Jigsaw Model-1 Original

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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas

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Makes Sense
Sense Strategies
Name: LeahTabor

2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, Northport, AL www.MakesSenseStrategies.com


Jigsaw Model


Is about

A model in which students study a specific aspect of a large body of knowledge and then work together to teach one another about the
topic they have become an expert in. This model works best with large bodies of knowledge that have well defined pieces.
Main idea

Theory/ Modifications

Cognitive Learning Theory:
-Social interaction and the
use of language facilitate
knowledge construction
Vygotskys Theory:
-More knowledgeable other
when a group cannot reach
a unanimous decision
-Social Interaction is key to

Give the students the
material to read versus
letting them look it up

Main idea


1) Specifying Learning Objectives:

-This model is helpful with having kids
understand an organized body of
-This model is also helpful for
developing research abilities, selfdirection, and developing social and
communication skills; and it is
important to stress the importance of
these if they are pertinent to the
2) Preparing Study Guides:
-Crucial to help guide them to find the
information that is relevant to the
-Design your study guide with the
sources the children will be using in
3) Forming Student Teams:
-Should be a direct outcome of what
you want your students to learn, i.e. if
the objective is to develop social skills
between students of different
backgrounds, then you should diversify
the groups as much as possible
4) Supplementing expert
-Know all the information you want
your students to know where you can
fill in the blanks of what they leave out
in their presentations

Main idea


1) Assigning Experts:
-Either assign students topics yourself, or let the
students delegate the topics themselves
-The latter is beneficial to social development, but
it will take more time (this is fine due to the fact
efficiency is not the focus of this model)
2) Information Gathering:
-Provide them with the study guides in order to
guide them in their research
-Allow plenty of time for students to gather their
information; this is a model that may take up a
few class sessions
3) Expert Meetings:
-These meetings are for students to compare and
organize their information to make their
presentations clear
-These meetings need to be held one at a time,
so its important that the rest of the students
have something else to keep them occupied while
they meet one group with you at a time
-A leader needs to be assigned in order to help
moderate conversation, and this leader needs to
be rotated frequently to allow everyone to be the
4) Peer Instruction:
-You need to decide how long each presentation
will take
-You need to stress to the students that they are
responsible for knowing the information from
their classmates
-You may want to provide guided notes to guide
students in the right direction and give them an
idea of what key points they need to be looking
5) Review and Closure:
-This is where you will fill in the gaps of what the
students left out
-This is where guided notes will be helpful where
the students will know what they are lacking

Main idea


Increasing Motivation:
1) This model allows students to
interact with their peers
2) Enhances boring activities
3) Increases student success
4) Increases involvement
5) Competition paired with group unity
can be motivating to many students
Two Part Assessment:
1) Are the students understanding the
-Quizzes, multiple choice, short essay
-In this model, you also need to assess
the presentation of the students and
the extent to which they explained
their content
2) How are the students growing
socially? (Assessing the group
-Less formal assessment (not assessed
by quizzes, multiple choice, etc. just
-Does not affect students grades,
however, it is important to give
feedback on how they could work to
improve themselves in group-work

So what? What is important to understand about this?

This is important in helping students develop good researching skills and helping them learn how to present information in
a way in which their peers can comprehend. This is also great in helping students to learn how to collaborate within their

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