze 4", TI, sepeam. (of. BH id.);—Dn 2* 3" +113. DW (of foll.; BH Uw, By). TW, MG mm. atx; —abs. NY after nf. Dn 3's MYT Esr 6" year six=sizth year. TYE a. indeol. atxty;—0 pom Ear? Dag’; PMO Py 6. TL [FI] wh. become itke (BH;— Pa. Pf. 3 mpl. W Qr (v.} foll.; > Pell "W Kt, ¥. K?2eamaett3) Dn 53 goo. re, 0. DY. TIL [7110] vb, Hithye. be sot, made (Pa. 4Y make, Cappadoe. Aram. Lab"**; ef, BHIL ["));—Jmpf. 3 ms. AY? Dn 3°, subj. rei+acc. bs made into something (K'*#). PY (ot following; BH I pre, pte). [Pai] n.[m. lower tog;—*, t [WW] mm. wan (cf, BH 1. Wid; Eg. Aram. RES™* 481); 0] emph, WO Ear 4 Rv; vit rd, 0) TE Qr, for “ene mre Kt. SODA npr. gent. pl. the Sustans, people of Susa Exr 4’, v. mim (DI™=; ag. [32P] aco. to Scheft®, = OP *Fulana-ka, from usa, 60 (a8 altern.) Andr™**; ef. (on Elam. god Sulinak) Weissbach st aeteine Jpn Yo! nny “4 Zim™™5, and (on Sukunka in Elam. insor., appar. npr.terr.) v. Weisab'* Jen?™2'a=0.20), + TLD] vb corrupt (3°(once),Syr. 25; ‘Pe. Pt. pase. fs. MT Dn 2° cor- 6 (LT y17 Ru 4”). TAPY vb. deliver (prob. Shaph. as loan- word from As. Htewb(u), utéeib, deliver, «/extbu (e,=3), DIM Hptetessinr basis Kiana, & IY, Syr. ook, Chr-Pal. ofa Schulth wast, also Nab. 370 Cooke™; ef. Odram. awoby SAC; v. also foll. Pf. 3 ms. 378 Dn 3" 6%; Toph. 3 08 TP §", Bee 5 Inf. oh. 9) b acs. prem, af. pers. 32 GO, abe, y, TNOVW Kt, YW Or wh bring ont (to an end), finish (prob. Shaph. as loan-word fr. As. bi-pd, dept, bring out, apd (won, BH der, = Aram. Nf, ef. N6M 10%, DIL* Ht MeKts; EFcompels puton nd, also come an end, be finished, Chr-Pal. o, alth™™);-—finiah temple: Pf. 3 mai'e Ezr 6", but read prob. 3 mpl. "FY Kt, Berthol Gu" (so ©); > Pf. pass. Be-Ry. DW (of foll.; BH 37%, 37). + [22002] n.[m-] conch, bed ;—sf. 2770 Dag"; 3 a8; Ay, [MDW] ‘Wb, Haph. (K'# Ng 904 1101) find (3 MPP find, Syr. whe!”, Chr-Pal. wom Schulth'*"*;Eg Aram.nsen8-C™, pass.nanew RES"): Pf. x 8. POG Dn 2; 3 mpl. Ear 4" Dn 6"; Impf. 2 ms, NYRR Exe 5 Inf. migpnd Dn om; find, ace. rei, 6° Sprayer Oper), OF pom , aco. rei om.), Ezr7'(3 loc.); 5q.l."1 4"(3 loc.), v5; nce. pers. Dna; > pers. 6" (+pt. action.). ‘Hithpe. “Pf, 3 ms. Manet Dn 2+, 2 ms. NN9- 57, 3 fe. AND. 5" 4 ;—be found, subj. rei, 3 loc, Ezr 6%; 3 pers, Dn g*" 6%5; OY pers. v4; > pera. + DIP pers. v%; 9 rei 2 (v. WM); subj. pers. 87 +7001 thou hast been found wanting cess, mbbow ete, v. bho. T[]DU cf. 2] wh, awe (BH IY, 1eP);— Po. Impf. 3 fpl. HPP Dn 4" dwell, of birds, loc, Pa. causat.: Pf. 3 ms mA mo pee Ear 6", of God, cause his name to dwell there. 15 obe T[}pt] a.[m.] abode, of God ;—af. 77? Ezr 7", of Jerusalem, abut, bey (of foll,; BH L. nby)(Iate)). trbw ease (Hg-Aram.Cooke™);— 2.00 “7 Dn 4! J was at ease in my house.— 3"v, following. trbw nt. neglect, remisenees (¥ id.);— abs. Ear 4* 6° Dn 643" Qr; Kt nbo usu. thought an error for \be}; Hi Bev M (perhaps) expl. as M thing, affair (4). timbel nf, ease, prosperity;—af. TY Dn tut vb. send (BH I. roy); — Pe. Pf. 3 ms.0 Bor 4" +5 3 mpl. 4°45 2 mpl. Pendy 4; pl. a 4%; Tf 3 m9 5 6 Pe poe OY gh j—eend, ace. of are Eze giving, abe. 6%, rs. Dn 3” 6%; 0g. Inf. (ace.) fo harm at); Paty eed ¢. OPTS pers.: subj. pers. ‘subj. RB2 Dn 5% 1 210 vs hare power, rue (Tip; BE (av, late) j— Pe. Pf. 3me’0Dn3", 69; Impf. 3 ms. 0, , gmp. OP n 5’, 3fs. 0, anpbpi v° (8 of province). tbo 8 Belo.) 2a, dominion;— ‘9 abe. Dn 7, ostr. 6%; emph. ROY 7%; of. TIPPH 4%, M2 3+, HME 7; pl whe 77;—1. dominion, sovereignty (usu. of God}: Dog 484 gee gemunnney,p, realm 6", torduy aaj. having mastery, ruling;— abs./0 Exr7™+, emph. &. pases mpl Te rey Har 4, 1 Da gs Racing, cowcting, mastery : & of God, ag: 3, Dn gi 6% a of heavens 4% Bb. of kings Eze 4” (a). 2. as n.=ruler Dna", captain v.38. having authority to do « thing (Inf), hence impers.= it is authorized, Ezr 7% (eo oft. in Syr.; ef. 8-C ant paged by nox). T[D2U7] wb. ve complete (v. BH; Eg. Aram.nby pay in full Cooke =8-0""");— Pe. Pt. pass.050 Ear 5" finished, of temple. Haph. abu Pf. 3 ms. sf. ROW Dn g* God has finished it (the kingdom ; brought it to an end);, Ezr 7" render in full, aco. rei (ef. Syr. Aph., Be-Ry Berthol), 29. 24P dei. toby mam.™*" woltare, prosperity j— in greetings: abs. Exr 4” prosperity / emph. MOOD 575 af. wa? TaDAy Dn 3" 6%. Tow nm, name (vy. BH BY);—catr. Ear 5'+; sf. MOY Dna” +; pl. cate. PY Ear 64, af. DAD. v";—name, dei: Dn 2® 4* Exr 5° 6%; vir. Dna 4! 5! (all Dan.), Ezr 5‘ also v', with which of, S-OX+saut T[TOW] we. waph. destroy (3 Pa. make BH);—Inf. MRpPOP Dn 7* (obj. om,, =dominion). t [pe] am. pL noavens (BH [PY], Droy, / rov);—alw. emph. KP: 1. visible aky Soro" Dn e682, 1) hy a; 8 BY a "Bg yea "80M 7 winds of the 70°" v"; Heavens + earth = universe Seto! where God shews sigos Dué*. 2. heavens as abode of God Dn 2 4%, hence, fig, asrulingy®(‘Psometimes= God inNAJAram., DYewsenim: tees); ag abode of angels v* (Dr); eleewh. in phr. 2 ADK a4 Eze site Gem pans, 78999 Dn 4, HP 5. [DINU] ve. EthpoL be apatite (¥ ; ¥. BH; Chr-Pal. pa, Scbulth™);—; (rr BR Sa Fl py Bb) —2 TY IW wh. hear (v. BH);—3e. Pf3 ms. ‘9 Dn6%; 18. Tay mat TOP a , 2 mpl. PURPA 3; 5 ae Than chm oylewiog Da ©. 00. of sound 34%, word 64; 0. cl. "44-0¥ pers. con- cerning, 5, Mithoe, shew omen obedient Impf. 3 mpl. PUPPY Dn 7%, c.b pers. (prob.). TYIOW pro. (BH Ie, L7oY);— Her 4, 1. WOW (4/of following; BH Bee, Yee), t [umd] m.[m. 20 DY?) sun;—emph. Dn6". YL (wa) ws vb. Pa. minister (I Pa, id, WePA uss; Palm. woe, wown, SAC™ 21 Leb; ce alk Mask! Masia’; Chr-Pal.asom Po, aaah; NH BP, BOP; Egypt. Ima ar vant, Kopt. onl ef. WMM in Bubl"");—Zmpy. ampl.sf. ARR Dn 7" were ministering to him. 1116 tte mpeam.;—always 1D W: Exe 4°75 (Andr™** conj. Olran. caritative "0ew, conformed to wow, of. Scheft®, who, however, prefers OBaktr. siméshi=simazzhi, Tv. pe. [N2U/] vb. change (7. BH I. mv) ;—Pe. be 3 mpl. YY Da 3”, af. TOP 5 (rd. prob. OP 5 Impf. 3 ms: P2 7™, 3 fa. WPA 6 7°; - Pe at, 2.072 7"; mpl. rvs, Spl 22 75s— intrans. change, be changed: of garment, by fire Dn 3%, brightness (1) of facs 5", purpose 6"; be different from (12) 72%, Pa. Pf. 3 mpl. tee (Kicoeamen) Dar 5%; Imp. 3 mpl. 12; 4°5 Pt. pase fo. 072 (Baer) 77;—trans. change Dn 4? (YET FID); = frustrate word of king 3% pt pan intrane, diferent 77 (70) thpe Pf. 3 mpl. ‘WAP Dn 3” Kt (KI; Np O41, me Str 84M), > 3 ms, HAY Qr; Impf. 3 ms. W257? 2°, 3 mpl. '2- (Jom. in pause, K'*!, but modus apocop. N64 18, ag 113, Je ro", MOTD! Dn 5"; v. also Cooke™) 5%, fo- ;—be changed : of Y] Dn 5" 7° (v. Pe; .); ‘rime Ody 3% (id.); of time, conditions 2’, Haph. Imp. 3 ms. sare Ezr 6"; Inf. mypab v4; Pe. act. Dn 2; —trana. change, air, tmen, ete. Ethpa.) Dna” 7"; 00, om. 6" Ezr 6"; frustrate edict (v.Pa)6". te [720] as. your (vr. BH HY, VL [79]) este. Ma: TIO = frat yoar Exr 5" Dany TENA 0 Esr 4" second year; TO pl. Im JPY Da! 62 yore: new oe Eerdh oe [WP] PU (vor Tae, v. BH [PY B). T [je] m.[£.] tooth ;—du. (of rows of teeth) abs. 1% Dn 7';—sf. moe Kt (K8*%), may Qr, (all of beasts in vision). try mf. vriet time, moment (¥ id, way, NELTYY time, hour; Syr. JN moment, then hour Brock™, but Chr-Pal. lke moment, hour Schwally%\* Schulth**""; perh.=As. Yattu, duration; TelAm.%7 Fei, time, oer (es Consanism) WkI=*%5; Ar. 32, portion of time, Eth. AQ: time, AOTT howe, time (Bub! calls Ar, Eth. loan-words, but v.Wkl"*); unknown : poss. As, loan-word (v. Wkl'*); D1? conj.* rw = NYP Look, hence moment= ‘Augenblick; bat vb.’@rather of steady gaze);— ‘moment ; usu, emph. ¥7 (rd. poss. “f - pp Bye, MM" Bubl of. var. in Str) in the same snoment, forthwith Dn 3° 4 54; abs. 75 YP 4" for a@ moment. TH[DDW/] wb. nage (BH ERY); — nol, abs. MOBY Ear 7* judges. yew v.7we. tbe vb, be low (v. BE): ;—Haph. + bring low, humble: Pf. 2 ms. 423? 8" thou hast not humbled thine heart; Impf. 3mm YT, ”™ int er Pe. DY 5, all c. sce. pers. bring Tow, put down, Tp aaj. tow in station ;—catr.’¢ D4", TDW wb. be tir, seomly (¥ Syr.; ef. BH (rare and mostly late); Palm. > "iby merit ‘well of, SAC"; Cappad. Aram, wpe Lab mae); Be. Pf. 3 ms.) c. O72 pers it wemed good to Dn 3" 6%; Impf. 3 ma PUP Al my counsel be acceptable to thee, TVEW adj. fair, beautiful ;—of foliage Day", T [re et] a. [m.] aawn (¥ id; redupl. fr. above +/ 1);—emph. ¥}B28P Dn 6°, PO. pw [NT] wh. 1.100800, 2. abide (v. BE. Le) ;— Pe. Inf. 909 Dn 5"; rd. aloo vt, for YO (K'"" M"* al.);— Pt. pass. RIP (K'e.m00) 25; pl. MY g%5—2. Toosen : lit. pt pase, loom Dn 3® (app. bound); fig. loosen Knots, i.e. solve difficulties, 5". 9, abide (from Zoosening girths, loads, at encampment ; cf. © NH [alzo on pt. pass.}), fig. 2% (DY pers.). Pa Pf. 3 mpl. MY Ezr 5* begin (vr. BH III. (D>) Miph. a), oq, inf, ithpe. Pe. mpl. THBP Dn 5! joints were loosened (in fear). . pw (& PRY, Byr. ola, BH PI hiss, oie (enomatop.)). T [pre] wt. pipe (of. Syr. (rare));— emph, WP'2PD Dag, PPD 3” tone] a.m.”*** root (v. BH);—pl. af. saeny of tree Dn 4™*2. Pty Kt (i.e. We KI 4%), Qe at, ‘uprooting, fig. banishment ;—abs, Ezr 7™. DY, NY siz, v. ne. 1117 abn TPT] wh, arink (5 #DY, "BP, Byr. wheal’; v. BH I. nny);—Pe. Pf. 3 mpl. nytt (K™4) Dns; Impf. 3 mpl. fay v5; Phat. Any v', pl. MY v®;—drink, ace. wine Dn 5", +3 of vessel v® and (ace. om.) v¥. bya wy Pers. official Exr 5** 6; TabapBorgera (at, «, ne); GL: 2abpabaCare (aoara’ prop. “inp, Gk. MibpoBovtéms, =Olran. *Mithrabautana, Mithra is deliverer (or the like), 50 Mey™"2-"; Scheft™* Oran. Stihrabdsana, empire-delivering s Wal”, % conj. a title). n TBF) vb break (¥ Syr.; BH 3¥);— Pe. Pt. pase. fo. TY Dn a" broken in pieces (kingdom), aTTAy. 1 T[21FI] vb. return (% Syr.; BH 2);— Po. Impf. 3 ms, 30%, 0. DY pers,, of brightne (M1) of face Dn 4%, of knowledge v" Haph. Pf. 3 ms.) Dna"; 3 mpl.sf. KANT Ear 5"'; Impf. 3 mpl. PUNT 6, PAM (KI) 5%5 YRONDD Dn 3';—1. restore, aco. rei Ear 6*, —@. return (aco. of answer, etc.) 5*"" Dn 3" (af. pers.), NZ] DED NEY a, ‘vb, be startled, alarmed (% id., Pe. Pf. 3 msn Dn 3%, Trin] nam. buttock (¥ Syr.; BH ie, TIL -W);—pl. abs. PHF, for sacrifice Exr 6 17; a8 eating grass Dn 42 5", Tn prep. under (BH TB; ¥ ning, Byr. hotel, MaSh, adv. MeN; Palm. nnn fo Cooke™); Dag Woy 9 rin (cL EXE. 1); in pl.e.ef. (xe BH Syr.) 4° “DAHA (s0 T°L vag": Dalm!*), v, With 1, Je 10! Wop nina 1 (cf. BH IEE. 2); af. Dn 4g! ‘TANETD (the form as Syr. adv. supr., unless » Hebraizing punct.), tabn w.[m.] enow (¥ Syr.; BH 29%);— abe. ’n Dn 7° (sim.). nbn tbr am, TDM ft, eee (8725 BH by, neby);—m. be bef. m.f. pl. Dn 7;; £7198 bef. a.m. pl. 7%; after, 3" 654, 90 R__ Ex 6¢; NDR DW 6 third day; af, ROBGR (K'*49—1) Do 93 the thres of them, t [nb] m.[m.] » tnira part (00: THAR, iyr. IKS1, Nab. nbn SAC™, , ELS, As, dudultu (=fuluttu) Meigen s-%, of. DI; v. aloo M™* Dr™*7);—emph, OM one of three Dn 5'** (Bev thethird day, every three days, v. So in M™*). ttonbn aaj. denom. (only BAram,) as subst. third (ruler), i.e. ériumoir (M™*), cf. foregoing, which possibly is abnormal form of same (K'*44*=-3) Dn 5, tEmba] aa eure (@ he, yr. MSI); —f wr ON Ke, MD Qe (KM) Da 2” the third kingdom, tpndn n.indeok tntsty;—n porno, Tran sav. there (so Eg. Aram, (RES 5 [also man *4, 0 Cilic., Cooke, ef, Palm. pn ib. "4, Syr. gh] B-C4*); & TBR, Syr, eh, v. BH DP) ;—Ezr 5" 6"; TID thence 6'. T[Fran] a.m. wonder, as wrought by God 07]);—pl. abe. PER Dn; mph. ITER 3, pl af. THB v= NIN (¥ Syr5 = BH IL MY, Oy, Ww), T [pan] aaj. second ;—te. ABA (KI) Day. TANIA (KK) adv. the second time;— Dn2’, tial am, PB (K'*4*=1) £,, two (s0 in Aram. dialects generally (note Nab. f. pn over ag. Palm. fmin Leb™); v, Philippi™?==# omnse; aaj. ace. to M'™);—m. only estr. in Tee "Y teelee, after n.m. pl. Dn 4 Exr 6"; £. after nf. pl.’ PAY PY Dn 6" years sixty and two; =ord., PEE NP 4” second year. TOM Kt, YA Qe, am. pl name of official Dn 3°* (so Eg. Aram. RES™** yey wenn Wn’; meaning unknown, conj. in Bey, Bebrm, of. Dr), 1s "nn Dre v. nen. [22] wb. weigh (& Syr; BH Sey, Sep);—P etl Pf. 2 ms. WADA (WO) Dn gi? thou hast Been weighed, 2 of scales. thpm afm] sheket (v. BH dpe; x Don); —abe.’n Dn 57; v. 020 and reff T[}2FN] ve. be in order (E Syr.; BE (Iate)) ;—Woph. Pf, rs. MENT (We) Dn 4° I was established, 9 of kingdom, t FPF] vb. grow strong (2Syr; BH, q.7, (late); —BPe. Pf. 3 ms APA, of tree, Dn 4%; 2ms. ABBA 4”, of king; 3 fa, NDOA 5* fig. grow spirit of man. Pa. make strong, Inf. "PBN Dn 6" aco. of interdict, tpn m.[m.] might;—cstr. 9 72 Da. 4%, of king. T [pr] ».[m.] 1a.;—emph. eA Dn 2”. T [APH] adj. strong, mighty ;—fs. abe, TPR, of kingdom, Dn 2* (like iron), v4; % ‘77, of beast; mpl. abs. PE'PA, of kings Ezr 4”, God’s wonders Dn 3*. arrogant, stringent : 1. door of furnace Du3*. palace, court, Dn 2” (ef. Est2™, v. WY 3 a; aloo Ar. SU gate, then LI the court of a sovereign; pl. l,20 Sublime Porte, of Turkish court, v. esp. Dozy*™*), TLD Wie. tan K*4] nan. porter, door- Kooper, in temple: pl. omph. WR Ear 7", TarBaraios, Zioume ; Zoos also 3 Esdr 6* 7* Josten mae (Lagat Siew. mes AHN Moy = assumes OP* Thithnaya,or* Thathnaia); but Vitanni,URanu, was prefect in Syria under Darius, acc. to contr. tablets, v. Strassm ™i=#.e, names prob. identical; Meiasn *4¥ «can. mt reads therefore nt) (301 Hpt), cf. Buhl Gu*""*.6; Scheft™, however, thinks nn= ‘won= OP thasna, Av. sdena (leaching), and this | transp. in NBab. Titanu.
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